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Could You Make Me Cry?

By:  Julie

Could I make him cry?

I really didn't think so. It would be hard to break him down and make him tear up.

Could he make me cry?


I don't want to admit to being in love with him, to having to love him while he says he loves me, loves me whether I want him to or not, but still loves her. I don't want to admit that I love him, even when he pulls away from me when I try to kiss him in front of our friends, because he's supposed to be her boyfriend in public. So she has him behind closed doors, has us both behind closed doors, but has him in public.

Could he make me cry?

I think so.

He does make me cry. I cry when he kisses her. I cry when he tells me that he loves me, and when I ask if he loves her the same way, he says he thinks so. And I can't get up and walk away, even though I know I should, because he's always going to love her more, just because she's a girl, and I'm not.

I don't love her. I've done things with her, his girlfriend, but I don't love her. Really, sometimes I hate her.

She makes me cry.

And I want to ask him, one night, while we're just lying there, talking and kissing and being in love--

Could you make me cry?

And I imagine that he'd say yes, because he knows that he can make me cry, because he has that power over me, and it can't take that much for him to look at me with those blue eyes and say that he loves her as much as he loves me, not more, but not less. And when he said that, I'd cry, and maybe he'd say 'I'm so sorry,' or, 'JC, I really don't mean it,' but he still loves her as much as he loves me.

Could you make me cry?

He could make me cry. He does make me cry. He makes me cry in sadness when he says that he loves her too, when he kisses her. He makes me cry with pleasure when he kisses me, when he says that he loves me, when those soft lips touch my neck and chest. He makes me cry in ecstacy when his hands rub all over my body, when he makes love to me.

When he makes love to me. No. He wouldn't think that. He'd think it was sex, fucking. And maybe I'll cry because that makes me sad.

Could you make me cry?

He could make me cry. He can make me cry. he does make me cry.

I'm crying now.

But I love him, and every tear is worth it.

The End

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