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And Then ….There Was A Girl

By:  Lizzie




“Look at this!” Kevin Richardson exclaimed, throwing an open magazine onto the table, startling both Howie Dorough and AJ McLean.


“What?” AJ asked, taking the magazine. “Teen People?” he chuckled. “Kevin, didn’t you pass up the teenage years years ago?”


“Funny, AJ,” Kevin sat in the chair across from him. “Look at the article.”


Howie and AJ both glanced at the page. “Seven Boy-Band Fans Tell Why Their Favorite Boy-Band Is The Best.”


“It’s pathetic,” Kevin muttered. “Page ninety-three, Age.”


“What’s pathetic?” Brian Littrell asked, he entered the kitchen twirling a basketball. Nick Carter was right behind him.


“Have a seat,” Kevin indicated. “AJ can read it out loud.”


“Read what?” Nick inquired.


“The article is called ‘Seven Boy-band Fans Tell Why Their Favorite Boy-Band Is The Best. The seven bands are us, N’sync, 5ive, 98 degrees, LFO, EYC, and C-Note.”


“Cool,” Nick plopped into the chair next to Brian and leaned forward, waiting for AJ to start reading.


“Okay,” AJ sighed. “Question one; why do you think your band is the best?


Backstreet Boys Fan, Carly Taner: ‘They are five fine guys with great voices. They dance awesome and are so sweet.’


N’sync Fan, Molly Starter: ‘The just are! They’re hot, they can sing and they have Justin Timberlake.’


98 Degrees Fan, Tiffany Gross: ‘They are so incredibly hot and sweet. They know how to perform.’


LFO Fan, Sarah Jacobs: ‘They’re new, hot and can sing great!”


EYC Fan, Andra Carls: ‘They’re so sweet and talented. They really know how to work a crowd.’

C-Note Fan, Zoë Olivero: ‘They’re a great group of guys who know what they’re doing on stage. And they are so gorgeous!’


5ive Fan, Nina Pelo: ‘They are five fine guys whom I never, get sick of watching!’”


“Boy, that makes us all sound really different!” Brian exclaimed with a sarcastic chuckle.


“No kidding,” Kevin muttered. “That’s my point–keep reading.”


AJ kept reading the article out loud. Every question was pretty much answered the same way. The guys were catching on to why Kevin was so upset, there really was no difference to the seven groups.


“I’m sick of being rated against these guys,” Kevin muttered. “We have to do something!”


The five boys sat in a solemn silence, thinking.


“Ya know what?” Nick said after a long pause. “We need a girl.”


“We’ve all ready go you, Nick,” Kevin said, rolling his eyes. “Why do we need another girl?”


“That was low!” Nick exclaimed, pouting.


“Wait a minutes you guys,” AJ broke in. “I think Nick has got something there.”


“I think you’re just horny,” Howie spoke up.


“No, I’m serious!” AJ cried. “One girl with five guys?! No one would ever think of that. And after we did it, no one would dare copy!”


“You might be right...” Brian trailed off.




“Desirče Landry?” A short blonde man questioned.


Desirče looked up from her spot in the crowded college science lab. “Yes, professor?” she answered curiously.


“A young man is here to see you. Says his name is Charlie,” her professor answered.


Desirče’s heart gave a leap. Charlie! She quickly jumped up, gathering her things, she didn’t think she’d be back.


She exited the room quietly, she was never one to bring attention to herself.


“Oh, it is you!” Desirče exclaimed happily as she saw her boyfriend of four years down the hall.


Charlie gave her a faint smile and took her black leather book bag from her. “What are you doing her so early?” she continued. “Not that it matters, I’m so happy you’re here!”


Desirče went to the University of Toronto, where she and Charlie had grown up, met, and fell in love together. It was where they always planned to be. Charlie, however, went to the University of New York, and they never got to see each other much.


“I’m here because I need to talk to you,” he told her gently. “And it really can’t wait any longer.”


Desirče looked at him out of the corner of her eyes. She couldn’t tell if it was good or bad, but it didn’t affect her too much.


“Let’s go to our spot,” he said after a few moments. He opened the passenger door of his lime green Ford Mustang. She slid into the seat and took her bag from him.


While driving, she studied him. He meant the world to her. He had for four years. Charlie Lampton was African American. He had short, curly black hair and coal black eyes. He was about six feet two inches tall and was extremely well built. He was sweet, gentle, caring and very smart. He was a very good-looking guy.


Desirče let her thoughts wander as the car ride stretched on. She wondered what he had to talk to her about. There were only a couple things that came to mind. One, he was transferring to Harvard, he had been looking into it for quite some time. Or two, he was moving back home. She leaned back into the seat and smiled, either way she’d be incredibly happy for him.


Well outside the city was a small forest, and hidden in that forest was a grotto type area that had a waterfall and a clear, sparkling pond. She and Charlie had discovered it back in their Junior year of high school when they had first started dating.


“Charlie parked in their usual spot and they got out of the car. They took the half a mile walk slowly, hand in hand.


Once there, Desirče let the magic of the place take her over. Her trance was soon broken by Charlie’s deep bass voice.


“Rée, we need to talk, you’d better sit down,” he told her firmly, untangling his hand from hers.


Desirče sat on a boulder and Charlie kneeled down in front of her.


He took both her hands in his and looked up into her dark green eyes. He knew he was going to hurt her, bad.


“Promise me something?” he asked her softly. She looked down at him curiously. “No matter what, always remember I love you.”


“I love you, too, Charlie,” Desirče whispered. “What is this all about.”


“Desirče, this is really gonna hurt you, and that’s the last thing I wanna do, but-,” he broke off when he noticed the looked a realization in her eyes. They were also filled with shock and an instant rush of tears. “Rée, I’m sorry, I ca-.”


“Why?” was the only thing the girl could muster.


“I-I’ve met someone,” he told her as gently as possible. Desirče pulled her hand away as a silent sob racked her body. She he stood and staled past him, not wanting him to see how hurt she was. She felt as though someone had just pushed a dull knife into her heart. It hurt so bad, she didn’t know what to do. Cry? Scream? Say it was okay?


“Rée?” Charlie asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. Desirče let the sobs take over and he slipped his arms tight around her. “Rée, I‘m sorry,” he murmured. He truly, honestly was, he didn’t want to hurt her. That was that last thing on earth he wanted. He just couldn’t help his feelings, but the more time he spent with that other girl, the more he liked her. He wanted to move on, try something new.


After a few moments, Desirče pulled away from him. “Please take me home,” she told him. She just wanted to be alone, to cry, she couldn’t believe what was happening.


“Desirče, please,” Charlie tried to comfort. “Please, I’m hurting too.”


“Ha!” Desirče snapped, she looked him in the face finally. “Six years, Charlie,” she told him softly. “Six years of everything. I have you my life. I devoted everything to you. I never even thought of another guy after we got intimate. Not even a movie star or a pop star.


“I was the same way, Rée, I didn’t want this to happen!” Charlie threw up his hand in exasperation. His tone softened as he added. “It just happened.”


“And you think you are hurting half as much as I am right now?” she questioned. When he nodded she shook her head. “No, Charlie, I don’t think so. You have someone waiting for you. You have arms to go to. What do I have? A pillow and a carton of ice cream, that’s what. I’m my future just went to Hell, ‘cause I honestly thought we’d get married.”


“I always thought we would, too, Rée,” Charlie answered honestly.


“Just take me home,” Desirče muttered as she started the walk back to his car. Hot tears blurred her vision, how was she ever going to get by?


Late June


“Desirče Monique Landry, get out of bed!” Shelby Thompson, Desirče’s best friend, exclaimed, stamping her foot on the oak wood floor. “I can’t take it anymore. You are going out with me today!”


“Shelby, go away!” Desirče’s muffled voice returned.


“Now!” Shelby repeated. She drew the pearl colored blinds and warm, mid-June sun filled the room. She sighed deeply as Desirče pulled the blankets over her head.


Shelby grabbed the heavy quilt and yanked the whole thing off the bed. “Get your ass out of this bed. I’m sick of having a vegetable for a roommate! Your parents have called every day, asking if you’re okay. I’m sick of coming up with excuses about why you can’t come to the phone. You need to get out. There are plenty of guys around here. Stop moping and move on!”


“Shel!” Desirče sat up and glared at her friend. Shelby stood back in shock. Desirče literally looked like death had warmed over her. “After six years you can’t just ‘move on!’” she muttered.


“Fine, maybe you can’t,” Shelby agreed simply. “But you can get up and go out with your best friend. And call your parents who are worried sick about you. C’mon, move.”


*   *   *


“Yes mom, I’m fine,” Desirče sighed into the small black cordless phone as she sorted through a pile of clean laundry. “Grades were all good. All A’s and a B in math. Yup, one year closer to becoming an English major.” She found her red wind pants and pulled them on quickly. “I’ll stop by in a few days to see you guys. Yes, I promise. you too, buh-bye.”


Desirče heaved a frustrated sigh and tossed the phone on her bed. She rummaged around her closet for her white crop top with the red Nike check on it. She found it and slipped it over her head. Shelby had run out to buy a few groceries while Desirče was getting ready for the day. She was due home any minute.


She picked the phone back up, and, on the way to the kitchen, placed it on the charger. In the kitchen, she turned the stove on high and filled a black tea pot with hot water. She placed it on the burner and started digging through a cupboard to find tea and honey.


*   *   *


“I’m home!” Shelby called. She was answered with the sound of a teapot whistling.


“Rée?” she questioned. She walked down the hall and into the kitchen. She set the bags on the counter and turned off the stove, removing the teapot. “Desirče?”


She heard a faint sob and detoured herself into the living room. Desirče was sitting on the couch, knees to her chin, and tears streaming down her face. Sitting in front of her on the coffee table was a framed, professional photo of her and Charlie at their graduation.


“Oh, Rée,” Shelby sighed. She sat next to her and slipped her arm around her shoulder. “I know it hurt, girl, but it will get better, I promise.”


“Please,” Desirče whispered. “Let’s do something to keep my mind off this!”


“Yeah, I know,” Shelby murmured. “I planned on giving this to you for your birthday, but I think you’re gonna need it sooner.” Desirče watched curiously. A few minutes later, Shelby came back in and dropped a couple pieces of paper on the table in front of her.


“What’s this?” Desirče sniffled.


“Two passes for an all day thing at the Relaxation Spa. A make over, massage, hair done, anything.”


“Thanks Shel,” Desirče said whole- heartedly. “We’ll do this some other time, though. I’m not up for looking gorgeous today.


“So what do you wanna do?” Shelby asked. Not having a clue as what to do for her.




“Let’s go shopping. Some new clothes will cheer you up,” Shelby grinned.


“That actually sounds good,” Desirče stood. “Let me fix my make-up, I cried it all off.”


*   *   *


“I can’t believe we bought so much!’ Shelby laughed, unlocking the front door of their apartment.


“You can’t believe it!!?” Desirče grinned. “I’ve got enough clothes to wear a new outfit every day for the rest of the year!”


“True, true,” Shelby hauled her stuff into the living room,, Desirče close behind.


“Let’s start putting stuff away,” she suggested. Shelby made a face. “I know, I now. But I’ll let you put on Tarzan Dan if you do.”


Shelby’s face brightened. She and Desirče had no similar taste in music except for boy bands, and other than that, Shelby listened to pop and R & B, while Desirče listened to mostly Opera, Broadway, and a little country.


“Deal!” Shelby announced, flipping on the large stereo system. Shelby’s parents were extremely rich, and Shelby, being the only child, got plenty of benefits from it.


She turned the radio up full blast and both girls started hauling their stuff to their separate rooms.


“And here’s a personal favorite of mine,” Tarzan Dan was saying. “Backstreet Boys, Larger Than Life!”


Desirče heard Shelby shriek from her room and rolled her eyes. Shelby was just obsessed with that group.


“Calm down!” she called as the pulse for the song broke into the room. “Bow Bow Bar dowmp, bar dar da dump,” she sang to herself. She easily fitted a harmony into the song. It was just something she had always been able to do, naturally sing.


When the song was over, Tarzan Dan’s voice filled the room again. “Well, you all know who that was!” he said in a matter-of-fact tone. “And I’ve now got a little surprise for you all. I have a new contest for you. Actually, it’s an audition. A singing audition.”


Shelby and Desirče’s ears perked immediately, and with in seconds, they were in the living room listening intently.


“It’s a singing audition to meet the Backstreet Boys, and it’s by invitation only. And guess what? I’m inviting caller number one-hundred.”


Shelby and Desirče looked at each other. “Call one hundred?” Shelby exclaimed, picking up the phone.


“You are not going to call, are you?” Desirče questioned, astonished.


“Hell yeah! A chance to meet the Backstreet Boys?!” Shelby dialed in the number as Desirče protested.


“But you can’t sing!”


“I know but-, hello?” she paused. “What caller am I? 53? Thanks!” she hung up and turned to Desirče. “I can’t sing, but you you can,” she thrust the phone at her friend.


“No way in the name of God!” Desirče snapped.


“Why not?!” Shelby demanded, growing urgent. “You have an excellent voice!”


“I’m stage fright!”


“It would be over the phone!” she bellowed. “Do it! Don’t pass it up!”


Desirče hesitated. She really didn’t know who the Backstreet Boys were. But she did remember they were the group with the hot, funky Latino...maybe...? “Okay, give me the phone.”


Shelby practically threw the phone at her. Desirče turned it on and pressed redial. Busy. She hung up, turned it back on and it rang.


“Hello!” came the ever familiar voice of Tarzan Dan. “Who is this?”


“Desirče,” Desirče answered faintly.


“Desirče...?” he prompted.


“Desirče Monique Landry,” she spit out.


“Well, Desirče Monique Landry, would you mind singing for me?”


“What song?” she whispered


“Whatever you feel like, just a chorus of a song,” Tarzan Dan smiled, he liked the sound of this girls’ speaking voice.


“Is a little Broadway okay?” she murmured nervously. She looked at Shelby wide-eyed.


“Perfect, go nuts.”


Desirče took a deep breath and started to sing.


“I feel your fingers,

Cold, on my shoulder.

Your chilling touch,

As it runs down my spine.


Watching your eyes,

As they invade my soul.

Forbidden pleasures,

I’m afraid to make mine.


At the touch of your hand,

At the sound of your voice,

And the moment your eyes meet mine.


I’m losing my head,

I’m losing my mind,

Fighting feelings I can’t define....”


(Authors note: “Dangerous Games” from the Broadway production of Jekyll and Hyde.)


She stopped singing when she realized she had fallen into one of her trances and had forgotten what she was doing.


“Why’d you stop girl? Your voice is gorgeous,” Tarzan Dan said, a hint of disappointment in his voice.


“T-thank you,” she told him honestly.


“What’s your age, hon?”


“I’m 20, I’ll be 21 next week.”


“What do you look like?” he continued.


“Are you hitting on me?!” Desirče exclaimed, mortified.


“No, no,” Tarzan Dan laughed. “Congrats, girl. You are our one hundredth caller and I have an invitation for you to meet the Backstreet Boys. You’ll receive it in the mail. Right now, though, I’m gonna give you a phone number to call, and I want you to call it in two hours, okay?”


“Okay,” Desirče whispered.


“Kay, 272-4262. He’ll give you his name when he answers. Now I need your vitals.”


Desirče gave him her phone number and address and hung up with him.


Tarzan Dan instantly rewound the tape to play on the air and picked up the phone again. He dialed 272-4262 and grinned into the receiver as a familiar voice answered.


“Hey AJ, this is Tarzan Dan...”


*   *   *


"This is AJ, speak to me," AJ muttered into his black cell phone.


"Hey AJ, this is Dan!"


"Tarzan Dan," AJ grinned. "How are you, man?"


"I'm great, actually," Dan told him. "But I'm at work, so I've gotta keep this short."




"Ya know how you gave me an invitation for your guys' auditions? To use for a contest?" he questioned.


"Yeah?" AJ prompted.


"Well, I found the girl, AJ," Dan told him. "And not just the girl to audition, the girl for the group! And, I'm guessing, the girl for you!"


"Geez Dan," AJ chuckled uncertainly. "Calm down!"


"Anyway, I'm mailing the invitation to her, and I have her number. Also, I gave her your cell number."


"You what?!" AJ squeaked.


"You will thank me for this, this girl has one hell of a sexy voice, here listen to this!" there was a rattling sound on the other end, and suddenly a strong female voice filled the phone. AJ's heart melted. Dan was right, her voice was incredible.


"Isn't that fantastic?!” Dan cried.


"Yeah, Dan," AJ agreed enthusiastically. "What's her name?"




"Desert what?" AJ exclaimed.


"No, Desirče. Desirče Monique Landry," Dan told him. "Exotic, huh?"


"Yeah, very, when is she calling?" AJ felt someone tap his shoulder and turned to Howie.


"The next girl is here," he sighed.


"Yeah, okay," AJ waved him away. It was their last day in New York City. They had already been to Kentucky, Orlando, Hollywood, and Las Vegas, seeing one thousand girls in each city in the span of two weeks. So far, none of the guys had agreed on a specific girl. They had spent two and a half months auditioning and just kept getting ore discouraged. Toronto, Canada was their last audition spot. If they didn't find anybody there, they were heading over seas.


"In a couple hours," Dan told him. "If she calls. She seemed quite nervous."


"Okay, but I gotta go Dan, bye!" AJ hung up and joined the rest of the guys for the next audition.


*   *   *


Desirče lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling of her room. She hadn't been able to bring herself to call that number. It was midnight, and she was wide awake and incredibly bored. Should she call? Was it an all nightline? Would it be all right? She sighed deeply. She could always just call, so what? Right? Filled with determination, she swung her legs over the side of her bed got the phone and quickly went back into her room. She sat on her bed, fidgeting nervously. Finally, she pressed the talk button and dialed in the number; 272‑4262.


It rang one...twice...three times. Desirče was about to give up when a raspy male voice answered. "This is AJ, speak to me."


Desirče nearly dropped the phone. "I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong number."


"Oh–um," AJ stuttered. Girls usually didn't call him and say they had the wrong number. "What number are you trying to reach?"


Desirče hesitated, this guys' voice sounded familiar. Familiar and sexy. "272‑4262," she whispered.


"That's me," AJ told her, relief flooded his body. He hadn't lost his touch.


How can it be? Desirče thought. She took a deep breath and sighed. "Listen, I won a contest today with ‘Tarzan' Dan. He gave me this number to call. And since I'm chicken shit, it took me ‘til now to do so."


"Oh!" the light went on in AJ's head. "You're that Desert chick!"


" Desirče! " she replied hotly.


"AJ winced. "Yes, of course, Desirče," he murmured. "Well, Dessi, d‑."


"It's Desirče or Rée," she broke in.


"Rée," AJ said, exasperated. "Do you know exactly what you won?"


"Actually," Desirče started sheepishly. "I‑,"


"Have no clue," they finished together.


Desirče stifled a giggled as this 'AJ' went on.


"Well, you see, we, the Backstreet Boys, have decided to do something different, we're sick of all the boy bend crap and want to be different." He paused and Desirče thought, We? "We've decided to add a girl to the group. Just one. We've auditioned five thousand girls in five different cities in the U.S. Toronto is out sixth and final spot. We'll be there in a couple days. The auditions are by invitation only. And you, m'lady have a very special invitation."


Desirče's mouth was practically to her knees by the time AJ was done explaining. "Who do you invite?" she questioned, awe struck.


"Mostly girls from some of the top music schools," AJ told her.


Desirče felt sick to her stomach. "I have to get up in front of The Backstreet Boys and audition after they've heard girls who have been taking lessons for years?!"


"Hey, calm down. Dan played what you sang today, and from what I can tell you, you're better than half the girls we've already heard," AJ told her honestly. "We wanna see you live."


"Why do you keep saying ‘we?' Are you part of their management?" Desirče was shaking like a leaf.


"I'm AJ McLean," AJ told her, dumbstruck. The girl didn't know who he was?


"Yeah...?" she answered in a ‘so what' voice.


"Dear, I'm not part of their management, I am a Backstreet Boy."


There was a sharp intake of breath followed by silence.


"Hello?" AJ asked.


"I am so embarrassed," Desirče muttered. "See," she took a breath. "I'm a fan–‑kinda. I have your CD's and I know your songs. But I don't know who each of you are."


"Oh," AJ shrugged it off. "Easily fixed. Get you Millennium CD and open it to the yellow page. That's me." He heard rummaging around and after a few moments, she spoke.


"You're him?" she whispered.


"Is there something wrong with that?" AJ asked, smirking.


"You're the hot one," she whispered. "And I just said that out loud."


AJ broke into surprised laughter. "I'll take that compliment, if you will that the compliment that you have one of the hottest, sexiest voices I have ever heard."


"Thank you," Desirče muttered, her face flaming.


"How old are you, Desirče?" AJ asked curiously. His flirtatiousness taking over.


"Twenty‑one," she answered softly.


"Ah," AJ grinned. Not too old or young...just right. "What do you look like?"


"Average," Desirče snapped, he voice taking an icy tone. She didn't want guys asking her anything.


"Okay‑," AJ sighed, turned off by her tone. "I guess I'll see you sometime in the next few weeks."


"Yeah, maybe," Desirče said.




"If I work up the guts, goodnight, AJ McLean," she quickly hung up before he could protest.


"Goodnight, Sahara," he whispered.


*   *   *


Dear Miss Desirče Monique Landry,


You are one of the six thousand girls we, the Backstreet boys, have invited to audition for our group.


Please come to the Toronto Skydome Friday, July 8th, 2000 at 8:30 p.m. You will be one of the fifty girls we see that day. Bring the following slip of paper and show it to our tour manager, Melanie Jacobson.


Thank you and good luck!


The Backstreet Boys



"It's here, Shel," Desirče exclaimed, waving the paper in the air.


"When do you go?" Shelby questioned, poking her head around the door of the refrigerator.


"It's the day after tomorrow, actually," Desirče sighed.


"You sound so calm," Shelby mused, pulling out the ingredients to make a sandwich.


"That's because I'm not going," Desirče said simply.


"You're what?!" Shelby dropped her knife and looked at her insane best friend. "You're crazy!" Just go! Do you know what kind of chance this is? You could be famous!"


"Shelby, they've invited girls who have been taking lessons since they could talk! They've invited girls who have been majoring in voice! Girls who have always dreamed of this!"


"Rée, wouldn't you wonder how you would have done? Wouldn't you wonder?"


Desirče slumped into her seat, Shelby was right–she would wonder.


"What do I sing though!?" instant panic rose inside of her. "Will you come with me?! What should I wear? Shel!?" she moaned.


"Shut up," Shelby teased with a smirk. She put the cover back on the mayonnaise jar and sighed. She put all her stuff back into the refrigerator and went back to her sandwich.


Desirče watched in amazement. What was she doing?!


"Okay," Shelby said after a long stretch of silence. "You know that red dress you have? The one with the form fitting bodice and flair skirt?"


"The one with the spaghetti straps?" Desirče asked.


"Yeah, that one, wear it," she turned back to her sandwich. A few minutes later, she put it down, went to the cupboard and pulled out a bag of Doritos. A few moments of munching on those, she spoke again. "Sing A New Life, then I can play the piano, and I'll be certain to get in."


Desirče nodded. "And last, be ready to get up nice an early the day after tomorrow, okay? We'll both go to that spa and get a make over. Then you'll be nice and relaxed."


"Thank you!' Desirče exclaimed, standing. "You are a doll!"


*   *   *


"Rée, come on, get up," Shelby whispered, shaking her friends shoulder.


"Go away mom," Desirče moaned. "Five more minutes at least!"


"No, come on, it's eight o'clock, time to go to the spa. You can sleep more there," Shelby insisted.


Desirče slowly peeked open an eye. After a moment, she crawled off the side of her bed..


"We can shower there, Rée, just put on your shoes and grab your stuff, kay?"


Desirče did what she was told and they were soon on their way to the Relaxation Spa.


When they got there, they were treated to a breakfast of fresh fruit, eggs, sausage, bacon, toast and anything else they desired. They were then pointed in the direction of the showers and locker room and given a cream colored bathrobe that they could wear for the rest of the day.


Following their showers was a mud bath. After that, another shower, and then the sauna. After the sauna, they took a relaxing dip in the pool. They were then scheduled for a two-hour massage.


Around two o'clock, they had lunch of fresh salad, steak, potatoes, dinner rolls, and a delicious strawberry cheesecake, for dessert.


After lunch, it was time for the salon, so they could get ready for Desirče's audition. The first stop was for their nails. Shelby got hers done in black, and Desirče in silver.


Then came the make‑up. Each of them got it done simple, but elegant. After that, their hair. Shelby's was easy. She had thick, long blonde hair with natural highlights. The hair stylist trimmed it and put it up in a French twist leaving tendrils down to frame her pretty face. Desirče's hair was another story. It was mouse brown, incredibly thick, and hung to mid-back. No one but Shelby knew what to do with it. She suggested dying it a rich auburn color, and then getting a large ringlet perm. She found a picture in a magazine, and Desirče fell in love with it.


Four hours later, both girls were completely ready to go. It was seven thirty. They didn't want to be late‑–or early. It would take twenty minutes to get to the Skydome from where they were, so they had about a half hour to kill.


They wandered into the lobby, enjoying the looks they got from young men. Both girls saw the black baby grand piano at the same time and looked at each other.


"Feel like practicing?" Shelby questioned with a grin.


Desirče took a deep breath and nodded. "That would be a good idea," she whispered.


They asked permission to use the piano and positioned themselves carefully. Throughout the course of the song, people gathered to listen, intrigued with the beautiful voice and enchanting piano of the two friends. Desirče's face was flaming red, but she was too caught up in the music and the song to care much.


"Each day is a!" she held the last note for about twenty counts and as the piano ended, the crowd broke into thunderous applause.


*   *   *


"This is the last girl today," AJ sighed, slumping into his seat. "I really wish we'd find her so we could stop this nonsense."


"I just hope we find her so we don't have to go over sea's," Kevin added. "We only have fifty‑one girls left to audition."


Everyone else's comments were silenced as the door to the room was suddenly pushed open. A beautiful blond haired girl stepped into the room. Well, her backside did.


"Stop it!" she was saying. "You're gonna be fine!"


They watched her yank a breath taking auburn haired girl into the room with her. The blonde straightened herself and gave the five boys an apologetic smile.


All the guys could do was stare. Both of the girls were beautiful. The blond was about five feet five inches tall. She had large sparkling blue eyes framed with thick lashes. Her hair was wrapped elegantly on top of her head, and she was slim and fit. She was wearing a black gown that reached her ankles. It fitted firmly over the bust, waist and hips, then it flared to the floor. It was beautiful on her. In her hands she held a black music folder.


The other girl had long auburn hair curled in loose ringlets. She had intense green eyes that were obviously filled with fear. She was exotically beautiful. Full pouty lips, high high cheek bones. Her lashes were thick and framed her dark eyes. And her body was curvy, in short, she was sexy.


"Well," AJ cleared his throat. The auburn hair girl turned to him with wide eyes.


"I can't do this," she muttered, turning around. The blonde caught her arm and pulled her back.


"Don't mind this, she'll be fine in a few minutes," she told them with a smile.


"Okay," Kevin sighed. "Please, have a seat," he indicated to the few empty chairs across from them in the medium sized interview room.


"Thank you," she nodded, dragging the other girl into the seats.


"I'm guessing that you," Howie pointed to the dark haired girl, "are auditioning?"


She nodded.


"Do you speak?" AJ teased.


"I'm here to sing, aren't I AJ?!" she snapped, coming out of her shell.


AJ's eyes grew wide and the other guys laughed. "Are you Sahara?" he questioned.


Shelby broke into giggles but stopped when Desirče shot her a look. "It's Desirče, do I have to tell you a hundred times?!"


"You're the girl that won the radio contest, aren't you?" Brian questioned.


Desirče nodded. AJ's eyes never left her face or body. Average my ass, he was thinking. The girl was gorgeous.


"So, what song are you singing?" Nick asked her.


"A New Life," Desirče answered. "It's from the Broadway production of 'Jekyll and Hyde.'"


"Finally!" Kevin cried. "Someone not doing a Backstreet song!"


"I'm accompanying her," Shelby finally spoke up again.


"And you are..?" Kevin trailed off, letting his eyes sweep down her body.


"Shelby Thompson, her best friend," Shelby answered, positioning herself so he could look at her more fully. She was not a shy girl. Kevin raised an eyebrow, and Nick swallowed a laugh. The girl was definitely bold.


"Well, no offense, Desirče," Howie sighed. "But you're the last one we hear today, and we're tired. So, if you wouldn't mind, sing."


Desirče recoiled in fear, remembering why she was there. Howie's face softened and all eyes fixed on her. "You're really scared aren't you?" he murmured.


She nodded. "I've never taken a lesson in my life," she admitted. "I was in Concert Choir, Madrigal Choir, and Chamber Choir in high school. But that's all I've ever done." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "I'm not very good with crowds."


"Oh boy," Nick muttered. If she wasn't good with crowds, she'd never be able to handle one of their concerts. The fans were packed into the places.


"Why are you here?" Brian asked curiously.


"Someone," Desirče shot Shelby another look of death, "talked me into it."


"Sorry!" Shelby held up her hands. "But she's good you guys. Very good!"


"But if she's stage fright‑," Kevin started.


"Let's hear her," AJ cut in. "She can get over stage fright."


"AJ's right," Howie agreed. "She may be the one we're looking for. Her looks are right, let's hear her voice."


Desirče squirmed uncomfortably. All of the guys were openly checking her and Shelby out.


"There's the piano," Kevin pointed less than two steps away from Shelby, to the piano. Damn she's hot, he thought, watching her sit on the bench and arrange her music. Shelby looked up at Desirče who was standing to the side and raised her eyebrows. Desirče took a deep breath and nodded slightly. Shelby slowly started playing and Kevin watched with admiration, none of the other girls who had stepped into the audition room had taken over his attention like Shelby had. It must be her smile, he thought to himself. No other girl held herself with so much pride and confidence.


But his eyes averted to Desirče in amazement as she started to sing.


A new life,

What I wouldn't give to have a new life,

One thing I have learned as I go through life,

Nothing is for free along the way..."


The girl could sing. Wonderfully. She was amazing. All the guys looked at each other. Complete natural talent, that's what this girl had.


The only thing they could manage to do was stare at her.


Was it really possible? After all that time going through girl after girl from the rich, top‑class schools–the girl that won the radio contest with Tarzan Dan was going to be the one they chose? And she was stage fright!


"Wow," Brian managed, once she stopped singing. Nick grinned at her, and AJ took her hand.


"I think we all agree when I say," AJ dropped a kiss onto her hand. "Welcome aboard, m'lady."


Desirče didn't know what to say, and Shelby was glowing with excitement. She had just known it! But Desirče wasn't too sure. Out of six thousand girls. Her?!


"Do you know 'I Want It That Way?'" Brian questioned, when she nodded her head, he continued. "Let's see how you fit in with us."


All five guys broke into song. She listened to them for a moment,  finding the beat and a pitch. Finally she joined in‑‑surprising them all‑‑on harmony.


*   *   *


“Mom?” Desirče questioned into Nick’s green cell phone. It was two days later, and for the past two days, she had been going over contracts, appearance dates, practice dates, where she would have to live, and everything else that came with being a “Backstreet Boy.” She had decided that she needed to speak with her parents before she signed anything. “Mom, I’m on my way to your house. Be ready to meet some new friends. And I really need to talk to you.” She looked out the windows of the black limousine. “We’ll be there in a few seconds, yeah, bye.”


She hung up just as the driver pulled into the driveway of the beautiful country home. The only house, beside her apartment, she had ever lived in.


“Nice place,” AJ said sincerely.


“Thanks, I’ve lived here all my life,” Desirče smiled slightly as the limo door opened. She stepped into the warm summer air and led the rest of the group up the sidewalk. Shelby, who had been tagging along at Desirče’s request, without much persuasion, was at her side.


“Fair warning,” Desirče chuckled. “My mom’s a real hippie,” she continued, leading everyone up the steps and through the unlocked door. “My dad is really down to Earth, they’re complete opposites but so  in love. My mom has a little herbal and antique shop in town, and my dad’s an electrician. I have a little brother, too. His name is Anthony, but we call him Antoine. He’s sixteen and, to put it bluntly, a horn ball.”


“Cool,” AJ grinned. He loved knowing every possible thing about her. Maybe Tarzan Dan was right, maybe she was the one for him.


“Mom?!” Desirče called out, continuing down the hallway. “Daddy? Antoine?”


“In the sitting room, baby girl,” a deep male voice came. AJ shuddered. He had always hated meeting the fathers.


“Daddy!” Desirče squealed, she made a quick left turn into an oddly decorated room. The guys halted to a stop behind her and looked around hesitantly. The room was just plain weird. The carpet was thick and blue. There was an oak coffee table with a sham type thing over it, on it were tons of weird nick-knacks. Incense was burning and filled the room with a different smell. The furniture was wicker, there was a love seat, in which a very pretty woman occupied, and a couch, where a young boy and an adult man sat. There were beanbags stacked up against a wall, and a television set sitting on another oak table in the corner. Shelves lined the wall filled with old books, and more odd nick-knacks. AJ noticed a wall with family photos. There were two that were quite large, on of Desirče’s Senior pictures and one of the whole family.


“Mom!” Desirče swooped down and kissed her mother’s cheek. Looking at the woman, the guys noticed how much the two looked alike. Mrs. Landry had the same face and eyes as Desirče along as the same build. The only difference between the two was the light brown hair that framed Mrs. Landry’s face, it was straight and long. Looking at her, you could just tell she was still a hippie. She had no bangs, and there were two strait lines of bead down her hair. She was in a blue and green tie-dyed baby blouse and a pair of blue jean bell-bottoms. Two strands of brown beads circled her neck, on her left hand ring finger was a simple diamond engagement ring and wedding band.


“Daddy,” she stooped just slightly to kiss the large man on the couch. The man, Nick noticed, was huge, that was the only way to describe him. He was physically bigger than Kevin. At least six foot four, good two hundred and fifty pounds. He had black hair and blue eyes. He was extremely muscular, and had chiseled features, a very good-looking guy. Anthony looked just like him but was a bit smaller in build and height.


“Daddy, Mama,” Desirče straightened and smiled at them excitedly. “I have a surprise.”


Both parents looked from her, to Shelby, to the group of five young men standing behind her.


“I’d like to introduce you to some new friends,” she continued motioning to the guys. Mr. Landry stood and all five boys instantly took a step back in unison. Desirče, Shelby, Anthony, Mrs. Landry and Mr. Landry all broke into hysterical laugher.


When Desirče calmed down she put a hand on her father’s shoulder. “My Dad’s as gentle as a butterfly, aren’t you, Daddy?” she giggled and the huge man smiled down fondly at her.


“Unless somebody has hurt my Angel,” he said seriously, ruffling Desirče’s hair.


AJ gulped. Mental note, he thought, never do anything to make Desirče mad enough to tell her father.


“Anyway,” Desirče continued. “These guys are the Backstreet Boys. They are a really popular singing group.”


“Hey!” Anthony spoke up, in a voice just as deep as his fathers. “You’re the group my girl is obsessed with! Which one is Brian?”


Brian hesitantly half raised his hand. This guy was quite large in himself. “Can I get your autograph for her?”


Desirče smiled at her little brother, he and his girlfriend, Violet, had been dating for six months. It had been his longest relationship, and they were so adorable together.


“You bet,” Brian grinned.


“Anyway, Mom, Daddy, this is Brian Littrell, that’s Kevin Richardson, AJ McLean, Howie Dorough, and Nick Carter,” she pointed to each of them, smiling broadly. “Now, the surprise, you guys can sit down,” she motioned for her new friends to pull a bean bag up or get comfortable on the floor as she sat next to her father on the couch.


Once everyone was settled, she started to talk. “I have had a huge opportunity thrown at me,” she started calmly. “A few days ago, I won a radio contest for an invitation only audition. So I took it, and I went. And Daddy,” she looked up into her fathers eyes and all of the guys could tell how close they were. “Daddy, I- they picked me! Little old simple me! I’ve been chosen to be in a famous pop group! A world wide famous pop group!”


Mrs. Landry’s face broke into an instant smile. “How wonderful baby!” she exclaimed.


Mr. Landry, on the other hand, wasn’t so thrilled. “What about school, young lady?” Desirče turned puppy dog eyes on her father that completely melted AJ, but he sat stiff and solemn.


“Daddy,” she protested. “Daddy, think of the opportunity! The money!”


“What about school?”


“William, honestly,” Mrs. Landry scolded warmly, a smile lighted up her eyes. “Think about the opportunities for her out there! She’d get to travel, meet millions of people, and you know how talented she is!” There was an instant softness in Mr. Landry’s eyes as he fixed his gaze on his wife. It was obvious how much love was in the house.


“Really, Pop,” Anthony added. “I mean, how many dad’s can say ‘my daughter is a famous singer?’”


“She will have excellent opportunities,” Brian assured him.


“We’ll take care of her and make sure she calls home,” Howie put in with a grin.


“And if Desirče wants and Shelby can, Shelby would be more then welcome to come with,” Kevin added, averting the surprised looks of the guys and Shelby. It wasn’t against the rules, but none of the guys had ever done it.


“Would you, Shel?” Desirče questioned urgently.


“Yes!” Shelby broke out.


“See, Daddy, I’d be all right!” Desirče insisted.


“This I’m not worried about, what about school?” Mr. Landry asked a third time.


“I can always go back if I need to, Papá,” she whispered, adding a slight Spanish accent to emphasize how much she wanted this.


“I’m guessing you have to sign a lot of contracts?” he asked a new question.


“Yes,” Desirče looked up at him and the guys noticed a look of triumph in her eyes. She had him!


“Do you want me to look over them with you? Make sure you understand them all?” he continued. Desirče’s only answer was to throw her arms around her father and pull him close.


*   *   *

One Week Later


“Hey, Rée!” Shelby called out, stepping into their small apartment.


Desirče slowly emerged from the kitchen, carrying a cup of tea, she was followed by Kevin and AJ.


“They stopped by to see if you were home yet,” she told her. “What did Mom and Dad say?”

She and Shelby had been friends since kindergarten. They had always called each other’s parents ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad.’


“Let’s sit down. Do you have anymore of that?” she pointed to the tea.


“Yeah,” a few minutes later, the four young adult were sitting in the living room, Kevin sat on the couch, hoping Shelby would join him, but she sat in the wooden rocker. AJ sat in a lay-z-boy and Desirče settled on the opposite end of the couch from Kevin.


“So, are you coming?” AJ questioned as Shelby flipped on some light music.


“You don’t even wanna hear what I just went through!” Shelby chuckled slightly. “I thought they might kill me for even asking.”


“Why don’t you tell us?” Kevin suggested. Shelby shot him a look and he sank back in the couch. Why was this chick giving him such a hard time?


“Okay, well, first, I told them about you,” Shelby looked at Desirče. “They got so excited. And then, I told them I wanted to go with...”


“And?” Desirče prompted.


“And after making them realize that paying for me to go to college was pointless, ‘cause I still don’t know what I wanna do with my life, they said I may move to Florida!”


Desirče squealed, jumped up and pulled Shelby into a close hug. “Thank God! Now I don’t have to take care of these guys alone!”


“Yeah, yeah, that wouldn’t be too hard, but I’m glad I get to help!” Shelby hugged her back.


“You guys can stay with one of us until you find an apartment,” AJ told them, grinning like the Cheshire cat. “Then you can have someone send your stuff down there.”


“When do we leave?” Desirče questioned, settling back into her seat.


“Four days. You guys gonna need help packing?” Kevin asked.


“Probably not,” Shelby answered curtly, glancing at Kevin. “What kind of clothes should we bring?” she finished, looking over to AJ with a smile.


“Well, basic clothes for at least a week, we’ll get you settled in a place as soon as possible,” he told Shelby, then turned to Desirče. “Same for you, but you probably won’t wear much of it when tour starts. We’ll have a tour wardrobe. Do you guys think your mom’s will send everything?”


“Oh yeah,” Shelby chuckled. “Our mom’s get along real well,” she chided.


Desirče rolled her eyes. “See,” she explained, “her mom is a lawyer, and my mom is a hippie. There are some disturbing differences.”


“The don’t mind each other,” Shelby added.


“But they really don’t get along,” Desirče finished.


“Understandable,” Kevin said softly.


“We’ll get someone to do it,” Desirče assured them. “All’s good.”


*   *   *


“Shel, it’s time to get up,” Desirče whispered into Shelby’s ear. It was five o’clock the morning of their departure, which was at six.


“Oh, go away,” Shelby murmured.


“Shel, c’mon, Brian and Kevin just left the room, telling me I had to get you up,” Desirče insisted.


“Fine!” Shelby sat up, and peeked her eyes open at her friend. Desirče slumped back, Shelby was definitely not a morning person. Her blonde hair was sticking out every which way, and her eyes were red and puffy.


“If you wanna make yourself look presentable, you’d better get a move on, we have a half hour,” Desirče told her, a small grin on her face.


Shelby’s eyes grew wide and she flew to the bathroom of the hotel room. The guys had decided it would be much easier if they slept at the hotel with them so they could get up and moving the next morning. So they wouldn’t have to run into town to get them and then go back into the city.

Both girls had agreed and booked a hotel room just down the hall from them.


“Knock, knock,” came a soft raspy voice. Desirče looked up into the open door way where AJ stood, grinning.


“Mornin’ AJ,” Desirče gave him a small smile, he kinda made her uncomfortable, especially when they were alone.


“You getting excited?” AJ questioned, returning her smile.


“No, nervous,” Desirče answered truthfully.


“About what?” AJ’s sexy Latino face turned into a frown.


“Everything, you guys forget,” she broke herself off for a dramatic pause, “I’m utterly and completely stage fright. I have never been on stage in my life!”


AJ chuckled slightly. “Oh, you’ll get over that real fast, promise,” he winked. “Did you want any breakfast? I could go get you something to make it easier.”


“Um, actually,” Desirče paused.. “Why don’t I just come with?”


“Or you could do that,” AJ accepted, grinning broadly.


“Shel?” Desirče called, tapping on the bathroom door. “I’m gonna go grab some food, I’ll be back in a little bit.”


“Okay!” Shelby yelled back over the rushing water. “Bring me a donut!”


“Yeah, all right!”


“Shall we?” AJ questioned, motioning to the door.


Desirče grinned, she knew she was going to like being with these guys. “We shall,” she agreed.




“Now boarding flight 101 to Orlando Florida,” a strong female voice came over the crackling loudspeaker. “Now boarding flight 101 to Orlando Florida.”


“This is it, Papie,” Desirče muttered, hugging the large man close. Her parents had surprised her by showing up at the airport that morning to say their final good-byes.


“You just be careful,” Mr. Landry said softly into his daughter’s thick hair. “I love you, lil’ girl, don’t you dare forget to keep in touch.”


“Oh, Daddy, I will,” Desirče promised, she felt tears spring to her eyes.


“I hate to interrupt, but we gotta go,” Nick said impatiently.


“Right,” Desirče swiped at her eyes and leaned down to kiss her mother. “I’ll call when I get there tonight, okay?” she promised. Mrs. Landry smiled and nodded.


“I’m sure everything will be fine, sweetie, you just have fun!” she told her daughter. She was so proud.


“Dessi, come on, we gotta jet,” Shelby called from the terminal.


“Coming,” she flashed one last look at her parent, picked up her duffle bag and followed quickly. She turned around and waved just before she handed the flight attendant her ticket. Her parents smiled back and waved also. They were confident of their daughter.


“Jeepers cripes, girl,” Nick muttered, once he was certain she had followed them. “You’re gonna have to learn to make good-byes short and sweet.”


Brian looked at Nick, surprised. “Nick, that was her first time, geesh, give it a rest.” Then he turned to Desirče, who looked like she had been slapped. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him, he’s usually not like this,” he promised. “I’ll talk to him later.”


Desirče nodded, she had just been a little surprised. She shrugged it off and fell to one of the ten seats in the first class area.


“Oh, he is so hot,” Shelby whispered as Desirče sat next to her.


“Which one?” Desirče answered, looking at the five guys who were positioning themselves comfortably around them.


“Brian, ouch, I wonder if any of them have girlfriends,” she looked at Brian as he pushed his carry on bag into an overhead compartment, her head tilted some to check out his hind end more carefully.


Desirče sighed, and suppressed a chuckle . Go figure, she thought. She’d think the cousin that isn’t drooling over her is the hottest thing on earth.


“What about Kevin?” she whispered back to her friend.


“What about him?” Shelby said innocently. Desirče gave her a look. “Okay, I’m sorry, I don’t care for the guy,” she shrugged her shoulders.


Desirče rolled her eyes. “Hey, you guys,” she spoke up when everyone seemed to be settled down.


“Yeah?” Howie questioned, flashing her a grin.


“How many of you have girlfriends?” she questioned cheerfully.


“What do you care?” Nick muttered. “Not like we’d think of dating you.”


Desirče’s face flamed a bright pink. “I-I was just curious,” she managed to mumble.


“And you have every right to be,” Kevin snapped, glaring at Nick. “What’s gotten into you, little bro?” he demanded.


“Nothing,” Nick snapped. “Forget it.”


“Anyway, to answer your question, I’m single,” Kevin told her.


“I’m seeing a really great girl, Leigh Anne Wallace,” Brian told them. Desirče felt Shelby slump next to her, and forced back a chuckle.


“I’m not seeing anyone,” Howie winked. “But I date around a bit.”


“I’m taken,” Nick mumbled.


“Good, ‘cause we’re not interested in you anyway,” Shelby burst out.


“Shel,” Desirče warned. Nick stayed quiet, but she could tell Brian was trying not to laugh.


“I’m not seeing anyone either,” AJ finished, also holding back laughter.


“Cool,” Shelby muttered. “Funny how two of the most wanted guys of the BSB are dating people and no one knows about it.”


Brian choked on water from a bottle and started to laugh. “Nicky and I are the most wanted Backstreet Boys?”


“Don’t you know it,” Shelby murmured, grinning at him. Desirče watched with amused eyes as Brian swallowed hard, realizing what she was getting at.


“Oh,” he squeaked.


“You five are the most eligible pop stars, and the most wanted, don’t you know that?” Shelby shot a smile at them all.


“Yeah, we know,” AJ said, his voice dripped with pride.


“Modest too,” Desirče said, half under her breath.


“I heard that!” Kevin joked from behind her.


“Sorry,” she turned around and shot him a grin. She couldn’t believe it was her that would be starting the Millennium tour with them in less then three months.




“Are you okay, Rée?” Shelby asked concerned as she helped her friend take a shakey step off the plane into the terminal. “I’ve never seen anyone so green in my life.”


“No, Nick looks worse,” AJ concluded from behind them. “Looks like we have two air sick people in the group.”


“How much do we fly?” Desirče managed to choke out, holding her stomach. She never recalled feeling so horrible in her life. It felt as though she had been on a merry-go-round that had been spinning out of control for hours on end.


“A lot, you’ll get better, don-,” AJ began, but watched in slight horror and she pulled away from Shelby and ran to the nearest bathroom. “-‘t worry.” He finished, trying not to smile, this would be too much fun.


About twenty minutes later, Shelby and Desirče and Nick and Brian emerged from the bathrooms. The two healthy ones looked like they were carrying their friends, but the color had returned to both their faces.


“You guys ready to go?” AJ asked softly, taking his, Shelby’s and Desirče’s carry on bags.


“Yeah, I think so,” Shelby told AJ softly. “We’re staying with you, right?”


“Nope, we decided to put you with Nicky and Bri,” AJ told them. “Nick’s house is the biggest, and Brian’s is out of town, Leigh Anne lives there too. Brian is staying with Nick while we practice for tour, but you two can stay there until I locate you an apartment.”


“Sounds good to me!” Shelby exclaimed. Quite the chance to make a play for Brian, she thought wickedly.


“Let’s get going, then,” AJ sighed. “The bus is here to pick us up, I’m surprised we haven’t been attacked by fans.”


“Thank your mom,” Howie called to him. “She made sure the fans thought we were getting here tomorrow.”


“Cool!” AJ whooped. “Thank God for mom!”


Kevin chuckled at the younger Latino’s antics, AJ always over dramatized things.


The seven young adults made their way quickly out of the airport, the guys were still incognito, just in case some unsuspecting fan was there. They piled onto a huge bus that would drop them each off at their own houses.


AJ was the first stop, he left with a quick good-bye and bounded down the steps and to his front door. Next, Nick, Brian, Shelby and Desirče got off.


All either girl could do was stare. The house was gorgeous. It was white with dark green shutters, it had to be a three-story house, easily. There was a wrap around front porch done in oak wood and stained light. A magnificent forest green patio set was settled on it along with a gas grill. The yard was large and sprawled in every direction, there were quite a few apple trees and lilac bushes. The landscape around the house was done with white rock and beautiful rose bushes, more lilac bushes and lavender.


“You live here?” Desirče murmured, awe stricken. Nick glanced at her sharply.


“It is where the bus dropped us off, is it not?” he rolled his eyes at her as her smile drooped and her eyes dropped to the ground.


“Nikolas Gene Carter, what the hell is wrong with you?!” Brian growled, slapping Nick upside the head. “She’s your guest, be nice.” Nick didn’t say a word, just stalked ahead, pulling a single key out of his bag.


“I’m really sorry, Desirče, I don’t know what’s up with him,” Brian said softly, turning to the auburn haired girl.


“It’s okay, Brian, it’ll take adjustments,” Desirče whispered. “After all, I’m kinda taking the spotlight.”


“I agree, Dessi, but that doesn’t give him the right to treat you like that,” Shelby put in.


“No-,” Desirče started, but Brian broke her off.


“Shelby’s right, it doesn’t given him the go ahead to make you feel stupid,” her told her.


Shelby gave Brian an award winning smile and he flashed her one back, not thinking. “I’ll talk to him,” he promised Desirče.




“Here you go,” Brian opened the door to a lavender painted guest room. So far, Desirče was just amazed with Nick’s gorgeous house. Everything was new, and freshly decorated with the highest fashions and taste. Each room was bright, full of beautiful furniture with the bright touches of nick knacks and simple ornaments that made the place ‘home.’


“This place is gorgeous,” she whispered, setting her stuff on the double bed that was in the center of the room.


“You bet it is, only the best for Nick Carter,” he grinned skeptically. “Nick takes show business serious, but he sure does love to flaunt his money.”


“Quite obvious, but it’s beautiful,” Desirče gave Brian a half smile. “I just wonder why he hates me so much.”


“Oh, Rée, he doesn’t hate you, give it a bit of time,” he shrugged. “He just needs to get use to the idea, you’re right, you are taking the spotlight.”


Desirče grinned. “Okay, I guess I can let him get use to the idea of sharing it once in a while. All though, he’ll have it back as soon as the fans get use to me.”


“Well, he’ll have it back from the girls, but I think you being in the group will bring the guy fan status up.”


Desirče snorted. “Yeah, right. Me? I don’t like looking in the mirror, for God’s sake.”


“Don’t even tell me you’re one of those,” Brian rolled his eyes.


“What do you mean ‘one of those?’” she shot him a quizzical look as she pulled open her suitcase and started rummaging through it.


“One of those absolutely gorgeous girls who think she’s nothing special just because she was turned down by a couple stupid guys,” Brian told her firmly.


Desirče blushed. “I’m not ‘absolutely gorgeous,’ that’s Shelby’s job, I’m the average one. I had a steady boyfriend all through high school,” her voice broke just a bit. “We just recently broke up.”


She turned away and Brian’s face softened. He watched her pull out three picture frames. One of her and her brother, another of her and her parents and one more of her and a black guy. Their arms were around each other, and they were grinning into each other’s eyes.


“I’m guessing it wasn’t a mutual break up,” he whispered as she tenderly set each picture on the nightstand next to the bed.


“Not in the least, but it’s hard to hate someone you dated for almost six years,” she turned back to him with a watery smile. “I’ll get over him, I’m sure. It will take some time.”


“You bet it will,” Brian agreed. “It took me a while to get over Sam, but when I met Leigh, everything was okay.”


“I hope I meet my special someone someday,” she sighed and pulled some clothes out of the bag. “What are we going to do for dinner?”


“I think I’ll talk Nicky into ordering a couple pizza’s, sound okay?”


“Sounds great. I’m just going to get in my pajama’s then,” she nodded.


“Okay, if you wanna take a bath, you and Shelby have a joint bathroom right there,” he pointed to a closed door. “It’s huge, promise.”


“Thanks Brian, for listening too,” she told him softly.


“Anytime, Rée,” Brian chuckled. “If you fit in with us real fast, we’ll all become your ‘big’ brothers.”


“Sounds great to me,” she told him honestly. “Oh, watch out for Shel. When she sets her mind on something, she doesn’t stop until she gets it.”


“What’s that suppose to mean?” Brian asked, a look of utter confusion crossed his face.


“She...” Desirče laughed. “She’s got a thing for you, ‘B-rok.’”


Brian’s face went white. “You’re not serious.”


“Oh, I am,” she told him seriously. “Just, play your cards right, okay? Don’t lead her on, or she’ll work harder.”


“Thanks for the advice,” those were the words they left with each other.






The doorbell rang and Brian and Nick both shot for the door. Desirče laughed brightly as they both came back with sad faces, followed by Kevin, AJ and Howie.


“Why so glum?” she chuckled.


“I wanted it to be the pizza,” Brian pouted. “Or my girl.”


“Is Leigh Anne coming?” Desirče asked excitedly. She really wanted to meet the girl Brian thought so highly of.


“She might be, but I don’t know,” Brian shrugged. “If she can get here and back and not be tired for work tomorrow.”


“How thoughtful,” she smiled at him as the five boys piled around her at the table. “You must really adore her.”


“Not just adore, love,/i>” Brian told her sincerely.


“Must be nice,” Howie muttered.


“I agree, especially if she loves you half as much as you love her,” Desirče murmured, tears welled in her eyes. Was she ever going to get over Charlie?


“Just because he broke up with you, doesn’t mean he didn’t love you, Rée,” Brian soothed. The four boys looked on, dumbfounded. Brian was already three steps ahead of them, he knew her feelings by looking at her.


“I know, thank you,” she smiled slightly at him. “I’m going to go see if Shel’s done in the bathroom.”


She excused herself and quickly left the room.


“Thank God,” Nick muttered. He was answered by a slap upside the head.


“Be nice to her, she’s never done anything to you!” Brian exclaimed.


“God, shut up, Bri,” Nick snapped, rubbing the back of his head. “What do you care? She’s just some girl that can sing. All’s we need her for is publicity.”


“Nikolas Gene!” Howie spit out. “How could you be so cruel? That girl can sing! She’s going to make this group bigger than it already is!”


“Yeah, sure,” Nick sulked.


“She sure is gorgeous,” AJ said suddenly.


“I totally agree,” Kevin nodded. “Both those girls are.”


“I think so too, Desirče has that innocent aurora around her,” Howie mused. “She’s sexy too.”


“Yeah, she is really pretty,” Brian agreed. Nick said nothing, he wasn’t going to admit that he thought Desirče was drop dead gorgeous.


“Bet you guys I can get her to kiss me before she would even think about kissing any of you!” AJ declared suddenly.


“What?! AJ, we don’t want her to hate us!” Howie scolded.


“Two hundred bucks. Two hundred bucks against each of you. Whoever wins, collects eight hundred dollars,” AJ taunted, making the bet real.


“Six hundred,” Nick sighed. “I refuse to be a part of this. I’ve got a girl.”


AJ shrugged. “What do you guys say?”


“I’m in,” Kevin grinned. “It’s definitely worth six hundred bucks.”


“Me too, as long as you guys promise not to tell Leigh,” Brian said seriously.


“Promise,” the four other boys murmured in agreement.


“Me too, why not? She’s a pretty lady,” Howie grinned his killer grin.


“‘Shake’ on it?” AJ extended his hand, palm down, Brian, Kevin and Howie placed their hands on top and they made their pact.


“Whatcha guys up to?” Shelby asked curiously, waltzing into the kitchen, Desirče close behind.


All five boys’ eyes widened. She was wearing her pajamas. A mid thigh, black lace and silk lingerie type thing with spaghetti straps. Desirče looked less intimidating in a pair of boxers and a tank top.


“Uh...n-nothing,” Kevin managed to stutter out.


“Oh, do you mind if I have an apple?” she turned to Nick with a questioning glance as she fingered a green apple with blood red, long nails.


“N-no,” he swallowed hard as she picked it up and took a slow, oddly erotic bite of it. Causing Kevin’s Adams apple to move with nervousness.


She sat gracefully at an edge of a chair and Desirče dropped into one next to her. “Pizza here yet?” she asked, looking at her watch.


“No,” Howie sighed, watching Shelby eat her apple slowly.


Even Brian and AJ had their eyes glued to her. Desirče sighed and started to pick at her nails. She was use to this, so it didn’t bug her too much. The doorbell rang, and when she noticed no one was moving, she sighed again and left to answer the door. She paid for the two extra-large pepperoni pizza’s with extra cheese and brought them back into the kitchen. All the guys were still staring at Shelby, and boy was she flaunting the attention. She pretended not to notice as she took small, leisurely bites of the apple, letting juices run down her chin and licking her lips a little too often.


“Shelby, give it a rest,” Desirče sighed, plopping the pizza’s down on the table. “You may be giving them hard on’s, but it’s making me sick.”


All five guys snapped to attention and Shelby gave her best friend an innocent look. “What did I do? I was just eating an apple.”


“That’s what you did,” Desirče retorted. “You drove them nuts by your apple eating skills, and I’m sure the nightgown didn’t help.”


“Well, baby cakes,” Nick sneered. “You can’t help it that Shelby’s a ten and you’re a two.”


Desirče’s jaw dropped as did everyone else’s around the table. “Excuse me,” she finally mumbled, a hint of tears in her voice. “I’m not hungry,” she jumped up quickly, and ran from the kitchen, heading towards the room she would sleep in.


“Nick, that was completely uncalled for,” AJ exclaimed. “She’s just as pretty as Shelby, maybe even more so, you had no right.”


“Just because you’re jealous, doesn’t mean you have to be so mean,” Shelby snapped, standing.


“Me? Jealous? Of her?” he snorted. “Not on your life.”


“Well, Nicky, it must be on her life,” Brian spit out. “Because you’d never be so down right cruel. She deserves this spot, and it was your idea! You have to learn you won’t always be in the spot light. It’s someone else’s turn!”


“I-I, you’re wrong, Brian, don’t judge me like that,” he quickly stood and left the room. Going in the direction Desirče had went, only to his own bedroom.


“This is going to be harder then I anticipated,” Kevin sighed.


“We’ll get through it, we’re the Backstreet Boys,” Howie assured.




But how can we call ourselves the Backstreet Boys anymore? We have a girl!


"Shelby, I'm not going to put up with this every morning," Desirče demanded. "Get your ass out of your bed, now!"  "Okay! Okay!" Shelby exclaimed, sitting up quickly. She looked at Desirče with a disgusted look on her face. "You can't wear that to a recording studio!"  "Damn straight I can, if you think I'm going to dress up and do my hair and make up, you're nuts," Desirče returned. "You do whatever you please. I don't care...just leave me out of it.” "But Desirče, it's your first day at a new job!" Shelby scolded, slipping from the bed. "You have to at least look nice."  "What's wrong with this?!" she looked down at her jeans and blouse. Her hair was pulled back out of her face and she had on no make-up.


“Nothing, if you’re a dressed up hick,” Shelby spat. “C’mon, I’ve got some stuff for you.”


Shelby proceeded to use Desirče as a mannequin. She had her try on a dozen or so outfits before she finally decided on a black leather mini skirt and a red three quarter length sleeved, v-neck elastic shirt that clung to her every curve. She pulled her into the bathroom and applied very light, but attractive make-up to her face, then let her hair loose. It curled around her face in thick waves and looked fabulous. The final touch was a black tattoo choker.


“Looks good,” she grinned happily. “Now get out so I can get ready.”


Desirče sighed. She didn’t feel like herself, but if Shelby approved, she knew she looked good. She quietly left the bathroom and waited. Shelby came out a half hour later in a short, to her mid-thigh, form fitting sky blue and white-checkered dress with her hair pulled up elegantly. Both girls looked ready to kill...the male race, that is.


“Rée, Shelby? You guys ready to go? We’ve gotta be there in twenty minutes!” Brian’s voice came from the close door, it was thick with sleep.


“Yeah, we’re ready,” Desirče called back. She jumped up from the bed, crossed the room and opened the door, Brian was in loose jeans and a grubby t-shirt, when he saw her, his eyes popped open wide.


“Damn girl, you look fine!” he exclaimed. “But we’re just going to be recording some shit today, there was no need to dress up!”


“I told you, Shel!” Desirče snapped, giving Shelby, who came up beside her, a murderous glance.


“Well, you’ll turn heads,” Shelby shrugged, forcing her to look on the bright side.


“Damn straight she will,” Brian agreed, his eyes wide. “I’m going to go drag Nick out of bed, meet you guys downstairs.”


 “Okay, Brian,” Shelby purred. Desirče noticed him gulp and quickly take off down the hall, she stifled a chuckle.


“You know, Shel, he’s really in love with that Leigh Anne chick,” she tried.


“Oh sure, but who can resist me?” Shelby said with confidence.


Desirče rolled her eyes. Leave it to Shelby to pick the non-single ones, she thought as Brian disappeared down the hall. They descended the steps.


"Nick, get out of bed," Brian demanded, pounding on the door. "We've got to get to the studio, now!"


"All right, all right!" Nick pulled open the door and stepped into the hall. He was in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. "Just vocals today, right?"


"Right," Brian told him, stepping aside. "Wait 'til you see Rée and Shelby. Their outfits are...whoa."


"Like I care, I get to see my girl today!" he let a soft smile cross his face. Brian grimaced, he had tried to let Nick know that his girlfriend, Kali, had been playing him for a fool for a year, but he wouldn't hear any of it. Brian had even told Nick that Kali had tried to get him in bed, but Nick refused to believe it. He had called Brian a liar and they hadn’t been on speaking terms for a month after, until Brian had finally apologized.        


Nick made his way down the hall and descended the stairs, Brian was at his heels. He saw the girls and stopped short. They did look good, good enough to eat, especially Desirče.


He quickly composed himself and forced his gaze to Shelby. "You look beautiful," he told her softly, opening the door, but he couldn't help but notice how the top Desirče had on clung to her every curve.


"Thanks, Nikolas," Shelby beamed.


 "Nick," Nick said sharply. Then let a smile cross his face so she would know that it was okay. "Only Mom calls me Nikolas."


"No problem, Nick," Shelby corrected herself, returning the smile.  "We'll take the Prowler," Nick decided, taking a single key on a metal tab off a key rack and hopped out of the door.


"The Prowler?" Brain said, surprised. Nick barely ever drove the thing.


"Yeah, Bri, let's go!"




Shelby and Desirče were greeted with catcalls and whistles as they walked through the parking lot and into the studio, Nick and Brian about five steps ahead of them. Shelby acknowledged them with a wave and a smile, but Desirče kept her head straight forward, and a small smile plastered on her face.


Nick's words kept ringing through her head. You can't help it that Shelby's a ten and you're a two. She blinked back tears as AJ's voice broke into her thoughts.


"Ow, you sure do look sexy, Sahara," he exclaimed, taking her hand and raising it to his lips.


"AJ, don't touch me, and I thought we talked about the name thing. Desirče or Rée," she muttered, pulling her hand away.


AJ shrugged. "I understand, nerves," he smiled.


 "More like repulsion," she said under her breath. Nick looked at her sharply and she looked away, and light blush flooding her cheeks. So she didn't care for AJ, and so she thought Nick was the hottest thing to walk the was she suppose to reverse this?


"Let's go up," Kevin broke in softly, leading the group to the elevators. Desirče noticed he could barely keep his eyes off Shelby and her form fitting dress. Blue just happened to be both the cousins’ favorite color.


"Desirče," Howie said softly, grinning as the doors dinged shut. "I got you something," he pulled out a small wrapped package from the knapsack he had with him. "It's a ‘congratulations’ and ‘welcome to the group’ present."


Desirče’s jaw dropped and a small smile crossed her face as she took the beautifully wrapped box. She laughed as she pulled off the paper and found a large chocolate kiss. "Oh, that's so sweet!" she chuckled, leaning over to him. To Brian, AJ, and Kevin's amusement, she just hugged him. Not even a kiss on the cheek.


Howie controlled the smile on his face, but disappointment seeped through him. Almost he thought. Out loud he said. "Congrats, Rée, we hope you enjoy this, and learn to love us as much as we know we’re going to love you." She smiled at him, as they all pilled off the elevator and Brian led them into an office.


"Good morning Boys!" an older woman grinned, she was sitting at a desk, her dark brown hair pulled up in an elegant French twist and her green eyes sparkled with admiration. "How are you all?"


She got a chorus of ‘fine, thank-you's,’ before she continued. "Which one of you beautiful ladies is Desirče?" she looked at the two girls curiously, a smile plastered on her face.


"I am," Desirče whispered, raising her hand slightly.


"Okay," the lady smiled. "While you guys set up in the sound booth, I'm going to take Desirče to run over her part in a couple of songs. Probably I Want It That Way, Show Me The Meaning, and  Larger Than Life. Okay?"  "Okay, Erin, sounds good," Kevin agreed. "Let's go you guys."


"Jacob will help you set up, we'll be in there in a half hour or so," Erin continued. "Come along, Desirče," she beckoned, standing and then leaving the room.


"Shel, you go with the guys," Desirče called over her shoulder as she scrambled after her.  She followed Erin's quick steps into what appeared to be a sound booth. "Here you go,” she told Desirče, handing her a stack of music. Desirče looked at it blankly. "Those are your parts for the twenty three songs they do in concert," Erin explained.


Panic gripped her heart. "Parts? I-uh," she broke herself off as she was lead to a piano set up in the next room.


"Do you know how to play?" Erin asked her.


Desirče nodded. "Yes, but-."


"All right, then, plunk through the three on top, I'll be back in fifteen."


"But-!" Desirče tried to protest, but Erin left the room, slamming the door behind her. "But I can't read music," she finally sighed. She glanced at the first piece. To her, all the notes looked like blobs of black ink on five lines. “I Want It That Way," she murmured to herself, smiling. Well, she couldn't read the part she was suppose to sing, but she could definitely mess around with the piano. She hit a beautiful cord and then a little less happy one as she started playing the song by ear. After a moment, she started singing along with the chorus part, on a harmony all of her own.


"What are you doing?" Erin asked in shock as she entered the small room fifteen minutes later.


"I tried to tell you before you left that I can read music," Desirče sighed, lifting startled hands from the piano. "I do suppose those aren't the notes you want me to sing, but I assure you, if you just let me make up my own, they'll sound fine." 

"No. No, no, no!" Erin snapped impatiently. "What do you mean you can't read music. You were just playing the piano beautifully!"


"I play by ear. I play the piano and guitar by ear. I've never been able to read music."


"Take this," Erin muttered, shoving the Larger Then Life music into her hands.  "I'll play through it, you sing it."


Desirče looked at the sheet blankly as Erin plunked through the harmony they wanted her to sing. "Why aren't you singing?!" she demanded suddenly.  Desirče jumped. "I was listening to it first."


"Why? Read the damn notes and sing, child," Erin told her hotly. "We don't have a lot of time!"


"I can't read notes!" Desirče whispered. "I told you that all ready, please, just let me sing my own-."

 "You can't, management wants you to sing these notes!" Erin threw up her hands in frustration.


"I'm sorry!" Desirče answered softly. "I just can't read the music you want me to sing, I don't know how. I've tried, believe me, I have. But I can't. It doesn't register."


"Well you better make it register fast, girl," Erin said in a fierce tone. "Or you-." 

"What's going on here?" AJ questioned, stepping into the room, he was followed by Nick.


Tears of embarrassment welled up in Desirče’s eyes. "I can't read music," she whispered.


"I can't believe you signed her!" Erin shouted.


"She has an excellent voice!" AJ told Erin sharply.


 "If she can't sing what we need her to sing, we'll never hear that excellent voice!" Erin scoffed.


"I told her," Desirče interjected. "I can sing an original harmony, but I can't read music. And I'm sorry!"


"It's okay," Nick broke in, looking at her, for the first time, sympathetically. "Sing with AJ and I, we'll show her."


AJ started the chorus to Show Me The Meaning, Nick quickly joined in. After a moment of thought, Desirče did also. Her harmony to the two boys fit like a glove, most of her notes were in-between theirs and made it sound very tight knit and beautiful, all Erin could do was stare in shock at the pretty girl with the beautiful voice.


"Those, those will do," she finally managed to stutter out. "Fantastic job, Desirče, I'm sorry I got frustrated."


"It's all right, I understand," Desirče gave her a smile. "You were just doing your job."


"We need you in the sound booth," Nick said suddenly, he and AJ had been so impressed that they had forgotten why they had come. "Thanks, Erin, for working with her. See you later."


Nick led AJ and Desirče down the corridor and into the studio the rest of the guys were in. Brian, Howie, and Kevin were around the microphone working on an a capella harmony. AJ joined in softly as Nick tapped on the window. Behind it, Shelby, two guys and another girl were talking, all four people looked up.


"Yeah, Nick?" the girl questioned as she flipped a switch.


"Could you start up I Want It That Way?" he asked her.  "Sure," she shrugged.


"Thanks, Anna," he grinned and turned back to the guys and Desirče. Desirče shot Shelby a nervous look that was returned with a thumbs up.


"Here, Sah--I mean, Rée," AJ said, handing her a pair of headphones. "Do you know how to work all this crap?"


"Somewhat," she gave him a sarcastic glare. "I put these on my head and sing into that," she pointed to the mic, "right?"


AJ's smiled wavered, she was teasing him. "Right," he managed as she took the head phones from his hand and slipped one over her ear, letting the other hang so she could hear herself.


"Ready?" Anna questioned from behind the glass.


The six singers nodded and Desirče settled the music on a stand for the words. Brian started the song as the music entered their ears.


"You are, my fire,

The one, desire.

Believe, when I say,

I want it that way."


"That we," Nick started to sing.

”Are two wor-."


"No, cut, we gotta give Desirče a solo part," a male voice came over the speaker. "Listen, Nick, I think she should take your verse at the beginning, but you still sing the chorus."

 Desirče winced. Not a good way to forego a friendship with the guy, taking away his vocal parts she thought.


"A-all right," Nick answered. "No problem."


"Are you sure?" Desirče protested. "Maybe I could just do a counter harmony with him?"


"No, take the solo," the other guy told her. "Nick sings enough."


 Kevin snorted a laugh as all the boys and Desirče slipped their headphones back on. Brian reopened the song and soon after, Desirče took over.


"That we, are two worlds apart.

Can't reach to your heart,

When you say,

I want it that way." Desirče's soft haunting voice sang clearly and the three technicians behind the glass stared at her in shock.


They sang through the song, Desirče's harmony added so much to it. It sounded fuller and sweeter. The difference was amazing as they all listened to it in the recording booth.

 "Desirče, that was fabulous," one of the two guys, who's name was Dan, said, giving her a knock out grin.


"Thanks," she whispered.


"No kidding," the other one, Jacob agreed. "You have a gorgeous voice."


"It really did sound great," everyone else agreed, nodding heads.


Desirče’s face was a flame as she thanked them softly. Out of nowhere, there was a light tap on the closed door.


"Come on in!" Anna called out. Slowly, the door opened and in stepped one of the most gorgeous girls Desirče had ever seen.


She had long, golden strawberry blonde hair that was thick and fell in delicate folds around her face and down her back. Her eyes were wide with thick, dark lashes that framed pools of emerald like green. Her face was angular and smooth, with high cheekbones and a tiny button nose that turned up at the end. Her lips were full, and her bottom one had a natural pout. She had on little make up, but her lipstick and lip liner were a pale pink that accented her natural blush and hair.


She stood about five foot five with a perfectly proportioned body. She had on a pair of black cargo shorts, which were too short for comfort in Desirče's eyes, and a white baby top that swooped just above the bust, and knotted just before that.


"Kali!" Nick whispered, a huge grin crossing his face. Desirče noticed her smile falter slightly as Nick pulled her into his arms. He kissed her perfectly painted lips and brushed a lock of her gorgeous hair out of her beautiful eyes. "You look beautiful, Kal."


 "Nick," she murmured, finally speaking. "Could I speak with you? Alone."


"Can I break for a few?" Nick turned pleading eyes on the three recorders and the four boys--completely avoiding Desirče and Shelby's eyes.


"Yeah, Nick, go," AJ shooed, sending him a small smile.


"Thanks you guys!" Nick grinned and clasped Kali's hand in his own, pulling her from the room.


"Holy cow, she's gorgeous," Desirče whispered, staring after the two.


"Outside," Kevin muttered. "Inside she's the biggest bitch I know. Did I tell you guys that when we took the week break in-between the third and fourth audition place she tried to get me to screw her?!"


"Are you serious?!" Howie exclaimed. "She tried with me too!"


"Me three," AJ rolled his eyes.


"We all know about Brian's," Kevin mumbled.


"Damn," Shelby muttered. "What a ho."


"I agree," Anna sighed. "But Nick just refuses to see it."


“She's one of those who knows she's got the looks, and thinks she can get anyone to fall for her."


"More like fall into her," AJ muttered, Desirče shot him a horrified look.


“AJ, that’s awful,” she scolded.


“It’s true,” Brian mumbled, rolling his eyes. “That’s all that girl wants of Nick, that and his money...”




“How have you been, baby?” Nick questioned softly, pulling Kali to his side. “I’ve missed you.”


“Oh, Nicky, Nicky,” Kali sighed, shaking her head, sending her loose hair flying. She pulled away from him and looked him coolly in the eye. “I didn’t come here to cuddle, Nikolas.”


Nick met here eyes, and for the first time ever, saw an evil glint there.


“Okay, Kal, what’s up?” he asked softly, his heart missing a beat, he was slightly nervous about what she had to say.


“Nick, I can’t do this anymore,” she said simply. Nick’s jaw dropped. “I mean,” she continued, “It was always inevitable that I was going to break up with you, I never let myself get attached, but neither do you, right?” she looked up into his eyes. It took everything in her to not laugh out loud. She knew he cared, she knew he was in love- -but like she cared. “Oh you did,” she whispered, frowning slightly. Damn I’m a good actress, she thought. “Oh how sweet.”


“But-,” he tried to protest, but couldn’t, his heart was completely broke. A year, he thought. A whole year and she didn’t even care. “Tell me one thing,” he muttered, avoiding her eyes completely. “Was Brian telling the truth...” he trailed off, afraid he knew what the answer was.


“Oh, Nicky,” she giggled and Nick winced, he had always hated that nickname. “Of course he was telling the truth,” she rolled her eyes. “When are you going to learn that your friends will never lie to you.” She glanced at her watch, “Well, I gotta go, maybe we’ll see you around, Nick, good luck,” with those words a cute little grin, she spun around and left. Nick stared after her, his eyes wide, until she was out of sight, then he literally fell into a chair and buried his face in his hands. Holy cow, that hurts, he thought, forcing his emotions to stay calm. Brian was right, I should have never had trusted her.


Out of nowhere, a soft hand settled on his shoulder, he looked up into Desirče’s dark green eyes. “Are you okay, Nick?” she murmured, kneeling in front of him.


Nick just glared at her. “What do you care.”


“I-I heard that last part, I was getting a drink,” she held up a can of Sprite and nodded towards where the pop machine was around the corner. “I know it hurts.”


“How could you possibly know?” he snapped at her, standing and pushing away any comfort she was offering. “You’re just some girl we picked up from a stupid audition. You have no idea what I’m feeling.”


He stalked ahead of her back towards the booth they were in.


“Because I just went through the same thing,” she muttered, just loud enough for him to hear her.


Her soft, pain filled voice made him stop short and turn to her. “What?”


“I just had the same thing happen to me, only we had dated for almost six years,” a single tear slipped down her cheek. “I thought we were going to get married and everything.”


Nick instantly felt like the jerk he was being. “I’m sorry, Desirče,” he murmured. “I’m just having a tough time right now.”


She nodded her understanding and slowly stood from her spot on the floor. “I do understand, Nick, and I know I’m intruding.”


“Yeah,” Nick sighed. “I’ll see you back in the sound booth.”


"Excited?" AJ rasped, taking Desirče's hand and pulling her into a large room. There were wall-to-wall mirrors and an oak, spring loaded dance floor.


"No," Desirče shot out, pulling her hand away from him sharply. "I'm scared, you should know that, right now, nothing has been exciting me."


"Aw, poor baby," Nick muttered from behind them, hauling in a large boom box.


AJ shot Nick and glare and then looked back to Desirče. "Where's Shelby this morning?"


"Probably making herself a nice cup of coffee and lounging in Nick's gorgeous house. She decided not to come today," Desirče rolled her eyes. "She doesn't wanna watch me make a fool out of myself...I can't dance."


"Everybody and anybody can dance," Kevin said, bringing in a speaker.


"Sure," Howie added, carrying in another one. "Besides, ‘Tima’s an excellent teacher, aren't cha, ‘Tima?" He grinned over his shoulder as Brian and "‘Tima" entered. The small, pretty African American smiled at Desirče and held out her hand.


"I'm Fatima Robinson," she said in a cheerful voice. Way to cheerful to have to be dancing at seven o'clock in the morning.


Desirče smiled warily and took her hand. "Desirče Landry."


"So you're the new Backstreet Boy, huh?" she giggled with a wink.


"Aw, shit," Kevin muttered, rolling his eyes. "I can't believe we didn't think about that, you guys."


"What?" Brian asked, his head popping up from behind the stereo, as he, Nick and AJ all attempted putting it together.


"The Backstreet Boys," Howie muttered. "We can't be The Backstreet Boys anymore."


"Oh," AJ mused. "I guess that would be politically incorrect."


"You can just leave it," Desirče interjected quickly. She didn't want millions of fans complaining because they had to change their name in order for her to be in the group.


"No, we can't," Nick protested, actually surprising her. "You know how gay that would sound?"


"But—," she tried to protest.


"Brian give it up," Fatima said suddenly, walking over to where Brian was still trying to figure out how to hook the speakers to the stereo. "Let me do it, go discuss with the rest of your tribe."


"Yeah, Bri," Howie grinned. "It's time for a Backstreet Boy Pow Wow."


Brian stood, rolling his eyes. "Fine, fine."


"Stretch out while you guys talk," Fatima ordered as she plopped down on the floor in front of the tangled mess of cords. "You guys made a mess out of this is the five minutes you worked on it," she muttered to no one in particular.


"So," Brian sighed, joining the rest of the group as they all sat on the floor. "What's the problem?"


"Weren't you paying attention?" Howie murmured, as he settled into a butterfly stretch.


"Kinda, why can't we be The Backstreet Bo - ? Oh," he cut himself off, looking at Desirče. "Yeah."


Desirče dropped her eyes as she did stretches she remembered from softball. She felt like such a nuisance.


"Well, what can we call ourselves?" AJ said, pulling one arm over his head and behind his back.


"I don't know," everyone sank into thought.


"How ‘bout ‘Four Guys, A Blonde and a Landry?'" Brian joked, stretching his left calf.


He was answered with a chorus of groans. "No way!" Nick protested, the blood rushing to his face with mock anger, as he reached for his left toe with his right hand. "How about ‘Four Guys, A FAG and a Landry?" Brian's jaw dropped and everyone else laughed, even Desirče.


"Hey, hey," Kevin scolded when he realized Brian was going to retort. "Keep thinking."


It was silent again. Suddenly a soft chuckle escaped from AJ.


"What?" Howie questioned, looking at his best friend.


"I was thinking...‘The Backstreet Boys Meet Sahara,'" he muttered.


"My name is not‑‑‑!"


"We know!" Nick interrupted. "It isn't Sahara, you like Desert better?"


"It's not—!"


"Cool it you two," Kevin bellowed.


"Keep it down over there!" Fatima chided loudly.


"How about just ‘Backstreet?'" Desirče suggested after another moment of silence. "No ‘Boys,' just Backstreet. Then you're not really changing your name, and I can still be okay..." She didn't look at anyone, afraid they'd think it was a stupid idea.


AJ grinned and looked at Kevin who also smiled, and in turn, looked to Howie who looked at Nick who looked at Brian. They all loved it. Why wouldn’t they?!


"Perfect," Kevin decided. "We'll talk to Management."


"You like it?" Desirče said incredulously, finally making eye contact.


"We were The Backstreet Boys, Desirče," Brian said gently. "Why wouldn't we like just plain old Backstreet?"


Desirče shrugged, then jumped as AJ's crackling laugh from Larger Than Life entered the room.


All the guys chuckled at her startled expression, and started to get to their feet.


"Here, Rée," Howie held out his hands for her.  She accepted gratefully, and he pulled her up with ease.


"Thanks, sweetie," she murmured.


Howie grinned, he was getting to her.




"No!" Fatima cried. "!"


Everyone stopped dancing as she pushed stop on the boom box. "Desirče. How many times do I have to tell you. Left first, right next. You are the only one who is just not getting this."


"Fatima, she's new at this, give her a brea—," Kevin started.


"Off with his head," Fatima cried, shooting Kevin a look that would make a Rottweiler whimper. "If I want input from you, Kevin, I'll ask you to fill out the necessary forms."


"I..." Kevin stared at her, half in shock. The rest of the guys took a step back. Fatima was clearly frustrated. And when she was mad, everyone hurt because of it.


"I want you all to take a five minute break. Not ten. Not fifteen. Five." she turned her back on them and started walking to the woman's bathroom. "If she doesn't get these steps down, we'll be here until midnight. I swear."


Desirče plopped down onto the floor right where she stood. She was breathing heavy. Her t‑shirt and shorts clung to her body. Her right ankle was slightly swollen, her hips hurt, her feet were killing her, and she just wanted to sob.


AJ strode away with a slight look of disgust on his face. Kevin headed towards the bathroom. Nick and Howie both collapsed to the floor and stretched out and Brian left the room. A few minutes later, he returned with two bottles of water and sat down next to her.


"Are you okay?" he murmured, handing her a bottle.


"No," she whispered.


"What's giving you the most trouble?" he questioned, as he twisted the cap off his.


"I just can't seem to move fast enough. She wants, like, ten things done on one beat. I'm just not that coordinated."


"I know how that goes," Brian sympathized. "I was a terrible dancer at first. But you'll get use to it."


Desirče nodded. "I'm sure I will," she sighed. "But why is she so upset? It's not like I'm doing this on purpose."


"She gets frustrated," Brian explained. "I have an idea," she looked at him curiously. "See, AJ is almost always a half of step ahead of the music. Maybe if you stand next to him, but slightly back so you can watch him, you'll get it?"


"Can't hurt to try," Desirče shrugged. "I suppose."


"Good girl," Brian stood quickly as Fatima entered the room. The older woman looked more calm and she smiled as everyone took their places.


"Let's try this again," she murmured. "Ready?"


Everyone nodded and she started the music. Every one of them threw themselves into the song. But Desirče was the only one being watched. She tried her hardest...she really did. But it was just not going to be enough.


"Stop!" Fatima cried again, shutting off the music. "Desirče, listen..."


"No, let me," Nick said softly. Farina’s mouth snapped shut, and she nodded in his direction.


"Let's hear it."


Nick went over to Desirče, who was looking at the floor. Her face flushed from embarrassment.


"Rée," he muttered. "It's like this, try it." He quickly showed her the moves she kept messing up, then stepped back.


She looked up at him and took a deep breath. She concentrated on the movements, and, to her surprise, got them perfect. Nick grinned. "That was good, but," he paused. "Now feel it. Dance like you sing...okay?"


Desirče returned his smile hesitantly and nodded. "I'll try," she answered.


Nick gave a curt nod and went back to his spot.


"We'll try it again!" Fatima called out, starting the music.


This time Desirče let herself go completely. She didn't concentrate on the steps, just the music. Her sub‑conscience and her instinct let her do everything perfectly.


"Fantastic!" Fatima cried. "Absolutely perfect! Now go home and get some sleep. The dancers start with us tomorrow. Be ready for some hard work!"


"Thank God," AJ muttered, pulling his towel off the floor and hanging it over his shoulders. "I am so out of here. I'm exhausted."


He took off without so much as a backwards glance.


"What a great guy," Desirče muttered sarcastically.


"That's just AJ for you," Kevin shrugged, hoisting his duffle bag onto his shoulder. "I'll see you all tomorrow around seven."


"More like nine‑thirty, Kev!" Howie called as he finished putting his stuff into his own bag. "I've got a late dinner date," he told the three remaining group members. "I'll talk to you all tomorrow."


"All right, ‘D,' we'll see ya then," Nick answered, his voice muffled by the towel that he was using to wipe sweat off of his face. "Good luck tonight."


"Thanks man," Howie grinned. "Later, Rok ‑ Rée," he nodded.


"Bye, Howie," they answered together as he left the studio.


"Ready, Nicky?" Brian questioned, as he motioned Desirče towards the entrance. "I'm ready for a hot shower and a nice warm bed."


"You're not the only one," Desirče agreed with a small smile. "And some ice."


"Why ice?" Nick questioned, as he fell into step beside the two.


"I twisted my ankle around three," she said with a shrug. "It still hurts."


Both boys looked at her, surprised. "You shoulda said something," Brian told her seriously. "Fatima will kill you tomorrow if you can't dance on it."


"I danced on it for the last four hours, believe me," she chuckled. "I'll be able to dance tomorrow."


"You'd better be able to," Nick muttered. "She'll kill us, otherwise."


"I'm starving," Desirče said softly, changing the subject. "Do you think we could swing through a drive‑thru on the way back?"


"Hey, sure," Brian agreed. "I'm hungry too. McD's?" he looked at Nick who nodded his agreement.


Fifteen minutes later, they pulled through the gate of Nick's gorgeous house.


"Leigh Anne is here!" Brian exclaimed. "Nick, stop the damn car!"


Desirče's eyes got wide as Nick slammed on the breaks, letting Brian get out of the car before he pulled it into the garage. Scrambling, she managed to get out also. And therefore, got to watch the reunion.


"Brian!" the pretty blonde cried, as she dashed down the steps. Brian pulled her into his arms and swung her around. Once he set her on her feet, he kissed her firmly. Desirče felt her heart swell. It was obvious how much in love they were. She glanced to see Shelby on the stoop, glaring at the back of Leigh Anne's head. Oh boy, she thought. Here we go again.


"Heya Shelb," Desirče exclaimed, dashing past the two lovebirds and up the steps of Nick's house. "Let's leave them alone for a little bit," she muttered, grabbing her friend's arm before pulling her inside and shutting the door.


"What are you doing!?" Shelby demanded.


"You will leave them be," Desirče declared. "You will not try and ruin their relationship. Brian loves her, and she obviously feels the same. You try and ruin it, I'll send you back to Toronto."


Shelby looked at her friend with huge blue eyes. "I wasn't even thinking of doing that!" she protested. "You know me‑‑‑."


"Too well," Desirče interrupted. Shelby's shoulders slumped.


"All right, all right," she muttered. "I promise."


"Damn straight, you promise."


"You're right, though," she sighed. "They seem nuts for each other. What about Nick? Do you think I could get him?"


"No." Desirče said in a flat, sharp voice.


Shelby's eyes brows shot up. "What?"


"No," she repeated. "He's heart broken. You should have seen the way she dumped him."


"Well...I could fix the heartbreak," Shelby started, hiding a smile, she knew Desirče thought Nick was God's gift to women.


"Leave him be!" she exclaimed, turning furious green eyes on her friend. "You are such a bitch sometimes!"


"Hey!" Shelby cried in surprise. "Forget it. I was teasing anyway. I get infatuations, but I'm not going to ruin his relationship with her. Jesus."


Desirče visibly relaxed. "Good."


"You know me better than that." Shelby rolled her eyes.


"You're right," Desirče sighed. "I'm gonna shower and sleep. Are you going to come tomorrow?"


"I'll be there," Shelby grinned. "To see these five fine guys...and five dancers...all hot and sweaty...? Mm‑hmm!"


"Heaven help us," Desirče laughed. "We'll see you tomorrow then, night!"


"Night, Dessi," Shelby called as her friend ran up the stairs.




“Nick?” Desiree questioned, stepping into the luxurious living room where Nick was watching the big screen Tv.


“Hmm?” Nick grunted, not even looking up. It seemed to Desiree that he was half in a daze and half in dreamland.


“Could I speak with you, please? Just for a moment?”


Nick looked up at her before reluctantly lifting the ridiculously large remote and flicking the TV set off. “I suppose.”


“Thank you,” she carefully perched on the edge of the enormous white leather couch and turned to face him. “Can I ask you what I’ve done wrong?”


“Done wrong?” Nick quizzed, looking at her with confused eyes.


“Yes,” she took a deep breath and forced herself to look into his beautiful eyes. “What I’ve done wrong...I mean...why don’t you like me?”


Nick’s eyes lit up with understanding. “I need to apologize,” he murmured after a moment of uncomfortable silence. “I’ve been a real ass hole the past few days. I really can’t say I know why, and I’m really extremely sorry.”


Desiree smiled brilliantly. “Oh, thank G0d!” she let out a soft giggle. “Here I thought I had done something to set it off.”


“No, no,” Nick shook his head, finding it impossible to not return her smile. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I can be quite childish, and I have been the past few days.”


“Can we start over? I’d really like to get to know the real Nick Carter,” she murmured, her eyes glowing with amusement. “I think I’ve gotten a glimpse of him, but I’d love to get more than that.”


“A glimpse?”


“When you helped me with my steps today,” she reminded. “Friends?” she held out a small, delicate hand. Nick looked at it for a moment before returning his eyes to hers.


“Friends,” he declared with a nod, engulfing her hand with his.


The first physical contact they made sparked electricity neither understood and they pulled apart quickly, their eyes averting the others. Did he feel too?! her mind raced.


“Well, um,” Nick cleared his throat. “You wanna watch a movie?” he patted the spot of the couch next to him.


“I’d like that,” she smiled again, flopping next to him on the couch, their touch forgotten.


The End


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