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Just Want Your Love Tonight
by: Mary
Copyright 2002

Joe walked to streets trying to get his thoughts together.  He had the strangest feeling following him around all day long and he couldn't shake it.  He couldn't put his finger on it either.  The feeling consumed him.  It wasn't a bad feeling but the complete opposite.  Joe whistled a tune known only to him as he walked into Melody's apartment building.  He was surprising her.  He loved surprising her.  She got the most wonderful glow in her eyes and her whole face lit up.  Joe had saw that face in so many of his dreams the last few weeks.  She had consumed his whole being.  He had never pictured himself that much in love with someone before.  He hadn't thought this type of wonderful feeling really existed.  Could something this perfect and wonderful last forever?  Joe knew as he knocked on her door that it could.  He knew that their love could make it through anything.  Problems would come and go but the strength and power in their relationship would pull them through.  He believed in that full heartedly.  Nothing was going to tear them down.  He'd die to protect their love. 

"Joe!" Melody was startled to see him on the other side.  She took him in leaning up against the door frame.  His black jeans hugged his hips oh so nicely and his blue button down shirt made his eyes dance with the light and laughter she saw in them.  He really was perfection to her.

       Joe gave her that beautiful smile of his before saying a word.  Melody's heart speeded up just from that look.  God help her when he took her in his arms. 

       "I got back early," he told her.  "Happy to see me?"  He grinned again and she was lost in those chocolate brown eyes of his.  Could they be any deeper or  more inviting.  Bedroom eyes was the only way to describe them.  Warm and inviting and promising of so much pleasure.

       She gave him that smile that he had been seeing in his dreams for the past few weeks.  It had a way of making him want to do things to make her show it to him more often.  He loved  the look she got on her face when she knew that she was loved and cherished.  And he did love and cherish her.  More than life itself he did.  "Of course I missed you," she answered, pulling him inside. 

       He kicked the door shut behind him and pulled her tightly to him once they were inside.  He lifted her into his arms and had her slightly elevated from the floor.  She giggled down at him. 

       "Joe, put me down."

       Joe had the same grin that a little boy would that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.  "Not on your life."  He lowered her slowly.  She could feel every inch of his hard body against hers as he let her slide down.

He stopped her feet from still touching the floor when she was eye level with him.  His deep brown eyes searched hers.  He could see the love she felt for him in her eyes and he knew that she could see the same thing reflected in his eyes.  He kissed the tip of her nose before moving to gently caress her lips with his.  He had missed her so much while he had been gone on business and couldn't wait to show her just how much he had truly missed her.  His heart never felt whole when she wasn't nearby.  He needed to see her smile and hear her laughter caress the room to complete him.  It was like breathing to him.  It was that essential to his life.

"God, I missed you," Joe breathed into her hair.  He inhaled the sweet scent of her and let it fill his senses.

Melody wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck.  He was back in her arms and it felt wonderful.  She had taken the time that he was gone to really think about their relationship and she knew that she never wanted to be away from him for that long ever again.  He was her life and she needed him to complete her.  Nothing seemed as sweet without him there with her to share it.  Sunny days weren't as bright and rainy days that had once held mystery, were only dreary and depressing without the one you love by your side to hear the thunder clap.

She placed a sweet kiss on his neck.  He felt it travel all through his body.  Every nerve ending seemed connected to that very spot her lips had touched.

He let her feet touch the floor an instant before he had her cradled in his arms and carried her down the hallway.  He took a left and they stood in the middle of the room that he loved the most.  Her bedroom was like stepping into her soul.  He loved seeing all of her things scattered around.  It was almost like he could take a small piece of her with him where ever he went if only he could bottle the essence in this room.

Joe sat her down on the bed and then stepped back to take her in.  Melody had always taken his breath away.  Her beauty had him always wondering why she had picked him and not someone else to give her love to.  What had he did to be so lucky?  Her eyes sparkled catching the light from the moon shining through the window.  The moon light caressed her and she seemed to flourish in it.  He would have swore it was an angel sitting before him.  That was the only way he could explain her being so perfect.  A flawless diamond.  He was almost afraid to touch her for fear he could ruin her perfection.  Almost.  He was dying to touch her.

"I love you, Melody," he said, taking her hands in his.  He brought them up to his lips and kissed the backs of both of her hands before letting them drop back into her lap.

She had never seen him take such care with her.  He had been soft and gentle before but something was different.  It was almost as if he was trying to memorize every detail for later reference.  She gave him a curious look and he winked at her.  She felt the butterflies in her stomach flutter.  Why was she nervous? 

He kneeled down in front of her and took her face in his hands bringing her lips to his once again.  Soft gentle kisses that left her wanting more.  He was being so sweet and caring.  She ran her hands through his hair and slid down onto the floor with him.  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her on his lap.  Their kiss never breaking but not deepening either.  He was holding his passion in check and it was driving her crazy.  She wanted him to let lose.  She knew how to make his control slip.  She knew all the right buttons to push.  If she wanted him to stop treating her like she would break, she was going to have to take control of the situation.  Not that she minded.  He could have control back once he got that fire back that she loved about him.  She let her tongue trace the line of his lips.  She felt his shudder and his fight to remain in control of what was happening.

While Melody was working at shattering his fragile grip at control, he fought to keep the pace slow.  He knew what she was trying to do and he knew he wanted it just as  much as she did but he wanted to take his time and love her slow.

She moved her hands to the buttons on his shirt and worked at getting them undone while she continued teasing him with her tongue.  She could feel his control slowly slipping away.  She was getting frustrated with all the buttons on his shirt and pulled at it.  Joe's chuckle at her impatience vibrated through her body.  God how bad did she want him?

"Patience, my dear, is a virtue," he laughed.

She couldn't believe he wanted her to be patient.  He knew how well she did at being patient.  It wasn't exactly her cup of tea.  She looked deep into his eyes and he stopped his laughter.  She undid the last few buttons on his shirt and slowly parted the material.  Her breath caught in the back of her throat at the sight of him.  She was in awe everytime she was faced with Joe's blatant sexuality.  The man oozed sex.  His well defined chest was calling out to her and she answered the call.  She traced the outline of his abs with her tongue.  His muscles jerked involuntarily as she worked her magic.  She smiled against his stomach as she worked her way lower.  She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back.  He laid back on the floor, watching her.

His eyes never left her as she kissed a hot trail down his stomach to his navel.  His back arched when she drove her tongue into it.  He couldn't hold back his moan.  Now it was her turn to chuckle.  She was getting the reaction she wanted out of him.  She loved the sound of his moans when she was pleasuring him.  It made the intense feelings flowing through her surge that much faster and hotter through out her own body.

She ran her hand down the front of his jeans.  He held his breath waiting for her next move.  She took her time with taking his pants off.  She seemed to enjoy driving him insane with need.  He bit his lower lip in anticipation.   He had wanted to go slow tonight but now with Melody in control and driving him crazy, he wasn't sure just how the night was going to turn out.  But like hell if he was complaining.

She looked down at him and placed a kiss low on his belly before moving her gaze lower. She teased his inner thighs with kisses and lightly nibbling on the tender flesh.  Her breath hot against his inner thighs. 

       Was she going to move higher?  He wasn't quite sure.  She would start to move up and then move back down  teasing him by getting oh so close and then backing off.  He wasn't sure if he could take that kind of teasing much longer.  His hips were arching up every time she moved a little close to the part of him that wanted to feel her soft lips and wet tongue the most.  He was about to give up on her touching him there when he felt the tip of her tongue tracing the head of his throbbing, hard cock.  He about jumped out of his skin at the sensations it brought.  He wrapped his fingers up in her hair pulling her down closer to him.  She opened her mouth wider and took him deeper into the warmth of her mouth.  She wanted to feel him grow harder and want her more than he ever had before she stopped.  She bobbed her head down a few more times taking him deeper each time.

He reached down and pulled her up to him not being able to take much more.  "What are you doing still dressed?" he rasped.  He kissed her deeply thrusting his tongue deeply into her mouth while he pulled at the bottom of her t-shirt.  He wanted the shirt off but he didn't want to end the kiss to pull it over her head.  His frustrations grew until he just ripped the shirt from her body.  He moved his mouth lower and sucked lightly on her neck.  The flicking motion of his tongue and the slight suction were driving her mad.

His deft hands quickly removed her bra and he lavished his attention to each of her breasts.  Her soft moans grew louder and he tried harder to make her keep making those sounds that were music to his ears.  He kissed down her ribs and licked his way down her body.  He undid her pants with his teeth before removing them from her body.  He ripped the flimsy lacy material of her underwear away and took in her beauty.  Once again he was in awe that she was really his.

Thoughts of going slow and taking his time were forgotten and Trent only knew he wanted to be inside of her NOW.  He crawled up her body and positioned himself between her thighs.  He kissed her deeply, driving his tongue into her mouth imitating what he planned on doing to her soon.

He entered her gently and slowly wanting them both to feel every inch slide in.  She brought her legs up and wrapped them around his waist pushing him deeper yet.  He let out a deep moan.  His mouth claimed her roughly and he began to kiss her with a renewed passion as he started his rhythm.  She raised her hips to meet his thrusts and both of them moaned into each others mouths.  Joe felt her tightening around him and felt the shudders of her orgasm before he plunged one last time and let himself loose total control in his own mind blowing orgasm. 

Joe pulled Melody close and lifted her from the floor.  He placed her on the bed and laid next to her.  He held her tightly before whispering softly in her ear.  "I love you."  Both drifted off to sleep sure and safe in their love for each other.

The End

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