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Till The End Of Time
By:  Jaimie

Justin stared out the window of the airplane as they flew through the blue sky. He and his band mates were on their way home. They had been touring for the last few months and they finally got to come home for a while to rest. Justin, like all the other guys, was looking forward to spending some time with their families and their girlfriends. Justin hadn’t seen Nikki in over three months. He missed her so much while he was on the road, but even when he was home he never really got to see her much. She was a dancer, and sometimes when he was home, she was off touring with her dance company. He knew he’d get to see her this time. It was Christmas and she had a few weeks off. Justin smiled at the thought of holding her in his arms once again. Lance looked across the aisle and saw the wistful expression on Justin’s face and had to laugh.

“Let me guess. You’re daydreaming about Nikki.” Lance smiled.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to have her in my arms again. I just miss her so much you know?” Justin laughed. “Of course you know. You have a wife and a brand new son you haven’t even seen yet.”

Lance smiled proudly, “I know. I can’t wait to see them. I wish I could have been there when he was born.”

“You couldn’t have known Jaimie would have gone into labor early. She wasn’t due for another week.”

“I know. I still feel like I missed something.”

“Well, by the time we go on the road again, Dylan and Jaimie should be able to come too. That will make it a little easier for you.”

“Yeah, I miss her so much when we’re gone. I can’t wait to see her again.”

“We are now approaching Orlando International Airport. Thank you for flying Delta Airlines. Have a nice day.” the pilot announced.

“We’re finally home.” Justin smiled.

There was a van waiting outside the plane to take them away. Everyone went straight to Lance’s house. As soon as the van pulled up, Lance saw Jaimie come running towards them. Lance quickly jumped out of the van and picked her up in his arms.

“I missed you so much.” he said between kisses.

“Oh, I missed you too.” Jaimie smiled, holding him tight. “I think it’s time you met your son.” Jaimie pulled Lance into the house to see his new baby.

Justin sighed heavily, disappointed that Nikki wasn’t there. He slowly followed everyone inside. He smiled when he saw Lance holding his new son while Jaimie sat beside him smiling proudly. Joey and his girlfriend Shay were sitting together on the couch snuggling together. Chris and Dani were cooing at the baby while Lance held him. JC snuck off with Hanna somewhere. He was left standing there all alone.

“Hey Justin, look up.” Chris smiled.

Justin looked up and saw mistletoe hanging over him.

“You know what that means don’t you?” a voice said from behind him. He turned and was face to face with the woman he loves. He grinned and pulled her into his embrace.

“Oh, I’ve missed you so much baby. I thought you weren’t here.” Justin whispered into her hair, still holding her close.

“I’m sorry I was late. Traffic was terrible.” Nikki smiled as she ran her fingers through his mass of curls. “I’m glad you’re home.”

“Me too.” Justin captured her lips in a sweet kiss. Months of longing melted away the instant their lips touched. Justin couldn’t remember ever feeling this way for anyone before. She completed him in every way. He knew this was going to be his happiest Christmas ever. He had something very special planned.

On Christmas Eve, all the guys again gathered at Lance and Jaimie’s house for dinner and to exchange gifts. Everyone had exchanged their gifts except Justin and Nikki. Justin looked over at Nikki who was cooing at Dylan while Jaimie held him in her arms. He felt his heart swell at the sight of her. She was just so beautiful. He felt like he was the luckiest man in the world to have her in his life. Justin got all the guys together to help him with his surprise for Nikki. Jaimie, Nikki, Hanna, Shay, and Dani sat on the sofa, none of them really knew what was going on. Each guy stood in front of their special someone as they began to sing softly to them accapella.

When the visions around you
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surrounds you
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength
I'll give you hope
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call
When standing here all alone

And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Until the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

As the others softly continued to sing the song, Justin knelt in front of Nikki and took her hand in his.

“Nikki, I love you with all my heart. I know you’re the only one I’ll ever love. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much I love you. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and say you’ll be my wife?”

Everyone held their breath waiting for Nikki’s answer. Tears streamed down her pretty face, but she still said nothing. After what seemed like a lifetime to Justin, she choked out her answer, “Yes!” Everyone cheered happily as Justin pulled the still crying Nikki into his arms.

“You had me scared there for a minute.” Justin laughed softly as he stroked her hair.

“I’m sorry.” Nikki smiled through her tears. “I’m so happy Justin. I love you so much. This is the happiest day of my life.”

“You’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been in my life. I’m very blessed. I have a great family, great friends, a great career, but most of all I have your love. As long as I have that I know I can do anything.”

“I promise you’ll always have my love. Forever till the day I die.”

Justin kissed her softly. He knew as long as they were together they could face anything. They would be together forever. Till the end of time.

The End


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