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“Oh, my,” JC said weakly as he stepped into the hallway.

“What?” Chris said, adjusting his tie as he closed the door.

“Nothing,” JC answered quickly as he strode down the hall. “Hi, Lance. You two ready?”

“I'm STARVING,” Justin announced. He wore a black suit, as did Chris. JC had on a dark blue suit with a white shirt. He wore no tie, and the shirt was unbuttoned. Lance wore a grey suit with a grey shirt and black tie, the grey seeming to bring out the green in his eyes.

“Yes, we're ready,” Lance said, trying not to sound too disappointed. Shopping had been interesting, with Justin dragging him from store to store until they found the “perfect” suit at Armani. Lance had almost fainted at the idea of an Armani suit, but Justin pointed out that JC had given them more than enough money. He had hoped that JC would at least compliment him, for as much as the suit cost, but JC hadn't even kept his eyes on Lance for more than a brief second.

“I have a car for us downstairs,” JC said. “We're going a few miles down to this great little place.”

“JC has a LIMO downstairs,” Chris corrected, and Justin let out a small squeal. Even Chris had to smile.

“I must say, you clean up pretty damn good,” Chris said to Justin, trying to relax. “No one would ever suspect you're…”

“Chris!” JC growled.

“I was GOING to say, no one would ever expect he's the devil in disguise,” Chris finished, and JC actually blushed. “God, Josh, give me some credit.”

“Your name is Josh?” Justin asked.

“Yes, though I prefer JC. Chris has known me forever and therefore has earned the right to use my real name,” JC said.

“I like Josh,” Lance said softly as the elevator doors opened. “You look like a Josh.”

JC didn't say anything, just led the way to the limo. Chris and Justin sat on one side, with JC and Lance facing them. “So, anything special you'd like to do tonight?” Chris asked Justin.

As Justin began to chatter excitedly, JC slid an arm around Lance's shoulders. He leaned back, as if looking at something on Lance's far side. Letting his head fall behind Lance's, JC said, “You about floored me in that suit. You look absolutely edible.” Lance blushed and leaned his head down slightly. “You make me hungry for much more than dinner,” JC continued in a whisper. The blush moved to Lance's ears, and he unconsciously reached over to JC's knee. JC took Lance's hand, slid it further up his thigh, and let it rest there. JC leaned front, licked behind Lance's ear, then turned his head to look out his window, a smile on his face. 

The restaurant was indeed amazing. The ambience was subtle and quiet, no one came over to bother JC, and they were able to have a delicious private meal. Against his better judgment, Chris found himself getting along very well with Justin, and he was actually looking forward to hanging out with him later. They both loved basketball, and spent most of the meal arguing about teams and players. Lance quietly ate his meal, enjoying the food and laughing at the way Justin was fighting with Chris.

“So…you have a problem just spending time in the suite with me tonight?” JC asked as Lance finished his pasta.

“No…of course not,” Lance said. “I mean, it's why I'm here, right?”

“Well, if there's something special you wanted to see…” JC trailed off.

“We can go see it tomorrow, right?” Lance said. “And we have Sunday, too.”

“Right,” JC said, grinning. He could hardly wait to get Lance back to the room. 

Justin and Lance went to their suite to change clothes. Lance took his time, trying to find something comfortable. He knew he probably wouldn't have it on all that long, and in all actuality, he didn't mind. The idea of sex with JC was a welcome thought, which scared him.

“What do you think?” Justin danced out of his bedroom.

“Good God,” Lance gasped.

“What?” Justin twirled around. “It IS Vegas…I can get away with this.”

“It's not that. It's just…damn, Justin,” Lance said weakly. Justin wore a pair of baggy blue jeans and a shear black tshirt. Every inch of his muscled chest and stomach was visible, and he looked incredibly sexy. “I…I wish I could look like that.”

“You're fine just the way you are,” Justin said. He bent down and kissed Lance's nose, and Lance smelled a nice cologne.

“Chris is gonna faint.”

“I hope so,” Justin said with a grin. “He's the first person in a LONG time that I've just WANTED to sleep with.”


“I know. I shouldn't think that way. But he's just…Chris. He's smart and funny, and SO in denial. He's not like sexy hot like JC is, but he is attractive in his own way. And he's so adorable, trying to fight the fact that he wants me.”

“How could he help it?” Lance sighed, and Justin laughed.

“You're cute, Lancey.”

“I guess I'll go down to JC's room,” Lance said, standing and taking a ragged breath.

“Relax, Lancey. You like him, he likes you.” Justin studied Lance carefully. “You'll enjoy it.”

“I don't LIKE him. He's not my boyfriend,” Lance scoffed.

“But you want him to be, right?” Justin asked.

“I need to go. See you tomorrow,” Lance said in reply.

He passed Chris in the hallway. “Have fun,” Chris said with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Lance rolled his eyes and actually didn't blush. “Door's open,” Chris called after him.

Lance let himself into the suite, closing the door. JC came out of the bedroom in only a blue bathrobe, drying his hair with a towel. “Hey,” JC said, smiling.

“Hey,” Lance said, unconsciously running a hand through his own hair, which was still damp from the shower.

JC walked over to him, carelessly dropping the towel on the floor. He grabbed Lance by the tshirt and passionately kissed him. “Wanna take this in there?” JC motioned to the bedroom.

“Yes,” Lance sighed, shivering at the thought.

JC smiled and took him by the hand, leading him into the large bedroom. He kicked the door shut behind them, and untied his robe. Lance swallowed deeply as he watched JC's long body escape from the robe. “You're overdressed,” JC said lightly. He pulled the tshirt from Lance's body as Lance kicked off his shoes. JC then tugged at the jeans, smiling as he saw that Lance wore nothing underneath them.

“I figured why bother,” Lance said, trying to smile.

“God, Lance,” JC mumbled, lightly shoving Lance to the bed. “You're so fucking hot.”

“JC…” Lance sighed, fisting his hands in JC's long hair as JC kissed up his thighs.

“I could put my mouth on you for HOURS,” JC whispered, licking at Lance's cock.

“Josh…” Lance moaned without even realizing it. “Yes…”

“I want to be inside you, Lance,” JC murmured, climbing up Lance's body but stroking Lance's cock. “Do you want that?”

“I don't know,” Lance said, momentarily frightened.

“It'll be so good,” JC panted in Lance's ear. He bit at Lance's shoulder as he moved his body over Lance's. They rubbed together, and Lance grabbed at JC's backside to continue the friction. “Don't you want to feel good?”

“I want to make YOU feel good,” Lance gasped, thrusting up. “Want it so bad…”

“Lance, you are like no one else ever…” JC moaned, burying his head in Lance's neck. He sucked at the warm skin, then pulled away. He briefly rolled to the side of the bed, then came back with lubricant. “You need to relax for me, baby, okay?” JC said softly.

Lance nodded, fear in his green eyes. JC slid back down, positioning himself between Lance's legs. A probing finger sought entrance as JC's mouth moved over Lance's cock. Lance groaned, moving his hips without even realizing it. The finger slid inside, and Lance froze. It wasn't exactly uncomfortable, just odd. JC changed direction slightly, and suddenly Lance felt a spark of pleasure. “Oh, Josh…”

“Mmm…found it…” JC said, grinning a bit. He sucked at Lance's head. “You've never done that to yourself?”

“N-no…want more…” Lance hissed.

JC slowly worked that finger before adding another one. “I want you ready, Lance,” JC whispered. “Not gonna rush this.”

“JC…” Lance begged, arching slightly. He hadn't even noticed that JC had pulled away from his cock and was only working him with his fingers. “JC…”

“God…” JC groaned, unable to wait any longer. He moved away, grabbing blindly for the condoms on the nightstand. He pulled back and quickly sheathed himself, putting on a generous amount of lubricant. “This will hurt, baby,” JC whispered, kissing Lance's mouth. “But then it will get better.”

“Okay,” Lance said, nodding.

JC didn't move. He looked down into Lance's eyes. “Remember when you said that you decided to be with me because you wanted your first time to be with someone you'd always remember, who wouldn't hurt you?” Lance nodded. “I promise to do my best to be that person.”

Lance relaxed slightly, and JC took the opportunity to start to push inside of him. Lance winced and tried to remember to stay relaxed. The pain was like nothing he had ever felt, however, and he closed his eyes tight against the tears. He felt JC's lips against his forehead, and suddenly he felt full. JC was completely inside of him.

“Is that…”

“I'll wait,” JC said. “I won't move until you're ready, but fuck, you're so damn tight…”

“Go ahead,” Lance said, and he felt JC slowly slide out. Lance clenched at the bedspread, but he made himself remain calm. He looked up at JC. JC's eyes were closed, and he was biting at his bottom lip. “Are you…is it…”

“Oh, damn, Lance…you feel so good,” JC panted. “I'm trying not to hurry, but I just wanna push inside of you and then do it again and then do it again.”

“Oh,” Lance said, feeling a rush of something that wasn't pain. JC opened his eyes and looked down at him. “It almost, it felt…”

“This?” JC slowly pushed in again.

“Yes, that…” Lance said, and JC took that as a sign that he could move a bit faster.

Lance soon relaxed enough to wrap his arms around JC's slender waist, pulling him in closer with every thrust. The pain soon dulled to something that wasn't QUITE pleasure, but it was bearable. The best part was looking up at JC's beautiful face, seeing the ecstasy there and knowing he was causing it. JC finally leaned on one hand, using the other to stroke Lance. Lance felt the orgasm building, but he knew it was more from the idea of what was happening then the actual act. JC let out a cry and buried himself in Lance one last time, not even able to hold on for Lance. Lance didn't mind, though. He closed his eyes, welcoming the feeling of JC's body against him.
