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“Can't I just like, sit in the car, or something?” Chris groaned as he pulled up the all too familiar driveway.

“You really want to sleep in the car?” JC asked, running his fingers through his hair and checking himself in the rearview mirror.

“Sleep? You're not gonna be here that long, right?” Chris said hopefully. “We're here awfully early.”

“Yes, I probably will be, Chrissy. I told you…Lance has to get up early and do his real job. You have that nice room inside…unless there's somewhere else you'd rather spend the night,” JC teased.

“Shut up, okay? Just shut up. Why do I put up with your shit?” Chris grumbled as they got out of the car.

“Because you love me,” JC said simply.

When they entered the house, Joey was waiting in the foyer. “Good evening, Mr. Chasez, Mr. Kirkpatrick. Lance is waiting upstairs for you…I hoped you wouldn't mind going up on your own.”

“Of course not,” JC said. “Say, uh, is Justin around?”

“You want Justin?” Joey asked, confused. Chris shot daggers at JC with his eyes.

“No…I was just wondering, thought I'd say hi.”

Joey still looked confused. “He's, um, under the weather tonight. I guess you could say he has the night off.”

JC smiled as Chris sighed with relief. Something WAS going on there, and JC knew it. “Okay, well, guess I'll head on up, then.”

“You know your way to your room, Mr. Kirkpatrick?” Joey asked. Chris nodded and started on his way.

He was mentally planning all the different ways he could kill his best friend as he opened the door to the room he spent time in. He turned on the light and gasped. “What are YOU doing in here?”

“Waiting for you,” Justin said with a lazy grin, getting up from the bed. 

“Hi,” JC almost squeaked, staring at Lance.

“Hi.” Lance smiled bashfully, but he stood up. He wore only a pair of dark green boxers. “I was hot from working today, so after my shower, I just slipped into these. I didn't even eat dinner downstairs.”

“Are you, uh, hungry?” JC cursed himself for his lack of ability regarding coherent thought. He had slept with dozens of men…but Lance was driving him crazy by doing pretty much next to nothing.

“I could eat,” Lance admitted. “But I could wait, too.”

“I could, um, call down, right?” JC said, taking a few deep breaths. His eyes traveled over Lance's fair skin, lingering on the muscles in his arms and legs. He sighed without noticing, and Lance smiled a real smile.

“Wow…I was nervous about meeting you like this, but I guess you like it.”

“I like it,” JC repeated. He walked over and ran a hand over Lance's chest. “Lance, I'm pretty sure I'll like anything you do, as long as it's YOU, and not something Justin or anyone else did that you think you need to do.”

“This is all me,” Lance whispered.

JC's hand slid down to cup the package between Lance's legs. Lance moaned deeply, and it made JC even hotter for him. “All you,” JC repeated again, licking at Lance's neck. 

“I thought…he said you were sick!” Chris said accusingly.

“Why do you care?” Justin said nonchalantly. He wore a pair of plaid pajama pants and a white wifebeater. Chris pressed himself against the closed door as if Justin were about to pounce on him.

“I don't! I mean, JC asked…and Joey said…nevermind. Why ARE you in here?”

“I really am sick…not really feeling well,” Justin confessed. “And it's nice and quiet in here.”

“Don't you have a bedroom?” Chris snapped.

“I've been up there ALL day,” Justin pouted. He looked adorable, and Chris had to look away.

“Well, now you can go back.” Chris inched his way over to a chair and sat down. Justin smiled.

“Why are you scared of me?”

“I'm not.”

“Then why are you hiding in that chair.”

“I'm not. Look, do I have to call Joey in here to get rid of you?” Chris asked.

“I'm not a pet,” Justin said, annoyed. He stretched tall, and Chris couldn't take his eyes off of him. “Unless someone asks me to be. Have you ever had a pet?”

“Not quite like you,” Chris said before he thought. Justin smiled and padded over on his bare feet. He curled up on the floor, putting his head on Chris' knees.

“I'd be a good pet. I'm potty trained and everything.”

Chris' hand itched to run through the shining curls. “You're crazy. Why are you doing this to me?”

“Because you're fighting so damn hard, and it's cute. YOU'RE cute. I noticed you watching me the first time we saw each other. And you're fighting so hard…convinced you're straight.”

“I am. I've never…”

“Never?” Justin raised an eyebrow.

“College doesn't count,” Chris snapped. Justin sighed and stood.

“You're gonna be a harder nut to crack than I thought. And you don't even have to pay…I'd give it to you for free, just to know that I did it,” Justin said. He smiled down at Chris and touched his cheek. “I'll let you alone now.”

“Good,” Chris said as Justin left the room. He ignored the lonely feeling that came over him as soon as Justin shut the door. 

“God…JC…” Lance moaned, arching up to JC's touch. They were both naked, and Lance couldn't get enough of the way JC felt against his body.

“Lance…I want you to suck me…please…” JC begged.

“I'm not…I haven't…”

“I don't care…I want your mouth on me…” JC gasped.

Lance slowly slid himself down JC's body, kissing and sucking along the way. JC's cock was thick and hard, and Lance slowly took it in his hand. He licked at the head, trying to remember everything Justin had taught him. He slowly slid his mouth around the thickness, knowing that there was no way he'd be able to take in the whole thing.

Apparently, JC didn't care. He arched his hips up, trying to control the thrust, but unable to keep away from the heat of Lance's mouth. He grabbed Lance by the hair, slowly thrusting into his mouth. “Lance…so fucking good…”

Lance moaned deep in his throat, and the vibration sent a shock through JC's body. He whimpered and clutched Lance's hair tighter, trying to keep from shoving himself inside. Lance fondled JC's balls with one hand, allowing JC to pretty much control the movement of the situation. JC soon began to gasp Lance's name, and Lance felt all the muscles in JC's body tighten. Suddenly he came, shooting into Lance's mouth. Lance choked slightly, trying to swallow as best he could. He felt some liquid run out of his mouth, however, and he wiped at his face with the sheet.

“Was…was that…” Lance stammered as he moved to sit next to JC's limp body.

“Yes, it was,” JC murmured, looking at Lance through sleepy blue eyes. “If that was your first time…I'd hate to see what happens when you actually get experienced at it.”

Lance giggled and blushed slightly, but it was a pleased blush. “I was afraid…I wanted it to be good.”

“It was.” JC slowly sat up, then pushed Lance onto his back. Lance looked at him questioningly. “My turn,” JC said with a smirk.

“But I'm the…you're not supposed to…” Lance stammered.

“It's whatever I want, right?” JC asked, running a hand up Lance's thigh. Lance moaned quietly, unable to form a real answer.
