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The Show, The After-Party, The Hotel

By:  Shae


The Show

                I walk through the mass of people toward the back of the arena.  I glance around as the wave moves through the crowd.  They are already chanting for the boys.  I flash my pass to a solid looking man blocking the backstage door.  He must be one of the boy's bodyguards.  He smiles and lets me pass through.  I walk aimlessly through the halls.  I'm not certain of where to go.  I continue until I see a sign on a door.  "Backstreet Dressing Room."  This must be it.  The door is closed and I'm afraid to open it. 
                "Shae!"  I turn towards the sound of my name.  I see my skinny assed best friend run towards me.  He wraps me up in his arms and spins me around.
                "AJ, put me down!" 
                He sits me back on my feet.  He begins rambling a mile a minute.  "I'm so happy that you're here.  It's been forever since I've seen you.  You've got to meet the rest of the guys.  And Mom's here.  She wants to see you too."
                "Whoa!  Slow down, Speedy."  He laughs and hugs me again.  He takes my hand in his and leads me into the dressing room.
                I expect to be drug around the room, meeting everyone as we go.  Boy, am I wrong.  AJ jumps up on a table and whistles.  No one pays any attention to him.  I laugh.  Knowing AJ, this is an every night thing.  "Hey, hey!  Silence."  Everybody turns to AJ.  "Now that I have everyone's attention.  I'd like you all to meet my best friend from high school, Shae."
                I smile and quietly say Hi to everyone.  I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and turn around.  It's Denise.  I hug her and she hugs back.  "Honey, I'm so glad you could make it.  How have you been?"
                "I'm happy I'm here.  And I've been good.  How about you?"
                "I've been busy.  And I still am.  Excuse me but I have some stuff to do."
                "Sure, I'll catch up with you later."
                AJ jumps off the table.  "OK, now it's time to introduce the guys."  He leads me around the room until I've been introduced to the other four guys and several band members.  After that AJ and I sat on a sofa and talked.  AJ was right.  It had been a long time since we'd seen each other.  In fact, the last time I had seen AJ was our high school graduation. 
                We had been tight in high school.  I had moved to Orlando from Alabama.  I didn't have any friends but immediately AJ and I hit it off.  We were inseparable.  We both loved music.  I had been in the band and AJ in the chorus.  I thought back to when AJ first made the group.  I had never seen him so happy.  When he told me that he had to leave, I was sad but wished him the best.  We kept in touch for a while.  But pretty soon we got caught up in our own lives.  After graduation, I was busy with work and college.  Plus, that's when the boys' careers had taken off.  The only reason I was here tonight was that Denise had ran into my Mom a few days ago in Orlando.  My Mom mentioned that I went to school in Georgia.  Denise told her I should come to the show in Atlanta, that she would leave tickets for me at the box office.  I also received a backstage pass.  So here I am.
                We were so wrapped up in conversation, AJ didn't hear the call for showtime.  Howie had to come over and get him.  "Time to go Bone."
                I laugh.  "Bone?" 
                "I'll tell you later.  Enjoy the show."  He hugged me again and then headed out the door.
                A short blonde woman walked over to me.  "You're AJ's friend, right?"  I nod.  "I'm LeighAnne, Brian's girlfriend."
                I shake the hand she extended.  "Nice to meet you."
                "Are you gonna go out and watch the show?"
                I nod again.  "Yeah, I've never seen them live."
                "Well, then.  You're in for a treat.  Let's go."


The After-Party

                "So what did ya think?"
                I turn to LeighAnne beaming.  "They were awesome.  I'm so glad I got to see them live."  Boy was I.  I had heard their songs before.  I would have to live under a rock not to have.  But seeing them live was a totally different experience.  It was obvious they all had wonderful voices, but the energy of a live show rivaled anything I'd seen before.  Never had I been so proud of one of my friends.  AJ and the others guys went out there and gave 110%.   We talked about the show while we walked back to the dressing room.  The minute we walk through the door, AJ pounces on me.
                "So what did you think?  Did we sound good?  Did you enjoy it?"
                I smile at him.  "I'd have to be dead not too enjoy that.  Y'all sounded wonderful.  The albums don't do y'all justice."  He pulls me in for a hug. 
                "I'm so happy.  Now it's time to celebrate!  I'm gonna go hop in the shower, then we're all going out.  You've got to go with us!"
                I watch as he makes his way towards the shower room.  I wish I had these guys' energy.  After that show I would have been dead.
                If one thing can be said about the boys and their entourage, it's that they know how to party.  A group of about 20 head to the club.  It consists of Howie, AJ, Kevin, their respective bodyguards, part of the band, most of the dancers, and of course, me.  Nick went back to the hotel and Brian and LeighAnne to visit family.  We drink and dance and party until we close the place.  They literally kicked us out.  It was decided to continue our fun at the hotel. 
                Howie decides that his room is party central.  We go in crank up the music and dance the night away.  I move from partner to partner dancing with just about everyone in the room.  A slow, sensual song comes on and Kevin pulls me too him.  I put my arms around his neck and his arms go around my waist.  We move together to the music.  I can feel his breath on my skin and his hardness pressed against my stomach.  As the song ends we sit down to catch our breath.  I don't know about Kevin but my heart was racing.  We go out onto the balcony and sit at a table there.  We look out over the night sky as the party continues inside.  He begins to ask about my friendship with AJ.  I tell him of our friendship in high school.  How he had been my only friend when I first moved, and how we had done everything together.
                "So y'all are just friends.  Nothing more?"
                I look into his green eyes.  "No, always friends."
                "I was just wondering.  I saw you dancing with him earlier and it looked like you two had more than that."
                "Not at all.  AJ's like a brother to me.  He's always just been one of my girlfriends.  Being with him like that would feel weird."
                We sit there quietly for a while.  After a few moments I hear someone move behind us.  I turn and watch AJ walk towards us.  "That's where you went.  I've been looking for you.  You owe me another dance."
                I groan.  "My feet are going to fall off."  But I get up and follow him anyway.  A fast pace song is playing and we begin to move to the rhythm.  I'm surprised when AJ pulls me to him like Kevin had done earlier.  Only this time my back is to AJ and his hard dick is against my backside.  I fell myself becoming aroused.  I pull away slightly.  I can't believe this.  My body is betraying me.  I don't know what to think.  This is AJ, your best
friend, the one whose like a brother to you.  I start to turn around to question AJ when he pulls me back into him again.  Only this time he doesn't let go.  I try to loosen myself from his grip but he doesn't let up. 

I feel his chest press against my back and his breath on my ear.  "Don't fight it."  His voice sends shivers down my spine.  I obey him and begin to dance again trying to ignore him pressing into me.  But he's making it hard, with every thump of the bass line AJ makes his presence known.   With every move I become more aroused and more confused.


The Hotel

                When the song ends I break from AJ's grip and head for the balcony.  I'm
relieved to find that I'm alone.  My mind is reeling.  What's wrong with me, that was AJ?  I've danced with him dozens of times.  I had to be mistaken, I couldn't have been turned on by him. 
                I rest my hands on the balcony wall and try to free my mind.  It was just a dance, get over it.  It was nothing.  AJ dances like that with everybody.
                But I remember his breath on my ear and what he had whispered.  "Don't fight it."  What could he have meant by that?  Damn, this was too confusing.  I never thought of AJ that way before.  He'd always been a best friend to me, a confidant.
                I'm so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that I was no longer alone until I feel AJ's hand touch my arm.  I look over at him.  "Hey," I say softly.
                He comes around behind me and puts his arms around me.  He rests his head on my shoulder.  "I heard you talking to Kev earlier.  I heard you say that I was just like a brother to you and that's all I would ever be.  I'm sorry if I came on too strong in there, but I want you and I think that you want me too.  I'm right, aren't I?"
                I feel my anger rise a bit.  He's so sure of himself.  But he's right, maybe I do want him, but I don't want to lose our friendship.  Without turning around I answer him.  "AJ, what I told Kevin is true.  You've always just been a friend in my mind, and that's all you'll ever be."
                "Bullshit!  And you know it Shae."
                I feel my temper starting to flare but before I can open my mouth his presses himself into my back.  I can feel his hardness on my backside.  He leans in close to my ear.  "Tell me that you don't want me."  He pushes himself into me harder.  My body is squeezed between the wall of the balcony and his firm body.  "Tell me that your body is crying out for me to kiss it," he pauses to kiss the side of my neck.  "Lick it."  His tongue softly traces my jaw line.  "Fuck it."  He thrusts his hips toward mine.  "Tell me that and
I'll walk away."  He releases me from his grip and backs off.  I involuntarily whimper.
                I can sense his smirk.  He knows now that he was right.  "That's what I thought."  He again sandwiches me between him and the wall.  One hand is resting on the outside of my thigh inching my skirt up and the other is pulling my hair aside so he can kiss the back of my neck.  He kisses his way back to my ear.  "Say it baby.  Tell me what you want."
                My hand reaches behind me and plays with his hair.  "I want you Alex."
                "You want me to what?"  He asks playfully.  His hand finds my panties and pulls them aside.  He easily dips one finger into the moist flesh.  "What do you want baby?"
                Breathlessly I answer.  "I want you to fuck me.  Now."
                Those were the magic words.  He rips my panties from my body and slings them off the balcony.  He quickly unzips his pants and frees himself.  I bend over slightly as he pushes my skirt around my waist.  He wastes no time entering me.  I moan as he fills me.  My hands grasp the edge of the wall as he begins to pound himself into me.  He grabs my waist and pulls me to him as he thrusts forward.  Our pace is fast and frenzied.  It's exactly what both of us need.  The slow and sensual stuff can come later, right now I just
wanted him inside me.  And all he wanted was to know that I wanted him as much as he wanted me.  He wanted me to scream his name as I climaxed.  It won't be long before he gets his wish.  I can feel my clit swelling as AJ begins to push himself harder into me.  Still holding onto the wall with one hand I reach down and find my sensitive core with the other.  AJ's hand joins mine.  Seconds later I feel my orgasm rip through my body and have to use both hands for support to keep from falling to my knees. 
                "Yes, Alex, right there!  Oh God!" 
                At the sound of his name I fell AJ release himself inside me.  "Oh, fuck, Shae!"  My walls milk him of his fluid and he pumps in and out of me.  He thrusts a couple more times before collapsing on top of me, his hands beside mine helping to hold him up.  We rest there for a few moments, spent.  Our breathing returns to normal and AJ removes himself from me and pulls his pants back up.  I smooth down my skirt and turn to him.
                He reaches up and places my face in his hands.  He leans over and kisses me softly.  His tongue gently passes by my lips and mixes with mine.  It's the exact opposite of the experience we just had.  Just as passionate and needy, just not as fierce.
                I break the kiss and smirk at him.
                He looks at me.  "What?"
                "I think I know why they call you Bone."
                He laughs and puts his arm around me.  "Come back to my room and I'll give you a more detailed explanation."

We walk back into the main room and head for the door.  AJ takes my hand and leads the way.  Kevin stops us.
                "Where are y'all off to?"
                AJ answers.  "Back to my room to catch up and stuff."
                "What kind of stuff?"  Kevin looks right at me with those intense eyes.  He asks with a smile on his face.  "You wouldn't lie to me, now would you?"

"No, I don't lie.  It's just that's sometimes, I'm wrong."

Kevin grins.  "Well, behave yourselves.  And don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

AJ laughs and looks over at me.  "Don't worry.  That doesn't limit us much!"

We exit the party. We walk quietly and hurriedly down the hall.  We walk around the corner and run smack dab into a brunette.  She has a bucket full of ice in her hand and is wearing a long T-shirt.  Only a T-shirt. 

"AJ, hey!"

AJ lets go of my hand and embraces the woman.  I'm beginning to wonder just who in hell she is.  Inwardly, I smack myself.  You're not his girlfriend, you have no reason to be jealous. 

"Shae, I'd like you to meet Lara.  She's Nickay's little woman."  Relief?  Why am I relieved? I shake hands with her.  AJ puts his arm around me.  "Lara, this is my girl, Shae."  His girl?  Hmm...I think I like the sound of that. 

"Well, I better hurry.  Nick just wanted some ice.  Nice to meet you Shae."  She continues down the hall and disappears into a room.  AJ again takes my hand and we finally make it to the room.  He slips his card in the door and then holds it open for me.

I walk inside and he follows me in.  As soon as the door clicks we're kissing.  It's a soft, sweet kiss.  His arms slide around my waist and mine around his neck.  Our kiss deepens.  We become more aggressive and more passionate.  He slowly walks me backwards as his hands find the edge of my blouse.  His hands go underneath and massage my lower back.  My hands reach up and tangle in his hair.  He breaks our kiss and travels to my neck.  He finds that hollow spot between my neck and shoulder that drives me crazy.  I feel the edge of the bed on the back of my legs.  AJ looks up.  We stare at each other for a while.  I had almost forgotten how beautiful his eyes were.  His hands move to my waist and caress my sides and he slowly lifts my shirt over my head.  His lips meet mine.  This time our kiss is needy.  Our tongues fight for control.  I can't wait to feel his body pressed against mine.  He reaches down and unzips my skirt.  It pools at my feet and I kick it and my shoes aside.  Without breaking the kiss, we lower ourselves onto the bed.  His weight pinning me to the mattress.  I feel his hardness through his jeans on my thigh.  He breaks our kiss and travels down to the valley between my breasts.  He lingers there as his hands move behind me to unfasten my bra.  I whimper as he raises up to toss it aside.  One hand cups my breast as he attacks the other with his mouth.  He licks my nipple, bringing it to a hard peak.  He gently nibbles on it before moving to the other.  He repeats his assault on my other breast.  He moves down kissing every inch of my flesh as his goes.  He ignores my womanhood for the moment and travels to my thighs.  He squeezes them in his hand before kissing each one.  I scoot my body downward, wanting him to taste me.  Soon enough his fingers find my hole.  He
thrusts two fingers inside me as his tongue finds my clit.  He flicks his tongue over it and then backs off.  He uses his fingers alone to pleasure me for the moment.  He finds a slow and steady rhythm.  Before long he inserts another finger.  My hips thrust upward to meet to his fingers.  He uses his other hand to push my hips back to the mattress.  Again he flicks his tongue across my clit.  Then he teases me.  He licks circles around my core, driving me crazy.  Just when he returns his tongue I feel my release coming.  He senses this and removes his fingers.  I whimper, feeling empty.  He moves his tongue and thrusts it inside me while his thumb finds my clit.  He darts his tongue in and out of me quickly.  It doesn't take long for me to cum.  AJ continues to move his tongue within me until he cleans me.  He travels back up my body and kisses me.  I suck on his tongue tasting my essence on him.  I bring his hand up to my mouth and put his middle finger inside.  I gently suck my juices off of him.  Teasing him by running my tongue down the length
of his finger.  He looks into my eyes.  I can see what he wants.

I push him up off the bed.  I stand in front of him and pull his shirt off, caressing his sides like he had mine.  I run my hands over his chest and abs.  I kneel before him and unzip his jeans.  I push them and his boxers down.  I wait as he kicks them aside before cupping his balls.  I massage them with my hands as my tongue flicks across his head.  He thrusts his hips forward, urging me to take him into my mouth.  I reach up and place my hands where his torso meets his hips.  I hold him still while I place his head in my mouth.  I swirl my tongue around his head and gently tease him with my teeth.  Slowly, teasing him, I inch all of him into my mouth.  My hands move around and cup his ass as I begin to move back on forth on his member.  He gathers my hair into his hands and watches me.  I withdraw him from my mouth. I bring one of my hands around and begin to stroke him as I kiss his balls.  I hear him moan and softly calling my name.  I fell his ass tighten in my hand and know he's close to climaxing.  I put him back in my mouth.  I again deep throat him.  I tease him with my tongue as I start to hum.  It wasn't long before I felt his cum ease down my throat.  I keep him in my mouth until he's finished.  After I released him I kiss my way back up.  I trace his 69 tattoo with my tongue.  Then I kiss each nipple before returning my lips to his. 

As we kiss he picks me up and we lay down on the bed.  He eases himself into me.  I moan against his mouth.  This time our pace is slow and smooth.  Our rhythm is controlled, his strokes long and hard.  We kiss each other passionately as we make love.  My nails scratch his back as he cups my breasts.  Pretty soon he quickens the pace.  I sense that he's about to cum.  Knowing I'm not quite ready I flip us over.  I see the suprised and excited look in his eyes.  I laugh lightly as I take over our pace.  I slow it back down.  I rise and fall and move around very teasingly, very slowly.  He leans up and captures as nipple in his mouth.  His tongue swirls around my hard peak as I pick up the pace.  It doesn't take long for my peak to close in.  This time I'm suprised as AJ flips us back over.  He uses one hand to hold both of mine above my head.  His thrusts become harder as our breath quickens.  We stare into each other's eyes as we come again.  I milk him as he spills his seed within me.  He thrusts a couple more times before removing himself and laying beside me. 

As I lay on my back AJ begins to trace lazy circles on my stomach.  I begin to think about everything that's happened tonight.   Suddenly I speak up.

"AJ, what's our deal now?"

His brown eyes meet my green ones.  "I'm not sure.  I mean, I don't know what you want."

"What do you want?"

AJ sat up.  "I want to try this, us.  But I can't make any promises.  I mean, you're gonna be here at school and I'm gonna be on a bus traveling across the country.  But I'd love to try and make it work.  Shae, you were my best friend in school.  Hell, you were my only friend.  Even when I was busy with the group you stuck by me.  I just took that for granted.  It wasn't until we lost touch that I found out how much I care about you.  Shae, I love you."

I sit up and hug him.  "AJ, I love you too.  I felt lost without you when you moved.  I just thought it was because you were my best friend.  But now I know it's because I love you.  I'm willing to try this out.  And even if it doesn't work, then I want my best friend back."

AJ leaned over and kissed me again.  "Don't worry, I won't lose you

The End


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