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By:  Shae


She grabs her magazines\She packs her things, and she goes\She leaves the pictures hanging on the wall\She burns all her notes, and she knows\She's been here too few years to feel this old


    Shae sighed.  Why in the world did she buy all these magazines every month?  She never had time to read them, and she never wanted to throw them away.  Oh well, just pack them up with everything else.

    She grabbed the marker and the masking tape off the table.  She sealed the box and labeled it.  There, that was the last box.  She looked around.  She gave each picture a once over.  They were all pictures of the past.  Pictures of a much simpler, much happier time.  Things were so easy back then. 

    She returned to her task at hand.  She picked all the papers off her desk.  They were all from Alex.  Some were letters from the road, but most were little love notes that had been left in various spots around the house.  She smiled as she threw them in the waste basket.  She took a match from the box and swiped it down the side.  She let it burn down to her fingers before dropping it into the can.  She watched them burn until the flame finally faded away. 

    She lifted the box of magazines and headed for the door.  She looked around one last time.  Two years of her life she gave to this house, this relationship.  Somehow it felt like twenty.


He smokes his cigarette\He stays outside 'til it's gone\If anybody ever had a heart\Well, he wouldn't be alone, and he knows\She's been here too few years to be gone


    AJ sat on the steps smoking.  Shae had never let him smoke in the house.  The first few months he had tried to sneak around and do it, but she has always caught him.

    He shook his head.  He had thought she was the one.  He thought she loved him.  But that couldn't be true, could it?  She'd still be here if she had loved him.

    But she had loved him...once.  Things had been wonderful.  It had only been in the past few months that things had went south.  If only she'd give it a few more months, everything would work out okay.  She can't leave so soon.  God, she's only been here a couple of years.

    AJ shook his head again, clearing all his thoughts.  He took the last puff of his cigarette.  He threw it down and stamped it out, before returning to the house.


And we always say\That it would be good to go away, someday\Yeah, but if there's nothing there to make things change\If it's the same for you, I'll just hang


    AJ looked around the half-empty bedroom.  He remembered their last couple of fights.  He had told Shae that maybe they just needed a break.  That maybe she should spend more time with her family and friends.  You know, take a little vacation.  Apparently she finally decided that was best.

  AJ thought about taking a vacation himself.  Maybe he could go visit his Mom, or go party with his friends.  He shook his head.  "Na, I'll just hang around the house until she gets back," he told himself.  He took another swig from his beer.


The trouble understand, is she's got reasons he don't\Funny how he couldn't see at all\Until she grabbed up her coat, and she goes\She's been here too few years to take it all in stride\Yeah, well, still it's much too long to let hurt go (to let her go)


    AJ shifted his gaze away from the television as Shae entered the bedroom.  He smiled softly up at her.  His heart sank when she couldn't do the same.

    "Hey," she stammered.  She pointed towards the closet.  "I just came to get my coat.  I forget to pack it, and I'll need it this winter."

    AJ just stared ahead blankly and nodded.  It hit him full-force.  She was really leaving.  Hell, she was already gone.  He fought to keep the tears from falling.  He was blinking them away when he realized she was speaking again. 

    "Look, Alex, I'm sorry about leaving like this."  She fidgeted with the buttons on her coat, refusing to look at him.  She loved him with all her heart.  But he had broken it too many times.  She knew it was hard for him to be faithful on the road.  But she needed that.  Even though she tried her best to look over his little indiscretions, she just couldn't.  They hurt too damn bad.  She just felt that he needed more than she could give him.  And she couldn't live like that anymore.  She quickly walked over to him and kissed his cheek.  His tears burned her lips.  A moan caught in her throat and she turned and ran from the house.

    AJ watched her run out, wanting so bad to run after her.  But he just sat there clinging to his tears and his pain.  They were all he had left of her and he wasn't about to give those up too.


And, we always say\That it would be good to go away, someday\Yeah, but if there's nothing there to make things change\If it's the same for you, I'll just hang\The same for you, I'll always hang


    Shae sat behind the wheel, willing herself to start the car.  She knew this was best.  She knew that she should just get out of his life, and let him live it on his own.  He'd be okay without her there.  No matter what, he'd always be the same.

    She blew a kiss into the air.  "I'll always love you Alex."  She started the car and backed out of the driveway.


Well, I always say\It would be good to go away\But if things don't work out like we think\And there's nothing there to ease this ache\And there's nothing there to make things change\If it's the same for you, I'll just hang


A few weeks later........

    AJ knew it would be best to get out of the house.  All the guys had been by trying to coax him out.  But he didn't want to go anywhere.  Going out wouldn't change things.  Shae would still be gone, and his heart would still be broken.

    The phone rang.  AJ didn't move.  It was probably D, or Kev, wanting him to go out with them tonight.  The machine picked up.  He was right, it was D.  As soon and the message ended, he cut off the ringer.  He grabbed a drink from the fridge headed for the living room.  He didn't feel like going out.  He was just going hang around the house tonight.




Lyrics by Rob Thomas


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