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“I have an idea,” Joey said, throwing an arm around Justin’s shoulders and kissing his curly head.  “Let’s all go out.  It’s Germany, and it’s Justin’s birthday. We have a late call tomorrow…it’ll be fun!”

Justin looked over to where his mother and Lance were talking. “I dunno…Mom might not like it.”

“It’s your birthday, J!” Chris said.  “She HAS to say yes.  We won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Hey, Lance!” Joey called.  Lance excused himself and walked over.  “We wanna go out tonight,” Joey said, putting another bite of birthday cake into his mouth.

“Chew with your mouth closed,” JC said in disgust. “Interested, Lance? If we all go, Lynn might let Justin go.”

“Actually, Justin can’t go,” Lance said, and Justin felt his heart beat faster.  Lance had done nothing to him since their talk, though he had flirted shamelessly when no one else was around.  “Justin has someone coming to his room later.”

JC’s mouth fell open, as did Joey’s.  “You’re kidding!”  Chris whined. “How come when it was MY idea, no one was interested?”

“Because Lance has better taste than you do,” JC said, finally recovering from his shock.  He looked at Lance, who didn’t look away.  JC then looked at Justin, who was blushing furiously. “Guess it’s good you two are sharing a room, huh?”

“You sharing the visitor, too?” Joey teased, smirking at Lance.

“No. I’ll be crashing with JC tonight,” Lance said.  JC nodded.

“Sure, no problem.”

“Hey, it’s good Lynn’s room is kinda far away from yours,” Chris pointed out to Justin.

“Why do you think I made sure she got the nicest room this time?” Lance said.

Joey stared at him. “Man, Lance…sometimes this serious no nonsense side of you comes out and I hardly recognize you!”

“I have a lot of sides you wouldn’t recognize,” Lance said innocently, and JC choked on his soda.


“I can’t believe my baby is sixteen,” Lynn said with a sigh, hugging Justin close.  “I remember putting diapers on you.”

“Mom!” Justin said, blushing.  Lance leaned against the wall of the corridor and said nothing, just grinned.

“Well, I’m sorry.” Lynn wiped away a tear. “I just…you’re my little baby, Justin, and I worry about you.”

“I’m sixteen, now, Mom.  I can take care of myself,” Justin said bravely. “I promise.”

“You still need your mama, even at sixteen. Isn’t that right, Lance?” Lynn said over Justin’s shoulder.

“Yes, ma’am.  I know there are times that nothing but my momma’s voice can make things better,” Lance said honestly.

“See?  Listen to Lance, Justin. He knows a lot more than you.”  Lynn kissed Justin one more time, then walked over to give Lance a kiss on the cheek.  “Good night, boys. Happy birthday, Justin.”

“Thank you, Mom.”  Justin followed Lance into their room.  “Sorry about that.”

“Why? She embarrassed you, not me,” Lance said, amused.

“Yeah, well, I know she holds you up like this big example all the time. It’s gotta get annoying,” Justin said, sitting down on his bed.

“I don’t mind. I know a lot more than you, remember?”

“Whatever,” Justin grumbled, hitting Lance with his pillow.  “It’s still embarrassing...even for me.  I wish she’d quit treating you guys like other adults instead of kids like me.”

“Justin, in case you haven’t noticed, everyone but you and I IS an adult,” Lance teased.  “And I only have a few more months, anyway.”

“Quit reminding me,” Justin muttered. “It sucks being the baby.”

“Speaking of which...” Lance went to the tiny radio on the dresser and turned it on.  A German pop song filtered into the room.  Justin looked at him quizzically.  “I didn’t give you your present.”

“Yeah, you did,” Justin said nervously.  “You chipped in with everyone else to get me that keyboard.”

“I wanted to give you something special,” Lance said.  He turned away from Justin for a moment as he removed his shirt.  He had actually read the entire book JC had given him, more than once.  He had watched the video secretly, and had taken mental notes. He wanted to make Justin scream.  Lance took a few deep breaths to gain some courage, then turned back around. He gave Justin a charming smile. “C’mere.”

Justin obediently walked over to him, swallowing deeply.  Lance slowly pulled off Justin’s shirt.  “Lance...” Justin whispered.  “I thought we’d never...”

“Shhh...” Lance said, putting a finger on Justin’s red lips. “Just relax.  I want to do something special for you.”

“Okay,” Justin said.  Lance kissed him lightly, then unzipped Justin’s jeans and pushed them down.  He took Justin’s boxers along with them and sighed.  Justin truly was beautiful.  Lance then stood and took off his own jeans.  Justin’s eyes widened. “You’re not wearing any...”

“I thought I’d try it,” Lance said, blushing slightly. “It’s different.”

“It’s hot,” Justin said, running a hand down Lance’s chest.

“No no no,” Lance said lightly, grabbing Justin’s hand. “This is YOUR birthday present.”  He gave Justin a gentle push until he began to walk backwards towards the bed.  Justin’s legs hit it and he sat down.  “Relax,” Lance whispered, lightly pushing until Justin was laying down.

Lance ran his hands up the insides of Justin’s thighs, sighing as he looked at the prize nestled between them. He had never looked at anyone else this way  before, and he was nervous and scared and excited all at once.  His hand slid over to brush against Justin, and Justin let out a loud moan.

“Shh,” Lance hissed. “That’s why the radio’s on. We don’t need anyone to hear this.”  He reached up and handed Justin a pillow. “Use this if you have to.”

Justin whimpered and nodded.  Lance began to trail kisses up Justin’s legs, then gently kissed Justin’s cock. Justin gasped and clenched at the pillow.  Lance smiled, then kissed Justin again.  The skin was smooth and hot against his lips.  He dragged his lips over the skin slightly and Justin shivered, involuntarily arching up to Lance’s mouth.  Lance placed gently hands on Justin’s hips and let his tongue pull from the bottom up.  Justin yelped, then shoved the pillow over his face.  Lance quickly prayed that Justin wouldn’t suffocate himself, then let his tongue flick over Justin’s head.  The pre-cum tasted odd, salty and thick against Lance’s tongue, but he wasn’t disgusted by it the way he thought he might be.  Lance slowly pulled just the head into his mouth, letting it fall out with a soft pop.  Justin grunted into the pillow, rolling his hips and squirming.  Lance heard his name through the fabric and smiled.  Obviously what he was doing was right.

Grasping Justin’s hips a bit more firmly, Lance let more and more of Justin slide into his mouth before moving back up again. He knew that this first time was special, and he didn’t want to gag or bite or do something embarrassing.  He tried to remember everything he had read or seen, and tried to imagine how it would feel to him.  Apparently it would feel good to him, because his own dick was rock hard.

“Lance...oh, Lance...” Justin surfaced for a few breaths of fresh air.  “That’s so good...ah...” Lance moved one hand from Justin’s hip to hold his cock as it went in and out of his mouth. “Lance...I’s so fucking good...”

“It’s okay, Justin,” Lance murmured, bending his head to tentatively lick at Justin’s balls.

“Lance!”  Justin grabbed at Lance’s head, thrusting up.  Lance opened his mouth and Justin shot inside.

Lance tried to swallow but gagged a bit.  Justin didn’t seem to notice. He grabbed the pillow and shoved it over his face as he came hard, screaming something unintelligible.  When he finally quieted down, Lance pulled up and away.  He went to the tiny bathroom and rinsed out his mouth and quickly brushed his teeth. When he returned to the bedroom, Justin was still spread out on the bed, pillow over his face.  Lance hoped he hadn’t killed him.

“Justin?”  Lance sat on the edge of the bed.  A hand reached up and slowly removed the pillow.

“Holy hell,” Justin said weakly.  “I thought you meant we were gonna...I mean, that you wanted to...but I’m glad you didn’t. I think you would have killed me.”

Lance smiled and blushed slightly. “Justin, you’re only sixteen. There’s no way we were having sex.  But this...I it was okay?”

“Okay isn’t even in the same universe as this,” Justin told him dramatically, and Lance laughed. “Did you...have you ever...”

“No...I’ve never done it or had it done to me,” Lance told him. “I just...studied a bit.”  He didn’t dare tell Justin that JC had given him the things to study.  Justin would want to die from embarrassment.

“It sounds lame to say it, but, thank you,” Justin said bashfully.

“You’re welcome.”  Lance looked down at the breathless pink boy next to him and couldn’t help but give him a sweet kiss.

“What about you?”

“I, uh...on the floor,” Lance said shamefully.  “You were so hot...and I just...I accidentally brushed against myself...”

“Good,” Justin said. “I want this to always be fair.”

“Right,” Lance said, trying not to sound too sad.  He knew that no matter what, the two sides of their odd relationship would never be fair.
