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By:  Julie


He walked in on a group of unruly hyper boys. And cringed.


Wade was supposed to be the prodigy. He was supposed to be talented. He was supposed to be able to handle this.


He couldn’t make these boys listen to him. And he thought of them as boys, too, even though they were all older than him. They just acted that way.


Something had happened, and JC and Justin had told them not to obey Wade no matter what. Told them to mess up the steps, even though it was harder on them. They wanted him to quit, wanted to bring Darren back.


They got into a staring match within the first hour he tried to teach them anything. JC stood in front of him and stared him down. Lance had his cell phone and was talking in his sexiest voice to a girl that he called Kitty. Chris and Joey were making up their own dances to one of the new songs, lurching around the room like they were puppets. Justin was grooming unruly curls in front of one of the mirrors.


JC stared at him. At first, Wade had thought that he would have a chance at out staring the older man, given the short attention span that JC had displayed. Wade had misread him.


Finally, JC blinked and turned away.


“Get it right guys,” he said, the order soft, but firm. Joey and Chris scrambled into formation; Justin tied a bandanna on, ruining all the work he’d done on the pile of curls that graced his head, and Lance hung up his phone.


Wade almost sighed with relief. Having JC accept him was definitely an improvement, because it had at least four out of the five guys dancing and working hard, even though what Lance did really couldn’t be classified as dancing. Justin went through the motions, but only half-assed it.


Because of Justin, he worked them down to begging.


“Can we please, please, PLEASE have a break now?” Chris asked, throwing himself to the floor at Wade’s feet. Wade just stared at him.


“When your friend gets this right,” Wade replied, looking pointedly at Justin.


Justin gave him a nasty look, but when Wade started the track again, he executed every move perfectly.




Wade was always a bystander to them.


He never interacted with them. He was just the choreographer, not a part of the group. He was only there to make them look good.


There were the ones that could do everything perfect every time he showed them. And then there were JC and Lance, who sometimes were hard to get through to. Justin was Wade’s perpetual pain in the ass.


“I want you to help me with something,” JC said one day. Wade could hear the other guys going down the hall, yelling and laughing.


“Wouldn’t you rather wait until after lunch?” Wade asked.


JC shook his head. “It’s going to make me crazy if I don’t get it down,” JC said.


“Okay,” Wade agreed. He got paid for this, so what did it matter? “What can’t you do?” he asked.


JC demonstrated. “See?” he asked. “I can’t make my—“


Wade stepped up behind him, not thinking, and moved his hips in the correct way. JC almost stopped breathing.


“Oh,” JC said. He performed the move on his own. “Oh.”


Wade looked in the mirror at the dazed look on JC’s face. “Do you want me to show you again?” Wade asked. Then he felt stupid. JC had done the move perfectly, why would he need to have Wade show him again?


But JC nodded.


Wade slid his hands down JC’s hips and leaned against him. “It’s really easy,” Wade said. JC nodded, breathing in short, sharp gasps.


“Yeah, JC was right behind us, I thought,” Justin said. “I guess he stayed to work on something. I’ll get him.”


Wade and JC saw Justin skid to a stop in the mirror.


“Um.” Justin said. JC spun easily away from Wade.


“Thanks for helping me with that move man,” JC said. Wade nodded with a smile. JC winked at him and turned to Justin. “You wanted what?”


“We thought you were coming to lunch with us,” Justin said, regaining his composure.


“I am.” JC said.


He gave Wade a big grin as he and Justin walked out of the room.


“I’m A Slave 4 U”

Wade was lying on the floor holding his stomach while music blared, when JC and Justin walked into the dance studio. Justin recognized the song and began to shake his ass as he walked over to the chairs at the side of the room. JC just looked confused.

"What’s this garbage?" JC asked. "I thought you got rid of all your porn music."

Wade laughed harder—if possible—and Justin looked shocked.

"Do you not know what this is Joshua?" Justin asked incredulously.

JC shook his head. Justin grinned, then looked down at Wade, who was finally sitting up and breathing, although he was grinning widely and clutching his stomach.

"That is my girlfriend," Justin drawled, laying on the country accent. "Britney Spears. She’s a slave for you. With a 4 and a u."

JC stared for a moment, then began to laugh. Justin reached down and pulled Wade to his feet. Wade dusted off his ass and then the side of his shirt.

"And guess what," Wade said, performing a pirouette as he moved to the chairs to get out his water bottle.

"What?" Justin said. He sat down on the floor and started stretching his legs.

"I’m choreographing it." Wade replied. He took a big drink of water and walked back over to the stereo. "Aren’t I lucky?"

"Yes," Justin said. At the same time, JC said, "is she doing porn now?"

Wade laughed. Justin grinned.

"Not porn. Something with a lot of jiggling," Wade said, his face taking on the blank look that it often had when he was working through new steps in his head.

"Then you don’t need to choreograph anything," Justin said.

"You could just have naked people rolling around on the floor," JC said.

"And Britney in bondage gear," Justin said. That snapped Wade out of it.

"Mmm, bondage," he and JC said in unison. Justin burst out laughing. JC and Wade looked at each other.

"Not Britney in bondage, of course," Wade said.

"JC can NOT be in her video Wade," Justin said. Wade suddenly snapped his fingers. Justin scooted off the floor and over to the chairs as Wade turned on the music.

What followed was a lot of undulations that JC and Justin would never have dreamed of seeing anywhere but in bed.

"I think he was a belly dancer in a past life," JC whispered.

"He was something," Justin replied.

"I so got this," JC said suddenly, and moved in front of the mirrors with Wade. Wade smiled, and Justin watched.

The song started over and JC and Wade performed an interpretive sort of dance that Justin could only describe as pornographic—much like the song.

"Get it get it, get it get it…" sang Britney’s fake-sexy voice through the speakers. JC’s hips were slamming into Wade’s as they slithered—that was the only word that came to mind when Justin saw the smooth, slick movements they were making—across the floor. Justin was sweating, and he wasn’t even dancing.

"Don’t you wanna… dance up on me…" the breathy voice continued. Justin felt the incredible urge to rush onto the floor with them when he saw JC’s leg grinding between Wade’s thighs, and when Wade’s hand was…Justin wasn’t having a lot of coherent thought in light of this little show.

"I only wanna do… what you want me to…"

It just kept coming. Justin was still breathing, if the heavy panting that was coming from him could be counted as breathing. Wade was holding JC up against the wall. Justin’s fingers were straying to his crotch.

The song must have been on repeat. That was the last straw for Justin.

He got up off the chair and strode across the floor. His body met those of the two that had been dancing in a hot, three-person embrace. JC'’ hand closed tightly around the waistband of Justin’s jeans as Wade’s head turned, bringing his lips to Justin’s.

JC pushed his hand into Justin’s pants, causing him to lose his balance and bring all three crashing to the floor.

"Hold him down," JC said with an evil smirk on his face. Wade pulled Justin’s arms up over Justin’s head and held onto his hands. JC straddled Justin’s hips.

"Now what?" Wade asked. He didn’t have a clue what JC was going to do.

"What do you think?" JC asked.

"You better be going to do what I think you’re going to do," Justin said.

"You’ll just have to find out, won’t you," JC said. Wade kissed Justin upside down and he didn’t’ have a chance to reply—or make a sound—as JC pulled Justin’s pants out of the way. Justin squirmed.

"Hold still," Wade said, even though it did no good and Justin kept struggling as JC wrapped his mouth around Justin’s dick. Justin squeaked against Wade’s lips.

JC was good at things like that. He didn’t always pick up on the choreography the fastest, but he’d always given great head. Or at least he had to Wade. Wade was nearly positive that it had something to do with the fact that JC could take most of a guy’s cock into his mouth and not gag. And he swallowed too. Wade was positive that was a factor too.

But then, maybe it was the way JC moved his hands just so over Wade’s thighs as he sucked, like he was doing to Justin right then. The man should have been in porn flicks.

Justin couldn’t think about Wade’s lips on his face for JC’s mouth on his dick. Past that hand that was on his thigh and that other one that was rubbing his balls and the base of his dick. And was that the same hand that was moving over the skin between his dick and his ass?

Then JC’s finger slid into him, and Justin nearly came. But he didn’t. He couldn’t do that and look like an idiot in front of the dancer that knelt at the top of his head. He’d just boded with Wade, and that wouldn’t be a great impression.

Justin’s hips bucked up and Wade held tighter onto Justin’s wrists as JC’s head bobbed over Justin’s cock. With a bit of breathless panting and a few unintelligible words moaned in a breathy voice—like the song that still blared through the speakers around them—Justin spilled into JC’s mouth.

And it was over that fast. Wade let go of Justin’s wrists and JC withdrew those fingers. Justin almost felt disappointed. In fact, he DID feel disappointed. Until Wade moved over to his bag and came back with—was that lubricant?

JC fell back on the floor with an audible thump when Wade shoved him backward. It was easy to see who was dominant in the relationship, as Wade began to discard both his and JC’s clothes.

Wade had skills, yes. And they extended far beyond dancing. They extended to what his hands were doing, to the way JC’s body arched up toward his, the way JC’s lips parted and Wade’s tongue slid in.

JC was really kind of feminine about it, Justin noticed as he watched. JC moaned, his hips lifted, and he dug his fingers into Wade’s shoulders. Justin had the honor of smearing on the lube, because seriously, they didn’t think that he wasn’t going to participate did they?

Wade was in smoothly, and JC was moaning, and again, there was panting, this time from Wade, who was concentrating on moving as slowly as he could, causing JC to moan and beg for harder and faster—which he did not get.

Justin’s slick hand reached out and wrapped around JC’s dick as Wade’s hips hit against JC’s ass. JC writhed—actually writhed, rather like a snake might—on the floor beneath them.

He came without warning, his ass tightening around Wade’s dick and making him gasp, and then JC’s sticky juices were all over the three of them. He rested his head on the floor and closed his eyes, his breath coming hard and fast and shaky, and Justin leaned over and kissed JC as, again, JC’s ass squeezed tight around Wade’s cock, and the dancer came.

Later they lay in a big sweaty pile on the floor. Justin had slid over and turned the stereo off.

"That sure as hell better not be in Britney’s video," Justin remarked. JC laughed weakly from his place beneath them and Wade smiled—until he yawned.

"It was porn though," He said. Justin grinned.

"Fun to watch too," Justin said. Wade nodded.

"I’m a whore for you," JC sang in a breathy voice.

Justin and Wade burst out laughing.



I’m sorry for this not being what should have come after the first Dancer story, because well… this is what we were talking about and I HAD to do it right then or it wouldn’t get done. So Dancer is a series of non-chronological shorts. Which means that they’ll jump around. I PROMISE I’ll do something with Justin being an asshole to Wade. And then them um, bonding. And JC and Wade.

It was bound to happen sooner or later.


“Changed Your Mind”

Justin realized that he messed up when Wade slammed him against the mirrors on one wall.

“All right,” Wade said. He wasn’t yelling. Not anymore. He’d yelled at Justin too much already. “I know you can dance. I’ve seen you do it. So why can’t you do this Justin? You wanna tell me that?”

Justin was too surprised to reply. He’d been trying to make Wade quit. Especially since JC had gone out with Wade the weekend before. But it wasn’t because Justin was jealous.

“I’m not doing anything,” Justin said.

“No shit,” Wade replied, letting Justin go. He walked over to the other side of the room, to JC. “When he decides that he can do this and get it right, you let me know.”

The rest of the guys stared, and Justin smoothed out his shirt as Wade picked up his bag and left.

“That was great Justin,” Chris said.

“Yeah, are you going to choreograph everything now?” Lance asked. Joey gave Justin a look of disgust and left, Chris and Lance not far behind.

Justin looked at JC, expecting him to say something similar. But JC stood there, one finger in his mouth, chewing on the nail.

“Well,” Justin asked. JC looked up at him.

“Well what, Justin?” JC asked. “You should know what I think. You know we need him.”

“Why can’t we get Darren back?” Justin asked. JC rolled his eyes at the pout he saw on Justin’s lips.

“Because he’s working on something else. You know that. You also know that we need Wade.”

“You’re only saying that because you want to get with him.”

JC stared at Justin in shock. “What?” JC asked.

“You want Wade,” Justin said.

“What does that have to do with anything?” JC asked.

“I want him to go away because I DON’T want you to get with him,” Justin said. JC sighed.

“Why not?” JC asked.

“Because I want you to get with me.”

JC stared at him. “What?” he asked.

Justin kissed JC.

JC pushed him away.

“I thought we weren’t going to do this anymore,” JC said. “Because of your girlfriend.”

“I changed my mind,” Justin said. JC glared at him.

“Look, Justin, you can’t just change your mind like that,” JC snapped. “I can’t just change me because you want to change your mind.”

“JC…” Justin began. JC shook his head and walked out of the room.


Justin couldn’t get JC to answer his phone. JC could be immature like that when he got angry. And Justin figured that JC was pretty angry.

Instead, Justin went to Wade’s.

“Yeah?” Wade asked when he answered the door. Justin was halfway down the sidewalk.

“I wanted to say that I was sorry,” Justin said. Wade raised an eyebrow.

“What made you decide to do this?” Wade asked.

“JC got mad at me,” Justin said honestly. Wade nodded.

“That’s what I thought,” he said, Justin narrowed his eyes.

“Why did you think?” Justin asked. Wade smiled.

“Ask JC,” Wade told him, then went back in the house and closed the door.

Justin stomped back to his car and left.

Wade walked back to his bedroom and climbed back into the bed, sliding his arms around the warm slender body that lay in it. He brushed back the silky dark hair and kissed the cheek.

“Who was that?” JC asked sleepily.

“Justin was apologizing,” Wade replied.

JC smiled and snuggled closer before going back to sleep.

“Beautiful Hands”

Justin lay on the floor, trying to breathe. Pain made spots appear in front of his eyes.

"Justin?" Wade said. "What happened?"

"My leg." Justin said. "It wouldn’t support me anymore."

"Can you move it?" Wade asked.

"Please don’t make me do that. Please," Justin said. "It’s just the muscle…"

"It’s happened before," JC remarked. Wade sighed.

"Okay, you guys go ahead and take lunch early," Wade said. "I’ll get him back on his feet and we’ll be there as soon as he can walk."

Chris, Joey, and Lance just stared.

"Go ahead," JC said. He wasn’t going to leave. He sat next to Justin’s head and pulled the boy’s head into his lap.

Wade gave JC a weak smile of thanks as the other three left the room.

Justin shrieked when Wade’s hands touched his leg. "It’s cramped up really tight Justin," Wade informed him. Justin whimpered.

Wade had great hands, Justin noticed as the fingers dug into the muscle of his leg and made the tension release. He wondered what they’d feel like doing something other than massaging the knots out of muscles.

Justin was so concentrated on Wade’s hands that he didn’t see the look that JC was giving Wade. Didn’t see the wink that JC gave Wade before he got up and left the room.

Wade pulled Justin to his feet.

"Feel better?" Wade asked.

"Yeah," Justin replied.

"Still hate me?" Wade asked.

Justin looked startled. "What?" he asked.

"Do you still hate me?" Wade asked.

And Justin stared. He looked Wade over, in truth.

"Well?" Wade repeated.

"I don’t… I never hated you." Justin said.

"Justin." Wade said.

"Well, okay, yeah, I hate you. I want JC back."

"He wants us both."

Justin stared again. This time in shock.

"He… huh?" Justin said.

"He wants us both," Wade said. "Or couldn’t you tell?"

"I never would have… thought that… JC was like that…"

"You’d be surprised," Wade said. Justin smiled.

"So I guess we should be friends or something."

"Or something."

"Like what?" Justin asked.

"You’ll figure it out," Wade said, then took off to meet the other guys.

The End


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