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The Seduction
By: Mary
Copyright 2001

   The anticipation of the night was building up inside of her more and more with each passing moment. She knew that by now he had gotten her little note that she had tucked away safely in his jacket pocket when he hadn't been looking. She wondered if he was having as much trouble as she was at focusing on anything but the night to come.

   She licked her lips in a nervous habit as much as from wishing she could be licking something else right at this moment, but she was going to have to be patient. The clock above the fireplace told her she still had a few hours to wait until he would come walking through the front door. The time was going to drag by unless she filled it up keeping busy. The room had already been prepared for her night of seducing him. She planned on keeping him up most of the night and wrapped tightly in each others arms. Tiny white and red rose petals had been sprinkled lightly across the floor in front of the fireplace. She had two vases filled with more red and white roses along with some babys breath for accents. The stereo was also right at this moment burning a cd with her selections of songs to make long passionate love to. Then in every corner of the room she had candles sitting waiting to be lit. When they burned the soft scent of vanilla would mix in with the already fragrant scent of the roses.

   The bedroom had also had a makeover from the tumbled cotton sheets that they had slept on last night to the smooth black silk ones she had put on a few hours ago. There was also a bouquet of roses in there as well sitting nicely on top of the dresser they shared.

   She crossed the bedroom to take the small bag she had hidden in the bottom of her closet out. She had been planning a night like tonight for a while. Her visit to Victoria's Secret last weekend had been the deciding factor in when she was going to lay her fantasies out for him. She sat the bag down on the bed and it fell over allowing something very lacy and light blue to fall out along with something silky and red. She hadn't been able to decide between the blue or the red and so had gotten them both. She didn't think he would mind her wanting another occasion like this one to try them both on for him.

   She walked into the bathroom adjoined with the bedroom and turned the water on for her bath. She still had two hours until he was due home. A nice long relaxing bubble bath would be a great way to pass the time. A generous amount of floral scented bubble bath was poured into the water while she started to undress and slide into the warm water. Total relaxation swept over her as she let the moment sweep over her. She ran her hands down her side to the top of her thigh. She thought about relieving some of the sexual tension she was feeling before he got home but thought better of it. She wanted to have this edge when he saw her. She wanted to wait and experience it all with him.

   Almost an hour and a half later she was dressed in the red silk and lace along with a cute little matching robe that stopped about mid thigh. She had her hair piled high on her head and caught in a clip that allowed a few stray curls to cascade down the side of her face.

   She was burning now with anticipation and couldn't wait for him to walk through that door. She had to fight the urge to pace the room back and forth like a caged tiger.

   About twenty minutes later she heard the front door open and close. She rounded the corner that separated the entry way from the living room. Her eyes closed in on him as his eyes looked at her hungrily.

   "Do you have any idea what your note did to me today when I found it?" he asked.

   She stayed back from him just looking at him. She shook her head, "No, what did it do?" She had a pretty good idea what it had done but she wanted to hear him say it.

   He walked closer to her. His fingers traced down the side of her face and played with the curls framing her face. He loved her hair when she did it up like this. "I was on my way to lunch and was looking for my wallet and your note fell out of my pocket. I was with a few of the guys and I think my face must have given something away as to what I was reading because I got a few curious looks."

   "Was your face the only thing that had a reaction to it?"

   He grinned, "It's all I'm admitting to."

   She pouted. "That isn't fair. I think that you read what I wrote about wanting to be right where you were right at that moment with your hard cock in my mouth, and I think you got rock hard just thinking about me doing that to you. I think you had to adjust how you were sitting and I think you had to fight the urge to go somewhere and relieve the pressure I put there with my words."

   His eyes got darker with passion and lust as she summarized her note to him. "I had to fight the urge to come home for lunch and not go back to work today and I would have if you hadn't put in that note that you wanted me home at 5 and no sooner."

   "I wanted you to have time to think about wanting me and wanting this. I wanted the intenseness to build up slowly all day long until you thought you couldn't take it anymore."

   He leaned in and moved his lips close to her ear. "You did a very good job of that."

   "Did I?" she asked.
   He growled softly in her ear. "What do you think?" He pulled her close against him and she could feel how much he had wanted her all day long.

   "Follow me," she told him.

   "Anywhere," he responded, holding onto her hand as she led him into the living room where she had pulled the blinds shut and had the candles going and a fire lighting the room in shadows and light.

   She led him to a chair and pushed him down into it. He took his jacket off and tossed it on the floor next to him. She leaned down over him and slid her tongue up the side of his neck. Her lips dropping light kisses every now and again as she went until she made her way up to his ear and she whispered softly into it.

   "I want to make you scream for me tonight."

   She started to unbutton his shirt. She kissed her way down his chest as each button gave way and allowed her more access to the flesh behind it. He started to move some in the chair as the buldge in his pants got more and more uncomfortable for him in it's small confined area. Her fingers moved down to slide over the front of his pants. She heard him let out a small gasp of breath he tried to pull her into his arms then but she held back.

   "Not yet."

   Her hand massaged his cock through the front of his pants for a few moments until she had him reaching to undo his own pants since she wasn't making the effort to do so herself. She allowed him to do it and then pushed his hands away as soon as he was done.

   She slid onto his lap straddling him while kissing him deeply. Her tongue circling around his.

   He wrapped his arms tightly around her and held her close to him. He pushed at her silk robe until he fell off into a silky pile in the floor. His breath caught in his throat when he finally got a look at what she had been wearing under the robe.

   "Wow," he breathed softly.

   She smiled, "You like?"

   "Umhm," he answered, burring his head into her clevage.

   The material fell away without too much effort on his part and he took full advantage of that. His lips closing around a nipple. Her back arched as he started to suck gently. Small moans and gasps coming from her. He picked her up into his arms and rose from the chair. He laid her down on the rug in front of the fireplace and then quickly rid himself of the rest of his clothing.

   He covered her body with his plunging his tongue deeply into her mouth in a kiss unlike one they had shared before. It was a merging of souls it seemed. Her legs moved apart a little more to allow him more room. She ran her toes up his calf and then arched up against him. She still had most of her silk nightie on. He rolled off of her enough to pull it from her body and then covered her once again with his body. She arched up against him again and rubbed against him.

   "I thought you wanted slow?" he questioned.
   "I did but now I just want you," she answered.

   He grinned as his lips lowered to kiss her deeply as his cock buried itself deeply inside her her. Her body arched up as she felt him enter her. She would have cried out in the pleasure that feeling brought her if he hadn't been taking her breath away with the most incredible kisses at the same time.

   He remained still inside of her for a few moments and when she thought she couldn't take it any more he slowly started to move. Her legs wrapped around him pulling him deeper into her. She wanted to feel him touching her everywhere. She wanted to remember this feeling of being bonded with him and be able to recall it whenever they were apart and she needed to feel his arms around her and him holding her. She wanted to forever be locked in this embrace with him and never have to know a night without him loving her just like he was right now.

   His hips were rolling against her driving him deeper and deeper into her. She drug her nails up his back and then back down causing a moan to come from deep in his throat. Her hips arched up twice hard against him making them both almost dizzy from the intenseness it made.

   Then her screams filled the room. Her screams of the most wonderful kind of pleasure a person can experience seemed to surround them both. Then her screamed became mixed with his own moans of release.

   They both laid wrapped up in each others arms waiting for their breathing to return to a more normal pattern. She had her head resting on his chest listening to the beating of his heart. He had his arms around her, tracing an invisible line up and down her spine.

   "Was the ending worth the wait all day?" she asked him softly.

   "Do you have to ask, honey?" he answered her.

   She smiled against his chest. "No, not really."

The End


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