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No Place That Far
By:  Jaimie

I can’t imagine any greater fear
Than waking up, without you here
And though the sun would still shine on
My whole world would all be gone
But not for long

Marianne lay beside his peacefully sleeping form, looking down upon him. The soft way he breathed in and out, the way his lips remained partially open as if he was awaiting her next kiss, the way his long lashes hid his beautiful brown eyes that always looked upon her with love and devotion. Marianne couldn’t imagine spending one day without him in her life. Never had she ever loved anyone the way she loved Chris. He treats her as if she was the most precious gift he has ever received. It was practically love at first sight. She knew almost the moment she saw him that he was going to be the one.


“Mari, come one. I don’t want to miss the previews.” Jaimie yelled over at her best friend, her annoyance evident in her voice.

“Wait a sec, Jaim. Look at the new Fuman clothes they just got in. I have to get some.” Marianne began to move back over towards their new display.

“UGH! Marianne, please. We can come back after the movie I promise. I’ve been wanting to see this movie forever.”

“Forever?” Marianne laughed at her. “You just saw the previews last week.”

A slight blush crept up her neck to her cheeks, “Well, I’ve been anxious to see it since then. Come on!” Jaimie grabbed ahold of her arm and began to pull her out of the store towards the movie theatre. When they got there, there was a sign on the ticket window ‘Theatre closed for private screening.’ Jaimie’s smile immediately turned into a frown as she sat down on the bench sadly. She had been so excited about seeing ‘Scary Movie’, and now she wouldn’t be able to.

“I’m sorry Jaim. I know you wanted to see it.” Marianne sat down beside her and rubbed her back sympathetically.

Jaimie sighed heavily, “Yeah well. That’s the way my luck goes.”


From inside the theatre, the guys from NSYNC were standing around waiting for the movie to start. Chris and Lance saw two girls approach the ticket window. The one girl with long curly brown hair was practically dragging another red-headed girl towards the window. When they got there and read the sign on the door, the smile that was once on her face suddenly turned into a frown. They felt sorry for her, knowing she must have really wanted to see the movie. They had to close the theatre for a private screening because it was the only way they could all get out together without getting mobbed by thousands of people. Lance looked over at Chris for a moment, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“If you’re thinking of letting them come in to watch the movie then yes I am.” Chris answered, never taking his eyes off the red head who sat beside the other girl, softly rubbing her back.

“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Lance smiled before finding the manager of the theatre. “Hi, there are two girls sitting on the bench outside the theatre. We’d like you to go tell them they are invited to come in and watch the movie with us.”

The manager just smiled at them and did as they asked. “No problem sir. I’ll send someone for them right away.”

“Thank you.”

The manager immediately sent one of this employees over to the girls.


“Come on. Let’s go spend some money. I know that usually makes me feel better.” Marianne tried to get her to smile again and it worked.

“Okay okay.” Jaimie laughed as they stood to leave. Before they could walk away, a girl dressed in a movie theatre uniform approach them.

“Hi.” she said.

“Um, hello.” Marianne eyed her suspiciously. “Can we help you?”

“I’m sorry to bother you, but were you two wanting to watch ‘Scary Movie’?”

“Well, yeah but you’re closed for a private screening.” Jaimie said.

“I’ve been sent out here to invite you to that private screening. Apparently the people who have reserved the theatre saw how disappointed you looked and they would like you to join them.”

“Just who are these people?” Marianne asked.

“I’m really not at liberty to tell you. I promise they aren’t crazy or anything. I know what you’re probably thinking.”

Jaimie looked over at Marianne with questioning eyes, “Well?”

“It’s a free movie. Let’s go.”

Both girls followed her into the theatre, neither really sure what to think of what was happening to them. They were led to a small theatre, which was completely empty. They were beginning to get spooked sitting there alone in the quiet theatre.

“I wonder who these people are.” Marianne whispered.

Before Jaimie could say anything they heard voices coming from the doorway. It sounded like a bunch of male and female voices, laughing and having a good time. They all became quiet when they realized their were two other people in the theatre. They walked up to the aisle Marianne and Jaimie were sitting in and stood there looking at them smiling. Both girls knew immediately who they were. They sat there unable to move from their shock.

“Hi!” Chris smiled down at them. “I take it you both know who we are.”

“Ye…yeah we do.” Marianne stared wide eyed at Chris, unable to tear her eyes away. Somehow she knew the minute her hazel eyes met his beautiful brown eyes that he was the one for her.

“Well, even though you know who we are we still need introductions. I’m Lance, this is Chris, Justin and his girlfriend Athena, JC and his girl Shannon, Joey and his girlfriend Lonie.”

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you all. I’m Jaimie and this is my best friend Marianne.” she smiled up at them.

“It’s nice to meet you as well. I’m glad you two decided to join us. We’re sorry if you wanted to see the movie. This is the only way we can come out to the movies anymore.” Chris apologized as he sat down beside Marianne.

“That’s okay. We know it’s probably hard for you to do anything really.” Marianne smiled shyly over at Chris.

Lance took the seat beside Jaimie, with Shannon and JC on the other side of him. Justin, Athena, Joey, and Lonie sat on the other side of Chris. Soon the movie began, but neither girl were paying it much attention. All of it was concentrated on the guys sitting beside them.

~*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*~

If I had to run
If I had to crawl
If I had to swim a hundred rivers
Just to climb a thousand walls
Always know that I would find a way
To get to where you are
Baby there’s no place that far

That was over a year ago. Chris made Marianne happier than she could imagine she could be. Even when he was on the road, he made it a point to call her every night and he flew home during any breaks he had to be with her. Whenever Marianne could, she went on the road with them, but it wasn’t something she could do very often. She was brought from her thoughts when she heard someone call her from the door.

“Mari?” Jaimie whispered. She peeked her head inside Chris’ bedroom door and saw Marianne lying beside Chris as he slept. “Marianne! Get out of here. You know the husband isn’t supposed to see the bride before the wedding.”

“Okay, okay.” she whispered before she slowly got off the bed, trying not to wake him. She bent down and kissed his temple softly. “See you in a few hours baby.” She smiled down at him before following Jaimie out the door.

It wouldn’t matter
Why we’re apart
Lonely minds or two stubborn hearts
Nothing short of God above
Could turn me away from your love
I need you that much

Marianne sat in front of the mirror as Jaimie pinned her veil into her long red hair, fighting the tears of happiness that burned in her eyes. She stood and looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. This was everything she dreamed her wedding day would be when she was a little girl. Her dress was a beautiful off the shoulder off white gown. The corset bodice was adorned with ornate beading and sequence, while the full skirt had a trail of pearls and beads running along the long train. She truly looked like a princess.

“You look so beautiful.” Jaimie smiled through her tears as she hugged her friend tightly.

“Thank you. So do you sweetie.” Marianne took a step back to look at her. The bridesmaid dress she chose were strapless, A-line dresses in a beautiful soft lilac chiffon. Jaimie of course was her maid of honor, with Shannon, Lonie, and Athena as her other bridesmaids. Suddenly there was a soft tap at the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s Lance. Can I come in?”

“Sure.” Marianne yelled towards the door. Lance stepped inside and smiled brightly at them. His breath caught in his throat when he saw how beautiful and blissfully happy Marianne looked.

“You look absolutely beautiful Mari.” he softly kissed her cheek, then he looked over at Jaimie. “Hey baby. You look beautiful too. Just think, our wedding day is only a few months away.”

“I know. I can’t believe it.” she gushed happily.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt, but it’s about that time. I was sent to let you guys know.”

“How is Chris doing?” Marianne asked.

“He’s doing okay. He’s just pacing the floor nervously, just like you he’s ready to get this started.” Lance smiled softly at her. “I’m really happy for you sweetie. You’ve made Chris happier than I’ve ever seen him. He’s so lucky to have met you.”

“I’m the lucky one Lance. He’s everything to me.”

“I know. Are you ready to become Mrs. Christopher Kirkpatrick?” he asked.

“I’ve never been more ready.”

“Okay, I’ll let them know you’re ready. See you in a few minutes.”

Lance let them know she was ready to start, and before she really knew what was happening, she was on her way down the aisle to marry the one man she’ll ever love. Chris looked so handsome in his tux as he smiled down the aisle at her, all the love he felt for her reflected in his eyes. Marianne was fighting tears again before she even reached Chris’ side. Her nerves were immediately calmed the moment Chris took her hand in his. She knew as long as she had him everything would be okay, and there was nothing she couldn’t do. Life was perfect.

If I had to run
If I had to crawl
If I had to swim a hundred rivers
Just to climb a thousand walls
Always know that I would find a way
To get to where you are
Baby there’s no place that far
Baby there’s no place……..that far

The End


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