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Handcuff Blood Torture

By:  Julie


Justin was just a tiny bit scared.


He’d never been tied up before. He’d been held immobile, held down, held against a wall, but he’d never had handcuffs and ropes on him.


He was a little scared.


Maybe more than a little, since JC had bound him and left him there. He’d shouted after JC, yelled until he was breathless, but JC wasn’t there.


He wasn’t afraid to admit that he was scared.


He felt warm, wet fingers slide over his chest. He hadn’t even realized JC had come back.


“Why’s this over my eyes?” Justin asked, trying to reach for the bandanna over his eyes.


“It’s a secret,” JC whispered. But he removed the blindfold anyway.


The first thing Justin saw was JC licking blood from his fingers. *Justin tried to get to him.


JC kissed Justin’s cheek. “Sorry baby,” JC said. “It’s my turn.”


Justin pressed his hip to JC’s. “You’re not going to torture me are you?” Justin asked, putting on his best pout. The last thing he wanted was to watch his boyfriend lick blood off his fingers and Justin not get any—of the blood, or sex.


“That’s not going to work on me,” JC said. He smiled as he stood up, one foot on either side of Justin’s hips. Justin’s mouth watered, seeing the glass of blood JC held in his hand, and his entire body tensed at the sight of JC standing over him, naked.


“Jace, you can’t do this,” Justin said.


“But this is what you asked for,” JC replied.


He tilted the glass and poured the blood all over Justin. Justin jerked against the cuffs that bound him. JC dropped to his knees, landing hard on Justin.


“You wanted torture,” JC said, running his tongue over the splatters of blood on Justin’s chin. “You got it.”


Justin moaned.


He tried to break the chains on the cuffs as JC leaned down and started licking off the drops of blood. He wanted to flips JC onto his back and run his tongue all over JC’s body. But he couldn’t. Whatever JC had tied him down with was strong.


Justin squirmed on the bed as JC’s mouth closed over Justin’s nipples, as JC’s ass rubbed against Justin’s cock.


He squirmed until JC bit. Then he screamed, his body lifting up off the bed, lifting JC with it. JC tilted his head back and laughed, a smear of Justin’s blood on his lips, the human blood swirled into it.


“Oh… JC please don’t do this,” Justin cried. JC tilted his head and looked at Justin thoughtfully, then stretched out on top of him, his hands sliding up Justin’s chest on the blood. JC pressed his lips close to Justin’s ear.


“I don’t think so Justin,” JC said softly, his voice low, maybe even menacing.


Justin pouted. JC smiled.


“Remember how you were sweet and hurt me the other night?” JC asked, sitting back up and moving back. “I’m just doing what you wanted me to do.”


“Well do something,” Justin said. “Don’t be a tease JC.”


“You want me to do this?” JC asked, wrapping his mouth around Justin’s dick without warning.


“Yeah,” Justin said, his voice barely more than an unintelligible groan.


JC bit him again.


Justin screamed this time, a sound that was not purely pain. He gripped the bars of the headboard where his cuffs were locked as his body betrayed the perverse pleasure he took from being bitten like that.


JC sat back, laughter and Justin’s come spilling from his lips.


“I didn’t know I’d have that effect,” JC said.


Justin said a few things that JC couldn’t understand.


“What’s that baby?” JC asked.


“Now, now, now,” Justin hissed. JC rubbed his ass against Justin’s cock.


“What do you want me to do?”


“Oh, come on JC.”


“I’m waiting to hear it Justin,” JC said.


“You’re evil,” Justin said. “JC please.”


“Please what?” JC asked.


“Fuck me,” Justin whispered.


“Hmm?” JC said. “I can’t hear you.”


Fuck me,” Justin shouted.


JC smiled. “Gladly.”


Justin screamed for the third time in one night as JC knelt between Justin’s thighs, lifted Justin’s hips off the bed, and forced his dick into Justin’s ass. Justin twisted against him, not used to being fucked.


JC shoved his hips hard into Justin’s ass, as Justin’s knuckles turned white on the bars of the bed, no longer trying to get free.


JC’s hand wrapped around Justin’s cock as he thrust into Justin’s ass. Justin was almost in tears.


“Oh… JC…”


“Come on Justin.” JC said, working hard toward getting them both off. JC stretched out, Justin wrapping a leg around JC’s waist as JC leaned forward and sank his teeth into Justin’s neck.


Justin twisted until his lips were against JC’s neck and sank his own teeth in.


Blood dripped from JC’s mouth as his head came up, his eyes clenched shut as he exploded, slamming deep, forward into Justin. His fingers dug into Justin’s dick and Justin bit harder as he came.


JC pulled out and lay on top of Justin propping his chin on his come and blood covered arms.


“JC, baby?” Justin said, after staring at the ceiling and catching his breath.


“Yeah?” JC asked, his eyes dark, and as Justin looked, seeming to be as deep as eternity.


“Don’t ever tie me up again,” Justin said. JC smiled. “I don’t like it when you’re naughty.”


“I like it,” JC said.


“Well, I like it, but…”


“I know what you meant.” JC said. “And honestly?”


“Yeah?” Justin said, watching JC unlock the chains that had held Justin down while JC had teased then tortured him.


“I’d rather be the one walking bow legged in the morning,” JC said, smiling brilliantly.


Justin laughed and wrapped his arms around JC, holding JC tightly in his arms. JC curled up happily.


“But you know what?” JC asked.


“What?” Justin replied, pressing little feathery kisses along JC’s hairline and brushing back the thick waves. He knew they made a beautiful couple.


“I think we need to take a shower before we go to sleep,” JC said.


And Justin laughed again.


The End


Tell Julie what you thought of this story!