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“I have an idea,” Chris said, flopping down next to JC on the sofa.  “Let’s play some sort of joke on Lance.”

“I thought you liked Lance.” Joey frowned as he kicked at Chris’ shoe.

“I do. Much more than I did. He’s a cool kid.  But, he needs to be roughed up now and then.  All little boys do.”

“You don’t rough Justin up,” JC pointed out.

“Oh, yes, I do,” Chris said.  “All the time. You guys don’t see it.”

“This doesn’t have anything to do with hookers, does it?” Joey asked fearfully.

“Nah. I just thought while he was sleeping.  Maybe we could just pounce on him, scare him outta his dead sleep or something.”

“I’d hate to see how you acted if you hated someone,” JC muttered.

“Aw, c’mon, Jayce.  I’m just playing.  If I didn’t like him, I wouldn’t waste my time,” Chris said, shrugging.

“Good point,” Joey said.

“Okay…as long as no hookers are involved. You really embarrassed Lance with that,” JC said.  Chris blushed slightly.

“Yeah. I know.  I feel kinda bad about that.  I’ve tried to make it up to him,” Chris promised.  “You guys with me?”

“Sure,” Joey said.  He was all about playing jokes on his little brothers.

“Whatever,” JC said, grateful that Lance had him as his guardian angel.


“Hey,” Justin said tiredly, kicking off his sneakers.

“Hey.”  Lance removed his glasses and put his bookmark into his book.  He smiled at Justin.  Justin had gone out with some friends his own age, and Lance hadn’t felt like hanging out with the others after dinner.  He had retreated to their room, curling up with a book.  He and Justin still felt awkward with each other at times, but they tried not to notice it.  “Did you have a nice time?”

“Yeah, it was okay,” Justin said, shrugging. He grabbed his things and headed out the door.  “I'll tell you after my shower.”

Lance went back to his book and tried not to think of Justin in the shower.  Besides a few clumsy kisses in the dark now and then, they hadn’t done much more than what had happened that night.  They were back in rehearsals, and usually they were too tired to do anything but say goodnight before passing out.

By the time Justin returned to the room, Lance was tired. He had put his book down and was snuggled under the covers.  “I’m not sleeping,” Lance promised.  “Tell me about your night.”

Justin sighed and ran a hand through his damp hair. “It turned into some date thing.”


“Yeah. I thought it was just gonna be some guys, but there were an equal number of girls and we ended up paired up.  The girl was kinda dumb, though she was hot,” Justin admitted with a smile.  “Had a FINE body.”

“That’s nice,” Lance said politely.

“Yeah, well, she’s not someone I’d hook up with again.  She was all over me…and I don’t think I like that,” Justin observed.  “Practically had her hand down my pants during the whole movie.”

“Wow,” Lance said, not knowing what to say. “Well, I hope some of it was fun.”

“Yeah, it was.”  Justin tugged at the hem of his tshirt. “Well, I guess I’ll hit the hay.”

“Okay, goodnight.” Lance rolled over, pulling the blanket up to his ears.  Justin turned out the light and Lance sighed.  He jumped when he felt Justin lay down beside him.

“Hey,” Justin said softly, kissing behind Lance’s neck.  Lance tried to keep still.


“I try not to do this, ya know,” Justin ran a hand over Lance’s hip, feeling the bone through the blanket.  “I’m not like this.”

“Well, I was reading something in a magazine and it said a lot of teenagers experiment…boys and girls…and it doesn’t mean you’re gay or anything,” Lance said weakly.  Justin’s breath on his ear was weakening all reserve.

“Experimenting.  Yes, like school.”  Justin snickered and licked Lance’s ear.  “I never liked school this much, though.”

“Me, either.” Lance gave up and rolled over.  “It doesn’t have to mean anything,” he promised.  “We can just be fooling around. I know you date and all.”

“I could bring you along some time,” Justin suggested.  His smooth fingers ran across Lance’s skin in the dark.  “Hook you up.”

“Maybe,” Lance said, moaning as Justin kissed him.  Somehow Justin wiggled his way under the blankets, and Lance was soon covered with an extra blanket of sexy adolescent boy.

“You taste so good,” Justin gasped, letting his lips travel down to Lance’s collar bone.  Lance paused as he realized his own hands were grasping at Justin’s backside.  “I want…I want to touch you.”

“Wh-what?” Lance said weakly.

“Fuck, Lance, I leave the room and go jack off in the bathroom every time anyway,” Justin said.  “Can’t we just do it together?”

Lance blushed in the dark. He had tried not to look at the other guys when given the opportunity, but he felt inadequate all the same.  “You…you want to do that to me?”

“You don’t think it sounds hot?”  Justin sounded disappointed, and slightly embarrassed.

“Oh, hell yes!”  Lance said quickly and honestly.

“We won’t turn on the light or anything…just like take off our pants or something,” Justin said.  “If we make a big mess, we can just sleep in my bed or something.”

“I think we should go there now,” Lance said.  His own bed was a lot closer to the door.

“Okay.”  Justin immediately jumped up and dove under his own covers.  Lance laughed as Justin’s pants hit the floor by his feet.

“Horny little boy.”

“Yep,” Justin said, and Lance could imagine the beautiful grin.  Lance pulled off his own sweats, and timidly crawled into bed next to Justin.  He felt the hotness of Justin’s leg, then suddenly they were facing each other…and touching.

“Oh,” Lance gasped.  His hand slid down clumsily, and suddenly Justin’s length was in his hand.

“Ah…Lance…” Justin fumbled under the cover and Lance felt a jolt from his head to his toes.  “You’re long…hard…” Justin grunted in his ear. His hand slid down and back up again.

“Justin…” Lance forced his mouth onto Justin’s to keep them both from making too much noise.  He tugged lightly, then caressed, and Justin whimpered, thrusting into Lance’s hand.  Justin sucked on Lance’s tongue as he even let a few fingers stray down to Lance’s balls.

“I’ve never…so good…better than…” Justin mumbled.  He ducked his head down into Lance’s neck, his breathing labored as he tried to hold back while working Lance.

“You don’t…have to wait…” Lance panted.  He felt sparks all over, and Justin’s skin was hot and thick in his palm.

“I…I…” Justin froze entirely as they heard voices outside their door.

“You think they’re finally asleep?” They heard Joey whisper.

“Holy shit!” Justin hissed in a whisper.

“Roll over.  Quick.  You’re sleeping.” Lance shoved at Justin and quickly rolled to face away from Justin.

“A-HA!”  Chris pounced into the room and jumped onto Lance’s bed. “What the fuck?”

“What’s going on?” Lance sat up and sleepily rubbed at his eyes. He made sure that the sheet safely came up over his hips.

“We came in to…what are you doing over there?” Joey asked.

“Justin had a nightmare. I was consoling him and just crashed here.”  Lance blinked at the light that filtered in from the hallway.  JC looked from Justin’s bed to the floor and Lance blushed in the dark.

“Yeah.”  Justin sleepily sat up as well.  “It happens a lot.  Scary performance dreams.”

“Dude, I’ve had those,” Chris said.  “One time…”

“They’re sleeping. You’ll have to plan a joke for another time.  Sorry, guys.”  Joey smiled at Justin apologetically and shoved Chris from the room.

JC closed the door behind them and turned on the light.  Both Justin and Lance winced.  “Hey, guys, just a little suggestion from someone who knows,” JC said in a tone that was not at all mean.  “Don’t throw the pants right out onto the floor. Keep them under the covers in case you need to shimmy into them quick. Good night.”  JC went back out, shutting off the light and closing the door.  Lance and Justin both fell back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling.
