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Rating: NC-17


It was October the 31st. Jessie was busy rushing around her home pre-paring THE Halloween party of the year. Guests would be arriving in half an hour and she still had to get dressed. She had picked out a pair of black leather pants and a baby blue top.

Jessie placed the last of the glasses next to the punch bowl and headed to her room to shower and change. 

Jessie was just switching on the stereo as the doorbell rang. She opened the door and was met by Joey, Kelly, Chris, Jamie, and Lance. She greeted them and took them into the living room. 

“Wow Jessie, the place looks great!” Kelly exclaimed. 

“Yeah, you’ve done a great job!” Jamie agreed. 


“Where’s your date Lance?” 

“Oh, she couldn’t make it. Her sister’s water broke.” 

“Finally gonna have that kid? She’s what a week overdue?” Joey asked. 

“Erm. Something like that, yeah!”  

“Well Lance I hope it goes ok.” 

“Yeah me too.” 

“Well let’s get this party started!” Chris shouted and he grabbed Jamie’s hand and whisked her into his arms and they began to dance.  

The doorbell went again, this time it was Ann and Ted. 

“Hi guys, i’m glad you could make it!” 

“Us too, here.” Ann gave Jessie a bottle of wine and one of her famous Pumpkin Pies. 


“The boys not here yet?” 


“I’m sure they’ll be here soon and dressed to kill!” 

“They’d better.” 


About an hour later nearly all of her guests had arrived, except for JC and Justin. 

Joey’s brother Steve had come with his girlfriend Sandy, JC’s Sister Heather had come with her guy Harry and JC’s brother Tyler had just showed up with his new girlfriend Tina. 

“Hey Tyler, do you know what’s keeping JC and Justin?” 

“Nah sorry Jessie, i’m sure they won’t be long though.” 

Jessie watched as her friends enjoyed themselves. But she couldn’t, not until JC and Justin got here.  

‘Where were they?’ She thought. A slow song started up and everyone was slow dancing to it, except for Lance who was in the kitchen talking to his girlfriend on his mobile. She couldn’t hear what he was saying but he was blushing and grinning like the Cheshire Cat.  

Jessie couldn’t take it anymore, she fled to her bedroom and flung herself onto her bed and cried. 

Jessie had been in there for three quarters of an hour, when Ann knocked on her door.  

“Jessie? You in there?” 

“Yeah.” Jessie sniffed.  

“Can I come in?” 



“Oh Jessie, i’m sure there’s a perfectly good reason why they ain’t here yet. I’m sure they will turn up any minute now.” 

“Yeah.” Jessie answered quietly. 

“Have you tried ringing them?” 

“Yeah, but I can’t through on Justin’s phone and JC’s is switched off.” 

“Don’t worry sweetheart. I’m sure they are ok.” Ann suggested when she saw the worry on her bestfriend’s face. 

“OH God Ann! What if they have been in an accident? What if they are lying somewhere, hurt, bleeding, DEAD!” That image made her break down once again. 

“Oh don’t Jessie, if there had been an accident, we would have heard something by now, they are fine, i’m sure of it!” 

Ann hugged Jessie tightly. 

“Look why don’t you wash your face and come back down to the party?” 

“I really don’t feel like it Ann.” 

“Do you want me to send everyone home?” 

“NO, I couldn’t do that, it’s not fair to ruin the party for everyone else. No it’s ok Ann, really! It’s bad enough that i’m being a bad hostess.” 



“They understand.” 

“No, let them have fun, it’s a shame to waste it all. Why don’t you go and have a great time with Ted, i’m sure he’s missing you.” 

“Of course he is, but my bestfriend needs me right now, he understands.” 

“I’m fine really, I just need to be alone for a little while, ok?” 

“Ok hun, if your sure, if you need ANYTHING just call me ok?” 

“Yeah, and Ann?” 



“Your welcome.” 

Ann hugged Jessie once more then left to re-join her husband and the party. 

It was almost midnight and the only guests who remained were Ann, Ted, Chris and Jamie.  

Joey and Kelly had to go and pick up Brianna from his Mother’s and Lance was on his way to pick his girlfriend up from the Hospital. Tyler, Heather and Steve had left with their dates about half an hour before that.  




Jessie lay on her bed in the dark. With still no word from JC and Justin, she was way past concerned now.  

She heard a door opening and then muffled voices.

Then the music was switched off and she heard people leaving. 

The door to the bedroom opened and the light from the hallway blinded her, all she could make out were the silhouettes of two guys standing in the doorway.

She’d recognize them anywhere, she jumped up from the bed and rushed at the first guy, she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and tears flowed from her eyes once more. 

“Oh baby, don’t cry, were SO sorry!” 

“I thought you were dead!” 

“No honey, we are fine, just had a little car trouble is all.” 

“Yeah baby, I know we shoulda called, but we were stuck in the middle of nowhere and well JC forgot to recharge his battery and mine couldn’t get a signal out.” 

“We’ll make it up to you, we swear!” 

“Yeah, damn right baby, we’re SO sorry! Forgiven?” 

“Yeah, i’m just glad your safe!” Jessie said as she gave Justin a hug too. 

“Well, it looks like everything been drunk and eaten. But I see the that they saved the best for us!” JC said as he wiggled his eyebrows. 


“Hmm, Jace your right and very tasty it is too!” 

“It’s kinda dark in here though don’t ya’ think J?” 

“Oh yeah, but I can solve that little problem.” Justin went into the kitchen and retrieved some tea light candles from one of the cabinets. 

“Voila! Let there be light!” Justin placed them around the bedroom and lit them with his lighter. 

“Perfect!” JC whispered. He walked Jessie back towards the bed and he and Justin stood either side of her. 

They were both wearing black leather pants, like Jessie’s.

JC was wearing a black mesh top, while Justin was wearing a blue mesh top. As they drank in how she looked, she noticed they were very hard. She felt dizzy all of a sudden.  

Then they attacked, JC’s lips attached themselves to her neck, while Justin nibbled on her ear and jaw. She grabbed them to steady herself, then let her hands roam their hard bodies. 

Justin began to remove her top, he flung it to the far corner of the room, quickly followed by his shirt, JC’s shirt and then Jessie’s bra. JC quickly unfastened their pants as Justin removed their shoes. The pants soon joined the shirts. 

They lowered Jessie to the bed, Justin exploring her breasts, while JC moved lower, lapping at her navel and then down to her most sensitive area.

His tongue sort her wetness out, seeking her clit. He sucked and licked as Justin devoured her mouth. 


Jessie writhed on the bed and reached out for their hardness. Stroking and rubbing them, making them moan and groan from ministrations. 

“Oh god baby, that feels so good!” Panted Justin. 

JC broke free from her womanhood and slithered up her body. His hands joined Justin’s mouth on her breasts as he took crashed his lips on the now vacant mouth. 

“Oh honey, you taste.....OH YES!” JC screamed as Jessie’s hands sped up on his cock. 

Justin turned Jessie onto her side and slid down so his face was level with her ass. He spread her cheeks and licked at her puckered hole.  

“Justinnnnn!” Jessie screamed. 

JC lifted her left leg around his waist, he placed his dick at her entrance, teasing her with just the tip. 

Justin position himself at her rear, he spread his pre-cum along his shaft and then slowly pushed inside of her.

JC at the same time, spread his juices along his throbbing cock and thrust deep and hard into her. 

“Ohhhhhhhh YESSSS!” Jessie cried out. 

“AHHHH baby, so tight.” Justin groaned.  

“OHHHH so hot and wet!” JC moaned. 



They began to thrust in and out of her in a matching rhythm. Jessie grabbed JC’s arms tightly as they rocked together.

Justin gripped her waist as he moved within her. JC held her leg tightly, he grabbed her neck with his other hand and kissed her deeply and passionately.  

As the harder and faster they got, the closer their orgasms approached. 

Then they simultaneously exploded with JC and Justin buried deep inside her, coating her walls with their hot seed.  

They froze as the spasms racked their bodies, then they released themselves, spent and exhausted. They lay on the bed gasping for breath.  

“OH” Said Justin. 

“MY” Said JC. 

“GOD!” Said Jessie. 

“Sleep, need sleep!” JC whined as he brought Jessie’s body towards him, placing her head on his chest. 

“Mmm yeah, me too!” Justin agreed as he snuggled up behind Jessie and covered them all with a sheet. 

“I’ve got what I needed!” Jessie giggled. 

They curled around one another and fell asleep. 

The End

Please tell Bluestones72 what you thought of this story!