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“I have an idea,” Joey said. “Let's all go out for dinner.”

“Let's not,” Lance said tiredly, running a hand over his forehead. “These rehearsals have been killing me, and I have some stuff to do.”

“I kinda have plans,” Justin said softly, and they all turned to look at him.

“Oh, yeah?” Chris asked curiously.

“Yeah. I, uh…I have a date.” Justin blushed and studied his feet.

“Good for you!” Joey yelled, slapping Justin on the back. Lance pasted on a smile and tried to look interested.

“It's more than that.” Justin looked everywhere but at Lance. “I…well…me and Britney. We're a thing. Like, together.”

“Of course you are,” Chris said, staring at him. “Like we hadn't figured that out yet.”

“Well, WE hadn't even decided,” Justin snapped back. “It's just…now it's official, but we're not TELLING anyone.”

“Kinda like Lance and Danielle,” JC said quickly. Lance tried not to let his mouth fall open.

“Lance and who?” Justin asked.

“Topanga, silly,” Chris said, shoving Justin. “Ya know, the cutie who has become Lance's new shadow?”

Everyone looked at Lance, who turned crimson. “Yeah, well, I didn't think I needed to broadcast it.”

“You don't have to,” Joey said, laughing. “She'll do it for you. She's head over heels for you, dude.”

“It's hard being so popular, isn't it, Lance?” JC teased gently.

“So, did we ever decide on dinner?” Joey asked.

“No for me,” Justin said.

“And me,” Lance said. “And, Chris, I'd kinda like to talk to you about something, if you don't mind.”

“Sure. We can order in,” Chris said. “Lemme get my stuff.”

Chris, Justin and Joey headed for the shower, while JC pulled on Lance's arm. “I'm sorry, Lance, but I…”

“It's okay, JC. I know you were just trying to help,” Lance said. “She DOES hang around a lot, doesn't she?”

“It's working out for you, though,” JC said. “Good cover up.”

“Right.” Lance blinked hard, but JC saw the tear fall onto Lance's dirty sneaker.

“C'mon, Lance. It's okay,” JC said, rubbing Lance's shoulder.

“I know. I mean, he's straight, right, and, ya know…” Lance bit his bottom lip. “It's just…back on his birthday…we…well…we had sex. And we have a few times since then. And I guess I thought that cemented something. Boy, was I stupid.”

“No, you're not,” JC promised. “I'm sorry, Lance.”

“Oh, well.” Lance shrugged and put on the “I don't care” mask that he was learning to wear so well. “I gotta get changed and meet up with Chris. I'll catch you later, okay?” 

“So, Bass, what's shaking?” Chris asked as he came in the door of Lance's small house.

“I need to show you something.” Lance led Chris to the dining room table, which was covered in paper.

“Did it snow paper in here?” Chris joked, moving a stack of notebooks and sitting down.

“Read this.” Lance shoved a paper in Chris' face. Chris took it, still smiling. He stopped smiling about three lines down.

“We sold a bazillion records. Everyone loves us,” Chris whispered.

“And we're not seeing shit. I've had my doubts…but I talked with my mom and Justin's mom, actually, and then decided I needed to talk to you.” Lance felt a weight slip off his shoulders. “I knew you'd believe me.”

“Jesus, Lance…he's been fucking robbing us blind.” Chris slapped the paper on the table and stood. “We trusted him. We let him run our lives. He…JC…” Chris closed his eyes. “And I brought us all to him.”

“Chris, no. I promise, this isn't your fault!” Lance insisted. “Do you even know how long I've been reading and rereading this stuff? It isn't something that just jumps out and bites you. I've been stressing over it for months now…and here it is.”

“What can we do?” Chris whispered.

“We can talk to the other guys and decide from there. I think…I think Johnny's not involved. This is all Lou and TransCon,” Lance said. “Johnny's been good to us. We find a new label and we get our asses away from Lou.”

“Right.” Chris nodded. “But tonight we get drunk. Let's find somewhere to go.”

“Chris, I can't. I'm not old enough,” Lance protested.

Chris ignored him. “We'll call JC. He always has good booze at his place.” 

JC didn't seem too surprised to see Lance and Chris on his doorstep. He raised an eyebrow at the large bottle of vodka that Lance was carrying, but didn't say anything. He simply got out glasses as well as some alcohol of his own, and poured munchies into bowls for later.

Chris was often an angry drunk, and JC and Lance were both relieved when he passed out early. He had spent most of the evening spewing hateful curse words regarding Lou and life in general, and JC thankfully covered him with a blanket and put a bowl on the floor near the sofa, just in case Chris got sick.

“C'mon, Lance. Let's get you up to the guest room. You don't get too sick when you drink, so I can trust you on my sheets,” JC said, helping Lance up the steps.

“He's gonna fuck her,” Lance said as he stumbled, and JC knew who he meant. “He will, and what I did will mean nothing.”

“It won't mean nothing, Lance,” JC said. “You never forget your first. It doesn't matter how good or bad it is, and I know it was good for Justin.”

Through his haze, Lance remembered exactly who JC's first had probably been, and he hugged JC tight. “Can you sleep with me, Jayce?”

“I don't think that's a good idea,” JC said. “You'll be hung over tomorrow and I'll just bug you.”

“No, Jayce, please,” Lance begged. He kept his arm around JC's neck and pulled him towards the bed. “You understand. You know what it's like.” Lance began to quietly cry. “You know…”

“Okay, Lance, okay. Just get undressed,” JC said. He pulled off his shoes and stripped to his boxers. Lance carefully got undressed and climbed into the bed. JC slipped under the covers.

“I hate him,” Lance decided. “Why did I let him do this to me?”

“You can't blame him,” JC said, though he knew Lance pretty much wouldn't remember anything he was saying.

“I love you, JC.” Lance turned his face to JC's and sweetly kissed him on the lips. JC stared in shock. Lance pulled back, opened his eyes, and smiled. “I love you now.” He kissed JC again, then rolled over, pressing his back to JC and snuggling close.
