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I Can't Make You Love Me
By:  Jaimie

Turn down the lights
Turn down the bed
Turn off these voices inside my head
Lay down with me
Tell me no lies
Just hold me close
Don't patronize
Don't patronize

She knew it was him before she opened the door. He never stayed away too long. Jenna found herself counting the days until he was home again, wondering and hoping he'd come to her. He almost always did.....eventually. She knew Joey wasn't the type of person who stayed tied down long, but she couldn't help but hope that he would learn to love her the way she loved him. Joey had been up front with her from the start. He wasn't looking for a wife or a girlfriend for that matter. All he was interested in was a good time, nothing more. At first she was okay with it, but the longer their affair went on, she began to fall for him. Jenna read all the interviews and tabloids about his celebrity lifestyle and all the partying and girls. She knew most of it was true. Her head kept telling her to let him go and find someone who could love her the way she deserved to be loved, but her heart wasn't ready to let him go. Somehow she felt she could make him realize how much she means to him and he would want more from their relationship.

'Cause I can't make you love me if you don't
I can't make your heart feel
Something it don't
Here in the dark
In these final hours
I will lay down my heart
'Cause I feel the power
But you don't, no you don't
'Cause I can't make you love me if you don't

"Hey baby," Joey smiled sexily down at Jenna as she opened the door to her apartment. "Did you miss me?"

"You know I did." she returned his smile as he walked towards her, shutting the door behind him. He walked up to her, pulled her into his arms and kissed her lips hungrily. Jenna melted into his arms just as she always did. She buried her small hands into his short brown hair, pulling him closer to her. She couldn't get enough of him. Her heart began to ache as she began to think of how he didn't love her the way she loved him. Jenna angrily pushed those thoughts aside and concentrated on having Joey in her arms again. She needed him so badly, even if it was only for a little while.

I'll close my eyes
Then I won't see
The love you don't feel
When you're holding me
Morning will come
And I'll do what's right
Just give me till then
To give up this fight
And I will give up this fight

Afterwards, Jenna lay in Joey's arms as he slept. Her eyes roamed all over his body from the soft way his hair lay across his forehead, to the way he slept with one leg hanging over the side of the bed. She wanted to memorize every feature. Something told her when she told him how she really felt, that he wasn't going to be around any longer. Oh, how her heart ached at the thought, but she just couldn't do this anymore. He slowly began to stir beside her. His big brown eyes looked up into her blue-green ones as he smiled up at her.

"Hey," he stretched lazily.

"Hey," she whispered, looking away from him for a moment.

Joey looked over at her, his expression confused "What's up?"

Jenna sighed heavily then turned to face him once more, "We have to talk."

"Why don't I like the sound of that?" he asked as he sat up in bed.

"Because I know you won't like what I have to say." Jenna pulled the sheet up to her chest as she sat up to look him in the eye. "Joey, this isn't working for me anymore. I know I agreed to this arrangement in the beginning, but I need more than what you are willing to give me. I...I love you Joey. I know you don't feel the same way about me, but I have to know do you care about me at all?" she managed to finish before the tears began to fall freely. Joey's heart ached as she cried her eyes out in front of him. He softly lifted her chin and wiped her tears away. He hated to see her hurting this way. Joey knew he really cared for her, but he definitely wasn't in love and he wasn't ready to settle with anyone right now.

"Jen...I do care about you. I really do, but I'm not ready to settle down with anyone yet. I'm still young and I'm enjoying this time in my life too much. Who knows, maybe when I'm ready to settle down you'll still be available. If I'm lucky. I never meant to hurt you Jenna." he finished in a whisper.

"I know you didn't Joe. It doesn't stop it from hurting though. I know if we are truly meant to be you will come back to me. If not, then I don't want to waste my time waiting for you to feel something for me that you may never feel. I wish you all the best Joey." she smiled weakly and kissed his lips softly.

"You deserve so much happiness Jen. I hope you find it one day."

"Me too."

Joey slowly got out of bed and began to pull his clothes back on. Jenna walked him to the door, kissed his lips once more, and closed the door behind him. She stood for a moment with her back against the door as the tears streamed down her face. Although she knew in her heart she did the right thing, her heart was still breaking in two. She couldn't make him love her, but maybe in time he will realize just what they had and come back to her. Maybe she would still be there waiting..maybe.

'Cause I can't make you love me if you don't
I can't make your heart feel
Something it don't
Here in the dark
In these final hours
I will lay down my heart
And I feel the power
But you don't, no you don't
'Cause I can't make you love me..if you don't

The End


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