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“I have an idea,” Joey said. “We could have girls in the video! Dancing girls…in bikinis.”

“Lou will NOT let us have dancing girls in bikinis,” JC snapped. “Justin's only a baby, for God's sake!”

“I am not!” Justin yelled from his spot in front of the TV.

Joey and JC were daydreaming about their future. “Someday I want bikini girls,” Joey said stubbornly. “Justin won't be a baby forever.”

“I'm not a baby NOW!” Justin yelled.

“Sure you are.” Chris plopped down next to Justin, rubbing his head affectionately.

“Am not,” Justin grumbled.

“Hey, Lance…I left my blue sweatshirt in your room…when Justin and I were wrestling in there earlier,” JC said suddenly. “Can you get it for me?”

“Uh, sure.” Lance put his bookmark into his book and slowly pulled himself off the sofa. They had had a hard workout that day, and he was hurting all over. “Of course, I may just fall onto the bed and never get back up again.”

“There ya go, Jayce…Lance will be ready and waiting for you,” Chris called out. “About time you get laid anyway, Chasez.”

Lance blushed. Justin frowned, then wondered why he was frowning. JC threw a pen at Chris' head. “Chris, Lance is way too good for me. I need someone way below me. Like you, maybe?”

“What are you trying to say, Beanpole?” Chris yelled, sitting up. Lance gratefully made his escape to his room. He saw JC's sweatshirt on his bed, but it was wrapped around something.

The fact that JC had taken the time to hide whatever was there made Lance suspicious enough to shut the door behind him. The shirt had a note tucked in one of the sleeves. “Lance…I thought this would be helpful. One of you should know what you're doing…and I think that person should be you. Have fun, but be careful. JC.

Lance unwrapped the sweatshirt and felt his face start to burn. Three pornographic magazines slid onto his lap, but there were no women on the covers. A video with no label was next, but he could only assume what that was. When he got to the book titled, “Anal Sex for Beginners,” Lance wanted the ground to swallow him whole. Instead he shoved everything into the trunk at the foot of his bed, locked it, and crawled into his bed. He appreciated the thought, but it was still enough to make his entire body burn with embarrassment. He heard a phone ring, and pulled the pillow over his head. If it was his mother, he would truly die. 

“Okay, Mom. I know. No, I promise it won't be Chris,” Justin said into the phone.

“What won't be me?” Chris demanded. “Your mom loves me.”

“Yeah, I can think of someone. And no, we won't burn the house down,” Justin promised.

“I wouldn't burn the house down!” Chris said indignantly. Joey flew onto Chris with a grunt, tackling him to shut him up. JC sighed and went to his room to work on a new song. Justin rolled his eyes at the pair on the floor.

“No, Mom. That'd be nice. I need some time away from these losers,” Justin said, grinning.

“Hey!” Joey and Chris yelled.

“I will. Nah, we'll drive over. Okay. Love you, Mom. Bye.” Justin hung up. “My mom's going out of town in a few days and will be gone overnight. She wants me to come stay at the house, to watch things.”

“Justin Timberlake, the little WatchPuppy,” Joey said, laughing.

“I'm NOT a puppy,” Justin snapped.

“Arf arf…look at the pouty little puppy eyes,” Chris whimpered. “Look at me yipping and yapping, biting at the ankles of the big dogs.” Chris pranced around, and Joey laughed again.

“Fuckers,” Justin snapped. He went to his room, noticing the Lance-sized lump under the blankets. “Lance, you sleeping?”

“No,” came the muffled reply.

“Ever want to just shoot people who think they can say anything they want to you?” Justin flopped onto his bed.

“Or the ones who think they're helping, but only make things worse?” Lance said under his pillow.

“Yeah,” Justin said, sighing. “Hey, um, my mom…she's going away in a few days…she wants me to stay over at the house, keep an eye on things.”

“Cool,” Lance said, slowly surfacing for air. “Peace and quiet.”

“Tell me about it. Didya know she actually had to clear it with Lou, make sure he didn't need me or something?” Justin said, rolling his eyes. “I wish she wouldn't have…he'll know I'm alone over there.” Lance and Justin shivered in unison. “Anyway, she said I could have a friend over. Do…do you wanna stay over with me?”

Lance slowly sat up and looked at Justin. “Me? Really?”

“Sure. Why not?” Justin said casually. “JC won't be any fun, he'll wanna go to sleep at like eight-thirty or something. And Joey…I like him, but I don't feel like asking him. And she actually told me that I'm not ALLOWED to ask Chris.” Lance laughed out loud and Justin smiled. “I know. I thought it was funny, too. And I just…yeah.”

Lance thought of the gift from JC and blushed. He thought of a night alone with Justin and blushed even more. “Uh, okay. Yeah. That'd be fun.” 

“I still don't understand why she wouldn't let ME over there,” Chris grumbled as he watched Justin throw a duffel bag over his shoulder. “I'm an adult, for God's sake.”

“But you don't act like one,” Lance reminded him, gently slapping Chris on the cheek as he passed. Joey grinned. Lance was getting better and better at giving Chris an attitude before Chris even came up with something smart to say. “Maybe I'M more responsible than you are.”

“Maybe you're a jerk,” Chris pouted, hating to be left out of anything that could possibly be fun.

“And if I hear anything suspicious in the middle of the night, I'm calling the cops without even looking,” Justin said, poking Chris in the chest. “YOU can explain to Lou why you got arrested.”

“Don't worry, J,” JC said, but he looked at Lance as he spoke. “I'll make sure no one bothers you tonight.” Lance blushed and gave a quick wave over his shoulder as he headed out to Joey's car. 

They stopped for snacks and Chinese food before heading to the house that Justin's mother was renting while she looked for something more permanent. “Hey, it's a nice night out,” Justin said, letting his hand hang out the open window. “Maybe we could swim later.”

“Maybe so,” Lance said, ignoring the fact that he hadn't brought along swim trunks. He could just wear boxers.

They got to the house and Justin unlocked the front door. As he had expected, there was a note from his mother on the hall table. “Baby,” Justin read out loud, and groaned. “Please don't blow anything up or set anything on fire. I hope someone responsible like Lance or JC is with you.” Lance blushed with pleasure. “We'll be back around one or so tomorrow afternoon. Love, Mom.” Justin rolled his eyes. “Like I'm six or something.”

“You have your elementary school moments,” Lance said, and ducked away from Justin's punch. “I'm hungry and that stuff smells good.”

“Here.” Justin handed Lance his duffel. “Drop our stuff in my room and I'll get plates and soda and stuff.”

Lance obediently headed upstairs. He stopped in the room that Justin used when he slept at this house, staring at the bed. It looked small. He knew he could sleep anywhere he wanted…but he also knew he wanted to sleep there. In that bed. With Justin.

He bounced back downstairs to the kitchen, where Justin was already dishing himself a steaming plate of sweet and sour chicken. They chatted as they ate, Lance filling his plate with fried rice and shrimp chow mein. Justin tended to talk with his mouth full while eating Chinese food, which Lance thought kind of odd, but it was endearing just the same.

“Let's swim.” Justin pushed back his chair and began to clear the empty cartons.

“Don't we need to wait a half hour or something?” Lance said automatically. Justin laughed.

“Don't worry, Lance. If you start to drown, I'll save you.”

“And give me mouth to mouth?” Lance said as automatically as he had before. Justin actually blushed, and Lance giggled. “I'll go change.”

“Yeah,” Justin said absently.

Lance grabbed a clean pair of boxers and headed for the bathroom, in case Justin came into the bedroom. He stared at himself in the mirror, taking a few deep breaths. He had looked at the magazines JC had given him, though he had completely ignored the book and video. What he wanted was in those magazines. Men kissing and touching and doing all kinds of things that he had dreamt of. And he wanted to do that with Justin. Not everything right away, of course, but things. And Justin wanted him. He had said so. Lance knew that he was the one who had to really make the first move. 

They didn't spend much time in the pool. The night was warm, but the water already had a chill in it. Lance hated swimming and being cold at the same time, so it didn't take long for him to pull himself out and wrap up in a big towel, teeth chattering. He didn't mind, though. He enjoyed watching Justin do laps and fool around in the pool, his body long and sleek like a dolphin.

Justin finally climbed out and pulled a towel around his shoulders. “Guess this wasn't such a good idea,” he said, teeth chattering slightly. “I'm gonna shower and get warm. You can use the shower downstairs if you want.”

“Thanks.” They toweled off enough so they wouldn't drip all over the house, then hurriedly trotted inside. Justin headed for the main bathroom upstairs.

Lance started for the downstairs shower, then stopped. This was it. He needed to take the initiative now, or he'd never have the balls to do it again. He slowly made his way up the steps, following the sounds of running water. As he approached the bathroom, he could hear Justin singing something. Lance paused to decipher the words, then smiled. Bon Jovi.

Lance quietly let himself into the bathroom. The shower curtain was closed, and he could see Justin's silhouette against the fabric. He stripped off his wet underwear and took a deep breath, realizing that for the first time, he'd really be seeing Justin naked.

Justin dropped the shampoo as he whirled around. “Lance!” Justin stared at him. Lance pulled the shower curtain shut, cutting off the cold draft. “What…”

“I thought we could share.” Lance's normally deep voice seemed to echo off the shower walls, and his green eyes were huge. “If you didn't mind.” He was surprised at how calm and confident he felt. Justin wouldn't turn him down.

“No…I don't…mind…” Justin's eyes wandered down Lance's body, freezing at Lance's erection. “You…you're…”

“I know.” Lance blushed slightly. “I just…you're naked…and we never…”

“No…we didn't.” Justin stepped front slightly so the water wasn't running into his face. “Damn.” He put a hand on Lance's chest, watching the water stream around his fingers. “Lance…”

“Justin…” Lance whispered back. Their mouths met and it was delicious. Hot, wet tongues met as hot water fell over them both. Their bodies were slippery as they moved together, and Lance loved the way his hands slid down Justin's back. “I'm gonna make you cum tonight,” Lance said, feeling a bit nervous at the nasty words.

“Mmmm…please…” Justin begged, and Lance felt a jolt go through his body. He never thought he'd hear Justin Timberlake beg for anything. “Touch me…I was so close that night…”

“You'll be more than close tonight,” Lance promised. He stepped back and leaned his head on Justin's shoulder, looking down as his hand slid across Justin's chest to his dick.

“Ahh…” Justin hissed. Lance gave Justin a gentle bite to his shoulder as his hand worked over Justin. It was easier than it had been that night. He could see what he was doing, memorize the spots that made Justin gasp for breath.

Justin was soon throbbing in Lance's hand. He couldn't tear his eyes away. Lance's hand on his cock was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. He groaned something unintelligible and leaned his head back slightly.

Lance took the opportunity to lick at Justin's neck. “Baby…” Lance said in Justin's ear, and suddenly he was cumming. Justin cried out, grabbing at Lance's shoulders as the orgasm was ripped from his body. He pulled Lance to him, kissing him desperately.

“Oh my God…I never…that was…uh…” Justin shivered in Lance's embrace. Lance pushed back slightly so Justin was under the full force of the hot water. Lance washed his stomach off quickly as Justin ran his hands through his hair, trying to find his center of gravity.

When Justin turned around, Lance was watching him, smiling bashfully. “Hi,” Lance whispered. “I didn't…I hope you didn't mind. I just…”

“That was incredible,” Justin interrupted. “And you liked doing it?” Lance nodded. “You like boys,” Justin said slowly, and Lance tilted his head. “No, I just…I know and all…but it just kinda hit me. You'll do that forever. No girls. Just…boys.”

“I hope men, eventually,” Lance said, trying to joke. He knew Justin's adolescent mind had been going over this topic for days.

“Did it feel good, doing that to me?” Justin asked.

“Amazing,” Lance said softly. “It made you so beautiful.”

“I want to do that, too,” Justin said. Lance looked at him. “C'mere.” Justin did a graceful side step and suddenly the water was hitting Lance in the chest and Justin was behind him. “Lean back,” Justin said, and Lance did, feeling Justin's groin against him. Justin began to suck at his neck as he slid his hands down. One hand played with a nipple as the other went down further, and Lance wondered if JC had given Justin instructional materials as well.

“Justin…” Lance moaned, leaning his head back.

“You're right…fuck you look hot…” Justin gasped, sounding both young and old at the same time. “I know how it felt…so to do it…yeah…” Justin grunted, watching his hand. “Some day I'm gonna taste you…”

“Oh!” Lance gasped, thrusting his ass back. Justin smiled at the way Lance reacted to the dirty talk.

“Maybe even fuck you…or maybe you'd wanna fuck me…” Justin attempted. Lance's eyes fluttered shut and he jumped in Justin's hand. Justin's fourteen-year-old mind spun, but he concentrated on Lance. He felt himself getting hard, and he couldn't help but rub against Lance.

“You're…I'm…Justin…” Lance begged.

“Come on, Lance,” Justin said. He bit Lance's earlobe and Lance came. Lance let out a small cry, falling back onto Justin almost completely. Justin steeled himself so they wouldn't fall. Lance shuddered in Justin's arms, and Justin quickly cleaned Lance off. Lance turned around.

“I don't want to make you do anything,” Lance said suddenly.

“You didn't, Lance,” Justin said.

“You're not gay.”

“I'm obviously bi or something.” Justin smiled.

“You shouldn't be. You're young.”

Justin shook his head. Lance was babbling. “Do you want to stop doing this?”

“God, no,” Lance whispered.

“Me, either. We'll see…what we see.” Justin bent down and picked up the shampoo. “Do my hair, would you?”
