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Friends In Low Places

By: Vikki


He dressed not to impress, but to shock.  He didn't do it intentionally, but rather his subconscious mind wanted to make a statement... and it wasn't a friendly statement either. 

Yet looking into the mirror, AJ didn't see anything wrong.  The black cowboy boots made a dramatic contrast to his faded blue jeans.  The black button down shirt he wore made his already tanned skin look a deeper shade. 

AJ topped off the look with a black cowboy hat that matched the boots.  His overall appearance was one of mystery.  Instead of looking like he belonged in the country however, he appeared to belong anywhere.  He wore the clothing with an ease that would have made him fit in anywhere he chose.

Declaring himself ready, AJ headed out.  He wasn't sure why he was going to this wedding.  He knew he wouldn't be wanted there, and perhaps that was exactly why he decided to go.  It wasn't that he felt the need to see her one more time, but rather he felt the need to be seen BY her once more.  He wanted her to see that life went on without her and he was doing pretty darn good without her in his life.  Maybe it was the spiteful side of him coming out, but he needed to show her that he wasn't sitting home crying over their broken relationship.  He needed her to see that he'd moved on. 

It would be a lie however, if he said that he didn't ever think about what they'd once shared.  He had loved her after all, and that wasn't something he could just let go without wondering what might have been.  Maybe things just weren't meant to be, he'd finally realized.  Yet that didn't stop him from wanting one last chance of showing her just what she'd walked out on.

Arriving at the country club a short while later AJ headed in.  He held his head high and walked with a confidence known only to those who truly felt comfortable in their own skin. 

As he entered the club, the hostess tried to stop him from entering the reception room.  "I'm sorry sir, but this is a black tie affair.  You cannot go in there dressed like that."

"Maybe I am wearing a black tie and it's just blending in so well with the shirt that you can't see it."  AJ commented as he pushed past her to enter the room. 

"Sir!"  She called after him, but it was too late.  He'd already made his entrance.

~ Blame it all on my roots
I showed up in boots
And ruined your black tie affair
The last one to know
The last one to show
I was the last one you thought you'd see there ~

He'd timed it perfectly.  The room was crowded as he was the last to arrive.  AJ's eyes roamed around the large room and soon fell upon the newlyweds.  They hadn't noticed him yet and he slowly made his way over towards where they stood deep in conversation with a few other people.  All around the room people's eyes followed him.  He was a stark contrast to the fancily dressed people. 

As AJ crossed the room, he saw her look up.  Her mouth opened into a large O and she must have let out a gasp of surprise because her new husband glanced over in AJ's direction.  AJ tipped his hat in greeting as he closed the distance between them.

~ And I saw the surprise
And the fear in his eyes
When I took his glass of champagne
And I toasted you
Said, honey, we may be through
But you'll never hear me complain. ~

AJ saw her lean in to her new man and she whispered something in his ear.  The surprise on his face let AJ know that she informed him as to who he was. 

AJ stopped near the couple and with a lazy grin wished them a "Congratulations."  While the couple stammered their replies, AJ took the champagne glass from the groom's hand and raised it to toast them both.  The couple could only watch AJ in stunned silence.

"Alex... what... what are you doing here?"  The bride finally found her voice.

AJ smirked.  "I came to congratulate you on your wedding."  He explained.  "Can't a guy come and wish his ex the best?"

Neither the bride nor the groom knew how to reply.  She knew she'd broken AJ's heart when she'd left him, but now here he stood before her without a complaint in the world.  He almost seemed sincere too, and that surprised her.

AJ watched her face with a smile.  His friends had tried to talk him out of going to the reception, but he knew they'd all be waiting for him at Nick's place later to hear all the details.

~ 'Cause I've got friends in low places
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away
And I'll be okay
I'm not big on social graces
Think I'll slip on down to the oasis
Oh, I've got friends in low places ~

As AJ stood there sipping the groom's expensive champagne, he realized for the first time that he really would be ok.  As much as he'd put on a big front, he'd doubted that life would go on without her in it.  Yet as he watched her nervously fiddle with the beads on her gorgeous white wedding gown, he knew that he wouldn't be alone for long.  His friends would be beside him and supporting him and they were more important than any woman.  How he'd let her almost come between them so many times, he didn't know. 

It was as if everything became clear suddenly.  All the fights, all the broken promises that she'd made... they didn't mean a thing.  The mean words she'd spoken couldn't hurt him unless he let them. 

~Well, I guess I was wrong
I just don't belong
But then, I've been there before
Everything's all right
I'll just say goodnight
And I'll show myself to the door
Hey, I didn't mean To cause a big scene
Just give me an hour and then
Well, I'll be as high
As that ivory tower That you're livin' in. ~

AJ glanced around the reception hall and realized that everyone was still watching him, waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak.  He didn't belong there, but it was just fine with him.  The fancy clothing, the snooty guests, and the expensive champagne weren't to his taste.  He'd prefer to share a nice cold Budweiser with his buddies than to spend another moment in the presence of people who considered themselves better than the rest of the world.  

Even the bride was looking at him as if he were something distasteful that she'd discovered on the bottom of her shoe. 

AJ finished the champagne and handed the empty glass back to the groom.

"Well I guess I'll be off."  He commented.  He hadn't meant to cause such a stir, but he could hear the comments the guests were making.  AJ had not intended to ruin the reception, he'd just wanted to put in an appearance, and now he had.

~ 'Cause I've got friends in low places
Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away
And I'll be okay
I'm not big on social graces
Think I'll slip on down to the oasis
Oh, I've got friends in low places. ~

Suddenly he couldn't wait to get out of there and away from all the fancily dressed people.  He wanted to head to Nick's house, lounge around with the guys and have a few drinks.  A low key night sounded perfect to AJ at that moment. 

He didn't regret showing up to the reception at all.  In fact he was glad he'd come.  It made him realize quite a bit.  He knew now what was important to him. 

"Thank you."  AJ stated to the bride.  He leaned in and kissed her hard on the lips and then turned and strutted out of the hall. 

All eyes were on him as he left, but AJ didn't have a care in the world as to who was watching.  He left the hall and in doing so he left the past behind.  He could now move forward and know that it was the right thing to do.  He had expected to feel something when he saw her in her wedding gown, but all he'd felt was relief that it was not him standing beside her in the tuxedo. 

"Now, off to find my friends in low places."  AJ commented to himself as he slid behind the wheel of his car.  He chuckled to himself as the Garth Brooks tune flickered through his mind.  As he pulled the car out of the parking lot, he sang the third verse to the song.

~ I guess I was wrong
I just don't belong
But then, I've been there before
And everything is alright
I'll just say goodnight
And I'll show myself to the door
I didn't mean to cause a big scene
Just wait 'til I finish this glass
Then sweet little lady
I'll head back to the bar
And you can kiss my ass. ~

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