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"Justin, what are you doing up?" Lance said, shielding his eyes against the morning sun as Justin walked towards him. He wore old sneakers, a pair of pajama pants, and a white wifebeater.  "It's only nine-thirty!"

"I couldn't wait to find out what happened! I was SO mad I couldn't be there for you...but I got busy..."

"Don't worry about it." Lance blushed and waved a hand in the air.  "No problem."

"So?"  Justin crossed his arms over his chest. 

"I need to paint, Justin."  Lance turned back to the wall he was painting.

"So?" Justin repeated.

"So, nothing.  We didn't do anything but kiss and fight," Lance said, then bit his lip.


Lance sighed.  "He thought it was all a act. He thought I was pretending to be, and that I was as experienced as you are."

Justin snorted. "No one's that experienced, baby."

"I got mad and told him I really didn't want to touch him with a ten foot pole, basically, and I think I called him an arrogant asshole, or something to that effect."

Justin's mouth fell open. "You WHAT?"

"But then he realized it WASN'T an act, and he was really nice about it. He apologized and everything."  Lance blushed and smiled. "He...he said that even looking at me without a shirt on turned him on."

"Of course it did. You're hot," Justin pointed out.

"And then he kissed me, twice...and then we kissed a bit more, and ended up just talking about stuff and we fell asleep. He's still there, I think."

"Uh, no."  Justin blinked as he looked towards the house. "He's right there.  With his friend."

Lance watched as Chris sat down on the porch swing and JC started out across the yard. "Oh," he said weakly.

"I'll see you later." Justin started back to the house, greeting JC in a friendly manner as he passed by.

"Hi," JC said, standing in front of Lance.

"Hi," Lance said shyly.

"I was surprised to wake up and find you gone," JC said.

"Oh...well...I usually start working around eight or so.  I have a lot to do today."

"Oh, right." JC nodded, his mood softening. "I guess I forgot about that.  I hope...I mean...we weren't up too late, were we?"

"Nah...I can go on just a few hours of sleep," Lance said.

"Maybe next time I can, uh, come out here earlier?  That way you can get your rest," JC suggested. "I know this is your REAL job, out here."

"Whatever works for you," Lance said nervously.  JC grinned.

"I'm out here on vacation, Lance. I have all the time in the world to be with you."  Lance blushed again. "You are absolutely gorgeous when you blush," JC said suddenly, then HE blushed, as if he hadn't meant to say the words out loud.

"Thank you," Lance said, studying his shoes.

"Well, uh...I guess I'll go." JC turned around.

"When...when will you come back?" Lance asked shyly. JC whirled back around.

"Is tomorrow okay?"

Lance nodded. "I'll try...I mean...I want to do more for you tomorrow."

JC smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow night, then."


Chris pushed the swing back and forth with one toe while he waited for JC to get his butt in gear.  He looked up as someone approached the house.

"Hi. I'm Justin," the man said, giving him a grin.  "You're with JC?"

"I'm his manager. I'm Chris."  Chris stared at Justin. He was even more beautiful than he had remembered. 

"You stayed the night, too?"  Justin asked. Chris nodded. "Who with?"

"Who with?  You mean...oh, no!"  Chris chuckled weakly. "  I was alone.  In another room.  Away from the...uh...I'm straight," he finished defiantly.

"Oh, I see," Justin said, smirking.  "You sure?"

"Of course."  Chris glared at Justin.

"Okay," Justin said lightly. "Well, Chris, it was nice to meet you, and I'm sure I'll be seeing you again.  If you ever decide to change your mind about the straight thing, or you wanna just ask for me."

"I'm hardly going to do that," Chris snapped.

"Then why were you looking at me that way?" Justin whispered, then winked.


"That place is nothing but trouble," Chris grumbled as they headed back to Las Vegas.

"Why is that?" JC asked.

"No reason. It just IS," Chris insisted. "How was YOUR night?"

"He was telling the truth," JC mumbled. "He really isn't a hooker, and he's never been with a man before."

"I knew it!" Chris yelled, and JC winced.  "So...did you teach him anything?"

"No," JC snapped.  "We kissed and talked. That's it. I'm going back tomorrow."

"You're going alone, by the way," Chris said.

"Chrissy!" JC whined.

"Joshua Chasez, you are old enough to go to a whorehouse all by yourself," Chris said, and JC laughed. "I'm not going."

"You're going. You'll miss drooling over Justin if you don't," JC teased. Chris gave him the finger. "Is THAT what this is all about?"

"There's nothing more to talk about."  Chris kept his eyes glued on the road.

"Maybe we could find you something pink to wear," JC continued.  Chris ignored him.
