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By:  Julie


JC froze.


“Josh?” Justin asked, breathless above him. JC had suddenly stopped moving and was just lying there.


“Justin!” he suddenly said. “Let me up!”


Justin looked at him, confused.


“What the hell?” Justin asked as JC squirmed from beneath him.


JC took off running out of the room, totally naked.


Justin lay on his stomach on the bed for a moment, and then groaned loudly. He hated it when JC got like this, and left Justin hard with nothing to help him but his hand until JC realized whatever he was coming up with was awful. Justin got up and pulled on a pair of pants, walking down to the in-house studio.


JC was sitting at the keyboard, naked, flicking his fingers over the keys, picking out a new melody with one hand as he scribbled on a legal pad with the other. Justin smiled.


“JC, forget it and come back to bed,” Justin said, wanting to get off and get sleep.


“I have to write it down and work it out now while I can remember,” JC replied.


Justin walked up behind him and ran his hand down JC’s back. Justin’s ego was hurt, and damn it if he wasn’t going to forcibly drag JC back into his bed.


“What if you forget while you’re writing it down?” Justin whispered in his ear, wrapping the other arm around JC, slipping it lower and lower. It would teach JC to run downstairs naked in the middle of Justin fucking him.


“I…” JC paused in the middle of his sentence. He HAD forgotten what he was writing down. But that wasn’t because he was always spacey like that, was it? He thought that maybe the loss of his train of thought had something to do with what Justin’s hand was doing to him below the belt.


“Did you forget?” Justin asked, trying to sound innocent and his fingers rubbed against JC.


“Yeah. But I think there’s something else I forgot to do,” JC replied, getting up.


“What was that,” Justin wanted to know, shifting his hard on against the fabric of his sweatpants.


“Well… We were kind of in the middle of something, weren’t we?” JC asked, throwing his legs around Justin’s waist.


Justin thought that it was okay if JC didn’t come up with another song. As long as he kept his mind on this long enough to get them both off, and to snuggle with Justin afterward.


So inspiration was okay.


But not when it got JC out of bed.


The End


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