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“You look…comfy,” Chris said when he saw Justin.

“I like to get my groove on, and I need clothes that breathe.” Justin smiled, recognizing flattery in Chris' tone, words and gaze. “You like it?”

“I guess,” Chris replied, shrugging.

“Chris, you're allowed to like me. It's not a crime,” Justin said in a more serious tone. “Really. I'm not out to hurt you.”

“Whatever,” Chris said, but he looked a little less nervous. 

Chris realized that Justin had NOT been exaggerating. He loved to dance. He ordered a beer, and drank it quickly, but he soon gravitated towards the dance floor. He kept coming back, ordering more drinks and trying to get Chris out on the floor with him, but Chris politely refused. He much preferred leaning against the bar, throwing back shots, and watching Justin. It was a straight bar, so Justin behaved himself, but even obviously straight men couldn't keep their eyes off of him. The women wanted him, and the men wanted to BE him.

“You sure you don't wanna come out there?” Justin panted as he came back for his fourth Jim Beam and Coke. “This music kicks ass.”

“I'm not much of an asskicker,” Chris said, trying to grin. The room was spinning slightly, and Justin was the only steady object.

“I think you are,” Justin said, leaning in. He put a hand on Chris' shoulder. “This is so much fun, Chris. Thanks.”

“I didn't want to do this,” Chris said suddenly, and Justin actually looked hurt. “Josh made me, so he could fuck his boy.”

“Lance wishes,” Justin mumbled, then looked as if he wished he hadn't.


“Lance wishes he was JC's boy,” Justin said. Chris looked at him.

“JC wants him that way, too.”

Justin sighed sadly. “But it will never happen.”

“No.” Chris shook his head.

“See? That's why you gotta be like ME. Ya don't care who ya fuck or whatever,” Justin said, leaning on Chris. “Not that I don't CARE. I mean, I like you a lot, and I'd love to fuck you, but I can't get involved.”

“Exactly. That's why I don't have anyone. I don't have the time or anything for it,” Chris said.

“You understand!” Justin beamed with inebriated brotherhood. “I knew you would.”

“You wanna fuck me?” Chris asked. Justin nodded.

“Sure. Why wouldn't I?”

Chris took a long look at Justin, finally giving in to all the feelings and desires that had been hounding him. “How much?” He asked quietly, below the pounding of the music. Justin stared.

“I think we should leave,” he said finally. Chris nodded and threw down a wad of money for their tab. They went outside and flagged a taxi. Chris gave the name of the hotel. Justin looked at him. “Did you ask me how much?”

“Yes.” Chris looked at the driver. “This isn't one of those Taxicab Confession cars, is it?”

“No,” the driver laughed. “Everyone asks that. I promise it's not.”

“How much?” Chris repeated to Justin. Justin slid across the seat, his hand warm against the base of Chris' neck.

“You don't have to pay me, Chris.” Justin's tongue slipped into Chris' mouth, then quickly pulled out. “I'm yours for free.” 

Chris controlled himself in the taxi. He controlled himself in the elevator. He controlled himself getting through the door of the suite, for two reasons. Number one, he could barely get the keycard into the slot without concentrating, and number two, because he didn't want to disturb JC and Lance. Justin silently followed Chris into his bedroom. Chris shut the door.

“What do you want?” Justin asked softly, pulling off the wisp of a shirt he wore.

“I don't know,” Chris admitted. “I really haven't ever…I mean, with a guy…”

“Chris, you're sure about this?” Justin asked. “I want you and all, but I'm not all about taking advantage of someone who's drunk.”

“I'm not that drunk.” Chris ran a hand up Justin's chest, which was still damp with sweat. “You're gorgeous.”

“How about a shower?” Justin suggested. He began to unbutton Chris' shirt. “We can just relax and clean up, and then see what happens.”

“Okay,” Chris said obediently. He went into the large bathroom and turned on the water. When he turned back around, Justin was leaning against the closed door, wearing nothing but his beautiful smile. “Oh…”

“Relax,” Justin said. He came over and kissed Chris softly. Suddenly Chris had him pressed against the wall, his mouth searching Justin's frantically. “Damn, Chris,” Justin joked, but his hardness was pressing against Chris' jeans.

“I can't…I want…” Chris couldn't put it into words, but suddenly Justin was too hot, the room was too hot, he was too hot. He yanked at his belt and shoved at his jeans.

“Nice,” Justin said approvingly, running his hand down across Chris' stomach. “The shower. C'mon.”

Justin led Chris into the shower, stepping under the hot water briefly before moving to allow Chris to get wet. Chris pulled Justin into his arms, kissing him again and again as he ran his hands over Justin's back and ass. “I don't know what I want. I want you.”

“You have me,” Justin reminded him. “All yours.”

Chris allowed Justin to wash him quickly, but he took his time running his hands over Justin's body. He wanted to feel every muscle, every inch of skin. He took pleasure in the fact that he had Justin moaning under his touch. “Are we clean now?” Chris whined, and Justin laughed.

“You're a baby.”

“Fuck you.”

Justin raised an eyebrow. “If that's what you want.”

“Shower's over,” Chris said, turning off the water. He climbed out, threw a towel at Justin, then quickly toweled himself off. He was laying on the bed before Justin was out of the bathroom.

“Eager much?” Justin asked, though he himself was more than ready. He hadn't felt this way about sex with a man for a long time.

“I don't have…well…whatever we need. I mean, I have condoms…” Chris said.

“Always prepared. Justin Boy Scout, here,” Justin said, digging for his jeans on the floor. He pulled out a tiny tube of lubricant and smiled. He bent down and began to lick at Chris' cock.

“Yes.” Chris fisted his hands in Justin's curls. Justin's tongue and mouth were magic, and Chris finally had to push him away. “Can't…wait…”

“Good. Me either.” Justin pushed back a bit and smiled, unrolling the condom onto Chris. 

Chris woke up an hour later, feeling as if a train had hit him. He rolled over and looked at the man sleeping next to him. Not really a man…more like a person stuck between adult and child. Justin was beautiful in his sleep, and Chris ran a finger down Justin's cheek. Justin had the face of an angel…an angel who had just thrown Chris' whole world for a loop.
