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I Can Love You Like That

By: Mary

© 1998


Had it really been a year since Steph and Jordan had been at that little cabin in the mountains and found each other once again? The time had passed quickly and their love for each other grew stronger as they grew closer. They were back at that cabin once again and this time they were alone. It was their first vacation together in a long time and Jordan had some big plans for them.

"Come on Steph," Jordan whined, from the porch. She had the keys to the cabin and he couldn't get in. Steph chuckled to herself as she walked up the path that lead to the porch.

"You big baby. It wouldn't kill you to be patient and wait," she playfully scolded him. Steph neared Jordan and bumped into his hip with hers and moved him out of the way of the door. "If you want me to open it, you have to move," she giggled. Steph got the door open and Jordan almost fell inside from the weight of all the stuff he was carrying. Steph laughed her ass off at him and earned a very unhappy look from Jordan.

"That wasn't funny," Jordan grumbled, dropping the bags on the floor of the living room and heading to the fireplace. He bent down and started a fire to warm the place up.

"Aw, sure it was, J," Steph chuckled. She headed towards their bedroom to put their bags in there for the moment.

"So, Steph, what do you want to do tonight?" Jordan asked, as she came back into the living room.

"Just enjoy the moment?" Steph suggested. Jordan grinned and pulled her down onto the couch with him.

"I think I like that idea," he smiled.

"You do, do you?" Steph pulled him closer for a kiss and Jordan put his arms around her pulling her onto his lap. Jordan brought his hands up and ran his fingers through her hair and just as the kiss deepened the phone rang.

"Dammit," Jordan grumbled, reaching for the phone.

"J!" came Joe's cheerful voice.

"What the hell do you want, McIntyre?" Jordan asked irritated.

Joe chuckled, "Sorry to interrupt, J, but guess what!"

"What?" Jordan could have cared less what Joe had to tell him but he knew Joe wouldn't rest until he filled him in on whatever it was. Steph smiled at Jordan and leaned over placing kisses on his neck. Jordan was trying to concentrate on what Joe was saying but Steph was driving him crazy. Joe was rambling on and Jordan was losing patience fast. "Joe, just say what you called to say and stop this babbling!"

"Gee, J, do I sense some sexual tension?" Joe chuckled.

 Jordan glanced at Steph and couldn't argue with that. "What did you call for Joe?"

"I need to come and stay there with you for a few days," Joe said.

"WHAT?! HELL NO!" Jordan yelled into the phone. His outburst startled Steph and she was looking at him wondering what was wrong.

"Jordan I have no other choice," Joe sighed. "Mary is pissed at me and doesn't want me here and so where else can I go?"

"Joe, work it out with her. You know that this was supposed to be my and Steph's weekend away from all of this."

"I know J and you know I wouldn't have called unless this was really important," Joe said.

"Joe what the hell did you do?" Jordan wanted to know.

"Nothing," Joe sighed.

"Joe," Jordan knew his friend well enough to know he had did something to make Mary upset with him.

"Okay we had a little fight and now Mary doesn’t want me staying here tonight. It'll only be for a couple days, J, please."

"Joe what did you do that pissed Mary off?" Jordan asked him.

Steph looked at Jordan wondering what was going on and then decided to find out for herself. She grabbed the phone from Jordan. "Joe what the hell have you did now?"

"Nothing," Joe didn't feel like having Steph lecture him right now.

"Joe what is going on and why did you call knowing that we told you that unless it was a live or die emergency that you were not to bother us."

"Steph, Mary kicked me out and so I have no where else to go but..."

"Joe, no," Steph groaned.

"There," he finished.

"Where are you now?"

"Where else? My and Mary's cabin," Joe answered.

"Mary there?"


"Let me talk to her."

"Steph, what is that going.."

"Joe, let me talk to her." Joe agreed reluctantly and pretty soon Mary was on the phone.

"Mar, what the hell is going on?" Steph demanded.

"Nothing." Mary didn't want to talk about it just yet.

"Mary, Joe called and interrupted at VERY bad time and I'm ready to go back to what was interrupted and so spill it quick so that we can get it fixed and move on."

"Steph, Joe was flirting with some girl on the way up here." Mary's eyes were staring holes through Joe.

"Yeah and?"

"That's it," Mary said.

"Mary, he's a guy! He's going to flirt. Hell Jordan flirts and I get pissed and then he apologizes and we move on and make up and get over it."

"Boy do we make up," Jordan grinned. He had taken over where Steph had left off. He was kissing her neck and running his hand over her stomach under her shirt. Steph grinned at him and ran her fingers through his hair.

"He got her number, Steph," Mary was saying.

"Okay so that was dumb but I'm sure he feels terrible about it." Steph was trying to concentrate on helping her friend but Jordan was now working on undoing the buttons on her shirt and kissing her flesh as it was exposed.

"Steph are you almost done?" Jordan asked.

"Jordan, she's really upset," she told him. Jordan groaned and grabbed the phone.

"Mary, I know Joe did a dumb thing but I know he feels terrible about it and so kiss and make up and move on."

Jordan didn't wait for her to respond before hanging the phone back up. "What did she say?" Steph asked.

"Nothing," Jordan answered, leaning in for a kiss.

Steph held back, "Jordan she was really upset, she had to have said something."

"Maybe she did but I wouldn't know. I hung up." Jordan's beautiful eyes looked into hers. He ran his hands up her sides and her shirt fell open.

"You hung up on her?" Steph exclaimed.

"Steph this is our time together. We came here to get away from life for the week. Let's not let our friends problems bother us, okay?" Jordan waited for her to answer.

"Okay," she agreed. Jordan smiled and kissed her gently. He ran his hands up and down her sides and then up to her breasts. Steph moaned softly into his mouth and Jordan took that chance to deepen the kiss and tangle his tongue with hers. Jordan pulled back and dropped hot kisses down Steph's throat and collar bone before paying close attention to her breasts. 

He lavished one with all of his attention before doing the same to the other. They were both really getting into it when the phone rang again. Jordan groaned.

"Ignore it," he said, against her skin.

"It might be important, Jordan."

"They'll call back," he said. He ran his tongue along her collar bone and Steph shuddered. She reached out for the phone. Jordan sat back and ran his hands through his hair. This was not going like he had hoped.

"Steph!" Jen yelled into the reciever. Steph pulled the phone back and winced at Jen's screaming.

"What are you yelling at me for?" Steph wanted to know.

"Guess who asked me out," Jen was on cloud nine and had to share this news with her best friend.

"Who?" Steph asked but right then she really could have cared less. Jordan had gotten up and was pacing the room. She knew he was upset with her for having answered the phone. How did she know that it was going to be Jen?

"Brian!" Jen was thrilled.

"Jen, that's nice. Now goodbye." Steph hung the phone up and then thought again and lifted it off the base and stuck it under the pillows on the couch.  No more interruptions. Steph looked at Jordan pacing the room and walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

Jordan pulled her tightly against him.  "No more interruptions?" he asked.

"None," Steph told him.

"You're sure?" Jordan raised a questioning eyebrow at her.

"Uh huh," Steph was kissing his neck and running her hands down the front of his shirt undoing the buttons as she went.

"Because I don't think I'll live through one more interruption," Jordan said grinning.



"Shut up and kiss me," Steph told him.

Jordan smiled, "You don't have to tell me twice." He kissed her softly at first and then harder as they both moved towards the bedroom. They got as far as the hall before Jordan leaned Steph back against it and kissed her hard and then ran his hands down her arms and back up pushing her shirt off all the way finally. Once free of her shirt, Steph put her arms up around Jordan's neck and ran her fingers through his hair.

Jordan was working at undoing the clasp on her bra and grumbling under his breath when he couldn't get it. Steph giggled and undid it for him. Once the lacy garment was out of the way Jordan stepped back a little to look at her. He couldn't believe his luck to have someone so beautiful want him. His gaze made her start to shift from one foot to the other. Steph put her hand out and ran a path down his chest to the top of his jeans. Jordan's breath drew in sharply when Steph's touch dropped lower. He bit his lower lip not wanting her to move her hand. She undid the top button of his jeans and Jordan's eyes stayed on her. Steph slid her hands into his pants and pushed them down. Jordan stepped out of them and Steph looked up at him from her position on the floor. Jordan knew what she had in mind and pulled her up.  She gave him a questioning look. "Not yet."

Jordan picked her up and carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. Steph watched as he laid down beside her and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her gently while he worked at undoing her pants. Jordan pushed them off of her and ran his hands up her legs. His touch sent tremors though her body. Jordan trailed kisses up her calves and kissed the sensitive spot behind her knees. Steph's eyes never left him while he continued this wonderful torture on her. He placed hot kisses on the inside of her thighs and Steph ran her hands through his hair. Jordan worked his way back up her body and nibbled on her ear. His breath on her ear left Steph wiggling under him. He grinned at her reaction to him.

"Touch me, Steph," he breathed into her ear. Jordan didn't have to repeat his request. Steph ran her hands over his back and then down his sides. She leaned up and kissed his chest making a trail down to the top of his boxers. She ran her hands back up to his shoulders and gently pushed him back until he was on his back and she was leaning over him. Steph's eyes met his and she could see the heat in Jordan's eyes. She leaned down and ran her tongue over his chest and down to his navel. Jordan ran his hands over her while she was wildly kissing his navel. He couldn’t control the moan that escaped his lip when she moved lower and ran her tongue along the waistband of his boxers. She slowly lowered them and Jordan kicked them the rest of the way off. She kissed his inner thigh and Jordan couldn't control himself anymore and pulled her back up and kissed her deeply while flipping them both over so that he was back on top. He entered her quickly and continued kissing her in the same way that his body was moving inside her.

The explosion came for both of them at the same time. "I love you, Steph," Jordan said before pulling her close to him and drifting off to sleep. They hadn't been sleeping for too long when Steph jerked awake. "Jordan," she shook his shoulder.

"Hmm," was the only answer she got.

"Jordan, what's that banging?" Jordan didn't answer her. "Dammit, Jordan, wake up!" Steph's yelling at him got his attention.


"Someone's banging on the door." Jordan grumbled and got up pulling his jeans on as he walked out of the room. A few minutes later, Steph heard familiar voices and she got up pulling her clothes back on. She couldn't believe this was happening.

"Hey Steph," Jen and Mary both greeted her.

"What the hell are both of you doing here?" Then she looked and seen Joe and Brian too. "Great, it's a freaking party now."

"Well, we were worried about you Steph when Jordan hung up on me and then you hung up on Jen. Then we tried calling back and no one would answer the phone." Mary glanced towards the phone and seen it off the hook.”   She grinned. "Okay I get the picture now."

Jen shared Mary's grin, "Yeah, come on boys, we aren't wanted here." Jen grabbed Brian's arm and pulled him towards the door.

"Right, come on Joe," Mary headed for the door.

"Wait, Mar," Steph called, following her. "Are you and Joe okay now?"

"Yeah, you and Jordan were right. I was upset for nothing really. Okay now we'll let you and Jordan go back to whatever you were doing."

"Right whatever that was," Joe said, coming up behind them. He winked at Mary pulled her out the door. "Maybe Jordan and Steph have the right idea."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on we'll go back to our cabin and I'll show you." Mary and Joe left in his car and Jen and Brian headed back to his. Steph and Jordan watched their friends leave before heading back to their room. It had to be all that fresh mountain air that made everyone feel this wonderful.


<They read you Cinderella

You hoped it would come true

That one day your Prince Charming would come rescue you

You like romantic movies

And you never will forget the way you felt

When Romeo kissed Juliet

And all this time that you've been waiting

You don't have to wait no more

I can love you like that

I would make you my world

Move heaven and earth if you were my girl

I would give you my heart

Be all that you need

Show you your everything that's precious to me

If you'd give me a chance,

I can love you like that>


Jordan's eyes turned to Steph and he looked deeply into her eyes. Steph could see the love he felt in them. "I can love you like that, Steph." His arms came around her and their kisses led them back to the bedroom one more time.


The End


Tell Mary what you thought of her story!