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“I still can’t believe we’re doing this,” Chris muttered as he turned onto the narrow road.

“Chris, if I have to hear you say that one more time, I’m jumping out of this car WHILE it’s moving,” JC snapped.  They had skipped the driver, deciding instead to rent their own car for the time they were staying in Nevada.  Drivers were paid well, usually good enough to keep their mouths shut, but you never knew.  Most of the music world had easily accepted the fact that JC Chasez was openly gay, but they probably wouldn’t be so easygoing if they found out he was making regular visits to a homosexual brothel.

“Josh, this is like some odd movie.  You’re rich and famous…you can have any man you want…and we’re going to a whorehouse for you to hook up with someone who isn’t even a prostitute!”

“As you said, Christopher,” JC began patiently, and Chris knew he was angry, “I can have any man I want. And I want this one.”

“He’s had no experience, Jayce, and…”

“So he says. So Joey said. I don’t believe it. No one who looks like that and plays the innocent so well is really that innocent,” JC said decidedly. “Just let it drop, okay?”

“I just wanna know what I’m supposed to do while you’re in there,” Chris grumbled. “I know you’ll end up staying all night.”

“I already cleared that up with Fatone. He said there’s a tiny room they have downstairs for special situations.  You can sleep there undisturbed…unless you brought some extra money with you,” JC said, a twinkle in his eye.

“Money for what?” Chris asked blankly. Then he frowned. “Dammit, Chasez…”


“Okay…so…I look okay, right?” Lance faced Nick anxiously.  Justin was busy with a “guest,” so he could not be with Lance when JC arrived.  Nick was the first to be let in on the “secret,” and he was being very supportive.

“Trust me, Lance, you look like a million bucks…or whatever he’s paying for you,” Nick gently teased. He took a step back.  Lance wore a pair of tight black jeans and a grey-green button-down shirt that brought out his eyes.  On his feet were his nicest pair of cowboy boots.  He had thought he should wear something sexier, but Nick and Justin had convinced him that JC was drawn to his rugged side…like what he wore when he worked.  “You look edible.”

“Edible?” Lance asked, but he blushed with pleasure.  “Nick, Justin taught me all this stuff, but what if I can’t do it?”

“First of all, Lance, it has to be you.  Justin can teach you things, I can teach you things…but it’s gotta be something personal in YOU that makes him come back,” Nick said. “I know you’re scared…I was my first time.  But you’re lucky.  He asked for you, and you’re in a place where you’re safe.”

“I guess,” Lance said simply. “I’m sorry, Nick. I apologized to Justin earlier today, and I want to apologize to you, too.”


“I’m not a…well…I don’t do what you do for a living.  And I’m kinda taking money from you guys…stepping on your turf, if you will.”

“Oh, God, Lance…” Nick waved a hand in the air. “There’s plenty of booty to go around, here.  We’re not sitting around bored,” Nick said with a grin. “We all know how lucky we are to have a place like this and someone like Joey to run things. Besides…I’m free tonight, which gives me a chance to hook up with Alex.”

“You actually like him?” Lance asked, shivering slightly.

“He’s a hard nut to crack, I know, but he’s not too bad.  And he’s hot in bed, lemme tell ya,” Nick said, drifting away for a moment.

Someone knocked at Lance’s bedroom door and he opened it. “Lance, JC’s here,” Joey said.  Lance swallowed and nodded. “You have ANY trouble, you yell, okay?  Me or Lonnie will come up and set things straight.”

“I’m sure I’ll be fine, but thanks, Joe,” Lance replied. Joey nodded and left the room.

“Knock ‘em dead,” Nick said, and Lance nodded again.


“Well, Prince Charming, you have a nice evening with Cinderella,” Chris said as they entered the foyer.  “Behave yourself.”

“Fuck off,” JC said, wondering why he felt nervous suddenly.

“Lance will be right down,” Joey said as he came down the steps.  “Chris, I can show you to the room you’ll be using tonight.”

“Thanks.” Chris clapped JC on the back and followed Joey.

JC looked up the stairs and froze.  He stared as Lance slowly walked down.  “Hi,” Lance said shyly.

“Hi, there,” JC said, putting up his shields at the last moment. His superstar smile flashed across his face.  “How are you?”

“Fine,” Lance said formally.  “Want to follow me up?”

JC silently followed Lance to a room on the second floor, a room at the far end of the hall. It was not the room that he had used with Justin. It was smaller, but more tastefully furnished.  He thought it suited Lance perfectly.  “So…” JC said, sitting on a chair.

“So,” Lance repeated softly, shutting the door and locking it. “I, uh, was surprised that you asked for me.  Flattered.”

“As you should be,” JC said, smirking.  Something flared behind Lance’s green eyes, then they returned to their icy green.

“What do you want?” Lance asked. He crossed his arms and looked at JC.

“Well, whatever it is you do best,” JC taunted, leaning back on one elbow.  Lance forced a smile, then began to unbutton his shirt.  JC stared at Lance’s fingers.  He didn’t notice the calluses and scars, but he DID notice the way the strong fingers shook.  At first he thought it was nervous pleasure at actually getting to be with someone famous, then Lance met his gaze.  Lance’s light skin was unusually pale.  “Are you okay?”

“Fine,” Lance said, tossing his head back and keeping his eyes on JC’s face. “Why?”

“You…nevermind.”  JC moved to the edge of the bed as Lance undid the last button.  He placed a slender hand on Lance’s flat stomach, and Lance let out a surprised hiss.  JC removed his hand as if he were burned.  “What’s going on?”

“Nothing. What do you mean?” Lance asked quickly.  “Is something wrong?”

“You can cut the baby act. I’m here, okay, you hooked me,” JC said, laughing. “I’m all yours, and you can say you got fucked by a Grammy winner.”

“It’s not an act. I mean, I’m not a baby!” Lance snapped.  “I’m a little nervous, okay? It’s to be expected.”

“Just because I’m famous doesn’t mean I’m anything special,” JC said. “Well, I am, but…” he joked.

“God, are you always so arrogant and egotistical?” Lance said.  “Me saying yes has NOTHING to do with you being famous. I could care less, and now, I’m wondering why I DID say yes.  I’m nervous because I’ve never DONE this before. I told you that the day we met, and I thought Joey told you.”

“He did, but of course I didn’t believe him.”  JC stopped and stared at him. “Jesus…you’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am,” Lance said, tired of apologizing for his virginal status.  “Yes, I am new to this. Yes, I’m a virgin.  Yes, I never even had my dick sucked until Justin did it the other night to show ME how to do it to YOU. I’ve never done more than kiss a man until Justin taught me some things…things I am supposed to do to please you. But now, all I want to do is get the fuck outta here, because the thought of doing ANYTHING to an asshole like you is making me softer than melted butter.”  Lance slammed his mouth shut, shocked at what he had just said.  He saw the piles of money suddenly float away on the back of his angry words.

“Then explain to me exactly WHY you did say yes!”  JC retorted, angry at Lance’s words yet embarrassed by his own attitude.

“Because I can use the money.  Because I WAS attracted to you.  And because I wanted my first time to be with someone beautiful,” Lance said quietly.  JC stared at him. “I wanted my first time to be with someone I would always remember, someone who wouldn’t hurt me.”

“Hurt you?” JC whispered.

“Most gay men I know don’t look back fondly on their first time. It was always by someone older who just used them, someone they didn’t even care about. And though I don’t know you, I just knew you wouldn’t be like that.” Lance shrugged. “Or so I thought.  I guess I was wrong.”

JC stared at him for a long time. “I am still pissed to hell by what you said.  But I guess you had every right.”  Lance blinked.  “I honestly thought it was all an act. I thought you were another prostitute.”

“I’m telling the truth,” Lance insisted. “I only did one thing, and that was with Justin.”

JC smiled a little. “This relationship is gonna get old if you keep bringing Justin into the room.”  Lance blushed, then realized JC was teasing.

“Yeah, well, you liked him good enough,” Lance teased back.  He sat down next to JC.  “Look, if you don’t want to do this, I understand. I’ll tell Joey it’s all my fault.”

“No.” JC put a hand on Lance’s knee. “I’ve…I’ve never been with someone like you before. I’d like to see what happens.”

“But you’re paying to be pleased, and I don’t know if I can do it,” Lance whispered, ashamed.  JC tilted Lance’s chin up and gently kissed him.  “Justin said you didn’t kiss,” Lance said before he thought. “Oh, sorry.”

JC smiled. “I usually don’t. But you looked like you needed it, and I wanted to do it.”  He kissed Lance again. “I’m sure you can please me in all kinds of ways, okay?  I swear, just looking at you with your shirt unbuttoned is making me very happy.” JC took Lance’s hand and placed it on his groin.  Lance blushed, then smiled as he felt the hardness under JC’s jeans.  “I can’t wait to see every inch of you.”

“Thank you for understanding,” Lance said quietly.

“I plan on getting my money’s worth, though,” JC said, and Lance pulled back slightly. “Eventually,” JC said with a grin, leaning in to kiss Lance again.
