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When Lance opened his eyes, he saw that JC was watching him. “What?” Lance asked, embarrassed. “Am I drooling on my pillow or something?”

“No,” JC said with a smile. “I was just wondering about you…where you came from, what you want.”

“I thought you weren't supposed to ask a…um…someone that, in our circumstances,” Lance said. JC shrugged.

“I think our circumstance is a BIT different than what usually goes on,” JC said.

“I'm from Mississippi.” Lance rolled onto his back. JC leaned up on one elbow and trailed a finger up and down Lance's chest and stomach. “I left home when I was twenty, because I just couldn't take it anymore. I was afraid to be who I really was, and no one wanted to know that person, anyway.”

“You don't talk to your family at all?” JC asked.

“My sister. She's great, and I try to always let her know where she can find me. That's why I was so freaked that day you called. I thought it was her, that something had happened.” Lance reached up and fiddled with JC's pendant. “Even though I don't talk to them, and they don't accept me, I still love my parents.”

“How'd you end up out here?” JC said, trying to change the subject and get the sadness out of Lance's green eyes.

“Just worked my way across the country, I guess. You always heard how back in the thirties and forties, men worked their way around to get enough to eat…that still happens. If you go out into the country enough, someone always needs a handyman.”

“And you make it a point to find the gay whorehouses?” JC asked, and smiled to show he was teasing.

“No, this was a first,” Lance said, laughing a bit. “Definitely a new experience. But it's one of the nicest places I've ever been. Everyone's kind and accepting, and they have no problem leaving me alone.”

“ALMOST everyone,” JC said, thinking of Alex.

“Yeah, almost,” Lance agreed. “Maybe he'll be gone when we go back.”

“What are you gonna do with all your money?” JC said, and Lance stared at him blankly. “Joey IS giving you your share, right?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry. I kinda forgot about that,” Lance said, looking away. He hated thinking about the fact that it was money that bound he and JC together. “I've always wanted a ranch.”

“A ranch?” JC sounded surprised.

“Yeah. I love the outdoors. I love horses and animals and just being out there.” Lance looked up at JC and blushed a little.

“So you ride?” JC asked, meaning the question to be innocent.

Lance looked at him for a moment. He had tried to ignore the way his body had been shivering under JC's gentle touch on his chest, but he couldn't hide it any longer. He rolled over so that JC was flat on his back, and he was pressed over him. “Yeah, I ride,” Lance said in a voice that sent chills down JC's spine. “Wanna see?”

“Holy hell,” JC gasped as Lance squirmed against him. Lance was hard, and it didn't take JC long to become the same way. “Are you sure you don't hurt or…”

“I don't care,” Lance said, and he didn't. He knew things were going to change as soon as he was out of Vegas and back at the house. JC couldn't be on vacation forever. He slid down and took JC into his mouth, carefully sucking until JC moaned and writhed.

“Lance…” JC begged. Lance sat up and grabbed for the lubricant, surprised at how easy it was to sit in front of JC and have him watch as he prepared himself. “Oh, God…” JC said in a strangled tone.

Lance put the condom on JC, then added lubricant. He straddled JC's waist, his strong legs kneeling on either side of JC as he slid down. He made a face; he was still a bit sore, but JC easily slid inside. “Fuck,” Lance breathed.

“Exactly,” JC said, letting his eyes flutter closed as Lance began to move. 

Lance almost tripped over his own feet when he left the bedroom at ten in the morning. Justin was in the kitchen, making a pot of coffee. “I AM in JC's suite, right? I didn't sleepwalk?” Lance asked.

“Morning,” Justin said softly. “Nah, you're in the right place.” Justin gave a meaningful look in the direction of Chris' bedroom.

“Hell,” Lance whispered. “He's, uh, sleeping?”

“Yeah,” Justin said, pouring a cup of coffee for Lance. He got one for himself, then grabbed the newspaper. “Let's go out on the balcony.”

They slid the door closed behind them, and sat on the loveseat. It was a warm morning, and they had a gorgeous view of the city below and the mountains on the horizon. “Gorgeous,” Lance sighed, sipping at his coffee.

Justin took the sports section and offered Lance the paper. Lance shook his head. “What's going on?” Justin asked casually.

“Well, obviously, JC and I had sex last night. I mean, I let him, you know.” Lance waved a hand in the air.


“It was scary and hurt a bit the first time, but then we did it again and it was incredible.” Lance's voice faltered on the last word and Justin set down his mug.

“What happened?” Justin asked. He took Lance's mug and set it down on the floor. “What did he do to you?”

“He didn't do anything, Justin, I swear. Not on purpose.” Lance angrily wiped at his eyes. “God, am I a girl or what?”

“You love him,” Justin realized. He smiled sadly. “You're in love with JC.”

“No!” Lance almost shouted. He closed his eyes, remembering the way JC had smiled at him the first time before entering him. “Yes,” Lance said sadly.

“C'mere.” Justin put an arm around Lance and pulled him close. Lance let himself lean on Justin, saying nothing.
