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Two Months Later


"I really think we have something here," Chris said, beaming at JC. "Man, this is the best stuff you've ever written!"

"You say that every time I prep for an album," JC said, but he smiled back. He held his wine glass up and slightly shook it. The waiter came over immediately and removed the glass. He soon brought back a new, full glass of red wine.

"I mean it, Josh," Chris said seriously. "It's like a whole new side of you."

"I was inspired," JC said softly, and Chris didn't pursue the matter.

"Okay." Chris opened his planner.  "Everyone's happy with the we can get you out to California and start recording.  We've booked..."

"We'll have it laid down in two weeks," JC interrupted.  Chris stared at him.

"Two weeks?"

"I'm not getting holed up in that studio for any longer than two weeks.  I need a vacation before this thing goes live...and I'm gonna start as soon as we're done."


"I'll go to L.A., I'll do what I'm told, then I'm outta there."

"Fine, fine, whatever," Chris sighed, used to dealing with JC the Diva.  "Am I allowed to know where you're going on vacation?"

"Of course, because you need to come along and babysit me," JC teased.  Chris frowned. The record label had approached him the week before, asking him to "keep an eye" on his client.  JC had gained quite the reputation for hitting the clubs and partying, and they were worried about what he might be doing to himself. Chris had immediately ranted and raved to JC about it, but JC had only been amused. If they only knew that it was all for show.  "I promise to behave."

"I've seen your idea of behaving and it isn't pretty," Chris mumbled.  JC leaned over and patted him on the cheek.


"I don't believe this," Chris moaned as he looked at the plane ticket in his hand. "You have, what, two months of vacation or something, and you want to go HERE?"  He stared at the ticket.  "To most people, vacation equals someplace new and exciting...London, Bermuda, Australia, for God's sake.  But, no, you can't BE like most people."

"Shut up, Chris," JC said, though he was grateful for Chris' ranting. He was afraid his friend would bring up something else, and he didn't know what he could say about it.

"Whatever," Chris sighed. "The things I do for my friends.  Las Vegas, here we come."

JC felt even more grateful when they arrived in Las Vegas, and Chris came down with the flu. Not that he wasn't sorry for his friend, because he hated to see Chris suffer in any way, but it kept Chris safe in his room. Even better than that, it kept Chris quiet.

"Are you sure you won't need me?" JC asked. "I don't have to go out tonight."

"No, I'll be fine."  Chris coughed pitifully.  "I'll just lay here and die."

"Do you need anything?" JC asked sympathetically.  "Chicken soup?"

"I just need to die," Chris repeated, moaning.  JC rolled his eyes, gave Chris a kiss on his feverish forehead, and left the suite.


"Well, you are the LAST person I expected to see here," Joey said in shock. "Hello, Mr. Chasez."

"Fatone," JC said, shaking his hand. "How are you? The place looks great."

"We're all fine here," Joey said. 

"Is, uh, Lance still here?" JC asked, unable to keep the question from tumbling out.

"Um, no, Mr. Chasez, I'm sorry. He left a few months ago."

"Oh, well, I just wanted to say hi," JC said quickly.  "For old times' sake."

"Of course." Joey paused. "Shall I call Justin for you?"

"That would be great," JC said. 

"Wait here."  Joey trotted up the steps. A few minutes later, Justin came running down. 

"Good Lord...I never thought I'd see YOU again," Justin said, grinning. 

"Hello to you, too," JC said casually.

"C'mon upstairs."  Justin gave JC a sultry look, then began to go back up.  JC followed him, with Joey giving him one last odd look.  "In here."  Justin led the way to the very first room they had ever been together in.

"You look good," JC observed.

"I look damn good," Justin corrected. He slid his shirt off and smiled.  "You look mighty tasty yourself."

JC shrugged and allowed Justin to remove his shirt.  He felt Justin's light nibbles to his neck and sighed. Justin didn't forget anything.  "I want you," JC murmured.

"I'm yours, baby," Justin replied.  He seemed to slither right out of his jeans, and suddenly he was beautifully naked before JC.  And JC DID think Justin was least most of him did. To his shock, his dick remained absolutely limp. No need for Justin to see that quite yet, though.

JC pulled Justin to him, licking at his shoulders.  Justin sighed, letting JC push him to the bed. "I'm gonna do you so damn good, you won't remember anyone else," JC mumbled, to Justin's surprise. Justin said nothing, just let his hands run across JC's back.

When Justin finally got around to stripping JC, he was shocked to see that JC had absolutely no erection.  Of course, Justin did not bring attention to this, but instead used every trick he knew to remedy the situation.  He was almost ashamed when, after about a half hour, nothing had worked.  "JC..."

"Dammit." JC shoved Justin aside and got up. "Do you know how many months it's been since I had sex? Do I even need to tell you?"

"I can figure it out," Justin said softly as JC began to dress. "I'm sorry."

"It's not YOUR fault I can't get it up. You did EVERYTHING that should have worked."

"C'mere."  Justin pulled JC down onto the bed.  "How's Chris?"

"He's fine.  A little insane with all the work we have, but then again, he's insane without it," JC said. "He's not seeing anyone."

"Oh?" Justin tried to sound casual.

"I think you broke something," JC teased. "He keeps trying to date girls, but he never has any fun.  And yet if he just starts talking to some guy, even if it's just about sports, in a bar somewhere, he has a great time."

"Ah," Justin mused. "Ya know, you have perfect timing. This weekend's my last here. I'm leaving...moving in with a friend."

"Really?" JC gave him a genuine smile. "That's great, Justin."

"Yeah, I decided I've perfected this, so now it's time to learn something new," Justin said, and JC laughed.  "Just sleep here with me tonight, okay, JC?"  Justin put his head on JC's shoulder. "And I don't care if you pretend I'm someone else."


"Are you feeling better?" JC said when he entered the suite at noon the next day.  Chris was at least out of bed and at the table.

"I actually breathed normally for about five minutes earlier," Chris said.  "It's a start."


"Did you have a good time?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, I just went out, you know."  JC dug into his pocket for his wallet.  Justin had refused to even charge him, glaring at JC when he had pulled out his wallet the night before.  "I just..." A piece of paper caught his eye. It was sticking out of the billfold area of his wallet. "What the hell?"  JC unfolded the paper.  He paled slightly.

"Are YOU getting sick?" Chris asked hopefully.

"No."  JC silently read the note. need this more than even you know. You BOTH do. He's just as miserable without you. This is where I'm going. You should come, too. Justin.

At the end of the note was an address in Wyoming.
