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"I have an idea," Lou said, clapping Chris on the back.  "Why don't we just sit down and talk about this?"

"No," Lance said, and Lou looked at him in surprise.  "We just wanted to talk to you before our lawyers talk with your lawyers."

"Do you realize all I've DONE for you boys?" Lou growled.

"Yes.  And we do appreciate that." By now everyone was staring at Lance.  Lance looked at JC.  "And we also know what you've done TO us.  Right now, however, we're only concentrating on THIS thing you've done. We know, and you're going to pay."

"Lance Bass, who the hell do you think you are?" Lou said, walking over and getting in Lance's face.  "When I met you, you were just some naïve little country boy who didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground."

"And you'd know ALL about little boys' asses, wouldn't you, Lou?"  Lance stormed out of the boardroom. JC hurried after him.


"I know, JC.  I shouldn't have said that.  But I kept thinking about what he did to you..." Lance's hands clenched into fists.

JC smiled. After looking up and down the hallway, he took Lance's face in his hands and kissed him. "My knight in shining armor."

Lance blushed.  He and JC had only been "together" for two days, and it was all still so new. But it was nice to finally be with someone who was willing to meet him halfway.

They were startled when the boardroom door flew open and Lou and his assistants burst into the hallway. He said nothing, but he gave them an evil glare as they strode by.  JC and Lance returned to the boardroom.

"Let's eat," Joey said.

"You're ALWAYS hungry," Chris said.

"I know, but when I'm nervous I'm REALLY hungry," Joey said. He looked at Lance.  "You were great."

"Yeah, he was," JC said, squeezing Lance's shoulder.  "Lunch is on me, guys."

"Whoa! The cheapskate is offering to pay?" Chris gasped.

"Can I catch a ride with you, Lance?" Justin asked shyly. "I came in with Joey, and his car reeks."

"It does not!" Joey yelled.

"Uh, sure," Lance said, after exchanging a look with JC.

They decided on where to meet, and Justin followed Lance to his car.  " and JC," Justin said before Lance even had the key in the ignition.

"Yeah," Lance said slowly.

"I was worried, you know, about telling you about me and Brit, but I guess it didn't matter," Justin said softly.

"J, what we had was good. We both learned a lot. But we're ready to move on," Lance said bravely.

"Right," Justin said, nodding. "But, JC?  I just, whoa, that was a shock. So you guys have been together all this time?"

"No!" Lance said quickly, trying not to put his heart into his voice.  "I wasn't ever with anyone but you."

"Really?" Justin whispered.  Lance nodded. "Oh. I mean, I wasn't, like, sexually or whatever, either, but...whoa.  I hope you and JC are really happy together," Justin finished, but he didn't sound truly happy.

"Me, too," Lance said, starting the car.


"What's all this?" Lance asked, surprised.  He stared at JC's dining room table.

"I didn't cook it," JC said quickly. "I ordered out...but I thought you'd like it."

"This is, wow," Lance said.  He sat down, looking at the food on the plates and the candles in the center of the table.  "Romantic."

"Yeah, well, I'm kinda like that." JC blushed and sat down.

"I like it," Lance told him, and JC blushed again. They talked as they ate, but things still seemed stilted between them.

JC poured them glasses of wine, and they moved to the living room.  "So, that meeting yesterday with Lou was pretty intense," JC said. "I'm kinda worried."

"Our lawyers will handle it," Lance told him. "You just keep writing those awesome songs, and we can start on our new album."

"How was riding with Justin?" JC asked carefully.

"Good, he just wanted to know what was going on with you and I," Lance said, swirling the wine in his glass. "I told him that what he and I had had was nice, but we were both ready to move on."

"Are you?" JC asked.


"No, you need to be sure."

"Can you tell me you're over Joey?" Lance retorted.

JC sighed. "I don't think I'll ever be over Joey."

"I bet that if he ever decided to look at a man, it would be you," Lance said.  JC smiled.

"You're sweet.  And I think that, sometimes, but I don't dwell on it."

"I don't dwell on Justin, either," Lance said firmly.

"I don't believe that," JC said softly. "You'll never be willing to have me in his place, Lance."


"Let's just not take this as forever, okay?" JC cupped Lance's face with his hand.  "Let's just take this one step at a time."

Lance was amazed that JC's touch could have such an effect on him, but it had been so long.  He sighed and leaned in for the kiss that he knew would erase Justin from his mind...for the time being.
