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“Morning, Bass,” Joey said as he approached Lance.

“Morning.” Lance wiped at his forehead and put the paintbrush down.

“This is looking really good. You're making a lot of progress in a short amount of time,” Joey observed, looking at the garage.

“Yeah…soon I'll be able to work on the house.”

“Take your time, Lance. I won't be able to keep finding work for you forever,” Joey teased. Lance blushed.

“Yeah, I know…it's just that I enjoy doing it.”

“Speaking of enjoying your work…” Joey looked Lance in the eye. “Is everything going okay with JC Chasez?”

Lance turned beet red. “Uh, yeah, why? Did he say something?”

“Oh, hell, no! He's totally satisfied. I wish all my customers walked away looking as happy as he does,” Joey said, knowing Lance would only blush more. “I just…I worry about you, Bass. You're out here all day, and then…”

“This is what you hired me for, Joey, not that,” Lance pointed out.

“Well, as your boss, I'm changing some things,” Joey said. “You finish painting this garage…what, today?”

“Yeah, I think I'll be done today.”

“Finish this, and then stop for a while. Don't worry about it.”


“Like I said, Lance, I won't have work here for your forever, and I like having you around. Just worry about keeping Chasez happy, and I'll be happy. He pays good, and maybe he'll spread the word around to some of his friends about this place,” Joey said with a sigh. “He coming up tonight?”

“I guess so, he didn't really say,” Lance said.

Joey smiled. “He'll be back.” 

“I can't go with you tonight,” Chris told JC as soon as JC came out of his bedroom. They were sharing a suite and Chris was on the balcony eating his lunch.

“Good morning to you, too,” JC grumbled, fumbling in the cupboard for his teabags.

“It's afternoon, dumbass,” Chris said. “And I was just telling you I can't go. I have a date.”

“With who?”

“A blackjack dealer I met yesterday,” Chris said.

“What's his name?”

“HER name is Tammi,” Chris corrected. “She's from Alabama and she's cute as a damn button. I plan on getting busy while YOU'RE getting busy.”

“Getting busy with a blackjack dealer is not gonna help you figure out your Justin issues,” JC said. He put the teabag in a mug, filled it with water, and popped it into the microwave.

“I don't HAVE Justin issues.”

“You're afraid of him.”

“I am not.”

“You're afraid that you're bi.”

“I am NOT.”

“You want him.”

“I do NOT.”

“Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, Chrissy,” JC said. He picked up his tea and went to take a shower. 

“This is a different room,” JC observed as soon as he followed Lance into the bedroom.

“Yeah, uh, this is my room.” Lance shoved some clothes from a chair and offered the chair to JC. JC stared at him. “I felt weird in the other room. I mean, I know you're paying for me and everything, but…I don't know.” Lance looked at the floor. “We can go back down there, if you want. I know, I'm probably reading too much into it and…”

“No, this is fine,” JC said, looking around. “This reminds me of my first apartment. I think it was the size of this room.” JC chuckled at the thought.

“Oh, uh, if you want to come later, you can. I'm done with most of the outside work for right now, and Joey's giving me some time off, if you wanna call it that,” Lance said. “So, whatever's convenient for you.”

“Cool,” JC said simply. He looked at Lance. “I want you.”

Lance blushed slightly. “Well, I figured that's why you were here,” he teased lightly.

JC walked over and passionately kissed Lance, his hands sliding down to grab at Lance's backside. “I WANT you,” JC repeated hungrily. “I've thought about you all damn day. I can't even write my music. You're like a drug.”

“I'm sorry?” Lance gasped as JC sucked on his earlobe.

“You should be,” JC said, giving a light swat at Lance's ass as he pulled away. “I've never felt this way about someone before…wanting them so bad. Maybe because I know it's all new with you.”

JC was acting differently and it bothered Lance. “Are you okay? Did I piss you off or something?”

JC stopped unbuttoning his shirt. “No. I just…I'm feeling outta control with this and it bothers me. I got up at noon, ate something, then got ready to write. I felt like I was inspired…but all I could see was a certain pair of green eyes.” JC removed his shirt, then began to tug at Lance's tshirt.

“You don't have to come around here,” Lance reminded him. JC's hands were warm on his skin. “You're the one paying for this.”

“I know,” JC growled. “You don't need to remind me.” JC smirked. “Only losers pay for sex, right?”

For some reason, Lance felt insulted. “Look, maybe you should just go.”

“Excuse me?” JC blinked.

“I have the right to say no, and you're in some sort of fucked up mood tonight. You want sex, we can have sex. But if you are looking for someone to blame or treat bad, you can go somewhere else.”

“I don't want to go somewhere else,” JC said softly, letting his hand trail down Lance's back. “I…I don't want to go. You're right. I'm in this fucked up mood today, and I took it out on you.” His movements were gentle as he undid Lance's jeans and slid them to the floor. “I want to be here with you. I want to get every dollar's worth, and I intend to.” JC cupped Lance and sighed against his neck. “I'm just…fucked up,” JC finished with a laugh. “I'm sorry if I freaked you out.”

“What brought all this on?” Lance asked, sliding his hands into the back of JC's jeans.

“Chris. He's fighting something…and I know he should accept it and told him so. But the stupid thing is, I'm fighting something to and am in NO mood to accept it.” JC kissed Lance's nose and stroked his erection. “But I'm not paying you to listen to me bitch and moan. I'm paying for THIS.”

Lance moaned and pushed at JC's pants. JC released Lance long enough to undress himself the rest of the way. He then pulled Lance to the bed, pressing their bodies together as he kissed him. “JC…” Lance whispered, arching up. “What do you want?”

“I want you inside me,” JC mumbled against Lance's ear. “God, but I want you inside me.”


“You're gonna fuck me, Lance,” JC said, stroking Lance steadily. “I want it.”

“But I…”

“I KNOW I'm supposed to fuck you, because I AM a top, really, and I KNOW it'll be your first time, but I want it,” JC said, his voice more urgent. “Do you have stuff?”

“Uh, yeah, Justin gave me some,” Lance said, his voice shaking. He dug through a box on the floor and came back with a condom and lubricant. “JC…”

“Lance,” JC said hoarsely. “Watch, because I'll only do this once…” He grabbed the lube from Lance squirted some onto his fingers. Lance barely breathed as he watched one of the slender fingers slowly disappear. “Just do that until I'm ready…God…” JC hit the right spot and arched his back. He removed his finger and handed Lance the lubricant.

Lance squirted some onto his finger, then slid his hand down. He felt the tightness and wondered how his cock would ever fit inside. JC moaned as his finger slowly moved in. His fingers were slightly thicker than JC's, and he had to work a bit before he could add another one. He must've been doing something right, however, because by the time he easily had two moving in and out, JC was whimpering on the bed. He finally pulled away and looked down at JC. “Um, now what?”

JC silently took the condom and slid it onto Lance's hard cock. Lance gasped as JC stroked him, adding lubricant over the condom. “Now,” JC whispered, spreading his legs and wrapping them around Lance's waist.

If Lance would have tried to concentrate on one sensation, he couldn't have. He felt the heat of JC around him, the tightness of the warmth he was pushing into. He felt JC's arms and legs around him, urging him on. He felt fear as he pushed into nothing he had ever experienced before, and he felt something in his heart as he looked down at the virtual stranger beneath him. He thrust slowly until JC begged him for more. In the back of his mind, Lance quickly thought about how many men would pay to be him, then he lost that thought as JC clamped around him as he came. 

“Mr. Chasez?” Joey said in surprise when JC appeared downstairs at nine the next morning. “Is something wrong?”

“No, not at all,” JC said, sighing. “I just didn't sleep well. Nothing is wrong that you can help with.” JC took a deep breath. “I need to ask a favor…something out of the ordinary. But, as usual, I plan on paying well for it.”
