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Lonnie led the way up to the third floor.  "The boys all sleep up here," he told Lance.  "You don't have to worry; they don't work up here or nothin' like that."

"Okay," Lance said, and inside he was relieved. He wasn't a very sound sleeper, and he was afraid of what he might here through the thin walls. 

"Here's your room. It's small, but I'm sure you don't mind that," Lonnie said, and Lance nodded. The room WAS small, but it was clean, with a tiny bed, nightstand, dresser, desk and chest of drawers.  "You need anything else?"

"Uh, no, sir, thank you. Um...Is Mr. Fatone busy? I should probably check back in with him, find out what he wants me to work on first."

Lonnie looked at the clock on the wall. "It's almost suppertime.  After that, he'll probably want you outta sight. I'm sure he'll talk to you tomorrow about things he wants you to work on.  Why don't you get cleaned up?  There's a bathroom at this end of the hall and two at the other end.  We eat at six; you can come down and get something, then hide yourself up here and get some rest as you settle in."

"That sounds good. Thank you, sir."

"Don't call me sir, boy," Lonnie said with his wide grin. "I'm just Lonnie.  Butler, bouncer, all around muscle."  Lance couldn't help but grin back.


Lance was thankful to wash the grit and grime of the road from his hair and body.  He took a long hot shower, finally making himself turn off the water and get out.  He dried off and pulled on a pair of boxer shorts to walk the short distance back to his room.

"Lance the Handyman," a voice said, and he whirled around.

"Oh, uh, Justin, right?"  Lance said weakly. He looked at Justin and tried to smile.

"Nick, this is Lance," Justin said, motioning from Lance to the tall handsome blond standing next to Justin in the hall.

"Nice to meet you." Nick's blue eyes ran over Lance and he blushed. "New, huh?"

"Not that way." Justin gave Nick a playful shove. "Lance is a good little boy. He's just working outside, doing carpentry and stuff. Right, Lance?"

"Right," Lance said, nodding.  "Nice to meet you, Nick."

"Nicky here is almost as good as me," Justin said.  "Almost as popular."

"TWICE as popular," Nick countered.  Lance blushed and wished he had on more clothes.

"Justin, are you bugging this kid?" A short Latino man came ambling down the hall.  "I saw you come in.  You're the new fix-it man?"

"I guess so."  Lance inched his way towards his room.  "Lance."

"Hi, Lance. I'm Howie. Ignore these infants. They just like to play."

"We're not infants!" Nick and Justin said as one.

"If they bother you, just ignore them.  If there's anything they hate, it's being ignored," Howie continued, pretending that they had never spoken.

"Right. Thanks. I, uh, have to go get dressed for dinner," Lance said shyly. "Nice to meet you, Howie."  Lance darted into his room.

"He is SO adorable," Nick said.

"Nick, leave him alone. Can't you see you two made him uncomfortable?" Howie asked.

"You're no fun, Howie," Justin said. "But he IS sweet. And he seems nice. We'll behave," he promised. "I'll take him under my wing and make sure nothing happens to him."

"I'd hate to see what life would be like under YOUR wing, Timbers," Howie said, and Justin glared at him.


Lance found his way down to the large dining room.  Twelve young men were finding seats at the long table.  Lance stood in the doorway uncertainly.  Joey Fatone was already at one end of the table.

"Lance, sit here," Justin said, patting the chair next to him.  "I swear, I don't bite if you don't ask."

A few of the men groaned. "C'mon, Lance. I'll make sure he doesn't bite," Nick said, slipping into the seat on the other side of the empty one.

Lance sighed and sat down. The steaming plates on the table smelled heavenly, and he was suddenly hungrier than he had been in ages. He sat down and politely placed his napkin on his lap. He waited to make sure others were serving themselves before reaching for the platter of ham.  "So, Lance, where are you from?" Justin asked.

"Justin," Joey said in a warning tone. "Too many questions are rude.  You know we don't ask that stuff around here."

"No, it's okay. I don't mind," Lance said, slightly flattered by the attention. "Originally I'm from Mississippi.  I just kinda wander, you know, getting work."

"I'd love to travel like that," Nick said wistfully.

"You can always leave," Justin said, arching an eyebrow.

"You'd LOVE that, wouldn't you?" Nick snapped, but he didn't sound upset.  Lance could tell that Justin and Nick were actually good friends.

"Nevada's a far cry from Mississippi," Joey said.  Lance shrugged.

"I wanted to see things."

"You'll see a LOT here, Lance," Justin said, serving himself some mashed potatoes. He gave some to Lance without asking. "Maybe more than you'd like."

"I can handle it," Lance said boldly.  Nick snickered and patted Lance's knee.

"You're so cute, Lance."


Lance quickly scooted up to his room after dinner. He didn't want to see any of the 'guests' arrive. For all his bravado, the very idea of what the men would be doing later made him blush down to his toes. 

"Hey, Lance," Justin said, leaning on the railing of the staircase.  Lance turned around. "I know your room is pretty, ya know, if you wanna watch TV in my room, you can. I'm two doors down from you, and it's unlocked."

"Thank you," Lance said, smiling.  "Will you be back early? I mean, so I'm not in your way if you wanna go to sleep."

"Probably not until after midnight, if I'm lucky," Justin said with a grin. Lance blushed.  "Have a good night, Lance."

"Yeah, uh, you, too," Lance said quietly. He watched Justin go back downstairs

Justin's room was a nightmare.  Clothing was thrown in every corner, and shoes were all over the floor.  Lance carefully picked his way to the bed and sat down, picking up the remote control.  He looked around the room.  Posters of Michael Jordan and other basketball stars lined the walls, which surprised Lance.  He supposed that deep down underneath, Justin was just a kid like him.  Lance thought of himself doing what Justin did, and he felt his face burn red with embarrassment. He could NEVER do something like that.
