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Ghost in the Graveyard

© Sadie Sorrel 2002


"One o'clock"

There's no escape now. The game has begun.

"Two o'clock. Three o'clock. Rock."

It's time for…

"Four o'clock. Five o'clock. Six o'clock. Rock."

the deepest fear,

"Seven o'clock. Eight o'clock. Nine o'clock. Rock."

the darkest lust

"Ten o'clock. Eleven o'clock."

to be revealed at the cry of…


The graveyard is silent, but you know the ghost is out there, hiding, waiting to be found. And it knows you are searching…


Justin's eyes widened in fear as a sound reached his ear. What was that? Did something move behind that stone? He stood completely still. The only sounds he could hear was his own ragged breathing and a faint sound of feet on grass, reminding him that he wasn't the only one searching.

Lance was good at hiding. Justin knew that. He would get you far away from the base in your search for him, and then suddenly, when he wanted you to find him, you would see him, and he would be right next to you… Lance never had to be ghost for two rounds in a row.

Justin listened. He couldn't hear the running feet anymore, whoever it was must have gotten out of his hearing range. Were they all gone? Had they left him here, alone in the dark graveyard?

Suddenly the air seemed colder and the massive, silent darkness closed in on him, making him unable to hear anything but his own pounding heart. Justin fought to resist the urge to scream, but he couldn't keep a small whimper from escaping his lips. His vision blurred, and he reached blindly for something to hold on to.

Justin's hands came in contact with something cold and hard. A tombstone. He felt something touching his back before he quickly got dragged behind the stone. A cold hand covered his mouth.

Justin tried to fight the hands off, but failed as he was pressed against the cold stone by a surprisingly warm body. Lance. He relaxed and waited for Lance to remove the hand from his mouth. It didn't happen, instead Lance moved his own mouth to Justin's ear.

"I got you." Lance whispered, his breath hot and tickling in Justin's ear.

I got you? Justin's mind went racing. I got you, like in 'don't be afraid, I got you'? Or I got you, like an 'I've caught you'?

An almost girlish giggle echoed in the dark. Drunken JC. Lance pressed Justin a little harder against the stone. For a moment he didn't move at all, not even breathing. Listening, Justin thought, so that's how he does it. Then Lance's attention returned to Justin.

"Don't be afraid of darkness, if you let it, it can be your ally." Lance removed his right hand from between Justin and the tombstone. "It is what hides in the darkness you should fear." Slowly the hand moved down Justin's sweater clad front. Down, down till it reached the hem. "Does the dangers of darkness scare you, Justin?"

Justin didn't answer, couldn't answer. Not with Lance's left hand covering his mouth, not with... Goosebumps all over as two cold fingers wandered up, up till they reached a nipple, teasing it with light touches before paying equal attention to the other.

"Don't you ever fear getting punished for all the sinful thoughts you give other people?" Teeth bit down on Justin's earlobe. Hard enough to just cross the border between pleasure and pain. A feather-light kiss from soft lips followed the teeth, while two fingers pinched a nipple.

"You are so beautiful. But Justin, beauty can betray." Lance kissed Justin's neck, then licked a trail back to the ear.

The two fingers found their way down again, resting for a while in the naval, before tracing the line of hair lower. Justin shivered. He wasn't sure, whether he liked this or not, all he knew was that he didn't want Lance to stop.

"You try to play tough, but somehow it's still there, that look of innocence. Are you innocent, Justin, or is it all an act to deceive the unsuspecting?" While Lance talked his hand opened the button on Justin's jeans and unzipped, careful not to make a sound.

Justin gasped behind Lance's hand as he felt the cold air through his thin shorts. "You always get, what you want… the best solos, the most attention… Tell me what you want. You got my full attention." Lance shifted a little to press his hardness against Justin's butt.

Unreal, the word flew through Justin's mind, as he gave Lance's hand a tentative lick. He didn't know if Lance would get the meaning, and he wasn't really sure, what he meant…

The cold air was replaced by a now warm hand. Justin pushed forward, but the hand didn't move. Lance was listening. Justin listened, too.

Then slowly, ever so slowly began Lance to stroke Justin through the thin fabric. Pure torture.

More, Justin wanted to yell, faster. Instead he tried to reach behind him to touch Lance… and the hands was gone, and no weight pressed him against the tombstone.

Justin turned around. Lance was still there. He was resting his forehead against the stone and taking deep, controlled breaths.

"Lance." Justin whispered. "What's wrong."

"You didn't like it, you shouldn't have liked. I shouldn't have done it." Lance's breath hitched.

"Don't. I know, why you did it, Lance. It's ok." Justin caught Lance, as he slid down the stone, and pulled him closer as they ended on the ground.

"No, you.. then you wouldn't…" Lance sniffled and a tear ran down his cheek.

"You are drunk." Justin whispered and kissed the tear away before pressing his lips against Lance's. They kissed, then Lance pulled back.

"No, Justin. I envy you…" Justin kissed him again.

"Sometimes I even think I hate you." Justin tried to catch his lips again, but Lance turned his face away.

"I know you mean it, Lance, 'cause you can't lie, when you're drunk." Justin sighed. "We'll talk about it tomorrow. Right now…" Justin moved a hand up Lance's thigh and cupped him before undoing his pants.

"Ju-" Lance began.

"Shh. Just keep quiet." Justin gave Lance a soft kiss before moving lower, making Lance gasp and moan and totally forget about being quiet.

"Jusss.. I'm gonna." A hand over Lance's mouth prevented the rest from being heard.

Justin removed his hand and kissed Lance before getting their clothes back in order.

"What about you?" Lance whispered with a small smile, leaning into Justin's touch.

"Just wanna see you smile again." Justin looked at Lance and got rewarded with a smile.

'Always get what I want', Justin thought and smiled for himself as he pulled Lance to his feet and put an arm around him.

Lance nuzzled his cheek on Justin's shoulder

"Ghost." Justin said.

"Got you:"


Please tell Sadie what you thought of this story!