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Office Space

By:  Jaimie


He watched her as she walked into the office. He was always watching her, memorizing every curve of her face. From her beautiful blue eyes, to her delicate cheekbones, her cute little nose, to her perfect lips. The way she smiled and greeted everyone as she walked by. Most of the other guys in the office overlooked her simply because she didn’t wear the really short skirts with shirts that left nothing to the imagination. She was different. Her suits were always nice and tailored, fitting her in all the right places and left you wondering what she looked like underneath them. Her shiny brown hair was always pulled up into a neat bun. He longed to set it free and watch it cascade down her back just before he buried his hands in it. He was brought from his thoughts when someone tapped on his shoulder. He jumped startled. He slowly turned around and saw Shannon, his coworker and close friend, grinning down at him.


“You scared me,” he sighed before turning his attention back to his computer screen.


“Sorry.” she continued to grin. “You know I could talk to her for you. We’re really good friends and I know she’s not seeing anyone.”


Lance blushed slightly, “What are you talking about?”


“You know exactly what I’m talking about Lance. You’ve been staring at her for months now.” Shannon placed her hand on her hip. “I think it’s time to act on it.”


“Shannon, we’ve known each other for a few years now. My track record with women isn’t the greatest. Besides, what makes you think she’ll say yes?”


“What makes you think she’ll say no?” she challenged.


Lance sat there silently for a moment before answering, “Let’s just drop it okay?”


“Fine, consider it dropped.” Shannon sighed. “You’re still joining me and Joey for dinner tonight aren’t you?”


“Yeah, I’ll be there.”


“Good.” she smiled as she walked back to her desk. ‘Guess who else will be joining us tonight Lance.’ she thought to herself with a satisfied chuckle.




Jaimie sat at her desk, stealing glances at him from across the room. They had worked in the same office together for the last year and a half, yet they really didn’t know each other at all. He seemed to be a very kind and gentle man. Someone she could really talk to and he would listen without judging. He was pretty easy on the eyes too. He had short blonde hair, a killer smile, and those eyes……those amazing green eyes she could easily get lost in. She was brought from her thoughts when she saw Shannon approaching her desk. She smiled up at her, “Hey.”


“Hey, how’s it going this morning?”


“It’s going alright I suppose. What about you? How’s Joey?”


“He’s doing good. We were talking the other night and it’s just been too long since we got together. Do you have any plans for tonight?” Shannon asked innocently, but inside she was praying she said she was free. She really hated to lie, but in the long run, she knew it was in their best interests.


“Actually I don’t. What did you have in mind?”


“Why don’t you join Joey and I for dinner tonight? It would be fun.”


“I don’t want to intrude on you two. I know you two don’t get to spend too much time alone with each other since you had little Katelyn was born.” she argued.


“Oh, come on Jaim. We don’t get to spend much time with our friends anymore either. It will be fun. I promise you won’t be intruding.” Shannon tried to convince her.


“Okay, as long as you promise me I’m not intruding.”


“I promise.”


“When and where?”


“How about around seven tonight at Carrabba’s?”


“Sounds good. See you then.” Jaimie smiled before returning her attention to the storyboards in front of her.




Shannon lay on the bed rolling her eyes as Joey continued to give her the third degree about trying to play cupid with two of their closest friends.


“…..Honey, I know you mean well, but what if they do end up getting together and they break up. They are two of our best friends, and I don’t want to lose that. Do you understand what I’m saying Shan?” he asked as he sat beside her on the bed.


Shannon sat up and looked at him pouting, “Joey I just want them to be happy. I think they could be happy together. Don’t you want them to be as happy as we are?”


“Of course I do baby, I just…” he was silenced when Shannon softly kissed his lips and pulled away with a smile on her face. “I…” he began again but she once again silenced him with a more powerful kiss. This time when she pulled away Joey had completely forgot what he was saying, “Ummm, never mind.” he said before he pulled her closer to his body and took her lips once again. Joey pushed her back down to the bed, softly covering her body with his own. His hands began to pull at her clothes, trying to rid them as quickly as he could. He almost had her blouse undone when the sound of Katelyn’s cries stopped them immediately. Joey groaned loudly and leaned his forehead against Shannon’s. She smiled softly up at him.


“I’ll go get her.” she said as she climbed off the bed, not bothering to rebutton her blouse.




Shannon and Joey arrived at the restaurant ten minutes before their reservation time. Luckily they were able to be seated right away. Lance arrived on time and was immediately led to the table where Joey and Shannon were already enjoying some wine. They stood when Lance approached.


“Hey Lance. How’s it going?” Joey smiled and shook his hand.


“Pretty good how about yourself?”


“I can’t complain. The club is doing really well, so we’re happy about that. To tell you the truth I wasn’t sure how much New York needed another night club, but it’s working out great.”


“Yeah, well this IS New York Joey.” Lance laughed. “I don’t think you can have too many night clubs here. Besides I was at the grand opening of it remember. I saw how packed it was. I knew it would do great.”


“Thanks man. I really appreciate that.”


“No problem. I mean every word.” he smiled as he sipped the glass of red wine the waiter brought him.


Shannon hadn’t said a word since Lance came in. Her eyes kept searching the room for any signs of Jaimie. She was already ten minutes late. She hoped she hadn’t forgotten about it. Lance noticed her distraction right away.


“Is something wrong Shan? You keep looking towards the door like you’re expecting someone.” Lance asked.


Shannon forced a smile, “Oh no nothing’s wrong. I just thought I saw someone I knew that’s all.” She looked up at Joey who frowned at her for a moment for her lie before returning his attention back to the conversation he and Lance were having. Five minutes later, Jaimie finally walked in. Shannon sighed in relief and smiled brightly as she waved her to the table.


“Hey, I thought you got lost or something.” Shannon laughed. Lance frowned in confusion as he turned towards the door and saw the object of his affections walking towards the table. Their eyes met for an instant before Lance turned back towards Shannon giving her a look that could kill.


Jaimie almost stopped when she saw Lance sitting at the table. Her heart began to race wildly, but she kept the smile plastered on her face as she approached. “Hi guys. Sorry I’m late. I was at the office and completely lost track of time.”


“That’s okay. We’re just glad you could make it.” Shannon smiled. “You know Lance right?”


“Yes I do. How are you?” she smiled down at him.


“Pretty good. You?”


“Can’t complain.” they stood there for a moment in awkward silence. Joey was the one to break the silence.


“So, are you going to come give me a hug or what?” he asked, pretending to be hurt.


Jaimie laughed softly and went over to him, “I’m sorry. Hey Joe. How are you?”


Joey gave her a quick kiss and a warm hug. “I’m great sweetie. It’s good to see you.”


“I know. It’s been too long. How’s fatherhood treating you?”


Joey couldn’t stop the proud grin that spread across his face, “She’s so amazing Jaim. I never imagined I could love someone as much as I love Shannon, but Katelyn….it’s really indescribable.”


“Yes, Katelyn is the one girl I’ll let Joey love other than me.”


“Well, he loves me Shan.” Jaimie grinned over at her.


“Yeah but that’s different and you know it.”


“I can’t wait to be a father. I’ve always wanted to get married and have kids.” Lance frowned for a moment. He then put a smile on his face and looked over at Joey and Shannon, “You two are very lucky to have found someone you truly love.”


Shannon and Joey looked at each other with a smile. He leaned over and gave her a kiss before turning back to Lance, “You’ll find someone Lance don’t worry.”


“I’m beginning to wonder.”


“Me too.” Jaimie whispered, staring into her wine glass. Everyone sat there silently looking at her. When she looked up finally, she saw everyone looking at her. She blushed slightly and laughed, “Did I say that out loud?”


“Yeah you did.” Shannon smiled.


“Great way to embarrass yourself Jaimie. Way to go.” she frowned.


“You don’t have anything to be embarrassed about.” Lance quietly said.


“Remember you’re among friends here sweetie. We love you and we’ll never laugh at you for saying how you really feel.” Joey smiled.


“Thanks guys. It means a lot to me.”


“Jaim, let’s take a walk to the ladies room for a minute okay.” Shannon suggested. Jaimie just nodded and followed her towards the restrooms. Once they were inside, Shannon began to put her plan into action. “I hope you don’t mind Lance being here.”


“No of course not. Why would I mind?”


“I don’t know. I just didn’t know if you thought I was trying to set you up or something.”


Jaimie looked at her for a moment, “Are you?”


Shannon stopped reapplying her lipstick and met her gaze, “Honestly Jaimie, Joey and I just wanted to spend an evening out with two of our closest friends.”


“Okay. I believe you.”


“Good.” Shannon smiled. She really hated to lie to her, but if she admitted to trying to set them up, she knew she would leave.


Back at the table, Joey and Lance were engaged in conversation of their own. Joey decided to try to assist his wife in her matchmaking scheme.


“So any new girls to tell me about Lance?”


Lance laughed shortly, “Are you kidding? Joey you’re talking to Lance Bass, the King of Bad Luck With Women.”


“Come on man, it can’t be that bad.” he laughed.


“Last time I went out with someone, she ended up dumping me in the middle of the date and running off with her very LARGE boyfriend who she just wanted to make jealous. That’s my luck Joe.”


Joey cringed at the story he told, “Well…..what about Jaimie? She’s a sweetheart and she’s pretty easy on the eyes.”


Lance groaned, “Jeez did Shannon get to you too. Yes she seems like a very sweet person and she’s beautiful too, but…”


“But what?”


“She’s out of my league Joe. Why would a woman like her want to have anything to do with someone like me?”


“Damn Lance. Just what do you think is so wrong with you?”


“I don’t know Joey, but something has to be wrong with me if every woman I go out with runs away from me.”


“What makes you think Jaimie would be like that? I’ve known her for a long time Lance and she’s one of the most honest people I know.”


“Besides, what makes you think she would go out with me if I asked her to?”


“I just think she would. None of us will ever know unless you actually ask her. What’s the worst that could happen?”


“She’d say no and never speak to me again because she’s afraid I’m so psycho pervert who is stalking her. I do have to work with this woman Joe.”


“You are so damn paranoid. Jaimie isn’t like that. Even if she wasn’t interested she would never treat you any differently.”


“I don’t know.” Lance sighed. He really wished he could gather up his courage to ask her out. He wanted to so badly, but his fear was overpowering him. He was thankful when Jaimie and Shannon returned to the table, ending the conversation he was having with Joey.


“We’re back.” Shannon called out as they approached.


“Good. I missed you while you were gone.” Joey pouted playfully.


“Awe, poor baby.” she leaned in to kiss him softly. “Come dance with your wife.”


“As you command.” Joey turned towards the others. “We’ll return shortly guys.” he said before they left Jaimie and Lance sitting alone at the table. They looked over at each other and laughed nervously.


“So…..” he began.




“We never really have a chance to talk at the office. We’re both always just so busy working on our accounts.”


“Yeah I know. It seems like that’s all I do is work. I don’t have much of a private life at all. All the guys I go out with are jerks. They seem more interested in telling me about themselves instead of asking me about myself. I hate that.”


“I know the feeling. For some reason all the girls I go out with end up using me to make their boyfriends jealous, or they end up talking about themselves and acting bored when I try to say anything about myself. Needless to say I don’t have much luck with women,” he laughed softly.


Jaimie laughed softly as well, but inside her heart was racing wildly in her chest. She wished he were interested in her the way she was interested in him. Every part of her body seemed to be completely aware of his closeness. She fought to keep herself from inching closer to him. What if he wasn’t interested in her the same way?


Lance was mentally arguing with himself over whether or not he should ask her out like he really wanted to. ‘Just do it Bass. Suck it up and go for it. Look at her….she’s just so beautiful. The way she smiles at you, the way she laughs with you not at you, everything about her is perfect. Maybe too perfect.’ He watched her as she idly played with her wine glass. It was then that he found the courage to do something….


“Jaimie…..” he began, his voice cracking slightly. He laughed at himself, feeling like a kid in high school again. He looked over into her big blue eyes and continued, “Wou…would you like to dance?”


Jaimie felt her heart flutter when he asked her to dance. He was so timid and so shy, making him seem so endearing. She smiled up at him, “I’d love to.”


Lance’s smile grew into a grin as he stood and offered her his hand. He led her to the dance floor; gently place his hand on her hip as she placed her hand on his arm as they swayed to the soft music of the violins that played in the background. As they continued to dance, their bodies ever so slowly began to get closer and closer to each other until Lance’s chin rested atop her head as she lay against his chest. The moment was perfect.


Joey and Shannon watched them as they danced with satisfied smiles on their faces. Shannon looked up at Joey with an ‘I told you so’ look on her face. Joey laughed softly and kissed her lips softly before pulling her closer to him as they continued to dance.


After they danced for a while, they finally returned to the table to have their dinner. The conversation during dinner was kept light. Everyone truly enjoyed their evening out together. Jaimie couldn’t believe how much fun she was having. It had been so long since she had been able to sit and talk with Joey and Shannon, but Lance was an unexpected surprise. He was so intellectual, yet he had the sweet and funny side to him as well. He seemed so perfect….so perfect, yet he made no moves towards he what so ever. When they danced, she could have swore he felt something for her too, but once they were off the dance floor, their connection seemed to have been broken. Part of her wished they could stay on that dance floor forever, locked in his embrace. For the first time in a very long time she felt what it was like to be complete.


“This has been great guys, but we really need to get home and let the babysitter go. She has school in the morning and we all have to work in the morning.” Shannon sighed.


“I really had a great time tonight. Thanks for inviting me out guys. We need to do this more often.” Jaimie smiled.


“We won’t wait so long in between next time.” Joey said as they all walked out the restaurant. Once they got outside, Joey and Shannon turned towards them. Joey pulled Jaimie into a warm hug, “Love ya sweetie. Come see Katelyn soon okay? Maybe you can come over for dinner sometime. Shannon has been practicing.” He finished, earning him a punch in the arm from his wife. He laughed then gave Lance a quick hug and shook his hand, “You too Lance. Keep in touch more okay.”


“I will I promise.” he smiled.


“And I promise to come see Katelyn soon.” Jaimie said as Joey and Shannon began to walk hand in hand towards their car.


“See you guys tomorrow at the office.” Shannon called out as they climbed into their car.


“Bye.” they said in unison. They watched them drive away, and once again they were left in an awkward silence.


“Well, I had a good time tonight. I’m glad we got to know each other better,” she said, hoping she would hear the same thing come from his lips.


“I did too. We’ll definitely have to do it again sometime.” Jaimie held her breath, thinking he was going to ask her out, but no invitation was given. Her heart fell.


“Well, see you tomorrow morning I guess. Goodnight Lance.” she said as he walked toward her car.


Lance cursed himself for not having the courage to ask her out at that moment. When he found his voice the only thing that came out his mouth was, “Goodnight Jaimie.” He watched her drive out of the parking lot with an ache in his heart. “Damn you Lance. You are so stupid. Why didn’t you just ask her out? You completely missed your chance. She’s everything you ever wanted in a woman and so much more.” he continued to scold himself aloud as he got into his car and drove home.




When Joey and Shannon got home, they paid their sitter and went to check on Katelyn. She was sleeping peacefully, gently sucking on her pacifier. She looked so sweet and innocent as she lay there in her crib. Both felt their heart swell with joy as they watched their daughter sleep so soundly. They silently crept out of the nursery and made their way to their bedroom where they began to change for bed. Joey unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it away from his body, tossing it on the chair near the door. He unbuttoned his slacks before he sat on the edge of the bed to remove his shoes. He looked up as Shannon sat down at her vanity set he had bought her when they first got married. He watched her as she gently pulled each hairpin from her hair, letting her strawberry brown locks fall to her shoulders. Joey was in complete awe of her beauty. He didn’t know what he did to deserve someone like her. She was the most beautiful, intelligent, remarkable woman he had ever met and she loved him. He didn’t understand it, but he was so very grateful to have her as his partner in life. He didn’t know what he would do with out her and Katelyn. He prayed to God that he would never have to know. Joey rose from the bed, still only clad in his white tank top and the slacks he wore earlier that night still hung on his hips but remained unbuttoned. He walked over towards her and stood behind her looking at her through the mirror. Shannon looked up at him confused, “Is something wrong sweetie?”


He continued to stare at her, a serious expression on his handsome face. “You’re so damn beautiful.”


Shannon felt a blush rise to her cheeks, “Thank you. You’re not too bad yourself.”


“Do you know how much I love you?”


“Yeah I do, because I love you just as much.”


Joey pulled her to her feet, and pulled her close to him. “Love me forever Shannon. Promise me you’ll love me forever.”


Shannon didn’t know what to think with his behavior. She had never seen him act this way before. He was so serious it almost scared her. She kept her thoughts to herself and smiled up at him softly caressing his cheek, “I promise Joseph Fatone. I will love you forever until I take my last breath.” She barely got the words out of her mouth before he was kissing her lips hungrily as if she was water to a man dying of thirst. Shannon clung to his neck; too afraid to trust her own legs to hold her up as she was overwhelmed by the passion Joey was kissing her with. When he finally pulled away, Shannon was breathless. He was looking down at her with so much love in his eyes that she felt her heart melt. His hands reached behind her, slowly pulling the zipper of her dress down. He stood back and watched it as it fell down to the floor, leaving her standing there in nothing but her panties. Joey felt himself grow even harder at the sight of her. His tank top was the next to follow her dress in the pile on the floor, just before he rid himself of his slacks and boxer briefs as Shannon slowly slid her panties down her slim legs. Joey pulled her over towards their bed, covering her body with his. She felt so good underneath him. Shannon moaned softly as Joey’s big hands began to explore every inch of her nude body, paying close attention to her breasts, making sure he pleasured each one in turn. She felt as though her body was on fire. She needed him so bad and she couldn’t wait any longer.


“Please Joe. I need you inside me, please.” she pleaded as she writhed beneath him. He was happy to give her what she wanted. Joey quickly entered her, keeping his pace slow wanting this moment to last as long as possible. They fell into their familiar rhythm, their bodies seemed to be made especially for each other. They made love for hours, until they finally collapsed into each other’s arms, completely spent. Joey pulled Shannon to his chest as they tried to recover from their intense lovemaking.


“Do you think everyone out there has what we have?” Shannon asked.


“I don’t know. What we have is so very special, but I hope they at least have something close to what we have. I don’t know if everyone can be as lucky as us Shan.”


“I hope so Joe. Do you think Lance and Jaimie could have what we have?”


“I think so. I just hope they realize it.” he kissed her once more before sleep came to claim them both for the night.




The next morning at the office was a hectic one. Lance, Jaimie, and Shannon barely had a chance to say good morning before they were buried under a pile of work. By the time five o’clock rolled around, Shannon decided to call it a day. She didn’t want to spend her time at the office when she could be with her husband and daughter. She stopped by Lance’s desk on her way out.


“Gonna stay here all night?” she asked.


He laughed at her, “I just want to get this template finished before I go. Besides it’s not like I have anyone to go home to like you.”


“Don’t tell me you still didn’t ask her out.” Shannon sighed heavily when he didn’t respond, “Lance…”


“I know, I know. I really wanted to, but I just couldn’t do it.”


“Don’t wait too long Lance. Jaimie’s a great girl. If you wait too long someone else will get her first. I don’t want to see you unhappy. I know she can make you happy.” Shannon looked over at Jaimie before turning back to Lance, “You know Joey and I were talking last night and I asked him if he thought there were others out there that were as happy as we are. He said he hoped so. Then I asked if he thought you and Jaimie could have what we have. He told me he thought you could, he just hoped you’d realize it in time.” She paused for a moment to let what she said sink in. “Don’t stay here all night okay. See you in the morning.” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading towards the door, leaving Lance alone to think about what she said. Shannon stopped by Jaimie’s desk on her way out. “Hey girlie. It’s been so busy today that I’ve barely had a chance to say hi to you.”


Jaimie smiled, “Yeah, I know. I want to finish this layout before I leave. You know me. All work no play.”


“Yeah, but hopefully that will change soon.”


Jaimie looked at her for a moment, “Do you know something I don’t know?”


“No, of course not.” Shannon looked over and saw one of the office ‘Romeo’s’ looking their way as if he was ready to pounce. “Oh jeez. Here comes Josh. I’ll see you tomorrow sweetie. Hey, why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow night.”


“Sounds good. And thanks for leaving me to the snake Josh.”


“Anytime sweetie. Bye.” she gave her a quick kiss on her cheek before heading out. Josh took the opportunity and walked towards Jaimie’s desk. Strutted was a better word for it. Everyone in the office knew Josh was the biggest playboy. He had charmed his way into the bed of almost every girl in the office. Jaimie knew better. She knew his type all too well. Josh wasn’t really interested in her. He only wanted her because she was a challenge.


“Why hello Ms. Jaimie. How are you?” Josh flashed his beautiful smile as he sat down on the edge of her desk.


Jaimie forced a smile, “Hello Josh. I’m fine, how are you?”


“To tell you the truth I’m not doing well at all. See there’s this girl that I really like, but no matter what I do she never gives me the time of day. Do you know what I can do?”


“Have you thought about letting it go and moving on to someone else?”


“I just know if she’d give me a chance she wouldn’t regret it.”


Jaimie sighed, “Josh how many times are you going to keep asking me out?”


Josh grinned down at her, “Until you say yes. Come on Jaimie, I know we could have a great time together.”


“Josh, all you are interested in is sex. Once you got me in bed you would drop me and move on to yet another conquest. Sorry, but I’m looking for something more than meaningless sex.”


“Oh Jaimie, you just don’t understand me.” Josh slowly stood and looked down at her with a sad smile. “I don’t know how or why, I just have this feeling that with you things would be different.”


Jaimie looked up at him for a moment and was surprised at what she saw. There was something in his eyes that she’d never seen before. Somehow she felt as if he was being sincere for the first time since she met him. She smiled up at him, “Thank you Josh. It makes me feel good to know you feel that way about me. I still don’t think we’re right for each other. I’m sure you’ll find someone who’s perfect for you.”


“I hope so. Goodnight Jaimie.”


“Night Josh.” she smiled as he walked away.


Lance watched them from across the room, jealously eating away inside of him. Why couldn’t he have the nerve to just go up to her and ask her out like Josh was doing right now? He knew Josh had quite the repretation for being a ladies man around the office. So far he hadn’t heard any stories about Jaimie falling into his trap, and he hoped she wasn’t falling for it now. He watched closely as Josh walked away from her with a sad expression on his face and part of him was relieved. Lance wondered why Josh looked so sad. He was so used to seeing him so sure of himself, strutting around the office as if he owned the place. Now, he was walking around as if he were lost. He mentally shook himself and focused his attention back to Jaimie. She was back to working on her computer again. He sighed to himself, ‘She’s so out of my league. Look at her….she’s just so…perfect.’ Lance turned away and began to work on the templates again. A couple hours later, Lance finally finished the template and was getting ready to head home when he heard someone talking to themselves. He turned and saw it was Jaimie. She was still at her computer working.


“Damn it! I’m never going to get this damn thing finished before the night’s over,” she said bitterly. She buried her face in her hands and sighed heavily before she looked up once more. She jumped back startled when she saw Lance standing in front of her desk smiling down at her. “Jeez Lance. You scared me. I didn’t know there was anyone else here.”


“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Lance said. “Is there something I can help you with?”


“I just can’t seem to get this layout finished. Nothing is working the way I want it to tonight.”


“Why don’t you tell me what you have in mind and maybe we can both work together to come up with what you want.” he suggested.


“I appreciate that Lance, but I don’t want to keep you here. I know you were ready to leave for the night.”


“Please, I’d like to help you. Besides, it’s not like I have anyone to go home to.”


Jaimie looked up at him for a moment then smiled, “Okay. Well, this is what I had in mind…”In less than an hour, they had the layout exactly the way she had wanted it to be. Jaimie turned towards him with a big smile on her face, “Than you so much for your help. I really think I would have been here all night if you hadn’t stayed to help me. We make a pretty good team.”


Lance laughed, “You’re very welcome. I’m just glad I could help you.” Before he knew what was happening, Jaimie stood up and hugged him tightly.


“Thank you Lance,” she whispered before slowly pulling away from him. Lance still held her close. They looked into each other’s eyes as their lips met in a tentative kiss. Lance pulled away slightly and looked down at her, trying to see what her reaction was to the kiss. The corner of her mouth curled up into a half smile just before she reached up to kiss him again. Their kiss started out slow and soft, but the passion between them became too much for either of them to fight. Lance lifted her up and sat her on top of her desk as they continued to kiss. Jaimie moaned when Lance’s hands began to massage her breasts gently. She began to pull at the button of his slacks, but he stopped her hands. Jaimie pulled away from him, confusion etched in her features.


“Wait, wait, wait.” Lance took a deep breath to try to calm himself. “Are we going to really do this?”


“Well yeah, I mean I want to. Do you not want me?” she asked timidly.


Lance laughed softly, “Oh no honey. Believe me I want this as much as you do.”


“Then why did you stop?”


“I want you so badly, but not here. Not like this.”


“Well, how far do you live from here?”


“Maybe like five minutes.”


“Then let’s go to your place. It’s closer.”


“Whatever you say,” he smiled as Jaimie began to gather her coat and briefcase. They walked casually to the elevator; no one could have guessed what they were doing less than two minutes before. As soon as the elevator doors were closed, Lance pressed Jaimie back against the back of the elevator, kissing her once more. Suddenly the elevator stopped on another floor and Lance quickly moved away from her, as Jaimie straightened her clothes. By the time the doors opened, they were standing on opposite sides of the elevator with blank expressions on their faces. An older man walked into the elevator, nodding in acknowledgement to both of them before hitting the desired floor. They remained silent as they walked out of their office building and onto the streets of Manhattan. Lance hailed a taxi and within minutes they were in front of his apartment building. He led her upstairs to his apartment and quickly unlocked his door. Once they were inside with the door locked they stood there awkwardly for a moment. Jaimie set her briefcase on the kitchen table, then looked over at Lance with a blank expression on her face. Lance himself was nervous as hell. It had been a while since he had been with anyone and he didn’t want to disappoint her, or ruin his chances of something more with her.


“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked her yet again.


“I’m beginning to feel like you are the one who doesn’t want me. What’s going through your head right now Lance?”


“You really want to know?”


“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t”


Lance sighed heavily as he took off his tie and laid it over the dining room chair, “I just don’t want to disappoint you.”


“Disappoint me?” Jaimie asked, confusion written all over her face.


“It’s just been a while since I’ve been with anyone. I haven’t really been able to keep a long relationship either. I’m just paranoid that there’s really something wrong with me.”


Jaimie’s expression went blank again, but inside her heart melted at his concern. She had never met anyone like him before. Somehow she knew in her heart that this was the man she was meant to be with.


Lance began to get a little nervous when she didn’t respond, or show any emotion on her face. “Now you have to tell me what you’re thinking.”


Jaimie walked up to him until she was just inches away from him. “I think that I’m very lucky to have met someone like you. You have more heart, more charm, more honesty than any man I’ve ever known. Integrity is a very rare quality and you have it. I can see it in your eyes.”


A smile tugged at his lips, “You really think so?”


“I wouldn’t say it unless I meant it Lance.”


Lance gently caressed her cheek, “You are so beautiful. Not just on the outside, but your spirit and your heart. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”


“Did I mention you’re very sweet too?” Jaimie laughed softly.


“No, but I don’t mind hearing it,” he returned her smile. His smile slowly faded as he continued to look into her eyes. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”


“I have to admit I’ve thought about you too,” she whispered before Lance crushed his lips to hers again. Jaimie immediately deepened the kiss, massaging his tongue with her own. Jaimie sighed in contentment as she began to unbutton his shirt. She pushed it off his shoulders, leaving him in a white tank top and his slacks. He looked so incredibly sexy to her, his eyes burning with passion. Passion for her. A smiled tugged at the corner of her mouth just before she pulled the tank top off his body. She drug her nails down his strong chest just before Lance pulled her in for another kiss as his hands began to fumble with the buttons on her blouse. He hastily pushed it away from her body and quickly sent her bra to the floor as well. They each stood half naked in his living room, never breaking their kiss. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bedroom, setting her back on the floor very gently. Before they knew it, all of their clothes were in a pile on the floor as they lay on his bed, their hands exploring each other hungrily. Lance didn’t waste any time. He slowly slid inside her, moaning loudly as he warmth encompassed him. At first their motions were slow and deliberate. Slowly their pace began to quicken, until they found their rhythm together, moving fast and hard both searching for their release. Jaimie knew she was close. Her walls began to tremble as she bit her bottom lip to try to muffle her cries, as she buried her face in his neck. Lance knew she was close. He tried to move even faster, wanting to climax together. As soon as her walls tightened around him, they both cried out as their orgasms hit them hard. He collapsed on top of her, kissing her lips softly. Lance finally rolled off of her and pulled her back up against his chest as he continued to kiss along her neck and shoulder. Jaimie was so incredibly tired after their intense lovemaking. Within minutes she was fast asleep still locked in his embrace.


“So….I kinda hate to ask you this, but did….did I disappoint you?” he asked quietly. No answer came from her. “Jaim?” he asked as he looked down at her face. She was sleeping peacefully. He chuckled softly as he leaned down to kiss her head. “Goodnight.”


A few hours later Jaimie woke, but she wasn’t sure where she was at first. She then realized she was still at Lance’s place with his arms wrapped tightly around her. She couldn’t stop the grin that spread across her face. What she really wanted to do was snuggle back into his embrace and just fall back to sleep, but she knew she needed to get home. They still had to work tomorrow, and she didn’t have a change of clothes here….not yet at least, she smiled to herself. Jaimie eased out of his embrace and stumbled around his bedroom, looking for the clothes they had haphazardly thrown to the floor. Once she found all of her clothes, she made her way back to his room. She stared down at him as he continued to sleep peacefully, and again she couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. “Oh Lance, I hope you’re everything I think you are. I don’t need another broken heart.” She sighed as she bent down to softly kiss his cheek before she left his apartment and headed home.




When Lance woke the next morning, he was disappointed to find Jaimie wasn’t still in his arms. He sat up and looked around his room, but still no sign of her, “Jaim?” He called out as he began to search his apartment for any sign of her. Lance sighed disappointed when he realized she was gone. He immediately thought it was something he had done….or something he didn’t do. He tried to push those thoughts out of his mind as he went to shower for work. When he walked into the office, he didn’t see her at her desk as he walked by. He hurriedly made his way to his desk, hoping to bury himself in his work so his mind wouldn’t wander to thoughts of her.


Jaimie got to the office just a few minutes after Lance arrived. Her eyes immediately found him across the room. She smiled brightly as she set her briefcase on the floor beside her desk. He already had his head buried in a stack of papers, completely oblivious to the fact that she had walked into the room. She frowned in confusion for a moment, then she decided to call him.


“Lance Bass.” he answered, never taking his eyes off the papers in his hands.


“Good morning.” she smiled.


“Oh….hey.” he said, no emotion in his voice.


Jaimie tried no to let the hurt show in her voice, “Well ummm, do you think we could go to lunch or something today? I think we need to talk.”


“We’ll have to see, I’m kind of busy with this account. I’ll let you know.”


Jaimie was not only hurt by his attitude, but now she was angry as well, “You do that.” she said through clenched teeth before she slammed the phone down in his ears. Lance flinched a little when she hung up the phone in his ear. He could tell she was angry, but he didn’t understand what exactly was going on between them. He began to regret the cold way he had spoken to her. When she first called him he could have swore there was a smile in her voice….until he answered her. She tried to hide it well, but he could hear the hurt in her voice. Luckily his workday became very hectic and it took his mind away from her for a while.


A few hours passed without another word said between either of them. Jaimie was on her way back to her desk when she passed him in the hall. He still refused to look her in the eye or say anything when he passed. As soon as he passed her, she turned with her hand on her hips and a glare in her eyes, “What the hell is your problem Bass?” Her voice was loud enough for anyone within a few feet to hear them. Lance quickly turned towards her, his eyes wide in surprise.


“Shhh, jeez Jaimie, what is wrong with you?” he asked her in a hushed whisper. “Keep your voice down.”


“Don’t you stand there and tell me what to do.” she fumed, her voice getting a little louder as she spoke. Lance looked around them quickly to see if anyone was hearing her outburst. He didn’t see anyone staring at them, so he took the opportunity to open the door to one of the empty offices and pull her inside.


“Okay, do you want to tell me what exactly that little outburst was about?” he asked, anger beginning to show in his eyes.


“Do I need to explain? Every since last night you’ve been giving me the cold shoulder, acting as if what happened between us didn’t matter at all. How the hell am I supposed to act?”


“Tell me how you expect me to react when I wake up this morning and you’re no where to be found. Not even a note is left. What would you think?” he challenged.


“Is that what this is about? You’re mad at me because I didn’t leave you a note?”


“That’s part of it, yes.” he crossed his arms over his chest.


Jaimie sighed heavily, “Lance when I woke up this morning I knew I needed to go home for obvious reasons. I needed to shower and a change of clothes for work this morning. Did you expect me to show up this morning in the same suit I wore yesterday? Somehow I don’t think that would have gone over very well, not to mention it was pretty wrinkled after lying on the floor all night. Not to mention the fact that I was stumbling around in the dark to try to find all my clothes for me to leave. I was in a strange place, I had no idea where you had any paper, I didn’t want to plunder through your things, so I didn’t leave a note. I didn’t wake you because you were sleeping too peacefully. Does that satisfy you?”


Lance was slowly beginning to understand now, and he was beginning to feel a little guilty for the way he had treated her. He didn’t even give her a chance to explain herself at all before he passed judgement on her, “I….I’m sorry Jaim. It’s just…like I told you last night. I was paranoid enough as it was that there was something wrong with me, but when I woke up this morning and you were gone, my mind went into overdrive.”


“Lance, look at me.” she whispered, taking his face in her hands to force him to look her in the eyes. “Last night was one of the most incredible nights of my life. No one has ever made me feel the way I felt when you made love to me. I wish you could feel what I’m feeling inside at this very moment. Don’t ask me how I know, but I honestly feel like you could be the one for me.” she paused again before she continued, “I don’t want to freak you out and scare you away. I know this is soon, but…” Lance cut her off with a sweet kiss. He slowly pulled away with a content smile on his handsome face.


“You won’t scare me away. You just said everything I was afraid to say to you. I’ve waited for so long to find someone I could truly love and who could love me just as much. I’m so happy that we found each other Jaim. I….I think I’m already in love with you.”


Tears glistened in her eyes, “Really?”


“I mean every word.”


“I think I love you too.” she managed to say before he kissed her once more. They stayed inside the office for a few more minutes before they quietly left and went back to their desks to finish their day. This time they both went to work with smiles on their faces. Shannon crawled out from behind the take of files on her desk long enough to say a quick hi to her two best friends. She stopped by Lance’s desk first and was met by a huge smile on his face. She really wasn’t sure what she should think as she looked down at him, to her he looked rather guilty of something.


“Okay spill it.”


“Spill what?” he asked innocently.


“You’re guilty of something. I can feel it.”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about Shan. I’m just having a good day.” he smiled.


Shannon looked at him skeptically, “Uh-huh, sure. If you say so.” She walked away shaking her head, trying to figure out what was going on with him. She was still pondering it when she approached Jaimie’s desk.


“Hi, Shan. What’s up?” she smiled up at her.


“Oh, nothing. I just wanted to say hi. We’ve all been so busy this morning we haven’t had time to do anything this morning.” she smiled down at her. “You’re still coming over for dinner tonight aren’t you?”


“Sure am. Do you mind if I brought a date too?” she asked with a grin.


Shannon was clearly shocked, “Umm, sure if you’d like. Who is this ‘date’?”


“Just and old friend really. So what time should I be there?”


“How about like seven?”


“We’ll be there.”


“Okay. Later sweetie.” Shannon turned and headed back to her desk thoroughly confused.




“…..I’m telling you hon, I just don’t know what was going on with Lance today, but he was acting very strange.” Shannon complained to Joey as they cooked dinner for that night. Joey just stood at the sink washing the vegetables for the salad with a smile on his face.


"Don’t you think you might be making a little more out of this than it really is Shan. Maybe he was just having a good day. It’s been known to happen you know.”


“Come on Joe. Why is it when I voice concerns about Lance’s behavior you always make it seem like I’m making mountains out of molehills?”


“Because sweetheart,” he kissed her forehead. “You usually are.”


Shannon glared at him for a moment, “Thanks so much Joseph.” She turned her back to him and began to cook the hamburger for the lasagna. Joey dried his hands with the dishcloth then walked up behind her, his arms encircling her waist as he pulled her back against him.


“You know I love you anyway.”


“I know you do Joe, but don’t you see….I just want Lance to be happy. I just want him to find the kind of happiness we have.”


“I know you do baby. You have such a big heart, that’s one of the things I love most about you.”


Shannon couldn’t help but smile, “Oh really?”


“Absolutely.” he kissed her lips softly.


“Thank you Joe. I love you.”


“I love you back.” he smiled before they each returned to what they were doing before.


An hour later, there was a knock at their door. Shannon took off her apron before she went to answer it. When she opened the door, Jaimie was standing there alone.


“Hey sweetie. Ummm, where’s your date?” she asked confused.


“Right here,” Jaimie smiled as she Lance stepped up beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist. Shannon stared down at them in complete shock. Her eyes kept darting back and forth between them until she finally squealed in delight as she threw her arms around them both.


“I KNEW you two would hit it off.” she exclaimed as they walked inside.


Lance laughed, “Yeah I know. You were right. And I know how much you love to hear how right you were.”


“Who me?” Shannon asked innocently.


“Shan did I hear you squeal?” Joey asked, concerned as he cradled a newly changed Katelyn in his arms.


“Yes you did.” she turned to him with a triumphant grin. “Joey, this is Jaimie’s date.”


Joey too looked up at them in shock, but it quickly faded into a happy smile, “That’s great news guys. I’m so happy for you both.”


“Thanks Joe. We’re pretty happy ourselves.” Jaimie smiled up at Lance.


“I’m so happy for you guys. You two deserve to have as much happiness as Joey and I have.”


“This is all pretty new, but we certainly hope so Shan. We definitely hope so.” Lance smiled over at Jaimie as they sat down to enjoy their dinner.




A year later, Shannon and Joey stood beside Jaimie and Lance as they took those sacred vows to love each other forever and always till death do them part. Silent tears steamed down her cheeks as she listened to them exchange the vows they wrote themselves, knowing in her heart things were exactly the way they should be. Everything seemed to be perfect. She looked over at Joey and met his gaze. He smiled at her telling her with his eyes just how much he loved her. Her heart was so full at this very moment. She had such a wonderful family. A terrific husband, a beautiful daughter, her two best friends had found soul mates in each other. Things couldn’t get any better than that.


The End


Please tell Jaimie what you thought of this story!