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Wild & Free
By: Shae

    "Tell me again why we're here."  Shae yelled at her friend as they entered the club.  She wasn't sure Gayle had heard her over the music.
    Gayle had heard her alright.  She turned and faced Shae.  Gayle sighed and for the third time told her exactly why they were in Cancun.  "We are here to forget our troubles, let our hair down and to get laid." 
    Shae rolled her eyes at her friend.  Sometimes Gayle's enthusiasm was sickening.  "Well, that may be why you're here but I just wanted some peace and quiet.  And I definitely won't find it here."
    "Come on Shae, loosen up.  For once in your life have some fun."
    'I did that once and all I got was a heartache,' Shae thought to herself. She mentally kicked herself in the butt for even thinking about it. 
    Gayle stared at her friend.  She tried to read her thoughts but that was impossible.  They had been friends since 10th grade and sometimes Gayle still didn't have any clue who Shae really was.  She was always discrete about her private life but lately she had clammed up all together.  Gayle knew there was somebody but she didn't know who it was or when Shae had met him.  All she knew was what pain he had brought to her friend. 
    Gayle's gaze softened.  "Shae, honey, I don't know who he is, but he's not worth what you're putting yourself through."
    Shae's eyes met Gayle's.  There were tears threatening to spill but Shae's stubbornness refused to let that happen.  Shae quickly wiped away any sign of weakness from her eyes.  "You're right, I know, but it still hurts."
    Gayle hugged her friend.  She pulled away holding onto Shae's arms.  "I know, but a few shots of tequila will take care of that!"
    Shae laughed and allowed Gayle to pull her towards the bar.
    They hit the bar and each order a mixed drink.  They decided to skip the tequila.  They wanted to have fun but they wanted to remember it too.  They sat watching all the people on the dance floor.  Finally Gayle got up and went out there.
    Shae watched as Gayle shook her groove thing on the dance floor.  She laughed as her friend rubbed up against some unsuspecting guy.  Gayle never had problems letting loose.  She always did what she wanted, when she wanted, and didn't give a damn what anybody thought. 
    That's why Shae had wanted her to go to Orlando with her over Spring Break a couple months back.  Her family had decided to take her brother's kids to Disney World for the first time.  She wanted someone to go with her who was all for partying.  Gayle was that person.  When she decided to party nothing and nobody could hold her back.  But at the last minute Gayle had to cancel on her.  So Shae set off with her parents, her brother and his wife, and her two nephews.  She knew when Gayle canceled that she should have just
stayed at home.  But against her instincts she went anyway.  What better place to loose all inhibition than where nobody knows you, right?  Wrong, way wrong. 
    "Earth to Shae!"  Shae broke herself from her thoughts and found Gayle sitting next to her.  "Where the hell you at girl?"
    "Oh, sorry, I was just thinking."
    "Well, don't.  We came here to dance."  And with that Gayle grabbed Shae's arm and pulled her to the dance floor.  

     As soon as they hit the floor they heard the beginning of Santana's "Smooth."  Gayle watched as Shae began to seductively sway to the music.  She never knew that her friend could dance like that.  She just smiled and joined her. 
    Shae just let herself go.  She forgot all that had been bothering her and she let her body flow with the music.  She was here with her friend and she was bound and determined to have a good time.
     The two girls moved together song after song.  Pretty soon everyone was watching as the two grinded together.  Gayle was happy to see her friend having a good time.  Whatever had been on her mind earlier was definitely gone. 
    Montell Jordan's "Let's Ride" began to play.  As much as she loved the song Shae had to sit this one out.  She turned to Gayle and excused herself.  She returned to the bar and ordered a bottle of water. 
    AJ had been watching as the two girls danced together.  They both could definitely move.  He decided to join them.  While making his way over he saw one of them head back to the bar.  He approached the one still on the dance floor.  He just came up behind her and started to move against her.
    Gayle didn't even turn around, she just pressed her body up against his. 
                "She's moving up and down and round and round.
                Oooh Baby, ain't nothing like the real thing."
    When the song was over Gayle turned around and faced her partner.  She was pleasantly surprised.  The guy was hot.  He had dark brown eyes and a nice firm body.  Before she got a chance to introduce herself he put his arms around her and pulled her back to him.  They again began moving their bodies together.  Gayle could feel his hardness and began to rub against him teasing him.  AJ groaned as she moved her body against his.  All too soon the song was over and Gayle removed herself from his grasp.
    He grabbed her arm.  "Where you going?"
    She smiled to herself.  She had hooked him.  "I'll be back.  I just need a little drink to refuel."
    "I'll be waiting."
    Gayle grabbed the bottle of water from Shae's hand.  She gulped down a big drink emptying the bottle. 
    "Did you see that guy I was dancing with?"
    Shae shook her head.  "What about him?"
    "He's fucking hot, that's what.  I think I found my adventure for the trip."
    Shae just grinned at her friend.  "Well, I hope he's got a hotel room, 'cause you're not keeping me up all night!"
    Gayle stuck her tongue out at her friend.
    AJ headed to a table.  He too needed a drink.  He sat down and ordered a beer from his waitress.  He looked around the club but his gaze always came back to the girl he'd been dancing with.  She was amazing.  The way her body moved against his got him thinking about how well they'd move in bed. 
    His eyes moved to the door and he saw Nick and Howie enter the club.  Howie looked up and spotted AJ.  He and Nick made their way over.  They sat down as the waitress brought AJ's drink and ordered a couple of their own. 
    Nick looked at AJ.  "Hey Bone, why ain't you out on the floor?"
    "I was.  But the hot little number I was dancing with decided to take a
break so I did too."
    Howie smiled and elbowed Nick.  "I can't believe this guy.  He couldn't
have been here more than 15 minutes and he already has a girl lined up."
    Nick laughed.  "So this little number got any friends?"
    "Yeah.  I think so anyway.  Before I danced with her she was dancing with another woman.  She's sitting with her at the bar now.  The one I was with has the straight hair and is in the black skirt with the sheer top.  That's her friend next to her in the little black dress."
    Howie and Nick found the women AJ was talking about.  Howie looked at his friend approvingly and said, "You've always had good taste man.  And these two are no exception."
    Nick just stared.  The one in the black dress looked just like..but it couldn't be, could it?

    "Yo Nick, man, stop staring."
    "What AJ?  Oh yeah, sorry."  He turned back around and the three began to talk.  But ever so often Nick would glance over at the bar.  He couldn't get over how much she looked like her.
    "So what's Romeo look like?"
    "See for yourself, I left him on the dance floor.  No wait, he's sitting at a table over there.  And he's got a couple of friends with him.  I danced with the one with the baseball cap on.  Shae, check 'em out.  They look good too!"
    Shae followed Gayle's eyes.  She checked out Gayle's man first.  She was surprised to see AJ McLean sitting there.  Surely Gayle wasn't serious.  Shae then looked at the men with him.  There was Howie and...Nick.  "Oh God," she whispered to herself.  No way this was happening.  What were the freakin' odds?  She grabbed her purse and turned to Gayle.
    "Gayle, I've got to go.  I mean I need to be alone."
    "Shae, what's wrong?  I thought you were having a good time."
    "I was..I mean I am, but I need to be alone right now.  I just need to get out of here."
    Gayle looked at her friend.  She was acting strange and she wasn't sure but she thought she saw a little bit of fear in her friends eyes.  "Are you sure you're OK?"
    "Yes, I'm positive."  Shae turned and hightailed herself out of the club.
    Gayle sat back down.  She didn't have any clue what had gotten into her friend.  'Maybe I just pushed her into this too soon,' she thought to herself.  She sighed and began looking around the club.  Her eyes met her dancing partner and her waved her over.  She grabbed her bottle and joined him and his friends. 
    "Hey.  Mind if I sit down?"
    AJ moved over in order to let her sit.  "Not at all.  As long as you tell me your name."
    She smiled, "Gayle."
    "Well, Gayle, I'm AJ.  And these are my buddies, Howie and Nick.  The four sat and talked for a little while and Gayle began to silently cuss Shae. Why in the world did she have to leave?  Both Howie and Nick were nice guys. She could have had some fun with them.
    "So Gayle, what brings you to Cancun?"  AJ asked her.
    "My friend and I decided to go on a vacation together.  I was supposed to go to Orlando with her a couple of months back but I had to bail on her.  So we planned this trip."
    Nick's ears perked up when she said Orlando.  "Was that girl at the bar the friend you're talking about?"
    AJ looked over at Nick.  He smiled.  It was the first time Nick had some interest in a woman since he broke up with his girlfriend.
    "Yeah.  She said she needed some air so she left."
    Nick started to say something but AJ interrupted him.  "So where are y'all from?"
    "Alabama.  A really small town.  I would tell you the name but I'm sure you've never heard of it."
    Nick looked at her.  "Stevenson?"
    "Yeah, how in the world did you know that?"
    "Just a lucky guess."
    Howie laughed.  "Nicky, you don't just guess something like that."
    "Yeah, seriously Nick.  How did you know that?"
    Nick stood up.  "I gotta go."  He turned to Gayle.  "Did she say where she was going?"
    Gayle stared at him.  She had no idea what was going on.  "No, she just said she was leaving."
    "Thanks."  And with that Nick quickly headed for the door, leaving three very puzzled looks on the faces of his friends.

     Shae walked quickly down the street.  She reached the hotel in no time.  She went inside and took the stairs to her and Gayle's room.  She swiped the card key in the door and went in.  She threw her purse and key on the dresser and kicked her shoes off.  She sat on the corner of the bed and cried.  She didn't know what to do.  She'd been trying to run from her memories of Nick for three months now.  She was finally trying to suck it up and move on and what happens. Nick shows up, again.
    "Dammit, he has the worse timing."  She got up and went into the bathroom.  She wiped her eyes and then took off her make-up.  She took her clothes off and jumped into the shower. 
    The warm water felt good against her skin.  She stood under the cascade and thought about the whole situation.  She knew she was gonna have to tell Gayle something.  After leaving the way she did Gayle wouldn't let her run from her questions. 
    She cleared her head and turned the water off.  Well, maybe Gayle would stay with AJ tonight and give her some time to herself.  She wrapped the towel around herself and headed back into the main room.  She searched threw her suitcase until she found some khaki shorts and a cami top.  She put those on and combed her hair.  She walked out on the balcony and looked down at the water.
    There weren't many people out there tonight. Just a couple who desperately needed to go to their room and a man walking down the beach close to the water.  She watched as the couple finally decided to leave and as the man got closer.  It was then she realized the guy walking was Nick.  She quickly reached up and turned the balcony light off not wanting him to see her. 
    Nick had quickly realized after leaving the club that he had no clue where to go.  He hadn't even asked what hotel they were staying at.  He had walked a little ways before giving up and going to the beach. 
    He stood staring out for a while thinking about Shae.  Had she seen him?  Is that why she left early?  Why did he care so much for someone he'd only spent a few hours with?  He quit thinking and just started walking up the beach back to his hotel.  He stopped when he reached the hotel.  He sat down in the sand and put his head in his hands.
    Shae watched as Nick stopped and sat down.  He lowered his head.  Part of her wanted to go out there and be with him.  Another part of her told her to avoid him all together, she didn't need to get hurt again.  She sat stoically on the balcony watching Nick.  She was so lost in her thoughts that she never even saw Gayle walk out onto the balcony beside her.  She jumped when Gayle hugged her.  She let herself fall into Gayle's arms and cry.

    Soon after Nick disappeared from the club, Gayle decided she needed to check on Shae.  She turned to AJ.
    "Listen, I hate to run out on you, but I'm worried about Shae.  She left in a hurry and then this thing with Nick just has me weirded out." 
    "That's cool, I understand.  Did Shae take your car or do you want me to hail a cab for you?"
    "Actually we walked.  The hotel's just up the beach from here."
    "Mine is too.  Where are you staying?"
    "The Sheraton."
    "That's where we're at too.  Let me tell Howie that we're leaving and I'll walk with you."  AJ stood up and threw some money on the table and then made his way onto the dance floor.  He briefly chatted with Howie and then found Gayle again.  They left and began to walk up the street together.
    "So, AJ, what brings you guys here?"
    "Well, our friend Kevin is getting married.  He and his girlfriend didn't want a big wedding.  They decided to get married down here with just a few friends and family.  He wanted to avoid massive press coverage."
    "I knew I knew you guys.  You're a Backstreet Boy aren't you?"
    "Yep, you got me."
    Gayle asked AJ about life as a rock star and he asked her about life in rural Alabama.  They laughed at the huge differences.  Soon they reached the hotel and went inside.  They took the elevator to Gayle's room.  They stood silently outside the door for a few minutes looking at the floor.
    AJ grabbed her hand.  "Gayle, I'd really like to see you again.  I'm gonna be here for four more days.  I'm staying in room 617.  Call me and we'll get together and do something tomorrow, OK?"
    Gayle smiled at him.  "I'd like that.  I'm sorry about ending tonight like this but.."
    AJ quieted her with a kiss.  It was sweet and gentle.  He ended the kiss leaving Gayle breathless.  "Don't worry about it.  Take care of your friend first."
    "Thanks."  Gayle kissed AJ on the cheek before letting herself into her room. 
        The room was dark and quiet.  At first Gayle didn't think Shae had even been there.  She took a quick look into the bathroom and saw Shae's dress on the floor.  She then noticed Shae's purse and key on the dresser.  Gayle looked towards the balcony.  The door was slightly opened even though the light wasn't on.  She walked over and opened the door.  She stood there watching Shae.  She didn't seem to notice Gayle at the doorway.  Gayle studied her face.  She wasn't showing any kind of emotion, she was just
staring ahead.  Gayle followed her gaze and saw Nick sitting in the sand.  Gayle moved beside her friend and hugged her.  She felt Shae jump in her arms and then lay her head against her shoulder.  She began to rub her back as Shae cried.
    "Honey, what's going on?  I know this has something to do with Nick but if you don't tell me, I can't help you."
    Shae remained where she was for a couple more minutes.  She finally removed herself from her friend's arms and looked up at her.  "Let's go inside and I'll tell you the whole story."
    The two women stood up and moved into the hotel room and shut the balcony door.  Gayle sat down on the bed.  Shae sat down in front of her with her knees bent.  She leaned over and hugged her knees as she began her story.
    "It happened when I was in Orlando a few months back...."
    "I went to breakfast with my family as usual.  My brother and his wife wanted some time to themselves so my parents decided to take my nephews to the Magic Kingdom.  The boys were getting on my nerves at this point so I decided to make this my big night out on the town.  After breakfast I went to the mall to find the perfect club outfit."
    Gayle stared at her friend.  Shae had been holding all this in for over three months.  She resituated herself on the bed and listened to her friend's story.
    Shae left and headed towards the Orlando mall.  She walked up and down the mall stopping in various stores.  Nothing had caught her eye.  She decided to give her feet a break and go to the coffee shop.  She ordered a hot chocolate, found a seat in the food court, and sat people watching.  She noticed there wasn't a lot of young people.  At first she thought it was strange but then figured that Florida's spring break must be different from Alabama's.  She was almost finished with her drink when she spotted a guy about her age.  He was tall and had a nice build.  He was thin but not skinny and had nice, muscular arms.  He also had a baseball cap pulled down so she couldn't see his eyes.  She couldn't shake the feeling that she had seen him before.  As he walked by her table he smiled and her feeling grew stronger but she still couldn't place him.  She looked down until he passed and then watched him walk away.  "Nice ass," she whispered to herself.
    She eventually got up and headed back towards the stores in search of her outfit.  This time she hit the upper level.  She was at the end of the mall when she saw the perfect outfit.  It was in the window of Banana Republic.  A short black skirt that would fall about mid-thigh and a tight short-sleeve cashmere sweater.  She quickly went inside and found the clothes from the window.  The only difference she made was a deep purple sweater instead of pink.  She started to pick it up when she heard a voice behind her.
    "You know, this green would look better on you than the purple will."
    Shae turned and found the guy from the food court holding a cashmere sweater like hers, only in an emerald green.  She could now see he had beautiful, blue eyes.
    She blushed.  "Really?"
    "Yeah, it would match your eyes."
    "I don't know, I really like the purple."
    "Suit yourself, but I'd try them both on."
    She took the sweater from his hands and smiled.  "Thanks."  Shae turned and headed towards the dressing room.  She found an unoccupied change room and tried the on the purple first.  She loved the feel of the cashmere against her skin and the skirt showed off her newly tanned legs.  She took off the purple sweater and replaced it with the green one.  "Perfect." 
    Shae put her original clothes back on.  She hung the purple sweater back on the rack and headed towards the counter.  She looked around but the cutie with the blue eyes was gone.  She was surprised to find herself somewhat disappointed.
    After leaving the mall, Shae drove around town to find the perfect club for her outing.  She spotted Club LaVela and thought it looked perfect.  It was huge and advertised eight different dance floors.  She then grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed back to the hotel. 
    She spent the afternoon relaxing and preparing for her big night out.  She didn't want to go out by herself, but she wanted to let loose.  She was in college and still didn't know how to party.  Tonight was the night she was gonna let her hair down and just have fun.

    Shae spent two hours getting ready.  Her hair and make-up had to be perfect.  She was glad that she only had one outfit or she'd never finish getting ready.  At 7:30 she grabbed her purse and keys and left her room.  She had on her outfit, a minimal amount of make-up, and her hair in a French twist with a few loose curls.  She drove cautiously towards the club.  Just as she pulled into the parking lot she lost her nerve. 
    What was she thinking?  She can't just go in there by herself.  She quickly swooped the car around and headed out of the parking lot.
    She looked at the clock in her car.  Just before 8:00.  She decided to go to Epcot and look around.  It was her favorite part of DisneyWorld and plus they had a huge fireworks display every night. 
    Shae made her way up to the gate and bought a one-day pass.  The guy behind the window looked her up and down.  "You meeting somebody?"
    ""  Shae gave the man a funny look and started through the gate.  She laughed as she realized why the man had asked that.  She was all dressed up and the park closed in about an hour.  She walked through the gate and straight to the World Showcase.  She loved that part of the park.  You can experience many different countries of the world in about a mile.  She wandered through the United Kingdom and Japan and China.  She got lost in all the cultures and forgot about the time.  She looked at her watch, 10 minutes
to 9:00.  The fireworks started in five minutes.  She quickly walked back toward the main gate.  She made her way to where a small crowd had gathered to watch the show. 
    She leaned against a statue and watched as the first fireworks illuminated the night sky.
    "I see you took my advice."
    Shae looked up and found that same guy from the mall. 
    "Yeah, you were right.  The green looked better on me."
    "Told ya.  So, pretty lady, what's your name?"
    "I'm Shae, and you are?
    "Pretty name.  I'm Nick.  So, did you get all dressed up just to come watch some fireworks?"
    Shae laughed.  "No, I had planned on going clubbing but I changed my mind at the last minute.  I didn't want to go by myself."
    "I don't blame you.  The scenery here is much more beautiful."  He smiled at her again and Shae thought about how sexy this guy was.  The way his eyes looked directly at her when he spoke and the way his lips moved when he talked.  "Besides there's much more room to dance here."  He grabbed her and tried to pull her to him.
    "But, won't people look at us like we're strange?"
    "So what if people stare."
    "But there's no music."
    "I'll sing."  He reached for her again but Shae didn't budge.  Nick flashed her puppy dog eyes.  "Come on, please."
    Shae looked down to where Nick was standing.  "'re stan.."
    "No buts, just dance."  Nick started to reach for her once again but water shot out from the ground.  He had been standing on a fountain.  He took off running but not before he got soaked.  Shae laughed.  She couldn't control herself.  "Oh, you think it's funny, do you?"
    "Yeah, I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen."  She grabbed her side.  It had begun to hurt from her laughing. 
    Before she could stop him, Nick pulled her in the water.  She screamed.
    "It's not so funny now, is it?"  He gave her this little smirk before pulling her to him.  He began to softly sing as he moved his hands around her waist.  Shae squirmed at first but as Nick began to sing she just snaked her arms around his neck and swayed with him.  She laid her head against his shoulder as the water rained on them and Nick softly sang.

    Time... I've been passing time watching trains go by
    All of my life...
    Lying on the sand, watching seabirds fly
    Wishing there would be
    Someone waiting home for me...

    Something's telling me it might be you
    It's telling me it might be you...
    All of my life...

    Looking back as lovers go walking past...
    All of my life
    Wondering how they met and what makes it last
    If I found the place
    Would I recognize the face?

    Something's telling me it might be you
    Yeah, it's telling me it might be you
    So many quiet walks to take
    So many dreams to wake
    And we've so much love to make
    I think we're gonna need some time
    Maybe all we need is time...
    And it's telling me it might be you
    All of my life...

    I've been saving love songs and lullabies
    And there's so much more
    No one's ever heard before...

    Something's telling me it might be you
    Yeah, it's telling me it must be you
    And I'm feeling it'll just be you
    All of my life...

    It's you..
    It's you...
    I've been waiting for all of my life...

    Maybe it's you...
    Maybe it's you...
    I've been waiting for all of my life...
    Maybe it's you...

    After he finished he leaned down and gave Shae a kiss.  It was gentle yet demanding.  His lips were soft but firm.  He broke the kiss and everyone applauded.  Both Shae and Nick stood with their faces beet red with embarrassment.  
    Nick leaned down and whispered in Shae's ear.  "Let's get out of here."
    Nick and Shae made their way through the gate and Shae led Nick to her car.  Shae leaned against the door of her car.  Nick, putting his hands on either side of her, leaned down over her.  He kissed her again, this time without the audience.  At first their lips were barely touching but soon the kiss deepened.  Their lips parted and their tongues met.  Shae arms were braced against Nick's chest but soon found their way around his neck and

tangled in his hair.  Nick pressed his body further into Shae's and she could feel his hardness.  Her leg lifted and her knee grazed Nick's erection.  Pretty soon Shae moved her hands back to Nick's chest and gently pushed him away.  Nick backed off a little and looked at her questioningly.   

    "If we don't stop, we'll regain our audience."  Shae smiled up at him.  God, he was sexy.  There was that sexy, mischievous grin and that sparkle in those blue eyes.  His hair was tousled from her playing and the water and his lips were bright red from their kiss.

    Nick looked down at Shae.  Her lips were swollen from their kiss and her green eyes were smiling at him.  That green sweater he picked out now clung to her body.  He could see her hardened nipples through the fabric.  And her skirt was clinging to the tops of her thighs.

    Nick took his eyes off her body for the moment.  "So where to you want to go?"

    Shae laughed.  "Where can we go?  We're soaked to the bone."

    "We can go swimming, or water skiing, or go to the beach."

    "It's late and most pools and rental places are closed.  And the nearest beach is about 45 minutes away."

    "So, you have a car.  I took a cab over here so I need a ride anyway.  I say we head to my house in Tampa.  It's about an hour and a half away.  I have a pool and a private beach.  Come on, we're already wet."

    "OK, but you have to drive.  She pressed the number code on the car door and popped the trunk.  She walked back and retrieved her purse.  A slight breeze blew and for the first time since getting drenched she realized she was freezing.  She got her keys out of her purse and threw them towards Nick.

     Nick unlocked the doors and climbed behind the wheel.  He started the engine and then turned the heater on full blast.  He leaned over and kissed Shae before putting the car in gear and driving off.

    Nick fiddled with the radio and found a good radio station.  It was playing a mixture of pop, rock, and r&b.  Shae and Nick sang along while trying to warm up. After they began to dry off, Shae began to get a little sleepy.  She was just about to doze off when she heard the radio announcer's voice.

    "And now, 'I Want It That Way,' by Orlando's own Backstreet Boys."

    Shae listened as the first strands of one of her favorite songs played.


    "You are my fire

    My one desire..."


    That's when it hit her full force.  That's why Nick had looked so familiar at the mall.  He was one of them.  She looked over at him.  He was silently mouthed the words.

    "I feel like the biggest idiot in the world."

    Nick glanced over at Shae.  "What?  What's wrong?"

    "I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out.  You're that Nick, aren't you?  You're a Backstreet boy?"

    Nick looked sheepishly at Shae.  "Yeah.  Does that bother you?"

    "No, not at all.  I'm a fan.  I just feel like a moron for not recognizing you."  Shae sat there a moment then leaned across and kissed Nick on the corner of his mouth.

    "What was that for?"

    "For being so down to earth and wonderful that I didn't notice you were famous." 

    Nick laughed as Shae settled back in her seat.  He looked back over at her.  She had closed her eyes and was trying to drift off.  He began to sing along to one of his own songs. 


    "Tell me why.

    Ain't nothing but a heartache.

    Tell me why.

    Ain't nothing but a mistake.

    I never want to hear you say

    I want it that way.


    'Cause I want it that way."

    Nick pulled Shae's car into his garage.  He leaned over and kissed her nose.  "Wake up sleepyhead.  We're here."

    Shae's eyes flew open.  She saw Nick and smiled.  She leaned up and kissed Nick.  She broke the kiss and undid her seat belt.  "Have you got any food in this house, 'cause I'm starving."

    Nick laughed.  "Sure, follow me to the kitchen."  They got out of the car and headed for the house.  They walked through a laundry room and to the kitchen.  Shae sat at the counter while Nick rummaged through the cabinets.  He found a couple of cans of Spaghetti-O's and held them up.  "Is this good enough?"

    "Yeah, that's fine."

    Nick took a pan and emptied the contents of the cans.  While the food was heating Nick walked over and stood in front of Shae.  He gathered her hands into his and looked down at her.  She smiled up at him.  They remained like that for a while, neither of them speaking.    

    Nick struggled for something to say.  He finally realized that he didn't know this woman and she didn't know him.  But he had this feeling that she was the one and he would do anything to keep her.  He broke away from her and poured their food into a couple of bowls. 

    "Let's go outside and eat.  There's some drinks in the fridge.  Will you grab a couple?"

    "Sure."  Shae opened the fridge and got a couple of cokes out and followed Nick outside.  He sat their bowls down on the patio table.  Shae set down the drinks and took in her surroundings.

    They were standing on the upper level of a deck.  Below them was a pool and beyond that was water as far as you could see.  It was beautiful.  She sat down and watched the waves crashing on the shore.

    Nick followed Shae's gaze.  He sat beside her and whispered, "It's beautiful, isn't it?  That why I live here instead of Orlando like the other guys.  I have to be near the beach."

    "Yes, it is.  I love the beach.  I wish I could live on it like you do."

    "Unfortunately I don't get to be here much.  But I cherish what time I do spend here." 

    The silence fell over them again as they ate.  When they were through Nick took their empty bowls and cans inside.  He returned with a couple of towels.  "Ready for a midnight swim?"

    She grinned.  "You know, you're not supposed to swim until at least an hour after you eat."

    Nick laughed.  "Do you always follow the rules?"


    "Good!  Let's go."  Nick took her hand and they ran down the steps to the pool.   

    "But I don't have a suit with me."

    "Who needs one?" 

    They began to undress.  Nick watched as Shae took off the sweater that had clung to her body earlier.  He could feel himself becoming aroused again.  He quickly took off his clothes and jumped in.  Shae had been watching Nick too.  She saw his hardness when he'd undressed.  She discarded her clothing and jumped in after Nick.

    She swam up to him.  She smiled and pretended to go in for a kiss but splashed him before their lips met. 

    "Oh, you are so dead."  She quickly turned and swam away, but Nick was too fast for her.  He caught up with her and grabbed her around her waist with one arm.  He used his other arm to dunk her.  She wiggled free from him under the water.  She resurfaced facing him.

    They were mere inches apart.  They could feel the other's warm breath on their face.  This time Shae went in for a kiss and got it.  Nick returned it passionately.  His arm returned to her waist and pulled her to him.  He backed them up against one of the pool walls without breaking their kiss.  His hands traveled down and cupped her buttocks.  She slid her legs around his waist. Nick broke the kiss and stared into Shae's eyes. 

    "Do you want this?"

    "More than anything." 

    Nick kissed her as he entered her. He wanted their first time to be gentle and sweet but his need for her was too great.  He quickly pumped in and out of her as she moaned and ran her hands through his hair.  It was only minutes before Nick was ready to cum.  Somehow Shae sensed it and pulled him in for a kiss.  Their lips met as Nick exploded inside her.

    They broke the kiss and stared at one another. 
    "I'm sorry.  I wanted our first time to be special and um..not so quick."
    Shae kissed Nick's nose.  "Baby, that was special.  And the quick part just means we have more time to do it again."
    Nick picked Shae up and sat her on the side of the pool.  He moved over and pulled himself out of the pool.  He went and grabbed the towels.  He gave Shae one and then began to dry off with the other.  They wrapped the towels around themselves and headed back inside the house and up to Nick's bedroom. 
    Nick shut the door behind them.  He pulled Shae close to him and then removed her towel.  He picked her up and laid her on the bed.  He leaned over her kissing her. 
    "Now it's your time."  He slowly kissed all over her face.  He made his way over to her neck placing little kisses on the sides.  Then he traveled down her collarbone and to her breasts.  He flicked his tongue across each of her nipples.  His hand trailed down the side of her body before resting on the outside of her upper thigh.  His mouth again descended on hers as he moved his hand inward.  She opened her legs allowing him access to her moist flesh.  He dipped a finger inside as his thumb found her clit.  His thumb circled her core as his tongue licked her lips.  Shae found herself thrusting upward as he entered another finger inside her.  Nick kissed her lips gingerly and again moved down her body.  He guided another finger inside her and began to move them in and out of her.  He used his tongue to trace circles around her nipples as his thumb did the same with her clit.  He made his way downward stopping only to dip his tongue inside her navel.  He tugged on the silver ring there before moving on. 
    Shae whimpered as Nick removed his fingers.  He soon replaced them with his mouth.  His hands parted her as his tongue darted inside her.  His thumb continued to massage her clit. 
    Shae reached down and her fingers mixed with Nick's damp hair.  Her hips thrust upward as Nick replaced his thumb with his tongue.  His tongue moved around her sensitive core but was careful to avoid it.  Shae moaned as his fingers again entered her.  Nick began a rhythm with his fingers as he continued to tease Shae with his tongue.  Nick could tell Shae was closing in on her release so he stopped.  He heard her whimper and laughed.  "It's OK baby, you'll get your release."  He slid his body up hers until their mouths were parallel.  He threw his towel aside and kissed her as he entered her. 
    This time their lovemaking was sweet.  Their movements were slow and determined.  Their hands roamed the other's body.  Nick would pull himself almost completely out before burying himself within her again.  They kissed each other passionately while their bodies moved together in their own rhythm.  Shae's nails scratched Nick's back and messed up his hair.  Nick hands cupped Shae's breasts and entangled in her hair.  This lasted for nearly an hour before Nick realized he was close to cumming for a second time
that night.  He moved his hand between their bodies and found her clit again. He wanted her to release at the same time as him.
    Shae moaned as Nick found her spot again.  His thrusting was becoming more rapid and harder.  She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him closer to her body.  She thrust upward as he did downward until he spilled himself inside her.  Her walls convulsed around him milking him dry.  They look into each other's eyes until their spasms subsided.
    Nick withdrew from within her and fell beside her.  She wrapped an arm around him possessively and laid her head on his chest.  They lay silently as their breathing returned to normal.

    The two lay their in each other's arms in silence for a while.  Finally, Nick broke the silence. 
    "Are you from Orlando?"
    "No, I'm on vacation with my family.  I'm from Alabama.  It's a really small town.  If somebody pisses outside everybody in town knows who it was within an hour."
    Nick laughed.  This began a conversation that lasted until the sun came up.  They talked about their childhood and what they wanted in their futures. They talked of their best friends and past loves. 
    Shae sat up and looked into Nick's blue eyes.  "Have you ever done this before?  I mean, sleep with someone you didn't really know."
    Nick frowned.  "Yeah."
    "Oh."  Nick saw Shae's face fall.
    "But this isn't like that.  Don't even think you're a one night stand.  I don't know what it is but when I saw you in the mall I knew that I wanted to be with you.  I was too shy to come up to you at the food court.  Then I saw you in the store and went for it.  I was gonna ask you out when you came out of the dressing room, but I talked myself out of it.  I got to thinking that you might have a boyfriend or just wouldn't like me.  Then when I saw you at Epcot I knew I had to go for it.  I figured it was meant to be, and I really hope I'm right."
    "I do too.  And don't worry, I do like you and I don't have a boyfriend."
    "What about you?"
    "What?  Do I have a boyfriend?  Hell no!"
    Shae smacked him.  "You know what I meant."
    Nick grinned.  "No, I don't have a girlfriend.  We just broke up.  It's been over for a while but we refused to admit it.  It was just easier to stay together than to be alone."
    Shae yawned.  She leaned up and kissed him.  "I need some sleep."
    "Me too.  Sweet dreams."
    It was only minutes before they both drifted off to sleep.
    Mandy pulled into the driveway.  She wanted to get the things Nick packed up before he came back from Orlando.  She knew that the breakup was inevitable but she still didn't want it.  She had this sinking feeling that there was something else that Nick wasn't telling her.  She got the spare key out from under a fake rock and unlocked the door.  She let herself in and started to the den where Nick had left her stuff.
    Shae woke up in unfamiliar surroundings.  She was panicked for a moment but soon remembered the night before.  She smiled when she saw Nick sleeping soundly.  She quietly moved off him and off the bed.  She decided to go get a drink of water.  She opened a dresser drawer and pulled out one of his large T-shirts and put it on.  She quietly left the room not wanting to wake him up.  She padded down the stairs and into the kitchen.  She found a glass and poured herself a glass of water.  She walked over to the window and looked out at the water.  She glanced around and saw their clothes still laying on the pool deck.  She slipped outside and gathered her and Nick's clothing.  She shut the sliding glass door behind her on her way back in. 
    "Who the hell are you?"
    Shae jumped and dropped the clothes.  She turned around and come face to face with a blonde girl about her age.  "I could ask you the same thing."
    "I'm Nick's girlfriend.  I belong here, you don't."
    "But I thought.."
    "You thought what?  That Nick loved and respected you."  Mandy laughed.  "All you were was one night of fun.  And if I were you, I'd leave before he tells you that himself."
    "But you and Nick broke up."
    "He told you that, huh?  I'm not surprised."
    Shae stood there trying to hold back the tears.  She grabbed her clothes off the floor and ran out to her car.  She threw her clothes inside and thanked God Nick had left the keys in her car.  She pushed the button beside the door for the garage to open. She quickly backed out of Nick's driveway and out of his life.
    She headed down the street and stopped at the red-light.  She realized she had no idea where she was or how to get back to Orlando.  She broke down crying.  She cussed Nick for lying to her.  How could he look at her and lie like that?  It was obvious that he was still together with that girl.  Why else would she be in his house?  She cussed the blonde for being Nick's girlfriend.  Why did she have to show up and ruin everything?  And finally she cussed herself.  How could she be so stupid?  She deserved this for going home with some guy she didn't even know.  He had even told her that he'd done this kind of thing before. 
    She regained her composure and pulled into a gas station.  She decided to go in and ask for directions.  She opened the door and then remembered all she had on was Nick's shirt.  She quickly pulled on her underwear and skirt from the night before.  She walked in and headed for the map rack.  She picked up a Florida road map and opened it.  She soon spotted the road she would need.  She went up to the counter and paid for the map. 
    The woman behind the counter looked her up and down.  "Honey are you OK?"
    "Yeah, I'm fine.  I just need to know how to get to Interstate 4 from here."
    The woman gave her the directions and Shae headed back to her car.  She looked through the glove compartment and found her sunglasses.  She slipped them on and headed in the direction the woman had told her.
    Gayle looked at her friend.  No wonder she'd been upset for the past few months.  She slid down to the floor beside Shae.  She slipped her arms around her.  "Oh honey, that's awful.  I'm so sorry."
    Shae shook herself from her friend's grasp.  "But the worse part is that I really loved him.  I know that sounds silly because I only knew him for one night, but I do.  Why else would I still think about him everyday?  Why do I still want him?"  She stood up.  "I want to be alone for a while."  She silently walked back out onto the balcony and closed the door behind her.  She sat out there watching Nick until she fell asleep.

    Gayle woke to the sound of the phone ringing.  She glanced at the clock.  It was after 1:00 in the afternoon.  She answered the phone.
    "Gayle?  Did I wake you up?"
    ", no."
    AJ laughed.  "Well, I'm sorry if I did.  I just got worried that you weren't gonna call."
    "I'm sorry.  I was up half the night talking to Shae."
    "Is she OK?"
    'Yeah, no thanks to your friend,' she thought to herself.  "Yes, she just had some things she needed to talk about."  She looked over and saw Shae sleeping on her bed.  She had no idea when she'd come back inside.
    "Good.  So, do you wanna hang with me for the day?"
    "AJ, I'd like that, I really would.  But I don't want to leave Shae by herself."
    "Well, bring her and I'll make Nick come along.  He seemed interested last night."
    "NO!"  Gayle said quickly. "I don't think that's a good idea."
    "Why not?"
    "Listen, I can't tell you why but I know that Shae doesn't want to see Nick."
    "Oh, does this have something to do with Nick knowing where y'all are from?"
    "Kinda.  They know each other from some where else."
    "OK.  But will I get to see you again?"
    "I hope so.  I'll talk to you again after Shae gets up, all right?"
    "Good deal.  Talk to you then.  Bye."
    "Bye."  Gayle set the phone back down on the base.  She looked over at Shae and frowned.  Why did she hold all this in?  She shook her head and went to take a shower.
    When Gayle got out of the shower she found Shae awake.  "Hey honey, how do you feel today?"
    "I've got a slight headache, but I feel much better."  She looked up at Gayle.  "Thanks for listening."
    "So, did you have fun with AJ last night?  Are you gonna see him again?"
    "Yes, I had a good time. He seemed like a nice guy.  And I'm not sure.  He called today.  I told him I didn't want to leave you alone."
    "Don't worry about me.  I can handle myself."
    "He suggested you come along, that he could get Nick to go with us."
    Shae panicked.  "What did you tell him?"
    "I told him that wasn't a good idea."
    "Thanks.  But I want you to go.  I actually need time to think about all of this."
    "Are you sure?"
    "Yes, now call his scrawny butt and make a date!"
    Gayle hugged Shae.  "Thanks!"
    Gayle called and made arrangements to meet AJ for dinner that night.
    After hanging up with Gayle, AJ went to see Nick.  He was curious about this whole deal with Gayle's friend.  He knocked on the door.  After a few minutes Nick answered the door. 
    AJ pushed the door open further and let himself in.  "Aren't we cheery this afternoon?"
    "Bone, I don't feel good.  I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and I'm not in the mood to chitchat with you."
    "Dude, sorry.  I just wondered what was up with you last night.  There's no way you guessed where Gayle and Shae were from.  And then you left in a big hurry.  I was worried about you.  Tell me what's up."
    "It's a long story."
    "Nick, I've always got time to listen.  I know something is up, I just want to help."
    "It's too late to help."
    "Let me decide."
    Nick sighed and sat on the bed.  He told AJ his version of the story that Shae had told Gayle the night before.
    He told AJ how they met and how he felt about Shae.  He also told him what happened the next morning.
    Nick woke up to find Shae gone.  He heard voices downstairs.  He figured she had gotten up and was watching television.  He grabbed a pair of boxers out of his drawer and pulled them on.  As he headed downstairs he heard a door shut.  He went into the living room but she wasn't in there and the TV wasn't on.  He decided to look in the kitchen.  Instead of Shae he found Mandy.  "What are you doing here?"
    "I came by to pick up my stuff."  She looked at him accusingly.  "Well, you don't wait long do you?"
    "What are you talking about?  Where's Shae?"
    "Oh, was that her name? I didn't catch it.  She left."
    "When?  Why?"
    "You didn't answer me.  You didn't wait long to replace me did you?"
    "Did she say why she left?"  Nick saw his clothes laying on the floor.  He glanced at Mandy.  "Oh God, did you say anything to her?"
    "Answer me."
    "She's not a replacement.  She's a girl I met that I liked.  Now, you answer me."
    "Yeah, she asked me who I was so I told her."
    "Told her what?"  Mandy looked down.  "Told her what Mandy?"
    "I told her I was your girlfriend."
    Nick sat down at the table.  "Dammit Mandy.  You're not my girlfriend anymore.  We broke up, remember?  I'm free to see whomever I please."
    "I know, I know.  But I saw her and I got mad that you replaced me so quickly."
    Nick calmed down a little.  "I told you, she wasn't a replacement.  I didn't plan on meeting someone this quick, but it happened.  Now did she say anything about where she was going?"
    "No, she ran out of here."
    Nick laid his head in his hands.  He was sure she headed back to Orlando but he knew he wouldn't be able to find her.  He didn't know where she was staying.  Hell, he didn't even know her last name.
    "Nick, I'm sorry.  I just figured it was a one night thing.  Just find her and explain it to her.  I'll tell her myself that I lied."
    "I can't do that Mandy," Nick said quietly. 
    Mandy grabbed her box and headed for the door.  She turned back to Nick.  "I really am sorry.  If there's anything I can do just tell me." 
    "Actually there is.  We brought Shae's car.  I need a ride back to Orlando."  Nick went upstairs to put some clothes on and then they left.
    "Man, that's tough.  So, you never saw her again until last night?"
    "No.  I went all over Orlando looking through hotel parking lots for her car but I never found it."
    "And you didn't find her last night when you left?"
    "No, I ended up going to the beach."
    AJ began to think of a way to get Shae to see Nick again.  If Nick could just explain what happened then surely Shae would forgive him.  He decided to talk to Gayle and try to come up with a plan.  He turned back to Nick.  "Well, I've got some things I need to take care of.  If you need to talk just call me."
    "Thanks."  Nick followed AJ to the door and shut the door behind him. 

    Gayle glanced at the clock.  Almost time for AJ to pick her up.  She went out on the balcony with Shae.  She sat down beside her.  "Shae, are you sure you'll be OK?"
    "Yeah, I'm just gonna read or sit out here and enjoy the view."
    "You can't stay inside for the rest of the trip.  They're staying here at this hotel you know."
    "I know.  I woke up last night and saw Nick go through the back lobby door.  I figured he was staying here."
    "I know it's hard, but you have to move on.  We came here to have fun.  Forget about him.  He's not worth it."
    Shae smiled.  "Thanks.  I just need to work through my feelings.  I'm more mad at myself for falling for it, than at him for lying."
    "We all make mistakes." 
    They were interrupted by a knock on the door.  "That must be your loverboy.  Go let him in."
    Shae walked into the room as Gayle opened the door for AJ.  She invited him in and introduced him and Shae.  AJ shook her hand.  "I saw you last night, but you left before I got a dance."
    "Sorry about that.  I just needed some air."
    "It's OK.  But you're gonna have to make it up to me.  Are you going back tonight?"
    "To the club?  Nah, I'm just gonna sit around here."
    "You came all the way to Mexico to sit in the hotel room?"
    Gayle piped up, "She doesn't feel well tonight."  Shae flashed her a grateful smile.
    "Suit yourself.  See ya later."  He turned and walked out holding the door for Gayle.
    Gayle hugged Shae and whispered, "If you need me, just call."
    "Thanks, now go!" 
    AJ and Gayle made small talk on the way to the restaurant.  After they were seated they began to pick up where they left their conversation the night before.  After they finished eating the waiter refilled their wine glasses and AJ decided to bring up Nick.
    "So you said that Shae and Nick has met before?"
    "Yeah, a few months back."
    "Listen, I'm just gonna come out and say this.  After I got off the phone with you I went and talked to Nick.  He was acting strange last night and after what you said on the phone I wanted to find out what was going on."  AJ paused and looked over at Gayle.  "He told me what happened.  I think there was a huge misunderstanding."
    "Yeah, I do too.  Shae misunderstood when he said he didn't have a girlfriend, right?"  Gayle was getting angry.  She liked AJ, but she didn't want to hear him defend his lowlife friend.  "Look, I know Nick is your friend.  But he lied to my friend just to get her in his bed."
    AJ temper got away from him.  "From what I understand she pretty much jumped in without any talking."
    "I don't have to listen to this."  Gayle jumped up from the table and ran for the door.  AJ threw some money on the table and went after her.  This was not going according to plan.  He caught up with her outside.
    "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.  It's just that Nick's a great guy and he would never deliberately hurt someone."
    "Well, he did."
    AJ sighed.  "That's what I've been trying to say, he didn't.  It was Mandy."
    "His girlfrie..I mean his ex-girlfriend.  Jump in the car and I'll tell you what Nick told me this morning."
    As AJ drove back to the hotel he told Gayle what happened after Shae left Nick's house.  He explained that Mandy had been hurt and confused and didn't realize Nick actually cared for Shae.
    "Then why didn't he call her or try to see her again?"
    "He did try.  But he didn't know where she was staying.  He never even got her last name."
    "Her last name is Ake.  But wait a minute, how do I know that Nick didn't just make that up so he could get with her again?"
    "It's like I said, Nick would never hurt anybody on purpose.  And I remember that he broke up with Mandy around that time.  I also know that something's been bothering him and that he hasn't gone out with anybody since then."
    "Oh, but I don't know how Shae's gonna take this.  I don't know if she even wants to see Nick again."
    "She has to.  If she'll just let Nick explain, then everything will be OK."
    "But I don't think she'll agree to see him."
    "Well, then we have to find a way for them to bump into each other."

    Shae went back to the balcony after Gayle and AJ left.  She thought back to when she left for Orlando.  She had decided to be uninhibited and she had been.  She'd gotten her heart broken in the process.  Then she thought over the past few months.  She had closed herself off again, completely this time. She had made herself oblivious to the pain.  But she had also lost the chance at feeling happiness. 
    Her thoughts floated back to Nick.  Forgetting about how it ended, she realized that her time with Nick had been wonderful.  She'd allowed herself to be open and take things as they come.  And maybe she'd gotten burned, but the warmth before it had been worth it.  For all the pain, she was glad to have that one night of happiness. 
    She was finally forgiving Nick and herself.  Maybe Gayle had been right.  Talking about things brought them to the surface and allowed her to finally feel. 
    She sighed contentedly.  She watched as the ocean's waves crashed onto the shore.  She saw the seagulls fly over her, and the breeze blowing.  She thought about how wild and free nature was.  That's the way God wanted it.  And she decided, that's the way I want it. 
    An idea hit her.  It was the perfect way to start her new life.  It was something she'd always thought about.  She ran inside and grabbed the phone book.  She found what she was looking for and memorized the address.  She quickly changed clothes and grabbed some cash.  She slipped the card key into her pocket and shut the door behind her.
    Nick walked up the street.  He looked down every street and in every shop just in case she was there.  He was about to give up hope.  It was obvious she didn't want to see him again.  He thought destiny had brought them together but he'd apparently been wrong.  He just knew when he saw her at Epcot that she was the one for him.  He had followed her for 30 minutes before he actually got up the nerve to talk to her.  Dammit, he still believed it was destiny.  What else would have led them both here? 
    He stopped and looked inside the building in front of him.  He smiled.  There was no sign of Shae, but he had an idea.

    Nick went inside.  It looked and smelled clean.  He decided to go for it. He glanced around at the flash art on the wall.  He found what he was looking for, the Chinese symbol for Destiny.  Now he just had to decide where to put it. 
    "Can I help you sir?"
    "Yeah, I want a tattoo."  He pointed to what he wanted. 
    "Alright."  The man reached into a filing cabinet and pulled out a piece of paper.  "You just need to fill this out and sign it.  I also need to see your driver's license."
    Nick gave him his license and filled out the form.  He handed it to the man when he was through.  The man gave him his license back.  "Where do you want it?"
    Nick decided to keep this one private.  He finally decided on the front of his hip.  He pointed to show the man.
    "I'll be doing your tattoo.  My name is Mark.  Follow me."  Nick followed him into a back room. 
    Mark had just started when he heard the bell on the door.  He stopped for a minute and yelled.  "Tee, can you get that.  I busy with a tat."
    Nick saw another man walk up the hall to the main entrance.
    "Can I help ya, little lady?"
    "Yeah, I'm getting a tattoo.  I want a couple of Chinese symbols."  The man pulled out a book and opened it to where she wanted it.  She quickly found the symbols for wild and free.  She smiled and pointed them out to the man.  "These two."
    "Here ya go.  Just complete this form and sign the bottom. I also need to make a copy of your license.  By the way, I'm Tee and I'll be working on ya.  Do you know where you want these?"
    Shae had always had two places picked out.  Either on the front of her hip or the small of her back.  She decided for the left side of her hip.  She told Tee.  He gave her back her license and directed her to the first room off the main entrance.  She went in and looked around.  Tee came in a few moments later.  He put on some gloves and went to work. 
    Shae tried to think "happy thoughts" as the needle poked her tender flesh.She had heard mixed reviews about the pain. Some said it only lasted a while then it went numb and some said it hurt the whole time.  Right now she was thinking the latter was the right one.  But pretty soon the outlines were done and she wasn't feeling as much pain.  The time passed by slowing but eventually Tee was almost done.  She looked down and saw that the second symbol was almost completely filled in. 
    After his tattoo was done and bandaged, Nick sat as Mark explained how to care for the tattoo.  He just wanted to pay the man and start looking for Shae again.  Finally, Mark was down talking.  Nick paid him and started to walk through the shop.  He could hear the buzzing of a needle from the room up the hall.  He turned and looked as he walked past.  He froze.  There she was.  Her head was leaned back and her eyes tightly closed.  He could see her tender hip from above the edge of her pants.  He laughed.  She was getting her tat in the same area he was, only on the opposite side.  He slowly walked into the room.  He reached for her hand.  Her eyes shot open.
    Nick kissed her knuckles gently.  "It hurts like hell."
    Shae knew instantly he wasn't talking about the tattoo.  She could see the same pain in his eyes that she'd been feeling for the past few months.  She slowly nodded her head and quietly added, "Yes."

    AJ and Gayle headed to the bar.  They needed to sit and make a plan of action.  They ordered a couple of drinks and sat at a back table.  After about an hour they were ready to give up altogether.
    Gayle looked over at AJ.  "I think we're just gonna have to lock 'em in a room together."
    "Hey, that might work!"
    "AJ, I was kidding."
    "But I'm serious.  I think we could do it.  I know Nick would be willing
to talk to her.  We've just got to surprise her.  Just all the sudden spring
Nick on her!"
    "How are we gonna do that?  The rooms lock from the inside not the out."
    "The balconies lock from inside the room.  So it's possible to lock them
out there together.  She'll have to listen to him.  Either listen or jump off
the balcony."
    "I can't believe I'm even contemplating this!"
    "Come on, you told me that she still cares for Nick.  And I know that he
still loves Shae."
    "Well, it's the only thing we've come up with."  AJ stood. He and Gayle
walked to the elevators. 
    "Nick's room is next to mine.  We'll go get him and then we'll head down to your room.  You can somehow make Shae go out on the balcony and then we'll send Nick out and lock the door."
    After exiting the elevator they headed for AJ's room.  "We have adjoining rooms.  I'll just knock on the inside door."
    Gayle sat on the edge of the bed as AJ knock on Nick's door.  There was no answer.  "Come on Frack, I know you're in there.  Open up, it's AJ."
    A reply came from within.  "Go away!" 
    Gayle and AJ exchanged glances.  AJ knocked a little harder this time.  "Nick, man, I really need to talk to you!"
    "I'm busy, Bone!  Go away!"
    "Dammit Nick open the door!  It's important!  I think you'll want to hear what I have to say!"
    AJ raised his hand to knock a little louder just as the door flew open.  There stood Nick holding the bed spread around his waist.  "This better be damn good, man!"
    AJ stood there not knowing what to say.  Gayle got off the bed and moved beside AJ.  Gayle stood there rigid with her hands on her hips.  She was boiling.  AJ was so sure that Nick loved Shae but he obviously had other things on his mind.
    Nick was growing impatient.  "Well?"
    Gayle took a deep breath and was about to tear into Nick when a figure came up beside him.  "Nick, is everything OK?"
    AJ laughed.  There beside Nick wrapped in a sheet of her own was Shae.  He looked at Gayle.  "I guess our job is done!"
    She laughed too.  "I guess so."
    Nick and Shae looked at each other confused.  Nick shrugged his shoulders.  "To Hell with them."  He slammed the door in their faces and carried Shae back to bed.
    After their laughter died down, Gayle turned to AJ.  "So, what now?"
    He smiled wickedly.  He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him.  He gently began to push her back towards the bed.  "When in Rome.."

The End!


("Maybe It's You.."  Lyrics by:Dave Grusin/Alan Bergman/Marilyn Bergman)


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