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Ready For The Fall
By:  Jaimie

Kristine Reynolds hurried down the busy New York streets, pushing her way through the crowds. She was running late for one of the biggest interviews she had ever been given. She began working for Cosmo Girl about six months ago. Most of the stories she had been given were simple and boring, but just two days ago her editor Olivia Stewart pulled her into her office to tell her the big news. She was going to give her the cover story for the October issue. Kristine was on her way to interview the men of the multi-award winning pop group NSYNC and her heart was pounding so hard the thought it was going to jump out of her chest. As she approached the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, she could easily see the mob of fans waiting outside. Just as she got to the entrance, a van pulled up in front of the hotel. She didn’t pay much attention to it, continuing to fight the crowd to get through the door. Suddenly a loud scream erupted and the crowd rushed towards the door. Kristine screamed as the crowd pushed her into the wall of the hotel causing her body to turn awkwardly as she fell, landing hard on her ankle. The sharp pain that radiated through her ankle was enough to cause her to black out momentarily. When she woke up minutes later, she was lying on a plush cream colored sofa, in the middle of a room in the hotel. When she looked up, she found herself staring into the blue eyes of JC Chasez.

“Ho…how did I get here?” she asked as she started to sit up, but the pain shot through her ankle again causing her to gasp and lie back down.

“It’s okay, just try to take it easy. Our bodyguards picked you up when you went down and brought you up to my room. When I got out the van I saw the crowd rush and you get pushed into the wall. I’m sorry you got hurt.” he smiled sincerely.

“It’s not your fault.” she smiled shyly up at him. She didn’t know what it was about him, but she felt as though she couldn’t get an intelligent sentence out of her mouth.

“I’m JC Chasez.” he held out his hand to her.

She took his hand firmly in her own, “I’m Kristine Reynolds. It’s nice to meet you.”

“I hope you don’t mind, but I called downstairs and they are going to send a doctor up to look at your ankle. It’s the least I could do since it was because of me that you got hurt in the first place.”

“That’s not necessary really….” she began to argue when there was a knock on the door.

JC held up his finger, “Hold that thought.” He jogged towards the door to answer it.

“Hello, Mr. Chasez?” a short man in his mid fifties asked. He was dressed in a blue, pinstriped suit and carried a doctors bag. It was obvious he was who the front desk had called. “I’m Dr. Wallace.”

“Yes. Hello Dr. Wallace.” JC smiled and shook his hand. “I’m JC Chasez. The patient is over on the couch. She was pushed into the wall outside by the crowd and she twisted her ankle pretty bad.”

“Ah. Well, let’s see what we have here.” the doctor said as he made his way over to the couch. “Hello dear. Mind if I take a look at your ankle?”

Kristine gave him an unsure smile, “Uh, yeah sure.” She braced herself for the pain she knew would come as soon as he touched her ankle. Just as she thought, the pain was instant. As soon as the doctor removed her blue sandal, her ankle swelled up twice it’s normal size.

“Sweetie, this is going to hurt, but I need to feel around your ankle to make sure it’s not broken.” Kristine simply nodded, closing her eyes tightly to try to block out the pain. Suddenly she felt someone’s hand grab hers. She looked up and saw JC standing beside her.

“Squeeze as hard as you like if it helps ease the pain at all.” he said. She gave him a grateful smile. As soon as the doctor touched her ankle, her hand gripped JC’s so hard he actually gasped a little himself. The few minutes he examined her felt like a lifetime to Kristine. When he finally released her ankle, the doctor smiled down at her.

“Well, the good news is it isn’t broken.”

“The bad news?” she asked.

“You have a very bad sprain. I recommend you stay off of it for the next few days at least. Keep it wrapped nice and tight and keep it elevated. If you still have problems after a few days, here’s my card. Just come and see me and we’ll run some x-rays just to make sure okay. Here is a prescription for some pain medication. You should be back to normal in a week or so.”

“Thank you Dr. Wallace.” Kristine smiled as JC walked the doctor to the door.

JC shook his hand once more, “Thank you for coming out on such short notice. Please send me any bills you may have for your services for Ms. Reynolds. I want to take care of them personally.”

Dr. Wallace smiled knowingly, “Ah, yes. Well if I was thirty years younger I’d want to take care of her personally myself, but I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”

JC stood there shocked for a moment, “No, I meant I wanted to take care of her bills…”

“I heard what you said Mr. Chasez.” the doctor continued to smiled secretively. “Have a good day.”

“Thanks.” he said softly as he shut the door behind the doctor. He knew exactly what the doctor had been insinuating. JC looked over towards the couch and watched Kristine try to wrap her ankle without much luck. He smiled softly at the sight. Her honey blonde hair fell into her face as she concentrated on her ankle. The tip of her tongue stuck out through her lips slightly as she concentrated. Something stirred inside him as he watched her from afar. Something he hadn’t felt for anyone in a very long time. He made his way back over to the couch and chuckled softly.

“Need help?” he asked.

“No, that’s okay. I’ll manage.”

“Oh yeah. You seem to be managing on you own.” Kristine glared up at him, her blue-gray eyes clouding over with anger. He could see it in her eyes, even though he didn’t know her very well. “Okay, I’m sorry. That was out of line. Will you please let me help you?”

Slowly the anger began to melt away as she stared up into his eyes. Somehow she knew he was sincere in his request to help her. “Okay.”

“I’m just going to go ahead and apologize for the pain this is going to cause you.”

“I’ll do my best not to hit you okay, “ Kristine laughed, but inside she was a complete mess. She tried to tell herself that it was because of her ankle, but she couldn’t kid herself. This man sitting at the other end of the sofa was who was responsible for turning her completely inside out. JC gently lifted her foot into his lap, pausing for a moment when she groaned. He began to wrap the bandage tightly around her ankle this time he didn’t stop despite her pain. When he was finally finished, Kristine’s ankle was throbbing.

“Are you okay?” JC asked softly.

“I’ll be okay in a minute, “ she managed to say through clinched teeth.

“I’m going to go get your prescription filled. I’ll be back in about an hour. Let’s get you over to the bed where you can rest more comfortably.” JC laughed when he saw the look on her face. It was a mixture of shock and suspicion. “I have no ulterior motives I swear. I won’t even be here. Okay?”

Kristine slowly began to relax as she smiled, “Okay.” JC easily lifted her into his arms, carrying her to his bed. Kristine wrapped her arms around his neck, studying his handsome profile, feeling herself blush at some of the thoughts that ran through her mind. JC gently lay her back on his bed, putting a pillow under her ankle.

“You should be okay while I’m gone. Just let one of the bodyguards know if you need anything. I’ll be back soon.”

“I’m sure I’ll be fine. Thanks JC.”

“You’re welcome.” he smiled before turning to leave. Once he was gone, Kristine simply lay there wondering what it would possibly be like living on a bus and in hotel rooms for months and months at a time, having no privacy whatsoever, and being chased by almost every female that can run. Yet he still seemed to be grounded, not at all like some of the other snobby, self-centered celebrities she had met before through the magazine. He was down to earth, polite, sensitive, and sincere. Okay okay, so he was majorly hot too, but that didn’t have anything whatsoever to do with her interest in him. She gave a short laugh, ‘Yeah, right.’ she told herself. As promised, JC was back within the hour with her medicaion. He entered the bedroom with a glass of water in his hand.

“Hey,” he smiled down at her. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay as long as I lay completely still.”

He opened the medicine bottle and handed her a pill before handing her the water. She took it without question. “There. Maybe you’ll start to feel better soon.”

“I hope so.” Kristine paused for a moment. “I really appreciate the way you’ve taken care of me, but I think it’s about time I got out of your hair.”

“You aren’t any trouble I promise.”

“I just want to go home and go to sleep.” Kristine lied. She really wouldn’t mind staying there with him a little longer, but that’s what scared her. That’s why she just had to leave.

“Well, okay.” he agreed, disappointment evident in his voice. “I’ll take you home.”

“That’s not necessary. I’ll get a cab.”

“Please, let me do this one last thing for you.”

Kristine looked into his big blue eyes and practically melted, “Okay.”

“Good. Now, on my way back from the drug store, I stopped at a medical supply store and bought you some crutches so you could get around without putting pressure on your ankle.” Kristine suddenly began to have trouble keeping her eyes open, “Kristine? Are you okay?”

< a of all tired really just I’m “Yeah, weakly, smiled>

JC quickly scanned the side effects of her medication, “Ah, that’s why. One of the side effects is drowsiness. We better get you home so you can rest better.” JC quickly grabbed his baseball cap and sunglasses, which were the extent of his disguise. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her downstairs where a van was waiting at the service entrance for them. Kristine was luckily able to stay conscience enough to give them the address to her apartment. Once he had her settled in her own bed, he found a pen and a piece of paper to write her a quick note. He was gone not five minutes later, pausing only once to look at her before quietly shutting the door behind him. A few hours later, Kristine woke from the shrill ring of her phone.

“What?” she mumbled grumpily.

“What? What do you mean what? Don’t tell me you’re in bed asleep when you’re supposed to be doing the NSYNC interview.” her editor Olivia yelled.

“Yes I am in bed, but I have a good excuse….” she argued, telling her what had happened down to the pain pills making her sleepy.

She laughed, “I can’t believe it. You got rescued by JC Chasez. Does he know who you are?”

“No. He knows my name, but he doesn’t know my name, but he doesn’t know I was there to do the interview.”

“This is great. What an article this could make.”

“Please no Olivia. I don’t want to write about this. He was so good to me, so considerate and sensitive. I wouldn’t want to do that to him.”

There was a short pause, “You like him don’t you?”

“I told you he was very nice…”

“No, I mean you like him like him.”

“You’re crazy. I barely know him.”

“You know what some say. It can happen almost instantly sometimes.”

“An you really believe that?”

“No not really, but it’s a nice thought that it could happen like that. You never know.”

“Whatever you say.” Kristine tried to dismiss Olivia’s remark, but part of her couldn’t help but wonder if what she said was true.

“Alright I’ll get off the subject of you and your prince charming.”

“UGH!” Kristine groaned.

Olivia laughed, “Okay back to business. I rescheduled the interview to next week when the guys are back in town. I hope you can actually get the interview next time.”

“I would have gotten the interview this time too if I hadn’t got trampled by a bunch of teenagers.”

“Well, hopefully it won’t happen next time.”

“Oh no. I’ll know what to expect next time.”

“Listen Kris, I’m giving you the rest of the week off. I don’t expect you back in the office till next week when you bring in the article for editing.”

“Okay. Sorry I didn’t call you Olivia.”

“It’s okay. I hope your ankle feels better soon.”

“Thanks. Bye Olivia.”


As Kristine hung up her phone, she noticed JC’s note for the first time. She slowly opened it and began to read his words..


I hope you know how truly sorry I am for what happened to you today. I know you say I’m not responsible, but I feel responsible anyway. My cell phone number is 407-555-8362. Please don’t hesitate to call me if there’s anything you need, even if it’s just for someone to talk to. I’ll always be there. I hope to hear from you again soon.


PS I took your phone number off your phone too. I hope you don’t mind.

Kristine couldn’t stop the grin that spread across her face as she read the note over and over again. Her head was telling her he was merely concerned about her health, but her heart was secretly hoping it was something more. She fought the urge to call him, turning over with her back to the phone willing herself to go back to sleep so she wouldn’t think of JC anymore.


“JC, where have you been?” Lance asked as JC ran through the door.

“It’s a really long story.” He laughed softly.

“Humor us.” Joey said as he sat back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Okay. There was this girl…” he began telling them what had happened.

“So you just took her home and left her?” Chris asked.

“Pretty much yeah.”

“Without saying good-bye?” Justin asked.

“I left her a note.”

“A note?” Lance laughed. “You left her a note?”

“Yeah. What’s wrong with that?”

“You took the chicken way out.” Chris sneered.


“You didn’t want to say good-bye to this girl, so you left her a note thinking it would be easier that way. Guess what? This girl is always going to be on your mind. It’s going to drive you crazy until you just finally decide to call her. We know you too well Chasez. Especially when you really like a girl.” Joey smiled.

“But I barely know her. How could I possibly like her that much already?”

“Why are you asking us? It’s your own feelings we’re talking about here.” Justin paused before beginning again. “Just call her Jace. We know you want to. Save us all the agony of your future hysteria and just call her.”

“Don’t you think it’s too soon?”

“All I know is if I really liked a girl and we connected the way you two seemed to have connected I wouldn’t want to waste any time.” Chris offered with a smile.

JC thought for a moment, “You’re right. I’m going to call her.” He quickly pulled out his cell phone and dialed her phone number. After three rings, she finally picked up.

“Hello” Kristine answered groggily.

“Hi, um Kristine? This is JC. Did I wake you?”

Kristine immediately sat up in bed, “Oh hi JC. I was dozing a little, but that’s okay. How are you?”

“I’m okay. How are you doing?”

“Hanging in there. The pain killers help though.”

“Good. I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“Thank you for your concern. It’s really sweet of you to check up on me like this.”

“So, what are you doing?”

“Just laying in bed. What are you guys up to?”

“Actually we’re just chillin’ out in the hotel room killing time before we have to head over to get ready for Jay Leno tonight.”

“Wow.” Kristine laughed. “I still can’t believe I’m talking to you and you’re so…..normal, yet you‘re still JC Chasez ‘Superstar‘.”

JC laughed, “Well thanks…I think. I really don‘t consider myself a superstar.”

“You know what I mean. So many times celebrities are so snotty and rude, but you are just a normal sweet guy.”

“You’re a normal sweet girl too and I haven’t met one in a very long time.”

Kristine blushed, even though no one was there to see it. “Thank you.”

JC and Kristine talked for at least two hours before they had to leave to get to the studios for Jay Leno. They talked on the phone every night that week about any and everything except their jobs. JC still had no clue what Kristine did for a living. The day Kristine was dreading had finally come. The guys from NSYNC were back in town and today she was scheduled to get the interview she wasn’t able to get the day before. Her ankle was almost completely healed, although it still ached if she was on it too much. This time when she walked towards the Waldorf Astoria, there wasn’t as many fans waiting outside. Kristine was able to easily slip inside without getting hurt again. She gave her name at the front desk and was told she could go ahead up, they were expecting her. As she approached the Penthouse suite, she saw the bodyguards standing outside the door.

“Ms. Reynolds?” the guard that had rescued her the day before asked. “It’s good to see you.”

“Thank you.”

“Is JC expecting you? I know they are scheduled to do an interview today.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m the one who will be interviewing them.” Kristine smiled. The bodyguard’s eyes grew big for a moment.

“Oh, okay. Go ahead in.” Kristine slowly entered the room, preparing herself for what might happen next. The moment JC saw her a huge smile spread across his face as he went to her giving her a warm hug.

“Hey. This is a wonderful surprise. I wasn’t expecting you today.” JC turned towards the guys. “Guys, this is Kristine. Kristine this is Lance, Joey, Justin, and Chris the rest of the guys in NSYNC.”

“Hi. It’s nice to meet you.” Kristine smiled.

“It’s great to meet you Kristine. JC has told us a lot about you.” Joey grinned.

“He’s told me a lot about you guys too.”

“Don’t believe a word of it.” Chris joked.

“It’s all good trust me. Well most of it anyway.”

“Hey…” they all began to argue, but JC cut them off.

“So, how would you like to go to dinner with me tonight? We have this interview this afternoon, but I’m free tonight. That is if this reporter shows up this time. We were supposed to do this interview last week, but they never showed. Actually it was the same day we met.”

“JC there’s something I need to tell you.”

“What? You aren’t married are you?”

“No, I’m not married. I’m Kristine Reynolds with Cosmo Girl.” A stunned silence filled the room as JC just stared at her in shock. All of her hopes that he would understand were flying out the window.

“You’re the one who was supposed to interview us last week?” Justin asked the question they already knew the answer to.

“Yes. I’m sorry JC. It just never came up and when we talked. I honestly never thought about my job when I was talking to you.”

“This wasn’t an attempt to get a more personal interview?” JC asked, hating himself for saying it.

Kristine swallowed hard, fighting her tears. “No JC. I just really liked you.”

JC looked down at his hands, trying to figure out what he should say to her. “Well, I really wish you would have told me.”

“I know. Believe me I do too.” she sniffled.

“Oh Kristine. This still doesn’t change the way I feel about you. I still want to be with you.”

“Really?” she asked, her hope slowly returning in her eyes.

“Yes really. There’s no more surprises are there?”

She giggled, “Not that I know of.”

“Good.” JC wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close to him. “Can I ask you a question?”

“I thought I was supposed to be the one asking the questions. After all it is my interview.” Kristine grinned.

“I just have one question, then we can get to your interview.”

“Okay. What’s your question?”

“Can I do something I’ve thought about doing for the last week?”

“What is that?”

“This.” he whispered before bringing his lips down to hers in a sweet, soft kiss. Kristine felt her heart flutter and her knees grew weak. She had never experienced a kiss quite like this before. Something inside of her knew this was the real thing. This was what she had been waiting for all her life. One thing was for certain, she was going to fall hard, but this time she was ready for the fall.

The End


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