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Someone To Watch Over Me

By:  Jaimie


Chapter One

Two years. That’s how long it had been since her husband Lance was killed in a car accident. The day she thought her life was over. Never had Jaimie cried so long and hard. Lance was her soulmate. The man she had vowed to love forever. Even though the vows they took said ‘Till Death Do You Part’, she swore she would never love another the way she loved Lance. She knew that if it weren’t for their twins, she wouldn’t have pulled through. Zachary and Faith were the two most important things in her life now. She forced herself to get up out of bed and move on. Well, actually Justin was the one to show her how much her children needed her. He was the one that pulled her out of her deep depression to show her that there was still life to be lived, and Lance wouldn’t want her to give up because he wasn’t there anymore. Justin. He had been so sweet and supportive through her terrible ordeal. He came to see her and the twins practically every day. Zack and Faith called him Uncle Justin, but Jaimie knows he will probably be the only father figure they will have. Of course JC, Joey, and Chris are there too, but Justin seemed to be the only one that really took the time out to be with them often. Then again, the other guys had their own wives and children to be with. Joey and his wife Shannon had two beautiful daughters Emily and Taylor, and Shannon was expecting their third child any day now. Joey swears up and down it’s a boy this time. Shannon just laughs and indulges him. JC and his wife Hanna are expecting their first child a few months after Shannon is due. Even though Chris and Dani have been together as a couple the longest, they were still newly weds. They had only been married a little under a year with no plans for children quite yet according to Chris, but if Dani has her way it will be very soon. They were all truly happy. Jaimie never sees them like she used to, but she knows it’s out of jealousy. They all have what she used to have with Lance. She would lie awake alone at night, thinking about the wonderful life she had with Lance. They met at a club about 8 years ago. It was love at first sight for both of them. After that night they were inseparable. Just six short months after they met, they were married. None of the other guys were surprised. They all knew Lance would be the one to get married first. He was just the family man type. They all really loved Jaimie as well and accepted her into their little family. Jaimie was the one to introduce Joey to Shannon as well, so he is really thankful to have her in his life. Jaimie would never forget the day she told Lance she was pregnant. She had never been more nervous in her life. Not even before their wedding had she ever been that nervous. They had been married for about a year. Lance had been home for about a month after their world tour. They did a LOT of catching up when he returned, because it wasn’t three weeks after he got home that she learned of her condition.


“Lance...” Jaimie called through the house. She had just gotten home from the doctor’s office where they just confirmed her suspicions. She was three weeks pregnant.

“I’m in the studio.” her husband called back. She slowly made her way to the studio downstairs, butterflies invading her stomach. Oh how she hoped he’d be as pleased as she was about the news.

“Hi, honey. How’s it going?” Jaimie smiled over at him as she entered the studio.

Lance looked up at her, smiling brightly “Much better now that my inspiration is here.” Lance walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. He slowly bent his head down and kissed her softly. Jaimie relaxed and leaned into his embrace, letting herself get lost in his kiss. He slowly pulled away from her, but still didn’t let her out of his embrace. “So, where did you run off to in such a hurry this morning?”

Jaimie took a deep breath before answering, “I went to the doctor.”

Concern clouded his beautiful green eyes, “Why? Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing’s wrong that won’t go away in about 8 1/2 months or so.”

“Okay, I’m confused now.”

“Lance I....I’m pregnant.”

They stood there for a moment in complete silence. Jaimie felt like it was an eternity before Lance responded. Suddenly a huge grin spread across his face as he picked her up and spun her around and around. Jaimie laughed as he spun her, relieved that he was happy about the news. They still didn’t speak until Lance sat her back down on the ground.

“So you’re happy?” Jaimie asked.

“Did you actually think I wouldn’t be? Jaimie you and I created life with our love. That is the most amazing gift we could have received. I love you so much.”

Jaimie had to choke back her tears that were threatening to fall, “I love you too.”

Lance pulled her tight against his body and kissed her again. They made love all day that day. It was one of the happiest days of her life.

~*~*~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~*~*~

That was 7 year ago. Jaimie was brought from her memories when Faith came running into her room and jumped on her bed.

“Mommy, mommy wake up.” Faith giggled as she jumped up and down on her bed, her blonde curls bouncing up and down. Jaimie quickly pulled her down on the bed with her and began to tickle her mercilessly. Faith squealed with delight, laughing so hard tears were coming out the corner of her eyes. Jaimie finally stopped tickling her and kissed her nose softly.

“Where’s your brother?”

“He’s downstairs looking at Daddy’s video again.” Faith frowned. Jaimie’s heart ached at the words. Zack and Faith were only five when Lance died, but both took his death very hard. Zack especially. She always caught him watching their old home movies with this sad expression on his little face. He looked so much like Lance, it was sometimes painful to look at him. He had his blonde hair and his big green eyes, such sad eyes for a child of only seven year old. “Mommy, do you think Daddy misses us?” Faith asked as her tiny hands played with a lock of Jaimie’s long curly brown hair. Jaimie looked into her daughters blue eyes, eyes so much like her own, and tried to smile.

“Of course he does baby. I know if he could he would have never left us.”

“Why did Daddy leave us Mommy?”

“Oh, Faith.” Jaimie began, fighting the tears. “I...I guess God needed him for important work in heaven.”

“But we need him here with us.”

“He will always be here with us baby. As long as he is in your heart he will never leave you. Your Daddy loved all of us very much, and he still does I’m sure of it. One day, years from now you will get to see your Daddy again. Until then you have to know that he is watching over us as our Guardian Angel.”

That finally brought a smile to her little face, “You really think he’s watching over us?”

“Of course I do. You can even talk to him. He can’t talk to you, but I know he is listening. Make sure you tell him every day how much you love him and miss him. He’ll never be far away from you.”

“I will Mommy. Every night when I say my prayers I’ll talk to Daddy and tell him I love him.” Faith smiled brightly.

“I’m sure he’ll love that.” Jaimie forced a smile. “Why don’t you go downstairs with your brother and I’ll be down in a minute okay.”

“Okay.” Faith said as she climbed off the bed and ran downstairs.

Jaimie slowly got out of bed and pulled Lance’s robe around her waist tightly. Every since he passed away she was always wearing his clothes, even his robe. It made her feel like he was always around her. As she walked down the hall towards the stairs, she paused at a picture of all four of them on the front steps of their house. They were all smiling brightly at the camera. It seemed like so long ago when that picture was taken. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and went downstairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she heard Lance’s voice filling the living room. It sounded like he was right there in the room with them. As she walked into the living room, she saw Zack and Faith sitting together on the couch watching their father on the television. Jaimie watched the screen as well, wishing she could reach out and touch Lance once more. The tape they were watching was a tape Lance made right after they were born. He was holding a baby in each arm as he read a Dr. Seuss book aloud to them to the camera. His deep soothing voice filtered through the room, sending chills down Jaimie’s spine. She only caught the end of the tape. Not two minutes later, Lance said good-bye to the camera and it went black. Jaimie finally snapped out of her trance and returned her attention to the children.

“Morning Zack.”

“Morning.” he mumbled.

“Hey, what’s wrong kiddo?”


Jaimie sighed heavily. Even after two years, she still didn’t know what to say to Zack to make him understand why his Daddy had to leave. “Zack honey. Why do you always watch these videos if they always make you sad?”

“Because I’m afraid.”

“Afraid of what honey?”

“I’m afraid I’ll forget him.”

Jaimie’s eyes welled up with tears, “Oh Zack. You’ll never forget your father. You look just like him for one thing. You have his blonde hair and his big beautiful green eyes. You remind me so much of your father. I told Faith and now I’m telling you. Your father will always be with you. He is in your heart and he is watching over you like a guardian angel. You can talk to him and he will never leave you.”

“I didn’t mean to make you cry Mommy.”

“I’m okay honey. Just don’t forget he is always with you. I won’t let you forget him either. Okay?”

“Okay.” he finally smiled. Jaimie smiled back at him and ruffled his blonde tresses.

“Hey, let’s cook some breakfast before Uncle Joey and Aunt Shannon come to get you.”

“Can we have French toast?” Zack asked.

Jaimie paused only for a moment, she knew that was always Lance’s favorite “Sure we can. You two can help me. You know how to make it, can you get the ingredients for me?”

After they ate breakfast, Jaimie went upstairs to help them get ready to spend the weekend with Joey and Shannon. As soon as she finished packing their bags, her doorbell rang. Zack ran downstairs to answer it. Joey was standing at the door with Shannon right behind him.

Chapter Two

“Hey Zack the man! Give me five.” Joey smiled down at him.

Zack grinned and jumped high to hit his hand, “Hey Uncle J. Hey Aunt Shay. Mom is upstairs getting our bags together.”

“Where’s Faith?” Shay asked.

“She’s upstairs pretending to help Mom.”

“I heard that Zack! At least she tried to help. You just played your video games.” Jaimie laughed. “Hey guys. How are you feeling today Shay?”

Shannon groaned heavily, “I’m ready to pop this kid out already. My back is killing me. I guess Joey is right. This has to be a boy.”

Jaimie laughed softly, “I feel your pain believe me. Are you sure you want to take on my kids this weekend when you’re so close to your due date?”

“Don’t be silly. That’s what Daddy and Uncle Joey is for.” Shay grinned. “Besides, it’s Emily’s birthday and she specifically wanted Zack and Faith to stay with her all weekend.”

“Okay, well call me if you need anything.”

“I promise I will. So are you two munchkins ready to go?”

“Yeah!” they both yelled.

“Okay you two behave for me okay. I love you both very much.” Jaimie said as she hugged and kissed her two children good-bye.

“We love you too Mommy. I’ll call you later tonight okay.” Zack said, sounding very grown up all of a sudden.

“You do that. Have fun sweeties. Bye.” Jaimie waved as they left. Once the kids were gone, Jaimie wasn’t sure what she should do. She had never really been without the kids since Lance’s died. The house seemed just too quiet to her. She decided to just catch up on her reading outside on the sun porch. Before she knew it it was already 5pm. As she stood and stretched, she was startled when the doorbell rang. When she opened it, she was looking up into Justin’s beautiful blue eyes.

“Hey gorgeous. What’s up?”

“Hey Justin. Nothing much, just catching up on my reading.”

“Where’s the munchkins?”

“Remember it’s Emily’s birthday this weekend. They are spending the weekend with her.”

“I completely forgot about them being gone this weekend. I was gonna take you all out for pizza.”

“That’s sweet of you. You can stay and keep me company if you’d like. The house is awfully quiet. I’d like to have the company.”

Justin grinned at her offer, “Of course I will. You want to order a pizza?”

“Sure, why don’t you call it in and I’ll get a bottle of wine.”

“You got it.”

A large pepperoni pizza and two bottles of wine later, both Jaimie and Justin were very drunk.

Jaimie giggled, “I can’t remember the last time I was this drunk.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drunk.”

“I think Lance is the only one who has.” Jaimie said as her eyes clouded over with sadness again.

“I hate seeing you this way.” Justin said, surprising Jaimie. “I hate seeing you so sad....when....when all I want to do is make you happy.”

Chapter Three


In Justin’s drunken state, he was throwing all caution to the wind, “I love you so much. I always have. Why do you think I am always over here? I want to help you and the kids get on with your lives. You all have so much more life to live and I want to be a part of that life. I can be a father to them.”

Jaimie sat there silently, not sure what to say. She had no clue Justin was in love with her. Jaimie knew she cared about him deeply, but she also knew she was not in love with him. Justin didn’t wait for a response from her. He leaned in and kissed her firmly on the lips. After a few moments, Jaimie actually started to return the kiss. It had been so long since she had been kissed with such passion. She decided to just let herself get lost in his kiss, wanting to feel loved and wanted again. Justin laid her down on the floor of the living room, his hands touching every inch of her body. Jaimie moaned slightly as Justin caressed each of her breasts in his large hands. Her own hands were doing some exploring of their own. She quickly pulled his shirt up over his head, running her nails down his well defined chest. Her hands then immediately when to his belt and began to remove that from his body as well. Justin quickly removed her white tank top, smiling at the sight of her naked breasts. It didn’t take him long to push her pants down her long beautiful legs, along with her panties. Once all of their clothing was removed, Justin entered her in one swift motion. It had been so long since Jaimie had been intimate with anyone that it almost felt like she lost her virginity again. It didn’t take her long before she began to find a rhythm with Justin, meeting his hips trust for thrust. Soon, they both fell over the edge, completely spent from their lovemaking. Justin smiled down at Jaimie, and kissed her softly before pulling a blanket over their bodies as sleep overtook them.

When Jaimie woke the next morning, she remembered everything that happened the night before. Justin was still sleeping on the floor beside her, his blonde curls gently brushing her shoulder. She smiled down at him. Jaimie quietly got up and jumped in the shower. When she came back downstairs fully dressed, she found Justin in the living room, pulling his shirt back over his head. She smiled shyly over at him. “Good morning.”


Another moment of awkward silence passed.

“About last night..” Jaimie began, but was cut off by Justin.

“I’m sorry if I took advantage of the situation. It was wrong.”

“I was going to ask you if you meant what you said.”

Justin looked at her for a moment confused, “You’re not mad?”

“No, I’m not. Did you mean what you said Justin?”

“Of course I did. I do love you Jaimie, so much. I love Zack and Faith as if they were my own. I would love for us to be a family.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” Jaimie smiled. Justin grinned and began to walk towards her, but she held her hand out for him to stop. “Wait. I have to explain something to you first. I do care about you very much Justin. You have been here for me through everything, and I know you love my kids like your own. I just have to be honest with you and tell you I’m not really in love with you. I think I could be, but up until last night romance with anyone was the farthest thing from my mind. I just have to make you understand that from the beginning. If we are really going to try to make something of this you have to accept that.”

“I never expected you to return my feelings right away. I’m willing to accept that. I know that in time you could learn to love me. I don’t expect you to love me the way you did Lance, but I hope you can love me almost as much.”

Jaimie’s eyes clouded with tears, “Thank you for understanding.” She reached up and kissed him softly on the lips before pulling away. “I have something I have to do. I’ll be back in about an hour.”

“I’ll cook us breakfast.”

“Sounds good.”

Jaimie climbed into her black 4-Runner and drove straight to Lance’s grave. She brought him a bouquet of white daisies. The same flower he brought her on their first date. She removed the dead flowers from the grave and replaced them with the fresh ones. “I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve been here. It’s just always so hard for me. I miss you so much.” Jaimie paused as tears began to fall. “I love you so much. I knew our love was strong, but I never realized just how strong it was until you were no longer here. I am good taking care of Zack and Faith. They are doing okay, Zack is still having problems with it. They remind me so much of you, especially Zack. I look at him and it’s like you are looking back at me. Sometimes it’s painful just to look at him.” Jaimie paused again for a moment, thinking about how she wanted to say this to him. “Oh, Lance. I don’t know how to say this to you. It’s so strange really. Justin and I are going to try to be together in a relationship. That sounds so strange coming from my lips. I never expected this and I certainly wasn’t looking for it. He’s a good man and he loves me and the kids so much. I know he’d take care of us. I know in my heart you’d want me to be happy, and I think in time Justin will be able to make me happy. He will never replace you in my heart. No one will ever be able to do that, but maybe he will be able to fill part of the void you left. I just wanted to talk to you and tell you this. I love you and I always will.”

Jaimie stood and slowly walked away from his grave, feeling better about her life than she had in a long time. The road that took her back home was a very long winding road. Less than a quarter of a mile from her house, as she rounded the corner, a huge 18-wheeler came speeding into her lane. Jaimie screamed and swerved to miss him. When she did, she it a tree head on. The impact of the crash sent her flying out of the windshield and into the field in front of her. Justin heard the crash from the house. He went outside to see what happened. When he looked across the field his heart stopped. Jaimie’s black 4-Runner was against a tree. He took off running towards the truck at full speed. When he reached her, Jaimie was not moving. Tears streamed down his face as he knelt beside her. “Oh my God! Jaimie, Jaimie please don’t leave me. Come back to me. I need you.”

Jaimie moaned slightly as her eyes fluttered open, “Ju..Justin” she said, wincing in pain.

“Jaimie, thank God. Please stay with me. Help is on the way.”

“Justin, I...I need you to....” Jaimie paused as pains wracked her body. Tears mixed with the blood that smeared her face. “Please take care of Zack and Faith for me. I love them so much. Make sure they know that.”

“You will make sure they do. I’m not letting you leave me.”

“I’m so sorry Justin. Please forgive me for leaving so soon. Please take care of my children. They will need you more than ever now.” Jaimie cried, unbelievable pain taking over her body. As suddenly as the pain hit her it seemed to be melting away. She felt this overwhelming peace come over her. A white light shown in front of her, a shadowed figure walking towards her. When he emerged from the light, she saw Lance smiling down at her. Jaimie gasped aloud, “Lance! Justin, Lance is really here.”

Justin became aware of what was happening suddenly, Jaimie was dying “NO! Lance it’s not fair. You can’t take her now.”

Lance looked over at Justin, sorrow filling his eyes. He looked at him for a moment before looking back down at Jaimie. “It’s time to come home.”

“Oh, Lance. I’ve missed you so much.” Jaimie cried.

“I know you have. I’ve missed you too my love. We’re together now, and we’ll never be apart again.”

Jaimie smiled up at him, but her smile soon faded. “What about Zack and Faith? They’ve been through so much already.”

Sadness clouded Lance’s eyes, “I know. They will grieve, but they will have many people who will love them and care for them. We will always be there for them to watch over them and protect them. They will never be without us.”

Jaimie began to cry, “Oh, Lance. Hold me please.”

Lance reached down and pulled her up into his arms. He pulled her tightly against him and kissed her softly. Sobs wracked her body as she tried to accept the fact that she was actually back in Lance’s arms. Her wonderful husband. She was also filled with sadness over having to leave her children and Justin. Jaimie pulled away slowly and looked down at Justin. It was so strange to look down and see her lifeless body in Justin’s arms. Justin. Her heart ached for his loss. Sobs wracked his body as he held her in his arms, refusing to believe she was really gone.

“It’s time to go now. We have to go home.” Lance whispered in her ear. Jaimie nodded sadly, buried her face in Lance’s shoulder, and followed him into the bright white light. Justin continued to hold her until the ambulance came. He rode with her to the hospital even though he knew there was nothing to be done. She was gone. As he was walking towards the payphones to call Joey and Shay, he spotted Joey walking up to the soda machine.

“Hey, Joe.” Justin yelled.

Joey grinned hugely at first until he saw Justin’s shirt covered with blood, “Oh my God. Are you okay? What happened?”

Tears began to fall down his cheeks again as he fought to control his voice, “Jaimie was in a car accident this morning. Sh....she’s dead Joe.” Justin collapsed into Joey’s arms and let all of his tears fall freely.

“Oh no.” Joey whispered and closed his eyes, fighting his own tears. He had come to love Jaimie as a sister, and he didn’t know how to accept the fact she was gone. Worst of all, how as he going to tell Shay? She was her best friend in the world. His heart that was just bursting with happiness just moments ago was now breaking. He was in the hospital because Shay had went into labor. He finally got his son. He was born just an hour earlier. Joey suddenly remembered that old saying, when one soul dies another is born. When his son came into the world, Jaimie’s soul left it. Justin’s tears finally subsided and he pulled away from him.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to break down on you like that.” Justin sniffled.

“It’s okay Justin.” Joey said softly.

“Why are you here anyway? Please tell me the kids are okay. I can’t take anymore bad news.”

“The kids are fine. Shay had the baby just about an hour ago. It’s a boy.” Joey smiled softly.

“Congratulations man. I really am happy for you.”

“Thanks. I just wish I didn’t have to tell Shay this now.” Joey paused a moment. “How do we tell Zack and Faith their mother is gone? She was all they had left.”

“It’s going to be hard, but we have to Joe. We just all have to let them know we are all here for them and they will never be alone.” Justin smiled softly. “I promised Jaimie that.”

“You promised her? I thought she died in a car crash.”

“She did, but it was just around the corner of her house. I was there and I ran over to the crash. I held her in my arms until she took her last breath.” Justin’s eyes began to tear up again. “She was talking to Lance, Joe. I really believe he was there to take her home.”

“At least they’ll be together. I know she wasn’t happy being without him.”

Justin fought the pain Joey’s words caused. He knew Joey had no idea what had happened between him and Jaimie just the night before, and he wasn’t going to tell anyone. It was going to be his special secret to carry with him forever. His moment with her. His one perfect moment. “Yeah."

Justin and Joey walked down the hall silently to Shay’s room. They found her sitting up on the bed breastfeeding their new son. Shay smiled over at them, but it quickly faded when she saw the look on her husband’s face and the blood on Justin’s shirt. “What’s going on? Joey?”

Joey sighed heavily and sat beside his wife, putting a comforting arm around her shoulder. “Honey, I...I don’t know how to tell you this.” Joey paused again. “Jaimie was in a car accident this morning. didn’t make it. I’m so sorry.”

Shay just stared at Joey. Silent tears fell down her cheeks, but she just continued to stare. She didn’t look away until the baby started to fuss. She looked down at him and smiled in spite of her pain. “Shhhh it’s okay sweet baby. James Lance. That’s what your name is.” Shay looked at Joey with questioning eyes. “Is that okay with you?”

Joey smiled warmly at his wife, “Of course. It’s perfect.”

Chapter Four

It was hard for all of the for the next few months. Zack and Faith were living with Justin. Justin worked hard to keep his promise to Jaimie. He knew she was watching over them all from heaven, and he wanted her to see how happy he made her kids. He would never replace her or Lance in their hearts, but he would certainly make their lives a little happier. Justin got Faith and Zack into counseling to try to help them come to terms and understand both their parents deaths, that happened in such a short amount of time. Zack became very closed off after Jaimie’s funeral, but after just two months of therapy, he was slowly coming out of it. Three months after Jaimie’s funeral, Hanna and JC welcomed their daughter to the world. They named her Jaimie Lynn in honor of their friend they lost. Jaimie and Lance were constantly watching over them all, making sure they were alright. A few years passed, and as Justin was tucking them into bed one night, Zack asked him a question. “Uncle Justin?”


“Do you think Dad would mind if Faith and I.. well if we called you Dad?”

Justin was shocked at his question. He knew they had grown close over the last few years, but he didn’t know he felt that way about him. Suddenly he wasn’t sure what to say. Would Lance be upset that his son called him Dad? Suddenly Justin felt this amazing feeling of peace come over him and he knew the answer to his question. He smiled down at Zack, “Of course he wouldn’t.”

“Okay. Goodnight...Dad.” Zack blushed.

“Goodnight Zack.” Justin kissed his forehead before cutting off the light and leaving the room. He couldn’t explain what had just happened to him, but it was as if Lance had given him permission to allow Zack to call him Dad. He felt as though Lance was right there with him. Justin laughed softly and shook his head before going back downstairs. What he didn’t know as that Lance really was there. When Zack asked Justin if he would mind if he called him Dad, Lance was happy not sad or jealous. He knew that his son was finally accepting their death and moving on with his life. It filled him with pride. He placed his hand on Justin’s shoulder, “Of course I wouldn’t.” Lance smiled down at him as Justin repeated his answer word for word. Lance and Jaimie kissed their children good-bye and went downstairs where Justin was looking at old photographs. He was looking at a picture of Lance and Jaimie taken just after Zack and Faith were born. He gave a half-smile as a tear streamed down his face. “I’m doing the best I can guys. I hope you are happy to know that they are happy.” Jaimie leaned down beside him and kissed his cheek. Justin was startled to feel something warm against his cheek. When he turned to see what it was, a blinding light appeared and he saw Jaimie sitting beside him with Lance right beside her. They were both smiling brightly and they both looked so very happy. “Oh my God. This can’t be happening.”

“Shhh, Justin it’s alright.” Jaimie’s voice was almost like a whisper. “You aren’t dreaming and we really are here.”

“What are you doing here? I’m not dead am I?”

Lance laughed at his question, “No you aren’t dead. We just came to tell you that you are doing a wonderful job raising our children. We owe their happiness to you. I don’t know what we would have done if you hadn’t been here for them. Thank you so much Justin.”

“You aren’t upset?”

“Upset about what?” Lance asked.

“That Zack wants to call me Dad.”

“No, I couldn’t be happier. Well, if I were alive and had my family back I’d be happier, but that’s not going to happen. I am happy that they are happy. When you answered Zack, did you feel my presence?”

“Yes, but I thought I was imagining it.”

“I was there. I laid my hand on your shoulder and said ‘Of course I wouldn’t’ You repeated those exact words to Zack.”

“Oh my God. I can’t believe this.”

“Believe it Justin. We have always been here watching over you and protecting you. Now it is time for us to watch you from above. We will still be here for you all, but time has come for us to go to the big cloud in the sky to watch.” Jaimie smiled.

“You’re leaving us?”

“We’ll always be with you, right here.” Jaimie paused as she laid her hand on his chest. “In your heart.”

Justin laid his hand over hers as tears streamed down his face, “I miss you both so much.”

“I know you do. Justin, please don’t waste your life. You have to go out and meet people. I don’t want you to be alone. I know how lonely life can be and I don’t want you to be that way.” Jaimie whispered.

“How can I? I have to be here for Faith and Zack. I can’t leave them go to find someone for me. They are my priority.”

“Justin, Zack and Faith are almost ten years old. They have their friends and they aren’t always here and we know it because we have been here. There has been plenty of times when you could have gone out.” Lance argued.

“I’m afraid.”

“Afraid of what?” Lance asked.

“Of falling in love and losing it again. I don’t know if I can take it.”

Jaimie and Lance knew exactly what he was talking about. Jaimie smiled over at him and softly caressed his cheek, “Don’t be afraid to love. You have so much to give Justin. Promise me you won’t give up.”

Justin was silent for a moment, just looking into her blue eyes. The eyes of the woman he loved. “I..I promise.”

“Good. We have to go now Justin. Please just continue to love our children and make sure they know we are always with them and how much we love them.” Lance said.

“I will.” Justin looked over at his best friend. “I never got a chance to say this to you, but I love you Lance. You were my best friend and I will never forget you.”

Lance smiled over at him, “I love you too Justin. Take care of yourself.”

Justin turned to Jaimie, “You know how I feel about you.”

“Yes I do, but you have to live in the present not the past. You’ll find someone who will love you with all her heart and you will love her more than you’ve ever loved anyone in your life. That will be your soulmate. I found mine. Now you have to find yours.”

“Okay. I promise.”

“Good-bye Justin. I will always love you and I’ll always be here for you.”

“I love you too.”

Lance and Jaimie walked back towards the light hand in hand. When the light disappeared, Justin felt anoher moment of unbelievable peace come over him. He knew everything would be alright. Less than a year later, Justin found his soulmate. Heather was the sweetest, most beautiful woman he ever met. He was so happy he found her. Zack and Faith really liked her as well. They became one big happy family. The day Justin and Heather married, Lance and Jaimie watched from up above.

“I’m so happy.” Jaimie smiled.

“Are you really?”

“I am happy that our children are finally happy. I’m happy that our friends and family are all well and happy, and I’m very happy to be able to be with you for all eternity. I’ve very blessed Lance.”

“I love you.” Lance smiled down to his wife. The one woman he ever loved.

“I love you too.” she said as she reached up to kiss him softly before they returned their attention the scene below. They knew everything would be alright, and they will always be there watching over them. Always.

The End


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