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By: Savannah Gibson

Ashley Angel sighed as heaved the phone over his head and sent it smashing, noisily into the wall across the room. " When will she ever learn!?" he yelled, running a hand through his hair, and looking at his best friend Erik Estrada. " She thinks she can just play me like some fool. I've given her everything that I have, and she thinks its not enough. God. What is her problem!?"

 " I don't know man. It sounds like she's got a major case of bitch- itis." Erik said shaking his head, as his hand reentered the bag of Doritos in his lap. " So was it true that she was messing around with that Smith guy?" Erik asked turning around in his position on the sofa.

" She didn't deny it, that's for sure. She didn't admit that they were together the whole time we were, but she said that she'd kissed him. I felt like asking her if she was thinking of me, but I bit my tongue." Ashley said flopping down on the sofa beside Erik and shoved a handful of broken chips into his mouth.

 " Damn!" he yelled outloud. The more Ashley thought about his now ex-girlfriend Adrienne Farris the angrier he got. He grabbed the television remote control from the coffee table in front of him and threw it as hard as he could into the wall, and it fell, broken beside the mangled phone. Just then a knock came at the door.

Ashley sighed as he walked towards it, figuring it was Adrienne, coming over to the apartment to beg him for forgiveness. A routine that unfortunately Ashley knew all to well. She would cry and tell him she was wrong and loved him, and then his soft heart and her stunning looks would convince him to take her back and the process would start all over again. Ashley shook the thought out of his head as he pulled open the door.

In the hall stood a short young woman, about his age, with a confused look on her face. " Can I help you?" Ashley asked, his voice matching the confusion stamped across her face.

" Actually I just moved in across the hall, and I heard some loud noises coming from over here and I just was checking to make sure everything was alright." the girl said. " By the way, I'm Jodie. Jodie Bishop." she finished, outstretching her hand, to shake his.

" I'm Ashley Angel... the noise you say? Long story." Ashley managed a smile. Something about this girl's presence was astounding. " Come in... I'll make some coffee or something..." he offered, stepping aside so that Jodie could enter the apartment. Erik immediately turned around, and waved at the girl who was now in their presence, but soon returned to his normal position.

" Do you want something to drink or eat or anything. I feel it's only polite to offer." Ashley asked, opening the refridgerator and taking out a can of soda. Jodie smiled faintly and looked around the room, not speaking. " Have a seat, please." he said to her, pulling out a chair from the messy kitchen table. He handed her a can of soda.

" Thanks." she said sitting down across from him. " Who's your friend in there?" Jodie continued to ask, pointing into the living room area.

 " Oh thats Erik. Don't mind him...he's a little out there." Ashley told her, pointing out that the television screen was blank and Erik was laughing at it hystarically as though a show was actually on. Jodie cracked a smile. " So what brings you to New York City?" he asked her.

 " Broadway. I've always dreamed about it. How bout you? Have you lived here forever?" Jodie asked in return. She pushed a strand of her blonde hair, which was falling from her ponytail, out of her eyes.

 " Nah. I moved here a couple years ago. I'm from California you wanna see your name in lights?" Ashley smiled, as he watched her speak.

" Yeah. I mean I think it would be so glamorous. I just love it, I've seen it but I want to be it you know? I'm just stupid I guess." she said blushing, as she noticed him watching her. " Well I better go, I still have a lot of unpacking to do. It was nice meeting you Ashley. Bye...uh Erik or whatever!" Jodie said getting up suddenly and walking out the door and into her own apartment. Ashley shrugged as he walked back over to where Erik was seated, and had successfully peiced together the remote, and sat watching TRL on Mtv.

 The next day, Ashley was feeling much better about the previous day's events. " Adrienne, I thought I knew you, once again you used me..." he hummed the first thing that came to his head. He quickly shook the thought out of his head, and fixed himself a quick bite to eat. He was planning on asking Jodie if she needed any help with her things, seeing as she was living by herself. He opened the door to find Adrienne standing there, her hand had been getting ready to knock on his apartment door.

 " What do you want?" Ashley asked, already knowing why she was there. He stood leaning his muscular body against the frame of the door.

" Can I come in?" she asked him, in a not-so-pleasant tone.

 " No." he replied sternly, not budging from his position.

 " I just wanted to say that I am sorry for my behavior, and I understand if you hate me." Adrienne said, expecting him automatically to forgive her.

" Good, now you finally understand my feelings." he said coldly, shutting the door behind him and crossing the hallway, just as Jodie, as if planned, opened her apartment door.

" Hey Ashley." she said friendly, in a much better mood than she'd been in the day before.

" Hey Jodie wassup?" he asked her, eying Adrienne out of the corner of his eye.

" Nothing. I was getting ready to head to Mickey D's. Wanna join me?" Jodie asked noticing the pleading expression stamped across his face.

" Yeah sure." Ashley replied without even looking at Adrienne. He then followed Jodie downstairs and out the front doors of the apartment complex. " Thanks so much." he said to her.

" No problem. You looked as though you were about the throw up so I figured what the heck, I'd save the janitor from a carpet to clean." she told him laughing slightly. " Who was that? Your stalker?" she asked him.

" No why do you say that?" he asked her curiously. " She was standing outside your apartment last night. I thought she'd knock or something, but she just stood there and then ended up leaving. I was watching through the peep hole in my door." Jodie said blushing, as they walked in the direction of the McDonalds Restaurant on the corner.

 " She's my ex girlfriend, Adrienne. She's the biggest bitch that you've probably ever met." Ashley replied. " She broke up with me again, and that was the final straw. I'm not putting up with anymore of her shit."

 " What was she at your place for, not that it's any of my business." Jodie asked. " She was trying to get me to forgive her and take her back. I thought it was pretty hilarious actually, because she was giving me this whole 'I understand if you hate me' speach and I just told her that I was glad that she finally understood my feelings." he said. Jodie laughed lightly, at his comment.

" Sounds like she's got one of those bigger-than-life ego's right?" she suggested, and Ashley just smiled a nodded in response.

" I was going to go over to your place and offer to help you, but from what I saw it looked like you've got everything pretty much settled." Ashley said.

" Yeah, but you could still come over. We could rent a movie or something. It could be fun." Jodie said smiling, as she tucked a peice of her blonde hair behind her ear, and kept walking. Ashley watched her shy actions, and walked beside her, watching her.

 " That would be great." he said.

" Really?" she questioned, looking as if it was a shocking answer.

 " Yeah, like you said. It could be fun." Ashley said.

" So it's a date then..." she replied smiling at him, as they entered the restaurant. Ashley only nodded. A date? Wow...with someone other than Adrienne.

That night at seven o'clock, Ashley stood in his bedroom. " Green shirt? Grey shirt?" he asked Erik, who was sitting on the bed. He held each one up to himself. Erik just sat there with a puzzled look on his face, which was normal for him. " Oh your no help." Ashley said, putting on the grey shirt and running a hand through his hair.

He looked in the mirror and dabbed on a bit of PS cologne. This was Ashley's first date with someone other than Adrienne in nearly a year. He walked to the front door of his apartment with Erik, and locked it behind them. But to his suprise, Adrienne was standing outside his door once again.

" Go away Adrienne. Ashley has a date." Erik said walking past her shoving her lightly as he moved. Adrienne's mouth just gaped open as she watched Ashley knock on Jodie's apartment door and step inside, after she answered. He waved sarcastically as Jodie shut the door behind him. In a cloud of furry, Adrienne stormed out of the complex.

" She is starting to scare me." Jodie said. " She stands out there all the time. Is she insane or what?" she asked Ashley, as she took his jacket and hung it in the closet.

 " I don't know if she thinks I'm going to take her back or what, but she's wrong whatever she's thinking." Ashley said, as he followed her to the sofa. " So what movie did you get?" he asked her sitting down, beside her.

" Lord of the Rings. It just came out. I know its long, but I figured if you didn't want to watch the rest tonight, we could always finish it another time." she replied, hitting the play button on the remote to the VCR, and then fast forwarding through the previews. The two of them sat there and watching the whole three-hour movie. It was eleven o'clock before Ashley left Jodie's apartment, after ordering pizza.

" I had a great time." he said to her as he took his jacket. " Why did I bring this? I live across the hall." he said laughing, feeling incredibly stupid.

" Its alright. You probably just weren't used to going on a date across the hall." Jodie smiled at him as she replied.

" Yeah...anyways I was thinking maybe tomorrow we could go out for dinner if you aren't busy that is, and you want to." Ashley suggested.

" Let me think....yeah." she said pretending to have a hard desicion. " Same time?" she asked him. He nodded and walked out the door and crossed the hall to his apartment, before waving at her and shutting his door. One date down. One to go, but it wasn't too hard. It was actually fun, he thought.

The following day, Ashley stood in his apartment once again, this time with the help of his friend Marie, trying to decide on what to wear. " Well where are you taking her?" Marie asked him inquisitively.

" This italian restaraunt on 5th Street." Ashley said.

" Fancy?" Marie asked, and Ashley nodded. " Dress Dress pants...khaki. Black loafers. And where that expensive cologne that your mom got you for Christmas." 21 year old Marie said. She was in town for the weekend, to visit her friend who was living in NYC.

 " Okay." Ashley said, grabbing the clothes and heading for the bathroom. A few minutes later he emerged, fully ready to go. " Tie?" he asked. Marie nodded and helped him tie it.

" Perfect. Now go get her. I'll just stay here in case that creepy girl comes around." Marie said after hearing all about Adrienne.

" Alright. Behave." he said, as he grabbed his apartment keys and walked out the door. Jodie was ready as soon as he knocked on her door. She was dressed in a long black dress, with sphaghetti straps and a scrunched tie-front.

" You look beautiful." was all that Ashley could say as she locked the door and headed to hail a cab with him.

" Thanks. You don't look half-bad yourself." Jodie replied, blushing slightly at the compliment. Soon the two were on their way to the quaint little Italian restaruant. When they got there, the waiter showed them to their table quickly and the other waiter took their order.

 " This place is nice." Jodie said smiling, as she sipped her wine.

" I love it." he said. Just then he spotted a familiar face out of the corner of his eye. Adrienne.   " She followed me to the restaraunt." Ashley said angrily, yet a softly as he could.

" Who?" Jodie asked. Ashley nodded his head in Adrienne's direction but to his suprise she was with another man.

" Oh nevermind then." Ashley said smiling. It was Erik.

" Isn't that your friend?" Jodie asked. Ashley just smiled and nodded. Then all of sudden, from the table behind them, raised voices were heard loudly.


Adrienne stood there looking bewildered as everyone laughed around them including Jodie and Ashley. She quickly ran out of the restaraunt in tears. " Guess Adrienne got what she deserved." Ashley said.

 " Did you plan that?" Jodie asked.

" Nope...Erik did." he said laughing, as the waiter brought their meals.

The End

Tell Savannah what you thought of this story!


Some plot ideas credited to The Calling, and Reagan R. Copyright © 2002 PrincessAna Inc. All Rights Reserved

Author's Note: This story is completely a work of fiction, created by me and with a few name ideas from my friends Rissa, and Reagan. Please DO NOT copy my story, because that is a very indecent thing to do to another writer. The characters came out of my head so please do not use them on your stories. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email them to me at any I DO NOT OWN OTOWN

Cast of Characters:

Adrienne Farris: (Looks based on singer Ashanti): Adrienne stands about 5'6", with long dark hair and brown eyes rimmed with a light green tone. She has light brown, more caramel colored skin.

 Ashley Angel: Ashley stands at 6'0", with short blonde hair, and a medium complexion. Ashley's eyes are a hit attraction, sparkling a brilliant blue color.

 Jodie Bishop: (Looks based on actress Reese Witherspoon): Jodie stands about 5'3", with medium length cropped blonde hair, and green eyes.

Erik Estrada: Erik stands at 5'10", with brown hair and creamy brown eyes.