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Strip Poker

by: Mary

copyright 1999

"You want to play WHAT?" Mary looked at Joe like he had lost his mind. No way was she going to risk this. Sitting naked in front of him would be too embarrassing. She might have risked it if she had more faith in herself and her skills at poker. But as it was, she knew that she'd lose more than her shirt if she went along with this.

"Oh, c'mon, it'll be fun," he was giving her a look that made her feel guilty for turning him down. That disappointed little boy look was going to win her over. She was going to crumble. He knew her well.

"You're not playing fair," she grumbled, giving in.

"Shall I deal?" he grinned, shuffling the cards, knowing that he had won this small discussion.

"Can I go put more clothes on first?" she asked, looking down at her shorts and t-shirt. Not much defense at all.

"No," he chuckled, dealing the cards.

Mary picked up her hand and looked down at it. She was actually surprised at how good it really was. Maybe she wouldn't lose too badly after all.

"How many do you want?" he asked.

"Two," she answered, tossing the unwanted cards down.

"Only two?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yep," she took the cards he offered, looking at her hand now. Not exactly what she had been hoping for but she had two pairs. Not too bad.

"What do you have?" he asked, watching her.

"What do you have?" she countered.

"I asked first."

"Yes, but you should tell me first."

"Why is that?"

"Just because."

"Because?" he asked, waiting for her to explain.

"Because you love me?" she said questionly.

He grinned, "You're too cute."

"No, you are," she answered. "So what do you have?"

"Three Kings. Beat that," he had a huge grin on his face laying the cards down.

"You cheat," she told him, tossing her cards down.

"I take that means I won," he teased.

"Well, don't get use to the idea or anything." She laughed at him.

"C'mon you know the rules. Something has to come off."

"Slave driver," she grumbled, pulling one of her socks off.

"Now was that painful?" he laughed.


"You know you love the idea of stripping for me, sweetie," Joe told her.

"Yeah, as much as I love a root canal."

He smiled, "Would you like to deal now?"

"How about we just call it a draw and stop playing?"

"That would mean I won then."

"How do you figure that?"

"We played one game. You lost. We end now, I won." He knew she wouldn't want to end with him thinking that. She was too competitive.

"Damn it, hand me the cards."

He chuckled, "Yes, ma'am."

They played for another half hour. Both were slowly losing more and more articles of clothing. The atmosphere around them was slowly changing also. Neither seemed as uptight as they had at first. Almost as if them sitting there half naked was the most natural thing in the world for them both to be doing.

"I still think you're cheating," Mary told him, when she had lost another hand and had to take her pants off. She was down to just her bra, t-shirt and panties. She was thankful that she had put that oversized one on this morning and so it was almost like a nightshirt. It just touched the tops of her thighs.

Joe looked at her with mock hurt on his face. "You're wearing more than I am. How can *I* be cheating?" He was down to his dark green boxers.

"You just are," she answered pouting.

"Yeah, now THAT makes sense," he chuckled.

"I knew you'd see my side of things," she grinned.

"Oh, yes, of course."

"You're humoring me," she told him.

"Me?" he was faking innocence.

"Yes, you."

"Nah, not me," his eyes were shining with his laughter. She looked up just then and caught the sparkle there. Her breath kind of caught and she had to make herself look away. Sitting there like they were wasn't the time to allow the thoughts that seemed to want to run wild in her head loose.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sensing her change of mood almost instantly.

"Nothing," she answered. "Whose turn is it to deal now?" Mary started shuffling the cards almost out of habit. Joe watched her with a curious look on his face. She had something going through that mind of hers that she wasn't about to share with him. He had to wonder what it was.

"Okay how about we change the rules a little?" he asked.

"How do you mean?"

"Make the duces wild this time."

"Okay, sure." She started dealing out their hands. Joe picked up his cards watching her instead of looking at what was in his hand.

"How many do you want?" Mary asked him.

"Um," Joe glanced down at his cards without really seeing them. He grabbed the first two he saw out of his hand and tossed them down. "Two."

Mary studied her cards carefully before deciding on taking one more. "Okay," her brown eyes looked up at him. "What do you have?"

"You first," he answered.

"Three nine's." She laid them out for him to see.

"You win," he answered tossing his cards down in the middle of the table with the rest of the deck. Joe stood up bringing his hands up to the waistband of his boxers. All he had left on.

"Um, we can play another hand if you want before you have to take those off," Mary offered.

"No, fair is fair," he answered, slowly bringing them down. Mary busied herself with the cards not looking at him. He grinned seeing the blush working into her cheeks. She wasn't the one standing naked in front of him but she was blushing. It was adorable to him. "Okay, done," he

anounced. Mary looked up slowly at him. Her eyes kind of darting around trying to avoid the one place that she knew she wanted to look at but not wanting him to know that.

"I guess the game is over now," she told him.

"Well, unless you want to keep going until you loose your clothes too," he answered, sitting back down across from her on the floor.

"Joe...." she started and then stopped. Her teeth caught her bottom lip, nibbling slightly. The one sign that he knew without a doubt meant that she was nervous and had something on her mind she wasn't sure about sharing.

"Just say it, Mary."

"You're sure?" she asked.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Well, I..." she looked down at her lap, not meeting his eyes. This was harder than she had thought it would be. "It's just that I...well, I mean I..." She looked up and met his eyes. He noticed the look in her eyes and decided to take a chance that could end up worth it. He shifted a little so that he was sitting next to her. Mary didn't move away from him and so he took that to be a good sign.

"Were you thinking this?" he asked, leaning in close to her. He turned her chin so that she was facing him. His lips touched hers just barely. Enough so that they both knew it wasn't enough. Their lips touched again only not as soft this time. The kiss got deeper as his tongue traced the outline of her lips gently. Her mouth opened for him and his tongue explored what lay inside. She gently sucked on his tongue some, getting a slight moan from him. Their bodies turned into each other and he leaned up closer to her, making her lean back slightly. His hands ran over her t-shirt, pulling up at the bottom of it. He wanted it off. She leaned up into him just enough to allow him to pull the shirt off of her body. His eyes took in her white lace bra and panty set. He kissed down the side of her neck slowly. His tongue traced patterns into her skin as he kissed his way down to her chest.

She moved her hands down his back letting her nails dig in some. Leaning up a little she kissed his shoulders then down his chest. Her tongue circling around his nipples sucking. She rolled her tongue around making first one and then the other hard. His breath was starting to come quicker as she moved farther down his chest to his stomach. Pushing on his shoulders some, she rolled him over onto his back. She stradled his hips, looking down at him. She had a glow in her eyes as she slithered down his body to his hips. Her tongue slide down his right thigh slowly. She traced the lines of his legs with it not in any rush at all. He squirmed a little under her but let her have her way with him. She moved up his body slowly, her breath warming his body more than it already was. Her tongue came out slowly licking her lips. His eyes stayed on her watching her closely. Her tongue moved in closer barely grazing the tip of his cock. She could feel how hot he was with that one touch. Her tongue slowly rolled up the length of him. He was throbbing under her touch. Her tongue moved slowly back down licking him. Her mouth opened more when she got back to the head and took the tip of him inside. She circled her tongue around him slowly. Tasting him and feeling his warmth. He pushed his hips up into her wanting her to take more inside. Sucking on him slowly she allowed a little more at a time to slide inside. She started sucking harder and faster with every inch more that she let into her mouth. His breathing quickened and soft moans started coming from him. His fingers tangled in her hair, pulling her closer. His hips arched up off the floor shoving his cock all the way into her mouth making her deep throat him. She sucked harder then making him squirm under her. He grabbed her shoulders, pulling her off of him.

"You keep that up and you'll get more than you were bargaining for," he chuckled.

"How do you know that's not what I wanted?" she smiled at him.

He rolled her over onto her back, pulling the rest of her clothes off of her. He slid his hands down her thighs, moving them apart before settling himself between them. He leaned close to her and kissed her lips deeply. His hips grinding into her. She arched up into him, wanting him to enter her. He pulled her up into him, pushing himself deep into her. She let out a deep breath allowing herself to get use to the feeling of him in her. He started moving slowly inside of her. She arched her hips into him. He dove into her faster. She moved her hands down his back, dragging her nails along the way. Her legs wrapped tightly around him pulling him deeper into her. His strokes became faster and deeper. Their breathing shorter and quicker. He could feel her becoming tighter around him as she was getting closer. He moved quicker in and out of her feeling his own moment growing closer. She arched up into him just as she felt her climax come. That drove him over and he felt himself loose his control at the same time. He held her close letting the feeling sweep over him before he pulled her with him to his side. He held her close letting the moments of before surround them before sleep over took both of them.

Please tell Mary what you thought of this story!