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In Control
By:  Mary
Copyright 2002

       "But I'm not quite sure if you like this or not," she said, running her mouth down a hot trail on his chest.
He groaned, "You know I do."  He had given her complete control and in doing that the last hour and a half had been a true test of his patience and will power.
She smiled against his skin, knowing that he was almost to his breaking point.  "How about this?" she asked kissing his inner thigh.  Then sliding her tongue up higher and higher. 
"Oh god, baby, stop," He was clutching at the comforter and trying to hold back the moan that was building up.
She looked up, her eyes smoking into his, "What, you don't like it?"
"You know that I do and if you keep it up you'll find out how much I like it in about two minutes."
"You promise?" she grinned.  She was running her fingers over his legs and then back up his hips and over his stomach.  His muscles leaped reflexively at her touch and she found that his reaction to her touch thrilled her just as much as anything else would.  She slowly made her way back up his body until she was hovering over him.  Her lips only a few inches from his.  His eyes were filled with his lust and desire for her.  She knew that he was using all the will power that he had not to take over.  He was letting her drive him into insanity.  Instead of kissing his mouth like he thought she was going to,  she trailed open mouthed kisses all over his face.  She outlined his ear with her tongue and he moaned softly when he felt her breathing in his ear.  That broke his control and he wrapped his arms around her and flipped them both over.
"Baby, I know I promised not to do anything but god I want you so much."  He captured her mouth in a hot, passionate kiss.
"I wondered what was taking you so long," she said once the kiss was over.
His eyes went to hers, "You were testing my limits, weren't you?"  A slow smile brightened her passion filled face.  That answered his question.  "Well, my dear, now it's my turn to drive you crazy with need." 
       He made good on his promise. 
       "Mmmmmm," her moans were mumbled by her biting on her lower lip.  Her hips arched up for the forth time in less than three minutes as his tongue dove deeper into her waiting wetness.  She could feel the swirling motions of his tongue against her sensitve flesh.  Her fingers were wrapped in his hair pulling his head down closer into her. 
       He breathed deep taking in the scent of her.  He could have stayed right where he was forever.  Licking and sucking at her and hearing her moaning for him to not stop and go deeper and faster.  He didn't pull back until he had made her body shake with a few intense orgasms. 
       Her breathing was quick and choppy with the after shocks of the last one when he sank his cock deep into her waiting opening.  Her legs went around him as soon as he entered her and pushed him deeper into her.  He thrust deep into her for a few minutes and then slowed down just enough to keep her close to the edge but not cross over.  He could feel her pushing her hips up into him trying to get him to go faster but he wasn't going to let his control slip yet.  He wanted her to totally explode from pleasure when his own orgasm over took him.  He wanted to feel the pleasure of them hitting that special moment at the same time.  It would only make his orgasm that much more intense. 
       He picked up his pace a little more.  His lips were nibbling on her neck and sucking gently.  He knew that drove her insane and would only help to turn her on even more than she already was. 
       She drug her nails down his back.  Just enough to make him growl in the back of his throat and push his hips harder into her.  She could feel  him growing harder inside of her with each hard push of his cock deeper into her. 
       "I want you to cum hard for me, baby," she whispered into his ear.
       "Oh, you do huh?" he grinned against her neck where he was still licking and sucking.
       "Umhm," she murmured.  "I want to feel you explode hard inside of my pussy."    She chose that moment to arch up and wrap her legs tighter around him.
       He lost it then and there.  He started pumping harder into her.  He could feel the pressure building up with each movement.  Then there was no holding back.  He felt her tighten around him and let out a soft moan that came just before her orgasm hit full force.  That did it for him.  He came hard and deep inside of her.

The End


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