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“I have an idea!” Joey said, bouncing into the room that he and JC shared. They were back home, and JC had decided that he wanted to room with Joey. Chris got his own room, as the oldest, and Lance and Justin shared a room. “Let's go out!”

“Out?” JC moaned, pulling his pillow over his head. “We're barely home, Joey. I'm not even unpacked. I want to sleep.”

“You can sleep anytime. We don't have any kind of performance for a whole week…we're going out.” Joey bounced out of the room to find Chris.

“Hey, Jayce, wanna…” Justin drifted off as he looked at JC. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” JC said from under his pillow. “Joey wants to go out tonight.”

“Oh,” Justin said, disappointed. He hated the fact that the three older men got to go out all the time. They couldn't drink like they had in Europe, but they could get into the eighteen and older clubs, while he and Lance had to stay home. But he did like hanging out with Lance. “Okay.”

Justin wandered off to find Lance. Lance was carefully folding his socks and putting them into the top drawer of his dresser. He had immediately done laundry after sleeping away the jet lag, and a neat pile of clothes was on Justin's bed. “I did your laundry,” Lance said, not even looking over his shoulder.

“Really? Thanks, Lance.” Justin picked up the pile and shoved it here and there into his dresser. Lance sighed and rolled his eyes. “The guys are going out tonight.”

“Already?” Lance asked. Justin nodded. “Oh, well, guess you're stuck with me…unless you're going down to your mom's or something.”

“Nah. I thought…maybe you could borrow someone's car and we could get pizza and just hang out here,” Justin suggested. Lance smiled.

“Joey'll let me use his…they always take Chris' car out anyway.”

“Cool.” Justin leaned in the doorway, watching Lance fold his clothes. He wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. He finally went back to drag JC out of bed and onto the basketball court. 

After quickly consuming an entire large pizza, Lance and Justin were stretched out on opposite ends of the sofa. Justin was on his stomach, his feet tucked between Lance and the back of the sofa as he leaned on the armrest, watching TV. Lance looked at him for a long moment, then finally decided to take a chance.

“Hey, Justin?”

“Hmm?” Justin murmured.

“About that night…in Europe…when we drank?”

Justin slowly rolled over and looked at Lance. “Yeah?”

“I wondered, uh, if you ever…thought about it.”

“Sure.” Justin shrugged, but his eyes were uncertain. “I do.”

“Oh, because, well, I do, too. I just didn't want you to regret it or anything.”

“I don't. We didn't really DO anything or anything.” Justin slowly sat up and stretched.

“Oh, right.” Lance nodded. “You know, I'm glad we're in the same room here. I think I'd miss you sleeping in the other bed.”

“Really?” Justin smiled his beautiful smile. “I'm glad, too, since Joey and Chris snore, and JC sings in his sleep.”

“He does?” Lance laughed. He had never really roomed with JC.

“Yeah, and at least he's not like, having dirty dreams out loud or something,” Justin said, and Lance laughed again. Justin paused, then said, “Have you ever had sex?”

“N-no,” Lance said, blushing. “Where did that come from?”

“I just was wondering. How far have you gone?”

Lance turned even redder. “Uh, not very far. I…just kissing, really.”

“A girl let me touch her once, touch her chest.” Justin rolled his eyes. “What little chest she had.”

“Did you like it?”

“It was okay. I think it was more the idea of touching it than actually touching it,” Justin said. Lance nodded. “I guess if we're famous, we'll get lots of girls.”

“Yeah,” Lance said sadly, knowing he didn't want lots of girls…he wanted one particular boy.

Justin licked his lips. “Can I kiss you again?” Lance blinked. “I dunno, I just…I feel like it. Maybe it's talking about sex or something…” Justin smiled sheepishly. Lance slowly nodded, and Justin scooted closer. “You need to meet me halfway,” Justin pointed out, and Lance smiled as he blushed. Lance moved closer.

“This okay?”

“Yeah.” Justin looked at him for a moment. He slowly leaned in, and Lance met him. They bumped noses, and Justin pulled back, laughing. Lance didn't laugh. His eyes seemed large and green, and Justin's hand moved up to cup Lance's chin before he realized it. They moved again, and it was perfect this time.

Lance had forgotten how soft Justin's lips were. He sighed against Justin's mouth as the kiss grew deeper. Before either of them knew it, Justin was leaning forward, Lance was leaning back, and soon they were stretched out with Lance on the bottom. Justin's hand settled on Lance's waist, and Lance's arms moved up around Justin's shoulders. Lance's hands twined up into Justin's short hair, and Justin sighed.

“Do you like that?” Lance whispered. Justin nodded.

“Your hands are so soft.” Justin's hand slid up a bit under Lance's tshirt and Lance shivered.

“So are yours,” Lance said, and Justin smiled as he let his fingers lightly tickle Lance's side. Lance squirmed a bit, and Justin moaned.

“God, Lance, don't…I'm so…” Justin moved slightly and Lance felt the hardness against his leg. Lance blushed, feeling his own cock jump to an even harder attention.

“Me, too,” Lance murmured, and Justin kissed him again.

Neither of them could point out when it moved from innocent kissing to making out. Justin's hand was slowly circling its way up Lance's side, and Lance's lips were nibbling down Justin's neck. Justin let a thumb slide over Lance's nipple, and Lance let out a low growl which Justin felt down to his feet. Justin pulled back slightly, looked down at Lance, then slowly sat up. “Whoa,” he said weakly.

“Are you okay?” Lance asked. He sat up as well. His hair was sticking straight up, and his lips were red and full from the hour of nonstop kissing.

“I just…this is…I dunno…”

“I'm sorry,” Lance whispered. He felt as if he had corrupted Justin.

“It's okay.” Justin stood up. “I think I'm gonna shower and go to bed, okay?”

“Yeah. I think I'll go to bed, too,” Lance said softly. 

Lance was in his sweatpants and tank top and under the sheets when Justin came into the bedroom. Lance turned his head away and feigned sleep, trying to ignore the ache in both his groin and his heart. Everything had moved fast, true, but the way Justin had moved off the sofa, it was as if he were ashamed. Lance didn't want Justin to be ashamed.

“Lance, are you awake?” Justin sat on the edge of Lance's bed and Lance smelled the soap and shampoo.

“Hmm?” Lance let his eyes flutter open in what he hoped was a sleepy manner.

“I'm sorry. I just…it felt so good, and it frightened me. I don't…I'm not…”

“It's okay,” Lance said. He reached out and patted Justin's thigh. “Go to sleep.”

“I'm not tired.” Justin stood up and pulled off his tshirt, which was damp from his wet skin. He wore only baggy sweatpants. “Can I lay down with you?”

“But I thought…” Lance sat up.

“Please,” Justin whispered. “I want to do that again. It felt so good…”

“Justin, I don't want to just be someone for you to get off with,” Lance said, though he desperately wanted to be that person.

“You're not! And I won't. I just…your hands…” Justin leaned in and the pouting red lips were moving against his and suddenly Lance forgot all about protesting.
