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By:  Jaimie

The music pounded as they made their way into the club. There were so many women there tonight, but only two caught their eye. They stood together dancing in the middle of the room. Neither really dancing with anyone. They moved their bodies in time with the music, lost in it’s seductive rhythm. Lance and Justin continued to watch them from afar.

Athena and Jaimie saw them the moment they walked in. Who could miss them? They had to be the two most gorgeous men they had ever seen. They both tried to act natural, but every part of their bodies wanted nothing more than to have their hands all over every inch of them. Something inside of each of them knew before the night was over, they would have them.

I wanna know who you are
No more admiring you from a far
You walk by I get weak in the knees
I get next to you and I get dizzy dizzy
The way you look the way you move
Your body's telling me that I cant lose
You and me were meant to be
I get next to you and I get dizzy dizzy

Lance and Justin finally approached them on the dance floor. Jaimie’s eyes locked with Lance’s as Athena’s did with Justin’s. Their bodies molded together as if they were meant to be. Athena’s hands immediately found Justin’s abundant curls. Justin’s beautiful mouth curled up into his famous smile. Athena thought she would melt right then and there. The whole time their eyes never left each other’s face. Justin was mesmerized by her emerald eyes. The way they sparkled in the dim light of the club. She was gorgeous. Lance was lost in Jaimie’s blue eyes. He felt almost like he was drowning in their depths. Jaimie played with the soft hair at the nape of his neck, causing him to shiver. She smiled sexily at him, knowing what she was doing to him. Lance’s hands found their way into her soft curls that hung long down her back. She pressed her body closer to his, unable to get close enough to each other. With one look into each other’s eyes, they knew what they both wanted and needed most.

My head is spinning round and round
You got me feeling like my feet aren’t on the ground
What is this power that you have over me
I get next to you and I get dizzy dizzy
I don’t know just what to do
I've been in love but this is something new
Your the one for me its plain to see
I get next to you and I get dizzy dizzy
My head is spinning round and round
You got me feeling like my feet aren’t on the ground
What is this power that you have over me
I get next to you and I get dizzy dizzy
I don’t know just what to do
I've been in love but this is something new
Your the one for me its plain to see
I get next to you and I get dizzy dizzy

Justin led Athena off to a secluded part of the club. They found a darkened booth and slowly began to kiss each other passionately. Neither knew what had come over them, but they just had to have each other right then and there. Justin’s hands wandered under her baby doll tee, making contact with the softness of her breast beneath it. Athena moaned softly as Justin’s mouth found her nipple through her shirt. She grabbed handfuls of his curls to hold him in place as his mouth performed it’s sweet torture on her body. Athena’s hand caressed his hardness through his blue jeans, causing Justin to jump slightly from her gentle touch. She gently pushed him to sit in the booth before straddling his hips. She continued to kiss him as she slowly unbuttoned his jeans. Justin practically sighed in relief when she freed him of the confines of his jeans. Athena stood back up and slowly pulled her thongs down her shapely legs. Justin gulped in anticipation. He had never been this hot for anyone before. Athena straddled him again, rubbing her center over him. Justin grunted loudly, grabbed a hold of her hips, and thrust upward to tell her he didn’t want anymore teasing. He wanted her NOW. She smiled sweetly as she slowly lowered herself onto him.

Lance and Jaimie made their way to one of the offices in back of the club. Once they were inside, Lance locked the door behind him, then turned his attention back to Jaimie. She smiled shyly over at him as he approached her. She licked her lips nervously in anticipation. Lance grabbed her hips and pulled her body to his. Jaimie’s lips parted slightly as Lance lowered his mouth to hers. He took her bottom lip in his and gently nibbled on it before pulling away from her slightly. Her eyes were full of desire as she looked into his intense green eyes. She pulled his lips back down to her quickly sighing as she felt Lance’s tongue on hers. She could feel his erection through his black leather pants. She wanted him so badly, she felt as though her body was on fire. Lance pulled her tank top off her, needing to feel her soft skin beneath it against his. Jaimie quickly removed the shirt he was wearing, baring his masculine chest. He leaned her back against the desk as he continued to kiss her. His hands wandered under her skirt to remove her panties, then he tossed them in the growing pile on the floor. Jaimie’s hands unzipped his pants, gently stroking him, never breaking their kiss. He entered her slowly, hissing as her warmth encompassed him.

Hey I wanna hear you scream
Girl do you wanna get with me
Actually its plain to see
The way you move is making me dizzy
Don’t know just what to do
I need some love to get me through
I’m feeling you, I know its true
I got nothing but love for you
C'mon baby shack it from side to side
Yo sex appeal cant be denied
Just want one chance to make it right
And girl you know tonight’s the night
C'mon up down all around
Shake your booty to the ground
Take my hand and follow me
The way you move is making me dizzy

Athena rocked her hips slowly at first, but gradually picked up her pace. Justin held onto her hips, pulling her back down onto him hard. Justin thought he might explode from the intense pleasure she was bringing him as she expertly rode him hard. Athena’s nails dug into the soft flesh of his back as she sought her own release. Justin’s hand found her sensitive center and gently massaged it as she continued to rock her hips. She bit her lip to keep from crying out in pleasure, not wanting to bring any attention to themselves. She felt her release coming, so she began to move even faster, wanting him to fall over the edge with her. Justin knew she was close, the minute he felt his release approach, he pinched her center hard, immediately sending her tumbling over the edge. As soon as her walls began to tremble around him, he found his release as well.

Lance and Jaimie easily found a steady rhythm with each other, Her hips rose to meet his with every thrust. Jaimie clung to him, placing heated kisses along his neck. Her lips found their way to his Adam’s apple. She kissed it gently before she began to suck on it slightly. No one had ever done that to him before. Lance couldn’t believe how much more that turned him on. His lips found her earlobe, as he began to gently nibble on it, sending shivers down her spine. Jaimie pulled his lips back to hers, as she felt her release approach. Lance felt the fire begin to burn in him. He moved faster and faster, sending Jaimie over the edge along with himself.

My head is spinning round and round
You got me feeling like my feet aren’t on the ground
What is this power that you have over me
I get next to you and I get dizzy dizzy
I don’t know just what to do
I've been in love but this is something new
Your the one for me its plain to see
I get next to you and I get dizzy dizzy

Justin kissed Athena’s shoulder as they both sat there catching their breath. Athena smiled and kissed his lips softly before standing up. Justin quickly rebuttoned his pants before anyone saw him. They stood there for a moment in silence. Justin laughed nervously, “Hi, I’m Justin.”

Athena smiled, “I’m Athena.”

Lance and Jaimie continued to kiss as they came down from their release. He smiled down at her, gently stroking her hair. “So,” he laughed softly, “This might be kind of a late question, but what is your name?”

She blushed slightly, “Jaimie.”

“Jaimie. It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Lance.”

When they got dressed, they found Justin and Athena talking at a booth in the corner of the club. Athena grinned up at Jaimie as they approached, and Jaimie returned the smile. They both knew exactly what happened.

“Well, it’s been fun guys, but I think it’s time for us to head out.” Athena said as she stood and straightened her skirt.

“What? You’re leaving now?” Justin asked disappointed.

“Unfortunately we have to. Thanks for a wonderful evening.” Jaimie smiled up at Lance. She pulled him down for another kiss before walking towards the front of the club.

“Later sexy.” Athena grinned. He pulled her close to him once more for a kiss, before releasing her with a smile.

Lance and Justin watched them walk out of the club. They looked at each other and grinned. Lance reached into his back pocket and found Jaimie’s panties with a piece of paper with her phone number on it. He smiled to himself, looking forward to seeing her again. Justin found Athena’s thongs in his pocket as well, along with her number. He grinned, knowing he was definitely going to call her again. After Jaimie and Athena left, Lance and Justin decided to leave as well.

“I think we should go clubbing together more often.” Justin grinned as they climbed into his Mercedes.

“Definitely. As long as Jaimie and Athena come along.”

“Oh yeah. You know it.”

They drove off, both eagerly anticipating another night of clubbing with the two girls that dance their way into their hearts.

The End


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