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"I thought you had to show me something," Chris said to Justin. Justin smiled and shut the door behind them.

"I did. This is our suite. Isn't it nice?" Justin asked as he dragged Chris to the bedroom.

"Justin, what the hell?" Chris asked, though his dick seemed to know EXACTLY what Justin wanted.

"Whatever the hell you want," Justin murmured. He fell to his knees in front of Chris, unbuckling Chris' belt.

"We're supposed to meet JC and...oh God...Lance..." Chris panted. "For dinner."

"You'll be on time, don't you worry," Justin said, smiling up at him devilishly.


Chris regained his brain about an hour later.  The blowjob had been incredible, and he hadn't missed the fact that Justin had positioned them right in front of the mirror.  Chris could watch Justin work him, and he could also watch as Justin used his hand to work himself. 

"You might NOT be on time if you don't get moving and get cleaned up," Justin pointed out to Chris.  Justin lay naked on the bed, while Chris still had his shirt on, and his jeans around his ankles.  "JC seems very punctual."

"Josh likes things his way, true," Chris agreed. "But he's earned that right. He's worked damn hard."

"And he doesn't have someone?" Justin leaned over and ran a finger up and down Chris' thigh. 

"No.  I wish he did, but in our lifestyle, it's rough," Chris said.  "He doesn't know who to trust."

"He can trust Lance," Justin said carefully.  Chris looked at him, and understood.

"And Lance can trust him," Chris replied.  Justin sighed sadly and fell back onto the bed.  "And what about you? You don't have someone?"

Justin chuckled. "Would I be doing what I'm doing if I did?  If I had someone permanent, I'd be hanging around the house all day, playing Playstation and basketball."

"Sounds like a dream come true to me," Chris said, and Justin laughed again.

"Well then, it's good you and I aren't hooking up, or we'd waste all our money doing nothing."  Justin smiled at him.  "You should find someone, Chris."


"I'm not saying a man...maybe a nice girl. You're a great guy, Chris, and you deserve someone that wants to be everything to you." Justin stood and began to dress. 


Lance didn't really remember tasting his dinner.  He knew that Justin and Chris were flirting dreadfully, and he knew that JC was laughing at them. But it was all he remembered.  JC offered to take him to a show, and he remembered declining.  He remembered the way JC's eyes seemed to light up at the thought of just being alone with Lance, and that was fine with him.

The sex was intense, with no words spoken.  JC clasped Lance's hands over his head as he entered him, and his blue eyes never left Lance's face throughout the entire act.  When everything was said and done, and JC was sleeping next to him, Lance allowed himself to drink in every inch of the beautiful, talented body. Heaven only knew when he'd get the chance again.


"You don't have to drive us back," Lance said at breakfast the next morning.  JC froze in midbite of his bagel.


"It's insane. Why waste the time driving all the way out there and all the way back? We'll be fine," Lance said, smiling. "Besides, I don't want you kicking Alex McLean's ass again."

"You're so tough, Joshy," Chris said, and JC poked him with his fork.

"He's right," Justin said quickly. "I'm sure you guys gotta get outta here soon. Didn't you mention something about important work that needs done back in Florida?" He asked Chris.

"Don't remind me," JC groaned. "I'm so used to time off I don't think I CAN work."

"You can and you will. You need to pay my salary," Chris said.

"You could just work it off in trade," Justin said innocently, and Lance spit his apple juice everywhere.

"Nice, Lance," Chris said mildly, wiping off his shirt with his napkin.

"Sorry," Lance muttered, blushing.

"Well, if you really don't want us taking you back, I'll call down for the car," JC said. He almost looked disappointed.

"Thanks," Lance said softly, toying with his bacon.


"So...thanks again for the weekend," Justin said to Chris. "It was fun."

"Yeah, fun," Chris echoed softly. He kept one eye on Lance and JC, who were nervously fidgeting and not speaking.  "You, uh, taught me a lot."

"You'll find that special someone," Justin promised him. "You're just a little more open-minded now."

"I was open-minded before!" Chris retorted.  "I just never thought I'd..."

"It's okay." Justin gave Chris a smacking kiss. "You can owe me one for enlightening you."

"You think they'd ever hook up?" JC asked Lance, nodding in Chris and Justin's direction.

"I don't know.  I thought Chris wasn't bi or anything, but now..."

"I don't know, either. And I don't know if CHRIS even really knows," JC said with a laugh.

"Thanks for a great weekend," Lance said politely. "I had a wonderful time."

"Me, too," JC said.  He put a hand on Lance's face and pulled him for a kiss. "You are the best money I ever spent," he said gently. Lance winced slightly but said nothing.

The phone rang and Justin answered it. "Car's downstairs," he said after hanging up.

"Well, see ya," Chris said cheerfully.

"Right."  Justin smirked and winked at him.  " mind."

"Shut up," Chris snapped, and Justin laughed.  Justin lightly tugged at Lance's sleeve. "C'mon."

"See you around," Lance said briefly. Their luggage was already in the lobby, so all he could do was give JC one last look and follow Justin out of the suite.

As soon as the door closed, Chris turned on JC. "Why the HELL did you let him walk out of here?"

"Because it was time for him to go?" JC asked, confused.

"You SO want him.  He wants you."

"Don't ever say that to me again!"  JC snapped, shocking Chris. "It's over. It was nice, and now it's done. We're back to work, and that's the end.  Got it?"

"Yeah, sure," Chris said quietly.

Lance held on until they hit the backseat of the limo.  Justin looked at him. "Let it out," he said softly.

"Dammit," was all Lance said.  He clenched his hands into fists and stared out the window.
