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“Fuck ME!” Justin yelped. Lance raised an eyebrow. “I mean…really? You mean it?”

“Yeah. He said to bring you,” Lance said. Justin let out another whoop, then looked at Joey. “I can go, right?”

“Like I could handle you if I said no,” Joey said with a sigh. He winked at Lance and left the room.

“This is NOT fair!” Nick grumbled.

“Is it my fault JC Chasez wants me and Lance and doesn't want you?” Justin asked, throwing an arm around Lance's shoulder. “We're two hot little pieces of ass, Carter. Watch and learn, baby.”

“You're a jerk,” Nick grumbled, stomping out of the kitchen. Justin giggled and kissed Lance's cheek before sitting back down at the table.

“You know he didn't ask for you that way, right?” Lance asked.

“Oh, hell yeah, I know that,” Justin said, waving a hand in the air. “I just liked making NICK think that he did.”

“You're evil,” Lance grinned, pouring himself a glass of lemonade. “So…I need to call him back, but it looks like we're leaving tomorrow afternoon and coming back Sunday.”

“A whole weekend in Vegas. This SO kicks ass, Lance,” Justin said, beaming. “And we won't have to pay for a thing!”

“I didn't even THINK about that,” Lance said, sighing. “I don't have any spending money, and I don't have any clothes.”

“Lance, listen to me.” Justin picked up Lance's hand and held it. “I know you don't consider yourself a whore, a hooker, a rentboy, whatever. But in this instance, you are.” Justin words were not unkind. “He'll pay for everything. Even for me, because you asked to bring me along. I know I'm not having sex with him. I'm just enjoying the fact that I get an all-expense paid trip to Vegas. And we'll get you clothes.”

“How?” Lance demanded.

“We're in a house full of men, Lance, and a lot of them are your size. Worst comes to worst, we get there and go shopping quick.” 

“You gonna be around this weekend?” JC asked Chris, kissing his cheek as he sat down for lunch.

“Where would I be going?” Chris asked.

“Well, I didn't know if you and your little friend were busy,” JC said. He smiled brightly as he served himself some Caesar salad.

“What is wrong with you?” Chris growled. “You're…weird. Sweet, even.”

“Chrissy, I love you. Is that a crime?” JC cooed.

“If you're trying to seduce me, Chasez,” Chris began. JC laughed out loud, almost dropping his fork.

“Hell, no, Chris. I knew long ago that I was NOT the one to bring you over to the Pink Side,” JC replied. “I just…I'm having some people over for the weekend and I thought you'd want to hang with us.”

“Sure,” Chris said immediately. For the most part, he enjoyed JC's friends. “Anyone I know?”

“Definitely,” JC said, smirking. “I'm gonna drive out to pick them up tomorrow. They should be in town around noon…I have a suite reserved for them down the hall.” He smiled into his teacup and said nothing more. 

Lance sat on the porch swing, watching the road for JC's car. He had hardly slept the night before, and that was only partially because Justin had kept bouncing in to talk. Business had been slow that night, and Joey had finally sent Justin upstairs because he was too hyper to entice anyone.

Lance stared into space, wondering what would happen during this weekend with JC. He obviously was doing something right; JC wanted to spend an entire weekend with him nonstop. But he was scared. He had thought that he was tough like Justin or Nick or Howie, that he could just DO this and not worry about it. But he was starting to have feelings for JC Chasez, feelings that scared him.

“Hey.” Alex sat down next to him on the swing.

“Hey,” Lance said softly, wishing that someone else would come out on the porch.

“I have a question for you,” Alex said, putting a hand on Lance's knee. Lance looked at the hand and said nothing. “I was wondering why you keep lying to me. I know you're not with Justin.”

“I need to go finish packing.” Lance jumped up and went back into the house. Alex followed him, cornering him near the staircase.

“Lance, I know you and Justin aren't fucking. I know you're not anything more than friends. I'm not an idiot.” Alex gave Lance a charming smile, but his eyes were dark. “So why the hell won't you get with me?”

“I didn't lie! I'm with someone. I just…” Lance stammered. He desperately wished for someone to come along, but most of the men were still in bed. “Look, Alex, I'm sorry. I…”

“You're not as innocent as you seem, Lance,” Alex whispered, running a hand along Lance's cheek. “But I want you anyway.”

Lance knew he could push Alex away. He was definitely stronger. But Alex still intimidated him. “I'm sorry, Alex, but like I said, I'm with someone.”

Alex smirked. “I know most of the people here who'd wanna get with you, Lance, and none of them are with you. So who, exactly, are you with?”

“Me,” a voice said behind them, and Alex whirled around. Lance's eyes widened. “Are you ready to go, Lance?” JC held out a hand and Lance took it.

“Oh, uh, hi. Alex McLean.” Alex held out his hand, but JC ignored it. He simply nodded instead.

“JC,” he replied, though it was obvious that Alex knew exactly who he was. JC kissed Lance's cheek and gave him a tender smile. “Why don't you go find Justin? I'm sure that Alex here would love to help me load up your bags.” JC motioned to the suitcases by the door.

“Okay.” Lance darted away. JC looked at Alex, blue eyes calm.

“If I hear that you fucking TOUCH him, I will have your ass kicked so fast you won't know what hit you,” JC said in a quiet voice. “Lance is mine, and I don't like people touching what's mine. Got it?”

“Yeah, sure,” Alex said hurriedly, still shocked that he was standing in front of JC Chasez.

“Good. Now grab the damn bags.”
