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Moments After

By:  Julie


Kat was gone.


JC was gone.


Both were rotting their immortal vampire souls in Hell.


And Chris was stuck with Alecia. Great. He frowned at the mirror. She was a bitch.


Kat had been trying to kill him for a reason. To save her own life, and he had kept JC. He had caused Kat to die. His mistrust had cost her her life.


She’d been the only person he’d been able to trust unconditionally. But Chris had made the mistake of trusting JC and Alecia, with no just cause, rather than Kat. And he knew that it was wrong.


Chris had been going to make Alecia a vampire. Unfortunately, Chris had kept JC alive after Kat had thrown him from that roof. Then JC had changed Alecia before Chris had gotten the chance.


That’s what he got for falling in love with a human girl.


He smiled at all the pretty blondes he passed as he made his way from the restrooms to Alecia on the dance floor. He even had a smile for Alecia herself.


She was going to die anyway, so what did a little smile matter?


And it was his choice how to kill her. His choice death would be to throw her from the top of a building, but that had already been done.


That was how Kat had died.


He hated that he’d caused her to die, even thought he didn’t love Kat the way that he had loved Alecia.


Had loved.


They had just DECIDED that they’d be together, JC and Alecia had. Breaking Chris’s heart.


Kat had been angry.


Kat had fought back.


Now Kat was dead. It was Chris’s turn to fight back.


Alecia didn’t have a clue. She didn’t know that while Chris was rubbing his hips against hers, he was thinking about how he’d kill her.


“Let’s go,” Alecia said. She wanted in his bed. She was never one to go out with a guy and not do at least SOMETHING sexual with him. In short, she was a whore. She wanted to suck Chris, wanted to sink her teeth into him, wanted to drink his blood, even though it wouldn’t be productive to her.


Chris smiled at her. Sure, he’d take her to his apartment, get a free blow—maybe he’d even get a fuck out of it—and then he’d kill her.





Chris?” Alecia asked?


Chris was looking in the mirror. He had two pretty blondes waiting for him when he was through here.


He was about to make a mess.


He had a stake. It was old, yes. He’d had it a long time. It was made of—what kind of wood was that again?—mahogany, he thought, covered with beautiful carvings of vampire sacrifice, of crosses. When he turned it in his hands, little black flakes came off—the dried blood of long dead vampires.


“Yes, Alecia?” Chris called. He only wore a towel. If he had to go to Chrissy and Brit afterwards, he couldn’t have blood all over his partying clothes. He came away from the mirror and back into his room.


Alecia stretched on the bed naked. “ What do you have behind your back,” she asked. Chris just smiled and continued toward her. She looked at him, a little confused.


Chris knelt above her, hands still behind his back. Alecia smiled.


“Kinky,” she said. Chris smirked and brought his hands from behind his back. Alecia’s eyes widened in shock.


“Chris?” she asked, still just looking at him. “What are you doing?”


“Making up for Kat,” Chris said.


He didn’t realize that he’d brought the stake down. He didn’t realize it until her blood covered his legs, covered his chest, soaked his towel.


He heard her die. He heard her heart stop, heard her breath end.


And he heard Kat’s laughter as Alecia died. He saw her eyes, her hair, her smile. He knew that Kat’s heart had been broken in the end, as had been his own, by giving love to someone that didn’t deserve it.


Alecia hadn’t deserved nor wanted the love that Chris had offered any more than JC had wanted the love that Kat had given.


But that was okay. In this small way, Chris had healed a part of his heart, mended a little piece of his soul. And he hoped that it had done the same for Kat’s.


Chris always saw Kat in his dreams. He loved her, really he did, even if it wasn’t for romance. She had been his friend.


And he hoped that she stayed with him forever, if only in his dreams, in his visions.


He would be better that way.


The End


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