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By:  JC_n_Justin_7681


“Oh fuck, Justin, yeah right there!” 

“Oh Jace, yes, so tight!” 


“C! OH C! OH GOD!” 




They lay back on the damp grass, giggling. 

The smiles dropped from their faces when they heard a branch snap from somewhere behind them. 

“What was that?” Justin asked. 

“There’s someone here!” 

“Oh fuck! Where?” 

“I don’t know! It came from over there I think?” 

The pair quickly rose and got dressed. They jumped when they heard chains rattling. 

“Oh shit C!” 

“I’m sure it’s just the wind shaking the chain around the gate.” 

Then a loud deep moan wailed. 

“That wasn’t the wind Jace!” Justin whispered, shaking with fear. 

“Let’s get back to the car.” 

“Yeah, fast.” 

The made their way to the main entrance, but stopped when they saw a silhouette blocking it. 

“Jace, what the hell is that?” 

“I don’t know, but I don’t think we should stick around to find out!” JC grabbed Justin’s hand and pulled him in the opposite direction. 

The moaning got louder and closer, JC looked back and saw the silhoutte gliding along the ground towards them. 

“OH FUCK!” JC ran faster, tugging Justin with him. They raced to the other exit of the graveyard. 

“You and your fantasies, Justin! ‘Let’s go and do it in a gravyard for Halloween! I’ve always wanted to do that JC!’ Huh!” JC said mimicking Justin’s voice perfectly. 

“Well it was a good fantasy!” 

“Was it in your fantasy to be chased by an unworldy thing?” 

“No.” Justin replied quietly. 

“Come on, we are nearly there!” 

Just as they got almost by the second exit, JC saw a figure from the corner of his eye. 

JC stopped them dead in their tracks. 

“Oh shit!” 




Justin saw another dark silhoutte approaching them. He glanced back and saw the original one almost upon them. 

“JACE!” Justin screamed. 

JC took off with Justin, running away from both creatures. 

They ran through the headstones, over graves, in an effort to loose them. But it seemed a doomed one. 

“Over there! We can climb that tree and get over the wall!” JC said as he pointed to a very large tree, quite close to the Graveyard wall.  


“Quick climb!” JC yelled as he helped Justin into the tree. 

Justin got half way into it, as he turned to help JC up, he saw three dark silhouttes right behind him. 

“JC!” Justin screamed. JC turned just as the three figures grabbed him. JC screamed and tried to break free, but they had him tightly. They dragged him quickly into the darkness. 

“JCCCCCC! NOOOOOO!” Justin cried. The figures, along with JC disappeared into the night. 

Justin hunched on the branch crying heavily. 

“JC! OH GOD! PLEASE!” Justin whispered. 

Justin heard a rustle and looked down, there was two figures at the base of the tree. 

“NOOOO!” Justin yelled and got to his feet, he made his way to the end of the branch and attempted to scale the wall. But two pairs of hands grabbed him and yanked him down. Justin kicked and screamed but to no avail. They drug him into the darkness. 

Justin saw a flicking light in the distance, it looked like a bonfire. As they got nearer he could make out the shape of the other entity and it was standing over a naked bent over body. The body which looked like a guy was tied to bench.  

Justin realised it was JC. 

“Jace!” He cried out. JC tried to turn but as he did so, the figure guarding him hit him with a switch. JC howled from the pain. 

“STOP IT!” Justin screamed. 

The figure did it again. JC cried out. The figure rose his arm to hit him yet again. 


The figure stopped his movements and slowly turned his head towards Justin. 

“And what do I get if I do?” A deep creepy voice answered. 


“What will you give in return if I spare him his punishment?” 

“Anything, anything you want!” 

“Then I want YOU!” The figure dropped the switch and signaled the other two, then pointed to another bench. 

The two figures holding Justin removed his clothes, ripping his shirt from his body, yanking his pants from his legs. They threw them next to the pile of clothes that belonged to JC. Then they dragged him over to the empty bench and lashed him to it with rope. 

JC could see the second bench from where he was, he saw them tie a now naked Justin to it. He saw the head figure fumble with the gown he was wearing, he gasped as he saw a hard leaking cock emerge. The figure began to stroke it and it made it’s way behind Justin’s ass.  


The figure slapped Justin’s ass, making Justin yelp. He then spread the ass cheeks and lined himself up. 


The figured turned away from Justin and moved swiftly to JC. He leant down and spoke firmly but quietly into JC’s ear. 

“I will give you a choice, either you FUCK him, or I will FUCK him hard and rough, I will take my time, cause him great pain and I WILL split him in two! If you choose me to FUCK him and he fails to please me you both die. You choose to FUCK him and you fail to please me and you both die.” 

“And if I please you?” 

“You will both leave here! The choice is yours!” 

“Then I choose to fuck him.” 

“Very well.” 

The figured nodded and JC was released from his bounds. They led him to Justin’s quivering body. 

“I love you Justin!” JC whispered. 

“I love you too Jace, always!” 

JC grabbed Justin’s hips and pushed himself into the tight ass. Justin moaned from the force. JC stopped to let Justin get used to him. He heard a thwack and saw that the head figure had slapped the switch on his hand.  

“I’m waiting!” He said to JC. 

JC withdrew his cock from Justin slowly them shoved it back in again hard and fast. He thrust in and out of Justin trying to ignore the sounds coming from Justin’s lips. The moans and groans were turning him on more. 

He felt his orgasm building when he realised that the three figures were laughing. He recognized those laughs. He stopped thrusting and turned to look at them.  

What he saw made him angry and full of rage. 

The standing laughing was Chris, Lance and Joey, Joey who was holding a video camera, filming the whole thing. 


“Oh JC you should have seen your faces!” Chris gasped in between laughs. 


“Oh man, it was classic, you were both shitting yourselves!” Joey spluttered, the camera shaking along with him. 


“Guys that was awesome, you really thought we were.....oh god!” Lance managed to utter as he broke into another fit of giggles. 

“YOU BASTARDS!” JC screamed as he untied Justin. 

“What’s going on?” Justin asked as he picked up their clothes. 



Chris, Lance and Joey, suddenly stopped laughing as JC and Justin, mad and eyes of fire, moved towards them. 

“I think we should take that as our cue to leave guys.” Lance said. 

“Er....yeah! Oh shit!” Joey replied. Then the three men took off towards the main gate. JC and Justin screamed and took off right after them.  


The End. 


Please tell JC_n_Justin_7681what you thought of this story!