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By:  Julie


It was my favorite.


I loved to just stand there in the rain, to feel it spilling over my face. I loved the feeling of it soaking my clothes and running over my body. To me it was a great feeling.


The first time he ever kissed me, it was raining.


I think we were both a little drunk, but not much. I remember what happened, and so does he. The drunken-ness was the best cover in the world.


I remember turning on the TV the next day and there was a little video clip on TRL. He and I kissing in the rain.


We cleared it fast, saying that we were drunk, and since we were drunk, we didn’t know what we were doing. JC swore that he thought I was a girl, and I would jokingly protest, and we’d play it off.


But then, we spent every warm, rainy night out on the hotel balcony, with our arms around each other.


So if I am loved, and loved in return, is that too much to ask?


If I can’t have that, then I don’t want my superstar life.


I don’t wanna be Justin Timberlake of NSYNC if I can’t love Josh Chasez.


I know that isn’t too much to ask of anyone.


The End


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