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Home For Christmas
By:  Julie

Ashley ducked into the men's restroom of the airport, hoping that would ditch the little following he'd collected. He sighed.

He wished that he'd come home the week before, like the rest of the guys had, rather than hung around working on minor things that could have waited until after the holiday.

Now it was Christmas Eve, and he was trapped in the airport with what seemed like a million little girls running after him. He wanted to know where these kids' parents were, and why they weren't with the parents.

His bodyguard stuck his head into the restroom. "C'mon Ash, you're gonna miss the flight," he said. "I got security to hold them back."

Ashley slowly walked toward the door. "Just hurry," he said, and the guard nodded and propelled him through the crowd.

Ashley sighed. He felt bad for just walking past them without signing autographs or anything, but his mission was just to get home. He only cared about making one person happy, and that one person was waiting for him on the other side of the country.

Ashley slouched in the seat and pulled his cap over his eyes, praying that no one would notice him. He wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with any crying little girls.

No luck there. He heard giggles next to him and turned his head. Two little girls sat in the seats across the isles, twin little girls, curly blonde hair and green eyes. Cute kids.

One crawled down out of her seat after the seatbelt light went off and came over to him.

"Are you Ashley Angel?" the little girl asked. Ashley couldn't help but smile and nod. The little girl turned and waved to her sister. The other girl was shy and shook her head.

The first girl went back and got her sister. She came back carrying a CD cover in one hand and pulling her sister with the other.

"Will you sign this?" she asked.

"Sure," Ashley said. "What's your name?" he asked them.

"I'm Katie," the little girl said. "And my sister's name is Julie."

"Well Katie," Ashley said, scribbling his name on the CD cover, "It was nice to meet you."

"Merry Christmas," Julie said, looking up at him. Ashley leaned over and hugged the little girls.

"Merry Christmas," he said, and they ran back to their seats, giggling.

Ashley smiled happily and closed his eyes, sleeping for the rest of the trip.


Dan paced around the house. He couldn't imagine what was keeping Ashley.

He'd made hot cocoa-one thing that his mother had taught him well. He held the mug in his hand as he leaned against the window, staring at the snow falling outside.

Ashley'd been in L.A., then back home with his parents for the last week. He knew that he shouldn't be angry if Ashley didn't show. But he was. Angry, and unhappy.

He took a sip, the warm liquid warming him, calming him. He leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes.

Cool hands slid over his stomach beneath his shirt as arms encircled his waist. Warm lips pressed against the back of his neck.

Dan turned around and looked into blue eyes.

"I thought you weren't going to make it," Dan said.

"I wouldn't have missed coming home to you for anything," Ashley replied.

Dan leaned forward and kissed Ashley.

"Merry Christmas baby," Ashley said.

"Merry Christmas," Dan replied, then kissed him again.


The End


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