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“So…you like working here?” 

Lance turned around to see Alex standing behind him, munching on a carrot.  “Yes, I do. Everyone’s been nice to me here,” Lance said simply.  He reached down into his toolbox for his hammer and began to pound at the piece of wood that was loose.

“You’ve done a lot around here. It looks great,” Alex said, looking at the newly painted shed.  “A lot in a short time.”

“I’m a hard worker,” Lance replied, then winced.  Alex smiled.

“I bet you are.”  Alex moved to stand between Lance and the wood of the garage.  “Ya know, I’m good.”

“I’m sure you are,” Lance said politely.  “You’re in my way.”

“Oh, am I?” Alex didn’t move.  “Look, Lance…I’m clean, and I’m good.  And I know you’re attracted to me.”

Lance couldn’t help but smile. He was attracted to Justin, attracted to Nick…he even thought Joey was handsome.  But he was NOT attracted to Alex. “I’m afraid I’m not, Alex. I’m sorry.  And I don’t just have random sex,” he lied, ignoring the picture of JC Chasez that jumped into his brain.

“Sex with me would NOT be random,” Alex murmured, running a finger down Lance’s dirty cheek.

“Lancey!”  Lance turned to see Justin walking from the house.  “I brought you some ice water since it’s so damn hot out here. What did I tell you about working through the hottest hours of the day?”

“Thanks, Justin,” Lance said, grateful in more ways than one.

“And after our late night last night…” Justin winked as he handed Lance the glass of water.

“I thought you said you didn’t DO random sex,” Alex growled at Lance.

“Honey, sex with me is NOT random,” Justin said, and Lance had to chuckle. It sounded so much sexier coming from Justin.

“You two are a thing?”

“We have a thing, yes,” Justin said honestly.

“Well, I’m sorry,” Alex said grudgingly. “You’re a hot little piece, Lance, but I’m not one to step on toes. My bad.”  Alex put up his hands in defeat, then returned to the house.

“I told you not to be alone with him!” Justin hissed.

“I was out here working, Justin. It’s a free country…he can go where he wants,” Lance snapped back.  He was hot and he was tired and he couldn’t get JC Chasez out of his mind.

Justin smiled suddenly. “How did it feel to be wanted?”

“I…” Lance paused. “Nice,” he admitted. “Even if it WAS him.  Do you think JC Chasez will want me like that?”

“Lancey, he already DOES, or we wouldn’t be doing what we’re doing.”  He kissed Lance’s cheek. “Take it easy today, babe. Tonight we’re getting naked.”  Justin turned on a heel and walked away.

“Naked?” Lance asked weakly.


“Man, this is like a vacation!” Justin said that night as he came into Lance’s bedroom.  “Though I think Joey’s fretting as he counts the money.  He’s cool, though.”

“Isn’t it weird…having sex for money?” Lance asked softly. The question had been jumping around in his brain for a while, and he felt comfortable enough to ask it now.

“At the beginning, it was. I mean, no little boy grows up planning on being a whore, right?” Justin said, smiling a little.

“You’re not a whore, Justin.  You’re better than that,” Lance insisted.

“I thought I was gonna be a singer,” Justin said suddenly. “I moved to California from Tennessee to sing. I wasn’t gonna do Nashville…I’m not a country singer.  But it’s not as easy as I thought…and it ended up that I had to do whatever I could to get something to eat, ya know?”

“Shit, Justin.” Lance sat down next to him. “I…I know how hard it is out there on your own. I mean, look at me…wandering around looking for work.  But you…”

“Don’t think about it, Lance,” Justin said, shaking his head. “Old news.  We need to concentrate on us and what we’re doing now.”  He smiled bravely.  “Okay, so…” Justin stood. “Watch me.”

Lance nodded and watched as Justin tugged off the heavy sweatshirt he wore. He watched as Justin made short work of the tshirt underneath.  Justin almost fell as he stumbled out of his jeans. Lance was thankful that Justin had on boxers underneath.  Justin looked at him. “Okay,” Lance said, confused.

“Was that sexy?” Justin asked.

“Um, yes?” Lance asked.  Justin laughed.

“Be honest.”  Lance shook his head. “Exactly. It’s all about attitude, Lance.”

Justin pulled his jeans back on, and put on both shirts. He stood in the center of the room and smiled at Lance.  Justin’s hands slid down his chest to the hem of the sweatshirt and slowly pulled it off.  As soon as his curly head was revealed, his blue eyes were glued to Lance’s face. Lance swallowed deeply.  Justin arched slightly, and the tshirt slid up his smooth stomach and chest.  Justin carelessly tossed the shirt to the floor.  He took a few steps towards Lance, then flicked open the button of his jeans.

Lance had to sit on his hands. He wanted to touch Justin, but knew he wasn’t supposed to.  “Oh…” he said faintly as the zipper went down.

“It’s all about attitude,” Justin said again. He didn’t push the jeans down, but instead moved to lean over Lance. Suddenly Lance found himself on his back.  “You have to make them want it.” His lips were on Lance’s neck as he slid his hand up under Lance’s tshirt. Lance gasped as Justin’s fingers found a nipple and lightly rubbed it.  “Do you want it?”

“I think…I…oh…” Lance panted as Justin’s hand went down to Lance’s zipper.

“I want to do something for you, Lance,” Justin breathed.  “I know it’s moving fast, but we don’t have a lot of time…plus I want to do it for you anyway. I want to do SOMETHING special for you…even if we can’t have sex.”  Justin slid down Lance’s body.  “If you’re gonna do this, you should at least know what a good one feels like.”  Lance could only watch as Justin pulled his jeans down, taking his underwear with them. “Damn, Lancey,” Justin murmured, taking Lance’s hard length in his hand.  “Impressive.”

Lance hissed at the warmth of Justin’s touch. His head fell back and he stared at the ceiling. “That’s so good…” he whispered.

“It gets better,” Justin said with a grin.  “The secret is to watch your teeth, and to pay attention to every inch. Use your hand, too.”

Suddenly Justin’s tongue was on Lance’s cock, and Lance cried out, arching up to the wet lapping.  His hands fisted in the sheets of his bed, and Justin released him long enough to move one of Lance’s hands to Justin’s head.  Justin’s hands moved to rest on Lance’s hips as he took in more and more of Lance.  Lance moaned, fisting his hand in Justin’s curls.  Justin’s mouth and tongue were everywhere, even on Lance’s balls.  Lance panted, trying to thrust up, but Justin’s hands held him in place.

“Justin, I can’t…I’m sorry…” Lance groaned, feeling himself start to throb.

“Go ahead,” Justin whispered, and Lance came into his mouth.

Lance fell back, gasping. “It was so quick…but I couldn’t help it…”

“That’s a compliment,” Justin said, grinning.  He moved up to kiss Lance, and Lance felt a bitter, salty sensation.  “You probably won’t want to swallow,” Justin said. “It’s hard to get used to.”

“Do you want me to…” Lance began.  Justin shook his head.  “I want to do SOMETHING,” Lance said.  He reached down, and with careful hands pushed at Justin’s open jeans.  “Teach me to touch you,” Lance whispered, and Justin groaned.

“With that porn voice, you won’t even HAVE to undress,” Justin murmured, taking Lance’s hand in his own.
