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Creeping Up On You

By: Stephanie Woodworth

©2002 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


Stef pulled her Audi out into the mid morning traffic. She still couldn't get used to driving in this car, even if it was a gift. She liked her old, comfortable Grand Am. She glanced in her mirrors then changed lanes. Hundreds of things filtered through her busy mind, yet she still picked up the beginning line of the Enya song on the radio. Who can say where the road goes. Where the day flows, only time. And who can say if your love grows. As your heart chose, only time. “I don’t think so!” she said, smiling at her reflection in the mirror. She didn’t feel like listening to Enya today. She fiddled with the radio stations until something that seemed to suit her mood came booming through the speakers. “Oops.” She turned the radio down a bit, then checked on the little boy in the back seat. “Guess mommy shouldn’t blow your ear drums out, should she?” He hadn’t even flinched at the increase in volume. “It doesn’t even bother you, does it?" Stef smiled at her son who was sitting happily in his booster seat in the back. “Guess Uncle Justin plays his music louder than mommy does, huh?” Stef wasn’t even getting a response from Kaleb today. At almost three, Kaleb was the perfect child. Well behaved, polite, and a pleasure to be around. “KB, baby, whatcha doin’?” She could see that he was just sitting in the back seat. He wasn’t even playing with any of his toys.

“Daddy.” The little boy seemed to be straining to see out the back window of the car.

“Honey, daddy’s not here.” She didn’t know why he thought he’d seen his dad on this highway. What was up with him lately? That was three times in less than a week that he clamed he had seen Lance.

He removed his ever present pacifier and said, “Yeah huh. He right there.” He pointed with his pudgy little finger toward a car a few lanes over.

She thought again about trying to break him of the habit of using the pacifier, but after the year he’d experienced she had no right. Heck, if a pacifier would make everything better for her she’d think about taking up the habit too. Stef tried to see into the car that he was pointing at, but all the windows were tinted. This was silly. She’s talking to a two year old and believing him. Lance was not here. He was in Mississippi with Denise or Crystal or whoever the flavor of the week happened to be. She needed to get on with her life and that's just what she was doing, or that's what she was convincing herself that she was doing. It was a bit hard to get over Lance when you still hung around with his friends, saw his pictures everywhere, heard his name whenever you turned around, and cared for his son everyday. She glanced up and noticed that she was at her exit. “Oh shit!”

“Shit,” KB repeated.

“Great. Nothing out of you all morning, but when I cuss you pick right up on that.” She turned her signal on and crossed three lanes of traffic to make the exit. “Don’t say that word again Kaleb Adam or mommy will have to wash her own mouth out with soap.” Stef had to smile. She had a hard time getting the guys to watch their mouths and here she was teaching her son bad words. “It’s a bad word and we don't say bad words, do we?”

The little boy shook his head no. “Okay Mommy, no bad words.”

Little did they know, but there were plenty of bad word being said in the car that Kaleb was so interested in. He was trying his best to follow Stef across the three lanes of traffic and hadn’t succeeded. “Damn,” Lance said hitting the steering wheel of his rented car as he pulled onto the shoulder of the road. He was sure he could keep up with her at least he had an idea where she was headed.

Stef hopped out of the car and ran around to the passenger side. She pushed the seat forward and freed Kaleb of his restraints. “Okay KB, baby, let’s get a move on, I'm late.”

“Late?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’ve got to get going. I’m supposed to be at work. Remember.”

“Member?” he looked at her funny.

She grabbed his bag and picked him up. “You’re staying with Uncle Chris today. Mommy has pictures to take. I’ll come back to get you after the reception tonight.” Stef almost tripped on a ball that was lying on Chris’ sidewalk. “I’m sure you will have lots of fun playing with Uncle Chris.” Since you're about the same mental age, she thought to herself. She balanced

Kaleb on her hip and rang the bell. When no one answered she tried the bell again. “C’mon Chris.”

“Chris go bye bye?” Kaleb asked.

“Honey, I hope not” Stef placed Kaleb down. “Stay here for a minute.” She pulled her cell from her purse and dialed Chris’ number.

“Hello,” a sleepy voice answered.

“Christopher Alan.”

“Mom?” he teased, then laughed. “I’ll be right down,” he quickly added when he realized that he wasn’t going to get a laugh out of her. He hung up his phone and rolled out of bed. “Remind me why I volunteered to do this?” he asked, as he ran down the front stairs. This was really early in the morning for him. Stef pushed into Chris’ house the minute he opened the door. “Morning to you too, Stef.”

“Yeah, well, I’m late.” Stef put Kaleb and his bags down in Chris’ foyer. “I fed him a pop tart for breakfast. He’ll be hungry again before his nap.” She glanced at her watch. “Nap at noon.” She looked up at Chris. “Do I need to write this down for you?”

“No, Chris graduate college. Chris smart.”

“Smart ass maybe. Okay. I have the wedding, then the reception. I’m sorry that you’re going to miss the reception, Chris.” She nervously looked at her watch again. She was taking the pictures at a mutual friend's wedding and Chris had somehow been the one ‘volunteered’ to watch Kaleb for the day. “You know I still can try to find someone to cover for you so you can go to the reception. Or I can just take pictures of the important thing and cut out and come back here.”

“No, go, have fun. Take great pictures. KB and I will be fine.” Kaleb came running up to Chris at the mention of his name. “Hey KB, little man, what’s up?”

“What’s up?” KB mimicked.

“Don’t teach my son anything more bad habits.” Chris gave her al look like it wasn’t something he’d done. “Well who taught him the ‘Hey hottie’ line?” When Chris didn’t answer Stef just laughed. “Kirkpatrick, my son isn’t there for you to pick up women.”

“But he works so well.”

She leaned down and kissed KB on the forehead. “Be good for Uncle Chris.” She hugged Chris. “Remember the rules Chris.”

“I know Stef. No Lance.” They didn't understand. He didn't even want to know what was up with their on again of again relationship. Out of all the guys Lance was the one they never saw something like this coming from.

“I'm sorry Chris, but it’s for KB’s own good. I'm just keeping KB safe. Lance gets to see him on his scheduled weekends.”

“I promise Stef. Now get going.” He held open the door for her. “See you later. We’ll be fine.” He held onto KB’s hand as they watched Stef pull out of his driveway. “Hey kiddo, who peed in your mom’s Wheeties this morning.”

“Peed in Wheeties?”

“Oh man!” Chris said, slapping his forehead. “Don’t repeat that KB or your mom will beat my butt.”

“Beat your butt?”

“Forget it. Forget it.” Chris ran his hand through his short hair. “Man, I’m not having kids. What do you say we get out of here?” He looked down at the sweats and old shirt he was wearing. “I gotta go change, then we'll go see what Justin’s doing today.”

“Uncle Justin.”

“Yep.” Chris picked KB up and carried him up to his room. “Think we should go to a party tonight?”


“Yeah? You like to dance, right?”

“I dance.”

“Good cause your dad can’t.”

“I see daddy.”

“Is that anything like that kid who said ‘I see dead people?’” KB just looked at him not understanding. Chris finally asked, “Where’d you see your dad?”

“He in car. He come here.”

“He followed you here?” Chris dropped the shirt that he was holding and ran over to the window. Sure enough there was a car parked across the street that didn’t belong there. “KB, is that your daddy?”

“Daddy,” he said, clapping his hands.

“Damn you, Lance!”

“Damn,” KB repeated.

“Man, don’t say that word or your mom will wash my mouth out with soap.” Chris closed his blinds and went back to getting dressed. “C'mon KB we’ve gotta hurry.” He couldn’t risk letting Lance see KB. Stef would kill him.

Chris picked up KB s booster seat off the front step and brought it back into the house. He quickly went into the garage, strapped KB into the backseat and backed the car out of the garage. He’d have to drive fast to loose Lance, then he’d have to hide his car at Justin’s so Lance wouldn’t see his car parked in the drive.

Justin was sitting out back when he saw Chris pull into his garage and shut the door down. “What the heck is he doing?” he asked Joey who was sitting next to him at the table on the deck.

“Who knows, it's Chris.” Joey said, taking a sip of his beer. They watched as he hurried up carrying KB and all his stuff. “What are you doing?”

“Is he following us? Is he here? He was right behind us for a while. I’m sure he knew I was coming here.”

“What the hel-ck are you talking about?” Justin asked, editing himself for the toddler present. Kaleb came running up to Justin and jumped into his lap out of his “uncles” Justin was his favorite.

“Hey hottie, you cute,” Kaleb said, smiling up at Justin.

“No Kabe, that’s for the babes, not me.”

“Babes?” Kaleb questioned.

“Yeah, the hot girls we’re going to pick up with you when we hit the mall today,” Chris informed him.

“We’re?” Justin questioned. “You got a mouse in your pocket? Since when are we all going shopping?”

“Hot girls?” Joey asked, peeking his curiosity.

Chris quickly filled them in on his plan to take Kaleb to the reception with them. The only problem, other than Stef getting upset, was that KB had nothing to wear. “So you see, we have to take him shopping,” Chris said with a sigh.

“All of us? Joey questioned. “Shopping for kid’s clothes.” He wasn’t sure about this. “We’ll need bodyguards for sure.”

“Well yeah,” Chris said giving Joey a look like he’d grown antlers or something. “It might be a good idea to get Lonnie an a couple of the guys anyway.” He paused, covering Kaleb’s ears, but still spelled just in case.

“L-A-N-C-E was following Stef around today.” Justin looked at him strangely.

“Were you dropped on your head as a child? You’re just strange!” Justin threw his hands up. “What the heck are you rambling about? And why’d you spell his name if you covered the poor kids’ ears?”

“I don’t know! This whole thing is just messed up. Why would L-A-N-C-E be following his ex and his K-I-D?”

“I D-O N-O-T K-N-O-W.” Justin spelled back.

Joey finally had enough. “When you’re done discussing my best friend come get me,” he said, grabbing his beer and heading inside.

“Joe,” Chris yelled after him but he didn’t come back.

“I didn’t mean to upset him. I know that this is hard on Lance too. I’ve seen how he is with the kid. He loves him. I don’t want to judge, but I can’t blame Stef either. She caught him cheating.” He walked over to the slider and looked into Justin’s house. Joey was sitting in the family room watching television. “I somewhat blame this all on Fatone. He does this and makes it all look okay. Heck, Kelly lets him.” Chris took Kaleb’s sippy cup out of his diaper bag and handed it to him.

This was the first time he’d vocalized his problems with Stef and Lance’s relationship and Justin just happened to be the lucky person to have to listen to him. Only Justin wasn’t the only one listening to Chris go on and on about Stef and Lance, Lance had been standing on the side of the house and had heard every word that he’d said. He didn’t blame Chris. Heck, he didn’t blame Stef. He just wished he could go back and make the whole mess disappear. Why was it that lately he seemed to be creeping up on everyone? He quietly turned and left. He had to hurry if he was going to make it to the wedding reception they were talking about.

“I’m going to go talk to Joe and see if he still wants to go shopping with us. Watch the little guy for me.”

Chris disappeared into the house and Justin went to sit on the ground next to Kaleb. “Whatcha doin’?”

“Playin’ cars.” Kaleb said, then made one of the Matchbox cars that he was playing with drive up Justin’s leg.

“Pretty cool car.”


“Yep, you’re mom has a car like this. I bought it for her.”


“Because …”Justin stopped. Ho do you tell a two year old that you bought their mom a car so she would stop crying over a broken heart. “Because she looked pretty cool in it.”

“Cool!” KB said, holding is chubby thumbs up ala the Fonz.

“Yep, your mom’s pretty cool.” Justin ran his hand through the little boy’s thick hair and continued to play cars with him. Stef was one lucky lady.

“Let’s go.” Chris announced, reappearing with Joey. “Security is meeting us at the mall.”

“You sure about this?” Justin asked uneasily.

“C’mon J, grab a hat and let’s get a move on. I’m driving.” Chris picked up KB’s toys and KB.

The trip to the mall was comical at best. Kaleb wanted only to wear Elmo or Bob the Builder and couldn’t understand why Uncle Chris, Uncle Joey and Uncle Justin were letting strange women dress him in clothes.

“Awe, he’s so cute,” one sale’s associate named Kelly cooed when she saw Kaleb come out in Khakis, a denim shirt and a tie.

“No way, too nerdy!” Justin protested giving the outfit and quick two thumbs down.

“Looks like something C would have worn in the early days,” Chris added.

“Hey, where is JC?” Joey questioned.

Justin gave him a ‘duh’ look. “I think he went to the wedding with Stef. Well not with Stef but WITH Stef.”

“Something going on between them?” Chris asked.

When Justin noticed that the two sales associates that were helping them had become increasingly interested with their conversation he said. “Why don’t we just discuss this later.” He picked up a pair of pants and a white shirt. “I vote for this with the cute little tie.”

“I’m voting with the last outfit with the denim shirt,” Chris said, turning to Joey.

“Khakis, I guess.”

“Okay, that solved, let’s get a move on. I have two people to get ready before tonight.”

They dismissed their security detail and quickly made it back to Justin’s house. “Later,” Justin said climbing out of Chris’ car.

“Later dude,” Kaleb shot back.

“What?” Chris questioned. When Justin and Joey stared at him Chris said, “I didn’t teach him that.”

“Explain that one to Stef. See ya at the wedding in about an hour.”

Chris glanced at his clock on his radio. “Holy hell that doesn’t give me much time.” He backed out of Justin’s driveway and sped the whole way to his house. “C’mon KB gotta hurry buddy. We’re going to a party.”

“Party.” Kaleb said clapping his hands and following Chris into his house.

Little did anyone know in this group, but nothing about this night was going to be a party.

Everyone arrived successfully at the reception hall. From all accounts the wedding was gorgeous and had went off without any snags. Stef was snapping pictures of people around the room and as they came in. She was shocked when she was focusing and saw Lance through her lens. She felt a hand on her arm instantly.

“Just say the word and I’ll have him escorted out of here,” JC whispered in her ear.

She shook her head. “No, he’s not doing anything wrong.” She watched as he spoke briefly with the bride and groom. Obviously he’d been invited too. What did she expect?

“If he bothers you I’ll tell him to leave.”

“Jace, he’s fine. I have to live with him here.” She didn’t want to tell him that her heart was pounding a mile a minute since she spotted him. He was gorgeous tonight, dressed very casual wearing a dark gray button up shirt and black slacks. He looked fabulous. Why did everything have to go wrong? Why couldn’t they still be together? She was quickly reminded when a young blonde walked up and wrapped her arm though his. Stef’s heart dropped. This is why.

JC leaned over and kissed Stef’s forehead. “You don’t have to be strong. If you want him gone just motion for me. I’m going back over to my seat.” Again he kissed her forehead, this time they had an audience.

Lance couldn’t believe what he’d just seen. No way that one of his brother’s just kissed the mother of his child. He was just about to go say something to JC when there was a commotion at the door. Enter the remaining members of NSYNC, their significant others and KB.

The large group caused quite a stir when they first came in. Stef was across the room immediately. It was her worst nightmare come true. Lance was there and now so was Kaleb.

She picked Kaleb up and glared at Chris. “Hello KB baby, what are you doing here?”

“We gonna party.”

“Oh yeah. Why don’t you go see Uncle JC and let Mommy talk to the rest of your uncles.” She motioned for JC to come over and get KB. “Please don’t let him out of your sight.” She saw Joey roll his eyes. “Let’s move this outside.” As soon as KB was out of earshot she said, “So whose brilliant idea was this?” She stared at Chris.

“What? You’re worse than my mom.” Chris said feeling guilty.

“Listen! Lance is here! By bringing Kaleb here you have put him in the middle of our little custody mess.”

Joey couldn’t hold back anymore. “You know Stef, Lance made one mistake and you won’t let him live it down. Are you that perfect?” He waited for an answer. “Guess not since you’re dating one of Lance’s so called brothers. Does Lance know that you’re sleeping with Chasez?”

Stef felt like she’d been slapped in the face. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m not sleeping with JC. He’s just a friend. He’s been there to help me get through all this. It hurt really bad when I found out that Lance was cheating on me. I was only home from the hospital after having Kaleb for five days. FIVE days, Joey. I had major surgery and Lance was off getting his rocks off with some little bimbo. I was scared. I was being wheeled down for an emergency c-section and I couldn’t find the father of my child.” Stef was crying uncontrollably. “I’d like to thank you all for ruining my first attempt at going to a wedding since I called off my own.” She turned to leave. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go get my little boy and go home.”

Stef stopped in the bathroom to try to repair her makeup before returning to the reception hall. When she opened the door she found Lance standing there.

“I didn’t know you were going to be here,” he lied.

“That’s okay, I didn’t know that Kaleb was going to be here either.” She stood and played with her camera. “I was hired to take pictures so I can’t leave. Please don’t make it hard for me to stay. Please don’t flaunt that young blonde in my face while I’m working.”

“I’m not here with anyone. She was a fan that wanted to have a picture taken with me. She just had a more friendly way of asking. So you brought Kaleb to the wedding with you?”

Stef snickered, “No, that was Chris’ doing. I’ve learned today that Chris can’t be left with our son.” She stopped and smiled up at him. Their son.

“Yeah, Kaleb might be more responsible than Chris.”

“So I’ve learned,” she laughed.

“So you’re here with JC?”

“Yeah.” Was that hurt she saw in his eyes? Stef wasn’t sure.

“Are the two of you dating?”

She didn’t have time to answer. JC walked up with Kaleb in his arms and kissed Stef on the forehead, then wrapped his arm around Stef’s waist. “Hey Lance. I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

They looked like the perfect family. “Daddy.” Kaleb said holding his arms out to Lance. Lance looked to Stef for approval. She nodded. Lance gabbed Kaleb from JC and gave him a huge hug.

“How’s my little boy? Are you having fun at the wedding?”

“We gonna party.” Kaleb said clapping his hands.

“Okay KB, why don’t you go back to the table with JC. We’re going to eat soon.”

“No, I wanna party.”

“Honey, we’re gonna party later. Kiss your daddy goodbye.”

“Bye daddy.” Kaleb kissed Lance and JC grabbed him back.

“See you later Lance.”

“Later C.”

“Later,” Kaleb echoed.

Stef smiled. “I need to find other sitters then Justin, Chris or Joey. They are teaching him wonderful sayings.”

“I’ll watch him whenever you need help, Stef.” Lance said hopefully.

She gave him a look to let him know what she thought of that even before she said anything, “I can’t trust you yet. I’m not sure I ever will. Thanks for the offer though.” She held her camera up and said, “I’d better get back to taking pictures.”

He grabbed her hand. “It was nice seeing you Stef. I’d like it if we could get together and spend some time with Kaleb together, just the three of us.”

“We’re not a family Lance, you made sure of that.” With that she turned and walked away.

Stef took the customary pictures and allowed Kaleb to dance to just a few songs. “I think it’s time that we leave,” she said to JC.

“Can I get one dance with you?” he asked with the dorkiest puppy dog look.

Stef smiled as a slow song began. “Was this planned Mr. Chasez?”

He grinned at her, then looked shocked, “What are you saying that I’m setting you up?” He offered his hand and led her to the dance floor.

“I wouldn’t put it past you.” She let him wrap her tightly in his arms. “Jace,” she began, but was stopped by his finger on her lips.

“Stef, I know, we’re just friends. You’re still in love with Lance, I can see it in your eyes.” He kissed her forehead. “I just want one dance with you. Just a dance.” He continued to hold her tight and tried to ignore the stares that he was getting from Lance and the rest of the guys. “Do you want to go back to my place? We can play in the pool tomorrow with Kaleb like last weekend. It will keep your mind off the fact that Lance is in town.”

“I think I’m going to take him home so he can sleep in his own bed tonight, but swimming tomorrow sounds like fun.”

KB pulling on JC’s pant leg interrupted their conversation. “Hey buddy,” he said picking him up and adding him into their dance circle. “Did you have fun at the party?” From anyone looking on they looked like the perfect family. Everyone except Lance.

“Uh huh,” he said with a yawn.

“Tired, KB baby?” Stef kissed his nose. “Ready for bed?” He nodded. She waited for the song to end and pulled away from JC. “I think I’m going to take him home. Stay and have fun.”

“Let me at least help you out to the car.”

Stef didn’t argue and she let JC carry Kaleb and strap him into the seat they retrieved from Chris’ car. She tried to find Lance to say goodbye to him, but he was nowhere to be found. “Goodnight Jace, thanks so much for being my date,” she said coyly. “I’ll see you tomorrow. How ‘bout noon?”

“That’s fine. Night KB.” He leaned in and kissed the little boy before shutting the back door to the car. “Drive safe.” He hugged her and wished more than anything they could be more than just friends. He watched her drive away before heading back into the reception.

Getting drunk and finding a woman to replace Stef wouldn’t be an option tonight so heading home would be his best bet. He walked up to the table where the rest of the guys were sitting. “Night.”

“Leaving so soon.” Justin commented.

“Yeah, I’m gonna call it a night,” he said with a long face.

“Going to chase Stef home?” Joey asked.

“No, I’m leaving that to you’re boy, Lance.” JC said quickly.

“What do you mean?”

“You didn’t notice that he disappeared right when Stef was packing Kaleb up to leave. I bet he follows her home,” JC added, smugly.

“Why’d he have to follow her?” Chris asked, confused.

“Because he doesn’t know where she lives. Stef moved and never told Lance where she lives.”

“I doubt he’ll follow her,” Joey said. “He’s not that desperate.”

“Wanna bet. He still loves her and he wants her back. It was written all over his face tonight. I just can’t believe that she didn’t see it. She still loves him too.”

“Huh, I thought you were dating Stef.” Joey said, his turn to be confused.

“Nope, we’re strictly friends even though I’d love to be more. Stef loves Lance. I have a feeling she always will.” JC ran his hand through his hair. He loved Stef more than he’d care to share with the guys. He wished that she didn’t love Lance, but there was no way to deny that she didn’t, even if she tried to every time she opened her mouth. “See you all later,” he said quietly leaving the reception hall.

“I really thought they were dating,” Joey said, still confused.


In the car on her way back to her small house Stef thought back through the events of the day. Watching as the wedding couple stared lovingly at each other as they took their wedding vows and wishing it was her. Catching JC staring at her with a look very similar in his eyes. When had that happened? They were supposed to be just friends. He was one of Lance’s best friends. Didn’t he understand?

Stef glanced in the back seat at Kaleb who was sound asleep in his car seat. He looked precious. How could Chris be so careless as to show up with him at the wedding, then again how did any of them know that Lance would show up? She thought back to what Lance was wearing and how he looked. Was he always that gorgeous? Had he been working out? He looked tan and very happy. Was that because he wasn’t with her?

She wasn’t paying attention to anything around her as she drove, so missing Lance in the car two behind hers was easy to do. He followed her right to the housing addition and even was gutsy enough to park across the street from her house and watch her pull her car in the garage and get Kaleb out of the back seat. He wanted to run and help her carry things into the house, tell her he was sorry. He knew that she would probably flip out and that it wouldn’t be a good idea, so instead he sat across the street and watched her house just to catch a peek of her or Kaleb.

“Great Bass, when did you become a peeping Tom?” He ran his hands through his hair and laid his head down on the steering wheel. Slowly he turned and looked at the small ranch house that she lived in. He could provide so much more for her if she would just let him. She was so stubborn. He watched as a light came on in a room at the far end of the house and assumed it was Kaleb’s room. He was missing a giant portion of his son’s life and he had no one to blame for it but himself. His cell phone rang interrupting his thoughts. “Hello.”

“Tell me that you didn’t follow her home,” came Joey’s booming voice.

“What are you talking about Joe?” Lance asked, worried that Stef had seen him.

“Where are you?” Joey demanded.

“I went home. I thought it would be a good idea. Are you still at the wedding?” he asked, trying to change the subject.

“Lance, I’m going to ask you again and this time don’t lie to me. Where are you?”

“What do you mean? I’m at home.”

“Liar. You just lied to me. Is it getting that easy for you? I’m standing in your living room, ass. Where the hell are you?”

“Sitting out front of Stef’s house staring at it like fans do our houses. Guess I’m turning into some sort of stalker.”

“Get the heck out of there before she calls the police on your ass.”

“She doesn’t even know that I’m here. Joey,” he started, running his hands down his face. “I love her man. I love her more than I ever have. I want her back. I want my son back. I don’t think I could handle it if she started dating JC.”

Joey thought he should let Lance suffer and think that Stef and JC were an item. “Lance, they aren’t dating. They are strictly friends, nothing more.”

That news made Lance very happy. “Joey, I need to make a confession, cleanse my soul,” Lance said with a sigh.

“You think that I’m the best person to hear this?” Joey asked, sitting down on Lance’s couch.

“You’re my best friend, if I can’t tell you who can I tell.” Lance took a deep breath then began. “I’ve been following her for days. I’ve followed her to a cute little boutique that she shops at. I watched as she and Kaleb played at the park one afternoon. I was at Justin’s house today and overheard all that the three of you said about me. I need help. I need lots of help. It’s gotten so bad that I’m sitting outside her house and this isn’t the first night that I’ve sat out here all night just watching her house. I even went as far taking the wine glass that she was drinking out of tonight.”

Joey laughed. “Man, there gonna send the guys in the little white coats after you. You’ve got it bad.”

“What do I do?” Lance glanced at the house and watched as her bedroom light came on. He felt himself react knowing that she would be undressing in there. He loved her body. He couldn’t remember why he ever cheated on her in the first place. The thing was, he only did it one time and he now knew that that was one time too many. “Joey, do you think she’ll talk to me?”

“I don’t know man. Just don’t do anything rash, anything that will set her off or make her call the police.”

“Thanks. Really. Thanks Joey.” A huge grin broke out across his face. “I think I just figured out what I’m going to do. I’ll let you know how it goes.”

“Remember Lance, nothing that will end with you jail.”

“Don’t worry. Now get the heck out of my house.” Lance was finally hopeful for the first time in a long time. “I’m going to get my family back.”

He slowly opened the door to his car and climbed out. His palms were sweaty and he was nervous. He looked both ways before crossing the street even though he knew that there weren’t any cars travelling on the street. The light in the other bedroom went off and another turned on in the back of the house. He’d guessed over the past few days that that wast he kitchen. He climbed up the two steps to the house and wiped his hand down the front of his pants before knocking on the door. He didn’t want to ring the bell and wake Kaleb. He could hear her moving in the house and heard her undo the chain on the door, then the dead bolt. “What are you doing her?” he heard her say as she opened the screen door. It was as if he was on a different plan of the universe, outside his body of sorts. He was seeing everything, but couldn’t respond. “Lance,” he heard her say. “Lance, are you okay?”


Lance slowly opened his eyes and wondered where he was. The room was not familiar at all. He notice pictures of Kaleb and tired to figure out where he was. Proping an elbow up on the couch he tried to sit up.

“Don’t do that!” Stef yelled. “You have a nasty bump on the back of your head and I’m not picking you up again.” She came over and sat next to him on the edge of the couch.

Lance reluctently layed back down. He remembered where he was. This wasn’t what he had in mind when he’d left his car. He wanted to tell her that he loved her and her she was yelling at him. “What happened to me?”

“I’m guessing that you fainted,” Stef said sarcastically. “Now can you tell me what you’re doing here?”

Even though she’d told him that he had to lay flat he could talk to her and tell he all he wanted to tell her why laying on the couch. He sat up before she could stop him and in the process sent her spilling to the floor. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry,” he said reaching for her and pulling her up on the couch next to him. “I didn’t mean to do that. I didn’t want any of this to turn out this way.” Lance stood and looked back down at her. For the first time he actually saw what she was wearing. The shirt was his; it was his favorite from when they were dating. He’d wondered where it had disappered. “That’s mine.” He heard the words escape his lips and couldn’t believe it. He sat back down on the couch next to her and leaned forward on his knees. “When did this happen?” He turned and held up a finger to her. “Wait, that was retorical.” He ran his hands down his face. “Stef, I don’t know why I did what I did when you were in the hospital having Kaleb. Maybe it was because I was scared, maybe I saw the end of my freedom. I’m not sure anymore. It was so long ago and I know now that I should have never done it.” He quickly stood to pace. “I know that’s easy for me to say and I can’t go back and change the past. Heck, if I could I would in a heartbeat. That’s the only day in my life that I’d change. I wish more than anything I was with you the night Kaleb was born.” He turned and looked at her. She was crying. Slowly walking back to the couch he kneeled down in front of her and looked up at her. “I love you, Stephanie. I have from the moment I met you. You’ve made me laugh, you’ve made me cry and you’ve given me one of the most precious gifts anyone ever could.” He took hold of her hand. “I know that we have a lot to work out, but I’d like to start here tonight and hopefully, hopefully really soon, we could become a family.” He stared at her silently. “Do you think we can start again, Stef?”

Stef sat quietly staring at him. He’d just opened his heart to her and given it to her with no strings attached. It was now her turn. “Lance, I love you. Yes. Yes, we can try again.” She reached up and wiped away the tears. “I want this family to work, for all of us, but especially for Kaleb. He loves you so much.”

Lance stood and pulled her up with him. “I’m going to go back to my house, can I kiss Kaleb good night first?”

“Sure,” she took his hand and led him back to Kaleb’s room.

He was sound asleep on his bed. Stef stood back as she watched Lance kiss Kaleb on the forehead. “Goodnight my sweet little boy.”

Stef walked up next to him and grabbed his hand. “We did good.”

“Real good,” Lance said with a smile. It was going to be a slow process, but he was going to get his family back.

The End



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