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“I have an idea,” Justin said, getting out of the car and stretching. “Let's just live here and never go back.”

“I only have the house for the weekend, Justin,” Lance said, but he understood. Life was getting crazier and crazier for them, and it was hard to find these weekends of peace and quiet.

“This is beautiful,” Justin sighed, looking out at the blue water that was basically their front yard. “Thanks, Lance.”

“Well, you don't turn eighteen every day,” Lance said, opening the trunk and getting out his bag and Justin's.

“I'm sorry your birthday wasn't all that memorable,” Justin said. Lance hadn't been feeling well, but the other four had partied for him.

“I'm sure it wasn't…since you were drunk off your ass,” Lance teased.

“I was not!” Justin retorted. “I, uh, didn't say anything, did I?”

“No, you didn't,” Lance promised. “And it was fun watching you flirt with Chris.”

“I didn't,” Justin said, but his heart wasn't in it. Lance laughed out loud.

“C'mon. Let's go in and check this place out.” Lance unlocked the front door and let them in. The beach house was small, but it was clean. There were two bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor. On the first floor was a small kitchen, a living room, a room to clean off after spending time at the beach, and a tiny bathroom with just a toilet and sink.

“Like I said, let's just live here and never go back,” Justin said, falling onto the sofa with a sigh.

“You really could give it all up?” Lance asked.

“Sometimes. Times like this, or times when everyone's grabbing at me…I could just end it right there. Otherwise, I don't think so,” Justin admitted.

“Of course not. You love it, and you're good at it,” Lance said. “Let's go up and pick rooms.”

Justin followed Lance upstairs. “But, I thought…” Justin stopped in the hallway, blushing.

Lance turned around. “You thought what?

“I thought we'd, uh, share,” Justin said, looking at his feet. “Unless you don't want to.”

“You're stuck sharing with someone all the time,” Lance said softly. “I thought you might want space.”

“I don't want space,” Justin said, finally meeting Lance's gaze. Lance smiled.

“Good. Let's take this one, then,” Lance said, motioning to the bedroom in front of him. 

There was an intimate little Italian restaurant near the house, and they walked there after resting and getting cleaned up. The dining room was dark, and they knew they wouldn't be recognized. They weren't people who everyone in America might recognize, not yet, but being in their home state held its disadvantages.

“I wish we could get some wine or something,” Justin said after they had placed their order. Lance raised an eyebrow.

“Wine? JC's been rubbing off on you.”

“No…I don't exactly LIKE it yet…but it just seems right in a place like this.” Justin looked around.

“A bottle of red…a bottle of white…” Lance sang softly under his breath.

“…It all depends upon your appetite,” Justin finished for him.

“You KNOW that song?”

“I like Billy Joel. The things that man can do at a keyboard,” Justin said, shaking his head. “I think JC secretly wants to BE him.”

“JC's definitely talented enough,” Lance agreed.

They chit-chatted until the food came, and then they ate with very few words between them. Lance couldn't help but watch Justin in the light from the small candle on their table. He wondered if this was a good idea. He wasn't sure if Justin was still interested, and if he'd be willing to take this “all the way,” for lack of a better term.

“So, do you want dessert?” Lance asked as Justin scraped his plate clean. “Birthday cake or something?”

“No, thank you,” Justin said, imagining the entire restaurant singing “Happy Birthday” to him. “Let's just go back. I'm full.”

“Okay.” Lance paid the check and they headed back out.

“I really appreciate this weekend, Lance. I have a feeling this whole NSYNC thing is gonna snowball into something huge.”

“It's what we wanted, right?”

“Yeah, but, y'know, it's scary. I like to daydream about being millionaires, and all that, like buying my mom a Harley or something, but everything else…it's like…”

“It's like whoa,” Lance finished for him, smiling.

“Though I feel like we've worked our asses off so far, and aren't seeing much money. Maybe we never WILL be that big, Lance.”

Lance bit his tongue on that subject as he unlocked the door of the house. He had a feeling they SHOULD have that much money, but he couldn't put his finger on where the loophole was. “So…did you enjoy your birthday dinner?”

“Yes. It was SO good,” Justin said. “It only woulda been better if my grandmother was here to cook for me.”

“Good,” Lance said, smiling. “Happy birthday.”

“Even though it's not until tomorrow?”

“Happy Pre-Birthday,” Lance said, and Justin laughed. Then he grew somber, leaning against the wall near the front door.

“So, when do I get my present?”

“Present?” Lance asked innocently.

“I'm thinking you brought me here because you wanted me alone, away from everyone,” Justin said with a devilish smirk that irritated Lance.

“No, I brought you here because I thought it would be a nice change for you.” Lance started up the steps.

“Uh, Lance, wait! I'm sorry! Did I make you mad or something?” Justin raced after Lance. “It IS nice. I'm loving it, okay?” Lance went into the bedroom and turned the light on. “Lance, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sound like a pervert or something.”

Lance turned around and looked at Justin, who was standing in the doorway, biting at his bottom lip. He looked so delicious, so concerned and hurt and sexy all at once. Lance crossed the room in three steps and pressed Justin against the door. “Maybe I AM a pervert,” Lance grumbled in Justin's ear, and Justin moaned slightly. “Maybe I just lured you here to have my way with your hot body.”

“Okay,” Justin said immediately, and Lance had to laugh.

“Man, it's hard having to twist your arm like that,” Lance said, pulling back.

“We're all alone, for like the first time in forever.” Justin fisted his hands in Lance's shirt and buried his face in Lance's neck, inhaling his cologne. “No interruptions, no one on the other side of the wall.” He licked at Lance's throat, then nibbled on his earlobe. “That's something special.”

“Yeah, it is.” Lance kissed Justin hungrily. “And we have all of tomorrow and the next day.”

“MMmmm…” Justin tilted his head to give Lance access to his neck as he tugged at Lance's shirt. Clothing fell to the floor as they continued to kiss in the doorway.

“Bed,” Lance murmured, breaking the kiss and pulling at Justin's arm.

They fell to the bed, familiar with the way their bodies melted together. “Lance,” Justin gasped as Lance kissed across his chest, licking at his nipples as he fondled Justin. “I want this so bad…all of it.”

Lance stopped and pulled back. “You do?”

“Yeah.” Justin blinked at the shock on Lance's face. “What?”

“And you've never done this before…not even with a girl?”

“No, Lance, I told you that. I could have…and I've done SOME stuff…but no…I want this with you,” Justin said softly, blushing a little.

“Um, okay. I just…I thought you wouldn't…okay…” Lance rolled off of Justin and grabbed for his bag. “I brought some stuff, you know, just in case…and from what I've read it should be easy for you…I mean, like doing it to a girl or whatever, and you've watched porn, I know, and…”

“Stop babbling.” Justin kissed Lance, then lay back on the bed. “Go ahead.”

“Go ahead what?”

“Go ahead and…you KNOW.” Justin blushed again. “Go.”

“Me?” Lance actually squeaked.

“Is there someone else in here?” Justin leaned over and pretended to look under the bed. Lance slapped his bare ass.

“Stop it. I thought…you'd be doing it to…to me.”

“Oh. Well, no.” Justin looked at Lance with total trust. “You're doing it. I want you to, uh, make love, uh, to me.”

“Oh.” Lance blinked. “Make love, huh?”

“Well, it sounded better,” Justin said defensively. “So?” Justin laid back and smiled at him. Lance gulped.

“Okay.” Lance set the lubricant down by Justin's hip and moved up to kiss him. He gently caressed Justin's body as he kissed lower and lower. Justin squirmed, accustomed to the wonderful feelings but still enjoying them as much as ever. Lance settled himself between Justin's legs and began to kiss up his thighs. “Remember to relax,” Lance whispered, letting his hand caress Justin's balls briefly before pushing at Justin's hips so he could stuff a pillow under him.

“Right…relax…I can…oh, GOD…” Justin gasped as Lance nervously let a finger trail over his entrance. “Do…do that again.”

Lance chuckled quietly and did it again. Justin instinctively drew his legs up so his feet were flat on the bed and his knees were bent. Lance traced tiny circles around Justin, and he whimpered. Lance pulled his finger back and sucked on the tip, then returned to what he had been doing. Justin whimpered against, thrusting and twisting. Lance held him still with one hand on his hip, and playfully sucked at his cock as his finger teased.

“Lance…more…please…” Justin begged. Lance pulled back and opened the tube of lubricant. He squirted a healthy dose onto two fingers, then slowly teased Justin again with one of them. When Justin was gasping for breath once more, Lance slowly let the fingertip slide inside. Justin let out a surprised squeak, and began to freeze up.

“Relax,” Lance murmured. Justin nodded and slowly fell back to the mattress again. Lance was able to slide his finger completely inside. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, it's just, weird…” Lance slid the finger in, then out again, letting it wiggle a bit as he moved it. Suddenly a hand clamped down on his shoulder. “Don't…oh my God…Lance, right THERE…”

“Here?” Lance let the finger wiggle a bit and Justin panted. Lance smiled and pulled out, making sure to hit that spot a few more times before adding a second finger. Justin didn't even seem to notice the fact that there was a second finger…he simply moaned and clutched at Lance's shoulders, his head, anywhere he could reach.

“Lance, fuck me,” Justin begged. Lance pulled away and knelt between Justin's legs.

“Justin, are you ABSOLUTELY sure about this? I'm serious…do you REALLY want this to happen? I mean, do you want…me…to be your first?”

“Yes,” Justin said, nodding, and Lance saw the trust once more. “Please, Lance, please.”

Lance grabbed the lubricant once more and began to slick himself up. He moaned as his hand came in contact with his skin; he had been hard since he had started to work on Justin. “Justin,” he whispered, looking down at the red-faced boy beneath him. “If I hurt you…”

“Just do it,” Justin interrupted.

Lance took a hold of himself with one hand, and lightly held Justin's leg with the other. He fumbled slightly, trying to find the right angle to start to move inside. Justin bit his bottom lip as Lance slowly pushed inside. It was so tight it was almost painful for Lance, so he could hardly imagine what it was like for Justin. Inch by inch Lance worked his way in, practically holding his breath. He saw one tear leak from Justin's closed eyes, and he immediately felt miserable. “Justin…”

“Keep going, Lance,” Justin said through clenched teeth.

“No, Justin…I'm…I'm in,” Lance said. Justin pressed his palms against the bed and took a few deep breaths, trying to relax. When Justin finally nodded, Lance slowly pulled out, then slid inside.

“Does…does it feel good?” Justin whispered.

“Oh, Justin…you're hot and tight…” Lance let his head fall back as he set a slow rhythm. “I can't…I've never…”

“Oh!” Justin's eyes flew open in surprise. “You hit that spot again. Do it again.”

Lance concentrated, and could tell from Justin's gasp that he had found exactly the right angle. He sped up slightly, and Justin was able to put his hands on Lance's hips. “Justin…” Lance groaned. “I can't…I can't wait…you're…”

“Go ahead,” Justin whimpered, reaching to slowly jerk himself.

“Ah…” Lance let out a low grunt, and came inside Justin. He was barely able to hold himself up as he felt his cock throb and twitch. He slowly pulled out and slapped Justin's hands away. He bent down and licked and sucked Justin frantically, but it didn't take long. Justin was soon holding him by the hair and shooting into his mouth.

Lance moved away and went to the bathroom. He came back with a damp washcloth, which he used to carefully clean Justin off. He tossed the washcloth on the floor and looked at Justin, who was lying with his eyes closed. “Are…are you okay?”

“Yes,” Justin said quietly.

“I'm sorry…if this was wrong, or if it hurt you, or if…”

“Shh,” Justin said, opening his eyes. “You didn't do anything WRONG, Lance. It was amazing. It…I can see why you'd want to be gay, if you did that all the time.” Lance blushed. “And it hurt some, yeah, but I know it can only get better. And if it was THIS amazing the first time…” Lance blushed deeper. Justin yawned and stretched. “I'm tired.”

“I'm gonna, uh, take a shower.” Lance slowly stood. “You're sure you're okay?”

“You didn't traumatize me for life, Lance, I promise,” Justin said with his beautiful smile. Lance turned and went to the bathroom. He turned on the water, stepped into the shower, and just leaned his forehead against the wall for a very long time.
