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Hot Water

By:  Julie

It felt good to have the hot water spraying over him, washing away the blood.

Not that he didn’t like the blood. The blood was great, part of the beauty of being a vampire. But JC intensely disliked the feeling of blood dried on his skin.

So he was in the shower, his hands soapy and sliding over his own body. Sliding through strands of damp dark hair that curled up over his forehead. Sliding over his—

The shower curtain flew open.

"See, I knew you were naughty," Justin said.

"Huh?" JC asked.

Justin rolled his eyes and leaned down and plugged the drain. JC watched him move, watched his hips and legs and ass and dick, and JC was hard, but he didn’t get what Justin was doing.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"You’ll see," Justin said.

Justin pressed him against the wall, pulling the shower curtain, enclosing them in a darker, warm, steamy little world.

"Justin," JC said, "I don’t really feel like doing this."

"You feel like you feel like doing this," Justin said.

"Justin stop it," JC said.

"Stop what?" Justin asked, his voice innocent, an opposite to what his hands were doing.

"You know exactly what," JC said, pulling one of Justin’s hands away from his dick. On finger on Justin’s other hand slipped inside him, and again, JC tried to twist away.

"Come on JC," Justin said, pulling JC back.

"No," JC said. "I don’t feel like it. I just want to take a shower and go to sleep."

"Well I do feel like it," Justin said.

He lifted JC up against the wall and held him there. JC screamed and struggled, trying to get away. Normally he was okay with the rough sex, but this time when Justin forced his way inside, JC began to cry.

The water was still pouring over them as Justin roughly fucked JC. It wasn’t even sex.

JC would even maybe call it rape.

He gave up trying to resist and closed his eyes, hoping it would be over. He wondered how this man that he loved so much could do this to him.

Somewhere along the way, he went into a state of not aware, but not unconscious. He woke up lying on the bed next to Justin.

He hurt, and he was sure that he had bruises on his hips, even though he was a vampire and shouldn’t have them at all. It hurt to move as he sat up. He could hear the water still running in the bathroom, and he had to turn it off.

The floor squished with water when he put his feet down.

He punched Justin hard in the back where he lay on the bed.

"You fucker!" He shouted.

"What?" Justin asked, unknowing.

"You left the fucking water on!" JC shouted, hitting him again.

"Well turn it off," Justin said.

JC did turn it off. Every wet step made JC even angrier with Justin.

Justin had no idea that JC would jump into the middle of his back.

He had no idea that JC would fuck him just as roughly as he’d done to JC. It wasn’t for pleasure. It was anger, maybe even revenge.

Justin was almost crying by the time JC got off. The tears and sobs started when JC pulled out. When JC didn’t apologize, didn’t touch him.

JC got up and left the room. Went down the hall to a room that he hadn’t slept in since Justin had moved in.

He’d sleep alone.

He wasn’t going to apologize.

Not after what happened.

The End

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