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“I have an idea,” Chris said, throwing the tennis ball to Joey. Joey lobbed it back. The elevator dinged and they casually leaned against the wall, looking like two friends who were waiting for someone. The woman gave them a curious look, then headed down to her room. Chris stepped back out into the hall and threw the ball at Joey. German hotels were old and dirty, but they had nice long halls.

“What's your idea?” JC asked. He was a few feet away, seated on the floor. He scribbled in a notebook and didn't look up as Chris spoke.

Joey threw the ball back. “I think we should get Lance a hooker,” Chris said. Joey's mouth fell open and he didn't even try for the ball Chris threw. It sailed past Joey and hit JC in the head.

“Ow!” JC rubbed his head.

“Sorry,” Joey said, helping JC to his feet. “You want to get Lance a HOOKER?” Joey repeated.

“Shh!” Chris looked towards the room where Justin and Lance were working with their tutor.

“You want to get him a hooker?” Joey repeated in a hiss. “Why?”

“He's sixteen years old. It's time the boy had sex,” Chris said.

“Maybe he has already,” JC said.

Chris and Joey looked at each other and laughed. “Lance?” Joey said. “I love the guy, but I doubt he's had sex.”

“We can restyle his hair, put him in some funky clothes, and he still looks like the sweet Mama's boy from Mississippi,” Chris said. “He needs something else.”

“And you think sex is the answer?” JC asked.

“Sex is the answer to everything,” Joey answered. Chris nodded. JC sighed.

“And where are you getting the money for this?”

“I thought we could split it three ways. All chip in.” Chris studied his shoes.

“What, you're not gonna ask Justin to chip in?” JC asked.

“Justin's just a baby!” Chris said, horrified. JC rolled his eyes.

“Fine. I'll chip in. I know how hard it is to hook up with someone, especially here. And it probably wouldn't hurt him,” JC said. “When are you planning on doing this?”

“I thought after tomorrow's show,” Chris said. “Maybe we can distract Justin or something.”

“Okay,” Joey said, nodding. “And I'm assuming you know where to find this chick?”

“Of course,” Chris said, looking almost insulted. 

“Hey, Justin?” Lance whispered. Their tutor was gathering his things together and getting ready to leave the room.

“What?” Justin replied. Lance watched until they were alone.

“Um, what would you think of asking Joey to get us beer again?” Lance said a bit louder. He bit his bottom lip. He had debated for three days about asking Justin. It had been fun just to loosen up and hang out, but he didn't want Justin to think he was out to seduce him or something. Not that he hadn't thought about that kiss for the last three days. He could hardly look at Justin without thinking about it.

“I was thinking about that, too!” Justin said, grinning. “That was fun. And it's only fair…they get to go out all the time.”

“Yeah,” Lance said, sighing with relief.

“Maybe tomorrow we could…” Justin began.

“Hey, kids,” Chris said, opening the door. “We saw the Professor leave.”

“Hi,” Justin said, leaning back and stretching. Lance swallowed deeply and looked down at his science book.

“We thought we'd all hang out tomorrow night, after the show,” Chris said. “We'll be back home before we know it, and it'll be fun to hang out here.”

“Okay,” Justin said. “We didn't really have plans or anything tomorrow, right, Lance?”

“Right,” Lance said, trying not to show his disappointment. He looked at JC, who was looking at him with almost a sympathetic _expression on his face. Did JC know that Lance was slowly getting a crush on Justin? 

“Okay…she'll be here at eleven-thirty,” Chris hissed to Joey as they hurried back to their vans. “We gotta get cleaned up, and we'll meet in JC's room.”

“JC's room?”

“He's in the single…it just works better. You know Jayce, he can sleep anywhere.” Chris jogged on ahead of Joey.

“Joey.” Lance tugged on his sleeve.

“Yeah, Lance?” Joey asked almost nervously. He didn't want to blow the surprise.

“I was wondering, um, if you, ah…could get us beer again?”

“Oh, sure, kid,” Joey said, relieved.

“I mean, while we're here and all…I know you can't back home,” Lance said, seeming just as nervous as Joey.

“Sure. Next time after a show, okay?” Joey gave Lance a friendly clap on the back.

Everyone went back to their hotel and got cleaned up. They also packed, as they were leaving early the next morning. In another week, they'd be heading back to the States.

Joey knocked on Lance and Justin's door. “Guys? We're over in JC's room.”

“Okay,” Justin called back. Before they could get their shoes on, Chris knocked on the door.

“Hey, J, can you come to my room for a sec before you go to JC's?” Chris called through the door.

Justin looked at Lance. “We'll be right there.”

“Uh, no, just you. Lance can go on over to JC's.”

“Okay.” Justin stared at Lance. “Wonder what that's all about?”

“He's your best friend,” Lance said, shrugging.

“Aw, c'mon, Lance. Chris likes you, too,” Justin said, giving Lance a smile. Lance shrugged again.

“I'm going over. I'll see you in a bit.” Lance tied his shoe and went out the door.

JC was hovering outside his own room, which made Lance a bit curious. “Hey, Lance,” JC said. “I just want you to know, this is a gift for you. We're not making fun of you or anything, okay?”

“Uh, sure,” Lance said, getting even more curious. JC opened the door. Lance's mouth fell open as he saw a beautiful red-haired woman laying on JC's bed. “Um, maybe I should come back,” Lance said, stepping back.

“No, Lance,” Joey said, waving Lance into the room. “This is Marie. She's here for you.”

“Hello, Lance,” Marie said with difficulty.

“She doesn't speak much English, but we taught her your name,” Joey said, smiling. “She's for you.”

“What do you mean, for me?” Lance whispered.

“She's, uh, a prostitute,” JC said behind him. Lance turned to look at him, and JC was shocked by the wild look in Lance's eyes.

“And she's for you. Later, Gator.” Joey grabbed JC and shoved him out of the room.

Lance stared at Marie, who wore little more than a mini dress. She waved him towards the bed and he timidly sat down. She sat up and smiled at him, running a hand down his pale cheek. She kissed his cheek, and the scent of her perfume washed over him. Lance looked down, directly into her blouse, and he suddenly felt ill. He bounded up from the bed, and she stared at him quizzically.

“I, uh, I'm sorry. Very sorry.” Lance backed away, shaking his head. “I can't. I'm sorry.” He fumbled with the doorknob and managed to get the door open. “I'm sorry,” he said over his shoulder.

Joey and JC were in the hallway, and they looked at him in amazement. “I know you're young, Lance, but done already?” Joey asked.

Chris came out of his room. “I have Justin safe in there for…hey, what are you doing out here?” Chris asked.

“I can't. I can't. That's…no. NO, thank you.” Lance ran a hand through his hair. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, and it was almost painful.

“Are you kidding? Lance, she's a sure thing!” Chris almost shrieked. “How often do you get THAT?”

“I can't. No. I can't believe you…no.” Lance's face was red with embarrassment. He wanted to go back to his room and die. He made it to the door and dug the key out of his pocket.

“What the fuck?” Chris said in disbelief.

“I'll talk to him.” JC ran to the door and caught it before it shut. Lance was already face down on his bed, and JC could see his shoulders shaking with sobs. “Lance, are you okay?”

“Go away!”

“Lance, shit.” JC felt lower than he ever had. He sat on Lance's bed and awkwardly patted Lance's shoulder. “I'm sorry. We thought we were doing you a favor.”

“Some fucking favor,” came the muffled reply, and JC had to smile. Only when truly upset did Lance use the f-word.

“We knew you never had sex before, and we wanted to help. If this group thing takes off, the wrong kinda girls will be throwing themselves at you. Trust me.”

“I don't care about them.” Lance rolled over, his face tearstained and red. “Maybe I didn't have sex with a girl because I didn't WANT to. Did you geniuses ever think of THAT? Maybe I'm like you, JC.” Lance clapped a hand over his mouth, horrified at what had escaped.

“What does that mean?” JC asked slowly.

“I…well…” Lance decided to lie to cover for Justin. “I saw you one night with Joey. I know you're gay or bi or whatever…and…and…and I think I am, too.” Lance fell back onto the bed and buried his face.

“Oh,” JC replied softly. He rubbed Lance's back again, and Lance seemed to slowly calm down. “So, I guess you were kinda freaked out, huh?”

“She…she only kissed me, and her perfume…I felt sick,” Lance said into the pillow. “God, I was so embarrassed. I…I couldn't ever…she didn't…”

“I understand,” JC said, and Lance knew he DID understand. Lance slowly sat up and wiped at his tears.

“I'm such a stupid baby. I don't know anything about anything.”

“You already know what you don't want,” JC pointed out. “And you're not a baby.” JC hugged him, and Lance was surprised at how comfortable a hug from bony JC really was.

“Don't tell them,” Lance said into JC's shoulder. “None of them.”

“I won't,” JC promised. “We'll tell them that you just weren't ready, that you want something more than a prostitute.”

“I DO want something more,” Lance said. JC pulled back.

“It works the same with guy groupies, Lance. They'll do anything to get a piece of you.” The sad look in JC's blue eyes made Lance sigh.

“I know about Lou, JC,” Lance whispered. “And I'm sorry.”

JC shrugged. “Over with. Just be careful, no matter what, okay? Make sure it's someone you can trust.” Lance nodded. “Do you want Justin in here tonight, or do you want to be alone?”

“I don't think I can be alone right now.” Lance rubbed his chest. “I kinda…hurt. I don't want Justin to know what's going on.”

“Sure thing.” JC ruffled Lance's hair. “Get ready for bed. I'll send Justin in.”

“Thank you, JC,” Lance said softly.

“No problem.” JC left and Lance went to wash his face and brush his teeth.
